Thursday, 2016-02-11

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thingeeeglute: is the diversity meeting happening now?05:07
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eglutethingee no, i do not think so. there was one at this time last week though. we are also canceling all diversity meetings until march05:08
thingeeeglute: oh, how come?05:08
* thingee checks05:09
eglutewe had really low participation, even lower during this time.05:09
eglutewe also need a lot of help from the foundation, Carol talked to Lauren today, i will send you email05:10
thingeeeglute: ok, let me know if there is anything from the foundation that I can help with.05:10
thingeeeglute: great!05:10
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thingeeeglute: yeah some people are really busy viewing summit spacing atm. Anything you can pass onto me can be done probably quicker.05:11
egluteemail sent!05:12
eglutethank you thingee! really appreciate your help!05:12
thingeeeglute: absolutely. take care!05:13
eglutethank you!05:13
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flaper87Courtesy meeting reminder: ativelkov, cpallares, flaper87, flwang1, hemanthm, jokke_, kragniz, lakshmiS, mclaren, mfedosin, nikhil_k14:00
flaper87Courtesy meeting reminder: Nikolay_St, Olena, pennerc, rosmaita, sigmavirus24, sabari, TravT, ajayaa, GB21, bpoulos, harshs, abhishekk, bunting14:00
flaper87Courtesy meeting reminder: dshakhray, wxy, dhellmann, kairat14:00
flaper87#startmeeting Glance14:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 11 14:00:22 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is flaper87. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'glance'14:00
flaper87hey folks14:01
flaper87hope you all had a great week14:01
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flaper87#topic Agenda14:01
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flaper87You can find our agenda there14:01
flaper87#topic Updates Glare14:01
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flaper87mfedosin: ninag14:01
flaper87mfedosin: nikhil14:01
mfedosinit happened14:02
mfedosinGlare is officially here14:02
mfedosinwe merged it last night14:02
flaper87well done folks14:03
flaper87thanks to everyone for the reviews14:03
flaper87Now, let's get the spec together and prepare for Newton14:03
mfedosinthanks everyone who helped there14:03
mfedosinyes, we began to work on the spec with kairat and nikhil14:03
flaper87cool. Do you have an ETA ?14:04
mfedosinI present a small draft of api on the latest glare meeting14:04
mfedosindefinitely before summit14:04
flaper87I'd suggest for it to be ready by M-314:04
flaper87That gives enough time for discussions to happen before the summit14:04
mfedosinbut actually it must be done before 23th of February14:04
flaper87so that summit can be used to polish some other things14:04
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flaper87anything else?14:05
mfedosinone question14:05
mfedosinI wrote a small doc about Glare14:05
mfedosinand I wonder if we can merge it in Glance docs14:05
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mfedosinit's like FAQ about Glare14:06
flaper87Is that the doc you shared at the virtual mid cycle?14:06
flaper87I don't think people would be mad for having more docs14:06
flaper87(or some docs)14:06
* flaper87 ducks14:06
mfedosinI didn't share anything there :)14:07
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mfedosinjust a small pic14:07
flaper87mfedosin: mmh, you did show us a diagram14:07
nikhilit was shared in the artifacts meeting14:07
flaper87oh ok14:07
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rosmaitamfedosin: the doc team wants each project to take more responsibility, so adding a glare faq sounds like a great idea14:07
mfedosinthis one14:07
flaper87anyway, I think it's fine to have more docs. Let's review all that on gerrit14:07
mfedosinOlena will help me with that14:08
nikhilI guess the ques from mfedosin and I is14:08
nikhilcan we propose it against glance source tree?14:08
nikhilor would people mind it?14:08
mfedosinor it should go to OpenStack wiki14:08
flaper87I don't think there's an issue with that. Glare is part of Glance's source. As long as it's in rst format, I think it's ok14:09
nikhilI know searchlight project has awesome in tree docs14:09
mfedosinflaper87: wow14:09
mfedosinthank you for that14:09
flaper87anything else?14:09
mfedosinnothing from my side14:10
rosmaitai think stuff in the wiki gets ignored, i vote for putting it in with the glance docs14:10
flaper87plus, it's hard to update the wiki14:10
flaper87and the session lasts less than my hopes for a better world14:10
flaper87and my hopes for a better world don't last long.... like nothing14:11
* flaper87 should stop saying dumb stuff14:11
flaper87moving on14:11
flaper87#topic Updates Nova v2 -> v1 (it's not a typo)14:11
*** openstack changes topic to "Updates Nova v2 -> v1 (it's not a typo) (Meeting topic: Glance)"14:11
mfedosinit's painful14:11
mfedosinbut we have good news and bad news14:11
mfedosingood news are:14:12
* nikhil chuckles on mfedosin's style of updates14:12
mfedosinI spent three sleepless night, but made it work14:12
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mfedosinxen plugin, ceph...14:13
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mfedosinAlso I got a lot of comments from Bob Ball14:13
mfedosinthey were really useful14:13
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flaper87mfedosin: man, you better be in Austin because I'm buying you drinks14:13
mfedosinI hope he likes the patch14:13
mfedosinI'll be prepare :)14:14
mfedosinbut also there is bad news:14:14
mfedosinJohn -2'ed the patches14:14
flaper87mfedosin: more updates ?14:14
flaper87or are you just dropping the bad news on me14:14
mclarenI saw that14:14
mfedosinbecause they are non-priority14:14
flaper87oh, my IRC is lagging14:15
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mfedosinI'm going to send a message in ML14:15
rosmaita"Sorry, we have now hit the Non-Priority Feature Freeze for Mitaka. For more details please see: and"14:15
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mfedosinbecause afais too many people want it14:15
flaper87so, FWIW, this work is not a priority for Nova but it is for Glance14:15
mclarenI'd certainly support trying to get it in14:15
jokke_How about we make them priority and makr v1 deprecated now ... like literally within this meeting?14:16
flaper87It's been hard and I won't hide I'm supper annoyed by this not going in14:16
flaper87Let's have another discussion on the ML and see what can be done14:16
mfedosinAs I said even if it's a priority for Nova, it's a priority for whole OpenStack14:16
flaper87mfedosin: I do agree with you14:17
flaper87like super fully agree14:17
mfedosin*not a priority for Nova14:17
mfedosinwe all work for OS14:17
mfedosinand it's better to collaborate to make it better14:17
flaper87so, let's get that email out but I'd recommend not getting the hopes very high14:18
mfedosinI know, but let's try to do it14:18
mclarencan we qualify the risk to some degree? Is it fairly low risk?14:18
flaper87mclaren: what risk?14:18
mclarenI guess nova don't want to risk taking new changes -- so can we convince them it's low risk?14:18
mfedosinat least we can set GLANCE_VER = 114:19
mclarenyeah, for example14:19
mfedosinand it will be the old workflow14:19
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rosmaita"For things that are very close to merging, it’s possible it might get an exception for one week after the freeze date, given the patches get enough +2s from the core team to get the code merged. But we expect this list to be zero, if everything goes to plan"14:19
flaper87It's not just a matter of risks, TBH.14:19
nikhilI doubt if John would block this14:19
nikhilI recommend talking to him first14:19
flaper87The motivations I've heard are risk, design, timing14:19
nikhilas no one else is blocking it14:19
nikhilI think -2 is merely a follow on his Nova exception policy14:20
flaper87nikhil: I've been talking to John. The block comes from an agreement with the rest of the team14:20
nikhilah k14:20
flaper87The freeze happened 2 weeks ago, he actually gave extra time for this14:20
nikhiloh and the extra week discussed with sean wasn't considered by the rest then?14:21
nikhilanyways, just dumping my thoughts here...prolly we don't need to discuss this14:21
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rosmaitai'd suggest mike and flavio coordinate on what goes out to the ML14:21
flaper87Anyway, let's wait for mfedosin's email and see what the result of the discussion is14:22
nikhilI am sure the rest of the OS wants v2 to become default in M14:22
flaper87I don't want us to just waste time pointing fingers on the ML but rather evaluating how this can go in in Mitaka14:22
nikhilreal default (whatever that means)14:22
flaper87The plan was *NEVER* for this to be perfect in mitaka14:22
flaper87This was agreed upon back in Tokyo (or after tokyo)14:22
mfedosinflaper87: also you have a spec merged14:23
flaper87do I?14:23
flaper87oh right14:23
flaper87I do14:23
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flaper87Let's move on14:23
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flaper87#topic Cross-project updates14:23
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flaper87nikhil: ?14:23
flaper87anything ?14:23
nikhilyeah, that's me14:24
nikhilthere are 2 (semi) updates14:24
nikhil1. Glance & subsequent discussion on (nested) quotas14:24
nikhilSO, there are about 5 or so projects with quotas implemented already14:24
nikhilonly cinder has nested quota work done fairly well14:25
nikhilMost of the feedback I got was go ahead with simple quota first and if you don't have HMT the move from simple -> nested won't be that tricky given we keep stuff configurable14:25
nikhilBut I am still evaluating the technical ramifications14:25
nikhilThe first step I am taking is work on a cross prj oslo.quotas spec with vilobhm14:26
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nikhilwe are hopeful to get some feedback on this; given it's fresh I want to bring that spec up in a next to next week's mtg14:26
nikhilI will update more on this topic then14:27
ninagnikhil: are you working on a corss prj spec for simple or nested quotas?14:27
nikhilmtg == xprj mtg and following glance one14:27
flaper87that sounds awesome. I guess simple quotas for now it is14:27
nikhilninag: it's a complete quota spec. I think not all projects have implemented even simple so it will start with that14:27
flaper87ninag: nikhil did you coordinate with flwang ?14:27
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nikhilninag: I will share details with you offline14:28
nikhilflaper87: yep14:28
ninagnikhil: sounds good..i have some concerns and ideas14:28
nikhilninag: I can def imaging14:28
* nikhil == typos with cold fingers14:28
flaper87the second update? :D14:28
nikhil2. Query config14:29
nikhilThere was some discussion on this14:29
nikhilmost to see if this sort of thing is useful and should the x-prjs go with yes or no14:29
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nikhilI can see the use of it in some projects but from glance perspective it seemed rather unnecessary14:30
nikhilit's still under discussion so open for questions here14:30
flaper87I agree it's not super useful for us14:30
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flaper87I haven't read that spec14:30
flaper87but I will catch up14:31
nikhiloh he abandoned it yday, late refresh oops14:31
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nikhilso yeah, mostly noop from us14:31
flaper87Anything else? Questions from folks? Things that should be raised in the next meeting?14:32
nikhilNext x-prj mtg you mean?14:32
flaper87those were open questions for everyone14:32
flaper87I guess people are fine with your update :D14:33
flaper87thanks a bunch nikhil14:33
flaper87moving on14:33
flaper87#topic Glance virtual mid-cycle summary (flaper87)14:33
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flaper87We had a virtual summit last week14:33
flaper87it was supposed to be recorded14:33
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flaper87you can blame me14:33
flaper87Apparently I don't know how to click a freaking button14:33
flaper87(except for those that say: "Here take 1M USD"14:34
flaper87anyway, even14:34
flaper87I think it was good14:34
flaper87We talked about a bunch of stuff an we spent a significant amount of time talking about image import refactor14:34
flaper87Here's a small summary (I'll write that email I promissed)14:34
flaper87(I promise ;)14:35
flaper87#link (Move Artifacts to glance-glare [landed])14:35
flaper87That landed! It's awesome14:35
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mfedosinfor sure14:35
flaper87We won't be doing anything else on Glare in the mitaka time-frame14:35
flaper87The client patch has been -2'd until we have a better API14:35
flaper87and folks will work on the spec14:35
flaper87The fast track thing is going away14:35
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flaper87and we'll all review glare's patches like a bunch of sis/bros that love each other14:36
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jokke_Love is in the air14:36
flaper87We also talked about quotas14:36
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flaper87(para pa para pa pa)14:36
flaper87There are 2 proposals but nikhil just updated us with the x-prj effort14:37
nikhilit's a semi effort14:37
ninagif I could add something here?14:37
flaper87for completeness and "logness" here are the links14:37
flaper87#link (Image quota flwang)14:37
flaper87#link (Image quota Nina)14:37
flaper87ninag: absolutely14:37
flaper87do not ever feel you can't share in this (or any) place in openstack14:38
ninagwhile i think it is great to have Nikhil work on the cross-project was tried before at 2 I think we should look at both in paralell14:38
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ninagworking on out own specs while working the cross -project one14:38
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ninagotherwise we will end up with no having project level quota support again for another release14:38
flaper87ninag: that's a good observation. The way x-prj specs normally work is that ppl end up implementing what's written there in every project14:38
jokke_I'm still happily opposing that work taking on before we get the v1 deprecated so we can just focus doing it in one place properly14:39
nikhilyeah, so there are many dynamics here14:39
nikhil1. API changes14:39
ninagI agree we will only do it for v2 APIs..that is a dependency14:39
nikhil2. Conformity on nested14:40
nikhil3. Simple to nested upgrade/config complexity (or keeping stuff optional)14:40
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nikhil4. Timing HMT support with nested (last one)14:41
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flaper87I think there's some work that can definitely be done in parallel but we gotta be super careful we don't diverge from the x-prj effort14:41
nikhilI have a lot to say on this (like in the mid cycle) but avoiding due to time crunch14:41
flaper87nikhil: let's put it in next week's agenda14:42
flaper87and we can dedicate a good slot to it14:42
ninagI agree: and we have been talking with the other projects (mc_nair who is fixing the CInder issues is on the same team )14:42
ninagSounds good. thanks14:42
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flaper87ok, moving on. In addition to the above, we also spent Friday's session talking about the image import refactor14:42
flaper87Some things to follow up on:14:42
flaper87#link (Image import alternatives)14:42
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flaper87#link (Image import requirements)14:43
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flaper87The first is a list of alternatives mclaren proposed14:43
flaper87the second is a clarification of what the requirements are14:43
flaper87We agreed to push the coding side of this work to Newton14:43
flaper87There's simply no time for that in Mitaka14:43
flaper87we have to reach an agreement by M-314:43
flaper87That's the goal for Mitaka, at least14:44
rosmaitajust want to say something about ...14:44
rosmaitai know the original spec is a monster, so a lot of people's eyes may have glazed over reading it14:44
flaper87If there will be a discussion in austin about this, it has to be very specific and related to future works on this area14:44
rosmaita... but it would be great if everyone here could take a look at this much much much shorter patch and leave comments if you have an opinion14:45
flaper87I don't want us to spend another 8 months planning this work :)14:45
flaper87rosmaita: ++14:45
rosmaitayes, now is the time to object or point out flaws in what we are proposing14:45
rosmaita(actually, december was the time, but here's a second chance!)14:45
rosmaita(but it would be nice if this is the last chance!)14:45
mclarenI said I'd research tempurls a bit (for sigmavirus24)14:45
mclaren^ some notes14:45
flaper87mclaren: thanks for taking the time14:45
flaper87I'll go through those14:46
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flaper87ok, that's it on this topic14:46
flaper87(jeeez I'm slow today)14:46
mclarenfirst problem is tempurl doesn't currently support > 5GB (ie the sub-large-object limit)14:46
flaper87mclaren: I think it'd be better to have a topic for this in next week's meeting14:46
flaper87thoughts ?14:47
flaper87#topic M-3 approaching (flaper87)14:47
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flaper87M-3 is around the corner14:47
flaper87like, no joke14:47
flaper87cycle is almost over14:47
flaper87and it's been super fun14:48
jokke_I missed the Fri session, but iiuc the spec that was agreed on is pretty close to the solution we agreed in Tokyo so before reading that PS is that proposing a) us starting the planning from scratch b) refining some details from the merged spec or c) something different?14:48
flaper87NOW, there are still things that need to be completed14:48
flaper87there are specs that have been approved that need to be implemented14:48
flaper87I've set a soft deadline for next week's friday. If patches are not up and green by then, I'll move those specs out of Mitaka14:48
flaper87The next two weeks should be spent on reviews only (or mostly)14:49
flaper87Any questions?14:49
flaper87I've went through all the patches available and -1'd requesting updates14:49
flaper87I'll do the same next monday14:50
rosmaitajokke_: (a) not proposing start from scratch, (b) my update patch is to remind us what we agreed on, (c) so that it's clear what to think about in evaluating mclaren 's alternatives patch14:50
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flaper87I guess there are no questions on this topic14:50
flaper87#topic Vulnerability needs help14:50
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kairat_Perhaps this deserves review day14:51
flaper87kairat_: or review week :P14:51
kairat_as we have done previously14:51
flaper87So, vulnerability14:51
mfedosinjust wanted to say about 'review night'14:51
flaper87this cycle has been quieter, I guess. BUT, there are some security bugs that need some help and reviews14:51
flaper87It's not nice to have sec issues opened and it's not nice to not having folks dedicating enough time to it14:52
flaper87So, I'd like to improve that situation asap because it's never too late to tackle security issues14:52
flaper87For security reasosn the sec team is not super big14:52
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flaper87But, I believe we could use 1 more person there14:52
jokke_rosmaita: thnx14:53
flaper87and perhaps someone willing to take a more active leadership on that front14:53
flaper87hemanthm: has done some great reviews14:53
flaper87but I believe he's swamped right now14:53
nikhilor on vacation14:53
rosmaitano, swamped14:53
flaper87I talked to him, he's swamped14:53
rosmaita(i was talking to him yesterday)14:53
flaper87so, if you would like to help with our security team, please contact me14:54
flaper87I'll be doing some changes in glance's coresec team14:54
flaper87and we need support14:54
rosmaitawho's in coresec now?14:54
nikhilok, I promise to be more active there. PRolly reduce attn in others.14:55
flaper87mclaren rosmaita (you?) nikhil hemanthm and I14:55
flaper87those are the names I remember14:55
flaper87mclaren is our sec liaison14:55
rosmaitai don't think i am14:55
flaper87I might be wrong about that list14:55
nikhilI think it's 4 and rosmaita isn't there14:55
flaper87oh ok14:55
flaper87sorry about that14:55
nikhil+1 to mfedosin if he wants14:55
nikhilwe would need one for glare14:55
rosmaitai agree14:55
mfedosinI'll think about it14:56
flaper87mfedosin: not just think, look at your calendar as well14:56
flaper87I'm sure you have like a gazillion of other projects you're working on14:56
flaper87perhaps kairat_ ?14:56
* flaper87 is enjoying this14:56
mfedosinflaper87: it was a polite repulse14:56
nikhilI am changing my email filters, though I just see one bug this cycle14:57
flaper87ok, ppl, just think about it. Sec is important, your cloud could go down if there's a sec issue #salespitch14:57
rosmaitai would support kairat_ , he pays close attention to details14:57
flaper87anyway, that's it from me14:57
kairat_So I may help with that14:57
mfedosinkairat is responsible for security bugs here14:57
flaper87kairat_ it is14:57
kairat_mfedosin means in Mirantis14:58
jokke_kairat_: now in upstream as well14:58
mfedosinkairat_: Congrats!14:58
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flaper87ok, I'll take the rest offline14:58
flaper87#topic Open Discussion14:58
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flaper872 mins14:58
rosmaitaseriously people, please take a look at, it's a quick read14:59
flaper87rosmaita: ++14:59
mfedosinDarja made updates for her filter patch14:59
flaper87ppl do what uncle Brian says14:59
flaper87mfedosin: saw that14:59
jokke_If someone did not notice yet, my affiliation with HP ended at 3rd of Feb ... this means that my mailing list subscription (to my work e-mail) dropped out as well and I haven't set sufficient spam filter on my private one yet to subscribe there15:00
mfedosinSplease review it
mfedosinthanks in advance15:00
jokke_so if you need something from me, please drop me direct e-mail or ping me here15:00
nikhiljokke_: oh, I didn't notice15:00
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jokke_here meaning irc ... I have client always online15:00
flaper87jokke_: thanks for the heads up15:00
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nikhiland time..15:01
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flaper87out of time15:01
mfedosinthanks all :)15:01
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Feb 11 15:01:27 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:01
openstackMinutes (text):
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TravT#startmeeting openstack search15:02
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 11 15:02:08 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is TravT. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_search'15:02
rosmaitasjmc7: looks like everyone ganged up on you last night and -1'd your spec patch15:02
TravTi had to jump on the band wagon15:02
sjmc7rosmaita: it was heartbreaking15:02
TravTi didn't put together a big agenda today.15:03
sjmc7i did have something which i now can’t remember. perhaps my mind will be jogged15:04
TravTbecause i thought we should look over the current release and talk some priorities15:04
TravTas usual, it is here though:
TravTso you can add or bring it up during the meeting15:05
TravTGeneral updates is that we are closing in on the end of mitaka 3 which you all already knew15:05
TravTI did just remember one item for discussion and added to agenda15:06
TravT#topic searchlight panel15:06
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TravTInterestingly enough, I've been contacted twice in the last two weeks from people wanting to install searchlight and the horizon panel.15:07
TravTlast one appeared to be somebody wanting it for liberty15:07
TravTwhich left us in a not great spot, because it obviously wasn't merged to master15:08
TravTand it wasn't its own repo15:08
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TravTit exists as a patch on horizon.15:08
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TravTso, i'm still very much trying to get it in shape for horizon mitaka, but the reality is that its a longshot to land on horizon master for mitaka.15:09
TravTi still think it may be best to be on horizon master, but if needed we should do a searchlight-dashboard / searchlight-ui repo15:09
TravTso we have something we can tag with mitaka and be deployable.15:10
TravTmy question is this: should i proactively put up a patch for a searchlight-dashboard repo now?15:10
sjmc7TravT: given horizon’s been moving stuff out rather than in, i think that’d be a good idea for now15:11
sjmc7until we have a good case for making it a core piece15:11
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TravTultimately i think we have a good case for making it core and many horizon cores agree.15:11
sjmc7yeah, i agree15:11
sjmc7but i’ve heard from many they want to see it have broader use before that happens15:12
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TravTi think that if we miss horizon master in mitaka, that it'll be tough to get a repo created in time for mitaka tagging15:12
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TravTbut i still have to keep it as a patch on horizon master until its parent patch lands on master.15:13
sjmc7having separate repos for horizon is a well-established pattern, so i don’t see a problem15:13
sjmc7ultimately it’d be much nicer to be in core15:13
TravTokay, so i'm going to request a new repo so we at least have it15:13
TravTand we might swap it over from being a patch on master to the repo right at the end of mitaka.15:14
TravTokay?  rosmaita nikhil RickA-HP?15:14
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RickA-HPTravT: I agree with creating the new repo now.15:15
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sjmc7good with me. and im sure with david :)15:15
RickA-HPIt will put us on the path to success if we don't make Horizon core.15:15
TravTyeah, david and i had a long conversation about it.15:15
TravThe likes it for horizon core, but thought a separate repo as backup / interim plan makes sense15:16
rosmaitai don't have an opinion on this, don't know much about horizon politics15:16
rosmaitabut the discussion so far makes sense to me15:16
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TravThorizon team has generally been supportive, but the priority backlog for horizon is pretty big with several things higher on the list15:17
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TravTwith a dashboard repo, it has become standard to make the service core team and the horizon core team cores on the repo.15:18
TravTin some cases, additional people are added as cores.15:18
TravTfor example, magnum did that15:18
TravTso initially, i'd make searchlight core and horizon core team have rights.15:19
nikhil== rosmaita15:19
TravTokay, i'll work on getting that going over the next several days15:20
TravT#agreed Create a searchlight-dashboard repo as a backup plan to searchlight landing on mitaka horizon master15:20
TravTi think that's how it works... i don't know15:20
TravT#topic Newton summit session15:20
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TravTsjmc7 and I submitted a project update session to the summit.15:21
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* TravT needs to find a link15:21
TravTsjmc7 do you have it?15:22
sjmc7talki amongst yourselves15:22
TravTok, anyway, if you are so inclined, voting for it might help it15:23
sjmc7and hopefully we won’t have to bellow over the marketplace this time15:23
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TravT#topic blueprints - end of mitaka priorities15:24
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TravTsjmc7, do we have anything left on index-level-role-separation15:25
sjmc7there’s a bug against the designate plugins around it with a patch up, but the core code is done15:25
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TravTok, then we'll leave it not marked as complete15:26
sjmc7aww :(15:26
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TravTso close!15:26
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sjmc7the deletion-journal stuff i think will be much simpler after digging up the barely documented feature elasticsearch has (and again, i think rosmaita tried to bring this up and i didn’t pay enough attention, so apologies)15:27
TravT+1 to rosmaita15:28
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TravTsjmc7: i think you can mark es-deletion-journal as something besides unknown delivery now, right?15:28
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sjmc7i can’t edit it :(15:29
sjmc7ah, there it is15:29
TravTRickA-HP: i just marked zero downtime indexing as approved (since spec went through)15:29
TravTcan you change delivery to appropriate status?15:29
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RickA-HPTravT: Sure. As an update, the code is written.15:30
sjmc7per-resource-type-control i think will not be tremendously difficult now the role separation is in15:30
sjmc7i’m saving it for a rainy afternoon15:30
RickA-HPI'm in the middle of testing and I still need to write more unit tests.15:30
TravTyes, i think we will need it in mitaka15:30
TravTwhen i discussed searchlight in the horizon irc meeting yesterday, "permissions" was one of the questions raised15:30
sjmc7ok. i’ll maybe talk to you about specifics15:31
TravTrichard asked if we'd addressed the permissions issues we talked about in tokyo.15:31
sjmc7i don’t want to get too deep into a complicated hole15:31
TravTsure, my brain isn't yet firing on all cylinders this morning15:31
TravTso later in the day would be better15:31
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TravTsteve, i think this bp is actually done. it appears to overlap with role base documents spec
TravTi can mark it superseded if you agree15:32
sjmc7freebie blueprint!15:33
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TravTok, so other than pre resource type policy control, i contend that we really need cinder and neutron plugins for mitaka.15:34
TravTwe need to fill out the core openstack services.15:34
sjmc7i looked at cinder yesterday15:34
sjmc7and i think the existing notifications are sufficient for something without hitting the API all the time15:34
sjmc7neutron i’m waiting for the parent/child patch to land15:35
TravTokay, i saw lakshmiS added comments on that one last night15:35
sjmc7yep. the data model is more complicated for neutron15:35
TravTyeah, i've been trying to psych myself up to learn it enough to provide some review on it15:36
sjmc7but i think i can put up a first stab for discussion15:36
TravTif we get a cinder plugin patch up15:36
TravTmaybe duncan could still get the notification side up15:37
TravTon cinder15:37
sjmc7yep. i’m intending to work on both today or tomorrow15:37
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sjmc7the versioning patch is probably the most crucial one now15:38
sjmc7it has the potential to introduce unforseen bugs15:38
sjmc7so it’d be good to get as much testing time as possible15:38
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TravTwell, looks like just waiting for another patch set from lei15:39
sjmc7yeah, it’s gone back and forth a bit. timezones make it more difficult15:39
TravTnikhil, have you had any time to look at zuul functional tests?15:40
TravTmaybe he stepped away15:42
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TravTi still would like to see swift get closer to reality, but that's probably something to look to get worked out for the summit... maybe we should have put up a session on searching swift...15:43
* TravT :( just realized we probably did miss the boat on that one...15:44
sjmc7maybe the IBM guys will be doing it again :)15:44
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TravTwe really should have done that!15:44
TravTwe'll have to propose it as a design session with swift perhaps15:44
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TravTwalk in with working code.15:45
TravTanyway, i don't have any other big topics for the week15:45
TravT#topic open discussion15:45
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sjmc7i remembered something i had15:45
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sjmc7i am still worried about hitting the nova API. i wondered about not listening to state change notificaitons, or at least making it optional15:46
sjmc7power events spawn at least 4 notifications15:46
sjmc7the transitionary ones don’t seem that crucial for us to pick up15:47
RickA-HPsjmc7: Are we able to filter out notifications?15:47
TravToh, actually, we talked about putting in some smarter logic there as well...15:47
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sjmc7RickA-HP: yeah, we can choose which ones15:47
sjmc7i’m thinking a config option15:47
TravTmaybe we should only react to final state15:47
sjmc7i have a strong concern that on a big install, hammering the API on state change is gonna be bad news15:47
TravTyes - config option would be good.15:48
sjmc7if we can get more info into the notifications next cycle we can do better15:48
sjmc7ok. i’ll put up a BP. i can’t remember the other thing15:48
TravTi haven't gone back to see if nova actually implemented any of that notification discussion that i attended at the summit15:49
sjmc7i haven’t looked for a while. i’ll take another look15:49
TravTif they did, then they were going to put full data into notification, but it would just be the raw data15:49
TravTnot looking like the API output15:49
TravTbut we could transform it15:49
sjmc7i’l ltake a look. something for the summit, definitely15:50
TravTI had asked about them giving a transform library and they were basically like "oh man, no way, not how tangled up the code is"15:50
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TravTif they did that, it would be pretty awesome...15:51
TravTokay, anything else for today?15:51
TravTi think we'll have yingjun back next week.15:51
sjmc7nope. reviews on the versioning patch15:51
TravThe was out this week on holiday15:51
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TravTall right, thanks!15:52
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rosmaitayay! free 7 minutes!15:52
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openstackMinutes (text):
sjmc7haha :)15:53
TravTmerry late Christmas rosmaita15:53
rosmaitaand happy new year!15:53
v1k0d3nhey all15:53
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palendaeOh, no rollcall yet15:59
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cloudnull#startmeeting OpenStack Ansible Meeting16:02
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 11 16:02:04 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is cloudnull. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting'16:02
cloudnull#topic rollcall16:02
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odyssey4meo/ here, but will be leaving shortly - cloudnull is chair16:02
cloudnullhows it going all ?16:02
cloudnullso lets get started16:03
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cloudnulllooks like most of the action items from last week we're from odyssey4me16:03
cloudnull#link #link
cloudnulland I believe theyve all been accomplished16:04
cloudnull odyssey4me ?16:04
odyssey4mecloudnull yep :)16:04
cloudnullcentos gating is online and I've seen the ML discussion RE: the midcycle16:04
cloudnullso i think we're good there.16:04
cloudnull#topic Topics for Discussion16:05
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michaelguginoI'm in another meeting, so ping me for anything please.16:06
cloudnullodyssey4me -- RE: Mid-Cycle Meetup -- hows that going ?16:06
cloudnullI assume all is well16:06
cloudnullthanks michaelgugino will do16:06
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odyssey4mecan we get votes in on sessions for so that we can prioritise in case there isn't enough time16:06
v1k0d3nsame here, have another scrum at 11, can you ping during open discussion please?16:06
odyssey4meif anyone has other proposed talks they'd like to add, please add them16:06
cloudnullwill do v1k0d3n16:06
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admin0hello all :)16:08
cloudnull#topic Support for multiple availability zones16:08
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cloudnulladmin0 This was your item16:08
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cloudnullwhat would you like to discuss ?16:08
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admin0well, regarding AZ, i am thinking if there is/will/can be easier way to bind resources together rather then using host specific overrides which is a bit tedious and time consuming16:09
admin0especially if you got like 60 nodes in 3 az’s each16:09
cloudnullso is this specifically a nova / cinder AZ  ?16:09
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cloudnullhow would you like to see that done in a perfect world ?16:10
admin0was what I  recommended a bad way or a tedious way ?16:10
* cloudnull is looking for the LP issue16:10
admin0i would like to group resources in an AZ .. and be able to deifine AZ based ips and resources16:11
admin0so that just 1 deployment can take care of multiple AZs, since they share the same db/api16:11
odyssey4meis there a reason why this couldn't just be a post install configuration done by hand?16:11
odyssey4meas far as I recall you can set hosts into different AZ's through the CLI16:11
admin0well the reason to use ansible and automation is to try to automate as much as possible right . so that was a thought16:12
admin0with 5 people or many people in the team, having this controlled using ansible prevents mistakes16:12
evrardjpodyssey4me: and web interface16:12
admin0because the ansible governs what goes where  and that can be reviewed before deployment, rather than depending on who is doing what post-install on cli16:13
spotzo/ late16:13
cloudnullo/ spotz16:13
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cloudnullI can see the merits of determining the az for a nova/cinder node.16:14
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odyssey4meAs long as whatever is implemented is reasonably maintainable, I'm ok with it. I'm wary of adding a bunch of conditional code - we already have too much of it and it makes the logic hard to follow.16:14
cloudnullhowever I can also see that automation living outside of the main deployment16:14
cloudnullso idk16:14
odyssey4meWe need to aim for more simplicity in the deployment.16:14
cloudnulladmin0:  I recently had to deal with AZs for a 500 node deployment via the CLI and its a bit of a pain.16:15
cloudnullso im on the fence16:15
odyssey4meSo yeah, I'm not against it - I'd just like to see a proposed review and perhaps discussion is better suited in such a review.16:15
cloudnulladmin0: in your LP issue you noted that assigning an AZ based on CIDR group is that right16:15
evrardjpisn't openstack-ansible already setting an AZ for cinder nodes?16:16
* cloudnull is failing at his LP searching16:16
openstackLaunchpad bug 1539803 in openstack-ansible "enable support for availability zones for compute and services" [Undecided,Invalid]16:16
cloudnull^ that one16:16
cloudnullthatnks odyssey4me16:16
odyssey4methe bug description has a proposed solution, but that doesn't really give me a sense of the impact to the code16:16
* odyssey4me is a little slow to comprehend these things today :)16:17
admin0well, that is what we use now and find it easy ..  because the internal cdir’s are different on both zones . only the management cdr being accessible from the deploy server16:17
logan-couldn't you do the AZ stuff using group vars since all of the settings are there16:17
odyssey4methat seems like a sensible way to do it16:17
admin0i have just started to play with it .. is there an example already of this ?16:18
evrardjpwhy wouldn't you use it the same way as it's done on cinder?16:18
* admin0 feels n00bish16:18
evrardjpnova_availability_zone should be defined in the openstack_user_config if it's a group override16:18
cloudnullodyssey4me:  i think the point is that you'd have to add that to every host which is time consuming especially as the deployment grows16:18
cloudnull500 nodes == 500 entries of the same config16:19
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odyssey4mecloudnull I think you meant to inform evrardjp of that :)16:19
logan-yeah the openstack_user_config doesn't have a great way to set group vars afaik, you have to set tons of container vars16:19
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admin0we grow by 6 compute nodes per az and 2 cinder nodes per az and this i see  outside of the deployment and something if the deployment can handle16:19
cloudnullodyssey4me:  yes sorry evrardjp **16:20
odyssey4meperhaps a better long term solution here is to enable better usage of group_vars in the dynamic inventory?16:20
admin0each az have their own api, storage, nova  clusters .  only swift is on all zones16:20
logan-for something like this you would almost be better off segmenting compute_hosts and storage_hosts into some subgroups and putting some files in inventory/group_vars16:20
logan-yeah group vars in dynamic inventory would be so helpful16:20
admin0my purposal was based on i could not find a lot of ways to do it .. if there are examples , i can try again and come back if really stuck16:20
odyssey4memaybe something like dynamic groups based on arbitrary criteria (eg cidr)16:20
palendaeOr a group membership stanza16:21
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evrardjpthere we go, same discussion again :)16:21
palendaeSorry, am I being cyclical? trying to look at multiple things16:21
admin0if this discussion has come up again and again, there must be a reason right :D16:22
cloudnulli think logan- is on to soomething there. if it were subgroups, or if we documented how to do that better, then you could define group_vars in a simpler way16:22
odyssey4memaybe we need to have a proper discussion about the next evolution of the dynamic inventory at the mid cycle?16:22
palendae^ yes16:22
palendaeI know neillc was looking at implementing it as a library16:22
logan-i do it out of necessity for some things (modifying inventory directly and adding some subgroups of hosts in static files to build on top fo dynamic inventory)16:22
logan-but i hate doing it16:22
logan-if i could do it via dynamic inventory that would be great16:22
odyssey4meor yes - another way to handle this would be user-developed env.d changes for altered group specs16:22
evrardjptagging hosts to groups and having a way to define variables for these tags is IMO important16:22
palendaeWith a first pass of just making it a library, with current functionality16:22
palendaeodyssey4me: Yeah, I think we talked about an evolution of env.d16:23
palendaeThese thigns aren't necessarily exclusive, either16:23
odyssey4meok, personally I don't think we're going to solve this in this meeting and we should dedicate a slot to it in the mid cycle16:23
odyssey4mecan someone propose and facilitate it?16:23
admin0what needs to be done for that ?16:24
odyssey4mebe sure to add an etherpad link so that discussion can already begin ahead of time16:24
jmccrorynot sure how far along this is, but maybe we could include this discussion as part of that16:24
palendaejmccrory: neillc is looking at it, but I know he was out for a few weeks16:24
odyssey4mewe need to examine new requirements and work out a good way to cater for those16:24
palendaeHis implementation is starting as just moving the current code into a library16:24
odyssey4meyeah, I think the lib effort should be seperate from that16:25
odyssey4methis should just be to figure out how to cater better for scale16:25
odyssey4methese requirements can then be added to Neil's work - and we can work out a work breakdown after that16:25
palendaeMakes sense to me16:25
admin0so when will this be discussed again ?16:26
palendaeSounds like midcycle16:26
odyssey4mebut before then, in an etherpad16:27
admin0what do I need to do :D ?16:27
odyssey4mewho's going to facilitate the session? I'm happy to assist with that16:27
odyssey4meadmin0 see the links in
admin0got it16:28
odyssey4meget yourself a remote ticket, if you're not able to pysically attend16:28
odyssey4meand add a proposed work session to the work session list16:28
odyssey4meif you're in the US, we'll try and time the work session for the UK afternoon16:28
admin0 i am in the Netherlands16:29
admin0so :(16:29
cloudnullwe'll be in the UK for the midcycle16:29
odyssey4mealright, then we can do it almost any time in the day - but I think many of the US folk would like to contribute to the discussion16:29
cloudnulljust a hop skip and a jump16:29
palendaeI'm not sure I can facilitate, but I would like to participate in that discussion16:29
odyssey4meso admin0 you can easily attend remotely, and facilitate remotely16:30
admin0i will try :)16:30
evrardjpI'll also take part in this discussion :p16:30
cloudnullso lets move on to the next topic16:31
cloudnull#topic Blueprint work16:31
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cloudnullmichaelgugino -- hows Multi-OS Support going ?16:31
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michaelguginowe talked a little about that yesterday16:31
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michaelguginoI wanted to talk about a few blockers16:32
cloudnullsure thing16:32
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michaelgugino1)  containers.  the bulk of the work needs to be done to services that run in containers.  We need to update our container strategy16:32
michaelguginofor starters, we should probably make it so host distro = container distro16:33
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palendaemichaelgugino: Agreed.16:33
odyssey4memichaelgugino yep, we agreed that in the principles of the work16:33
prometheanfireya, that was talked about when this first came up16:33
odyssey4mewhile it may be possible for a deployer to configure it differently, we will not test other options16:33
michaelguginoso, there is a lot of refactoring that needs to go into that.  I think that is where we need to start, and where the bulk of the effort actually lies.16:33
odyssey4mesee 'basic principles' in :)16:34
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michaelguginonext up, we need to figure out if we're going to support a new version of galera/percona16:34
odyssey4meyes we can, for master - but not liberty16:35
matttwhy new version?16:35
michaelguginobecause newer distros don't support those older packages16:35
palendaemichaelgugino: new as in 10.x?16:36
palendae10.1 iirc16:36
cloudnullmichaelgugino: is this related to the xtrabackup work ?16:36
michaelguginoright, specifically the xtrabackup package is hard-coded to a specific version16:36
michaelguginothat version number is not available for Wily in upstream packaging.16:36
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odyssey4mebefore I run off - at the top of is a list of the independent repositories for the apt install / var split out... can we get some volunteers to provide patches for each repo based on the pattern set out in ?16:37
michaelguginoinstalling the current package via dpkg -i as we currently do fails.16:37
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matttodyssey4me: i'd like to grab one for sure16:38
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odyssey4meplease add your name, and then add your review link next to the repo16:38
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odyssey4mefirst your name so that we don't duplicate work16:38
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cloudnullmichaelgugino: I wonder if we can we make that a tunable that can otherwise be turned off ?16:39
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cloudnullfor the xtrabackup package16:39
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michaelguginoI think we need to at very least use make the package version portable16:40
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cloudnullmaybe that can be conditional includes similar to what odyssey4me was proposing with the package install refactor16:42
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michaelguginoI think that is a good approach, and what I was going to do.16:42
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cloudnullthen we can default to something like a a portable package and become more restrictive based on the include16:43
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michaelguginoright, but for galera specifically, we should have a game plan going forward16:44
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cloudnullI that was how you were invisioning the approach, I'm +116:44
michaelgugino"we support the stable release for the respective distro from upstream"  Something like that.16:44
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prometheanfirewhat happens with rolling distros?16:45
cloudnullor we can always say that the we only support the LTS for now?16:45
evrardjpprometheanfire will be sad16:45
odyssey4meI think that the distro-specific vars can cater for a uniform approach, and where needed there can be distro-specific tasks too.16:45
odyssey4meie if one distro requires the addition of a repo, but the other doesn't - then that is applied in the package-mgr specific task set16:46
prometheanfireevrardjp: we can support package for extended periods, and it's honestly not many16:46
evrardjpwhat about only supporting distro that are tested in the gates?16:46
prometheanfireevrardjp: I do agree with that16:47
evrardjpsorry if it's too specific, but it's the most simple16:47
odyssey4mebut anywya - the primary targets right now are Ubuntu & CentOS - we can iterate the approach once those are done16:47
odyssey4meI'd rather that we didn't over-engineer things16:47
odyssey4mesimpler is better16:47
michaelguginoOnce we get Ubuntu and CentOS supported, that will cover most users.16:48
michaelguginoDebian should be easy to add after we get systemd working.16:49
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michaelguginoBut, the key question is, when do we stop supporting 14.04?16:49
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michaelguginoI figured we'd have to go with the guidance from Openstack.org16:49
evrardjp16.04 will be systemd too, right?16:49
prometheanfiresystemd will help make cross distro functionality easier, hopefully most distros will support the networkd config as well16:50
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michaelguginoOnce 16.04 launches, Debian, CentOS, and Ubuntu LTS will all be on systemd.16:50
prometheanfiregentoo will too16:50
palendaemichaelgugino: I personally envisioned the first version to support 16.04 would support both 14/16, then the one after, 16.04 only16:50
prometheanfirewell, already are16:50
cloudnullI think the systemd changes are the bulk of what will be needed to be mluti-distro compatible16:50
odyssey4meyep, but production environments will have a mix of 14.04 and 16.04, so for a cycle or two we'll need to carry support for both16:51
palendaeWhat odyssey4me said16:51
palendaeUpgrades that cycle are going to be...interesting16:51
prometheanfireya, in the mean time extra fun for all16:51
mattthaha yep16:51
michaelguginoI think we should support 14.04 until 17.04 is released.16:51
prometheanfire17.04 an lts?16:51
prometheanfirethought next next one would be 1816:51
mattti still think we need a strong criteria for distros other than ubuntu/centos16:51
palendaeprometheanfire: It is16:52
michaelguginono, but it's a solid year from launch of 16.04 which will give people 6 months to move, 6 months to bake16:52
evrardjpuntil official deprecation of ubuntu? so maintain until something before 19.04? ;)16:52
prometheanfiremattt: I think being able to gate is good16:52
matttprometheanfire: wrong.16:52
prometheanfireoh, this is nice16:52
palendaemichaelgugino: I think a lot of places stay on LTS16:52
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odyssey4meI've added a note in the etherpad regarding the success criteria for the package install and var split.16:52
cloudnullok so we're almost out of time and I'd like to open it up for other general discussions.16:53
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cloudnull#topic Open discussion16:53
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odyssey4memichaelgugino I think that is a good suggestion for input to one of the mid cycle sessions. :)16:53
cloudnullwhich i know v1k0d3n wanted to be pinged about16:53
odyssey4mewe can discuss in more detail there.16:53
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v1k0d3nhello o/16:53
cloudnullso feel free to keep discussing but i wanted to let in more16:54
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michaelguginoI won't be able to make midcyle, and I'll be traveling next week.  But, I'll be at the summit.16:54
cloudnullo/ v1k0d3n16:54
v1k0d3nis it ok to bring up the tower deployment and see if anyone is interested?16:54
cloudnullmichaelgugino:  no worries, we can carry the convo on within the channel as you find time. I'd imagine the summit will be a good opportunity to cover a lot.16:55
odyssey4memichaelgugino we'll not necessarily finalise everything at the mid cycle - the intent is to start the conversation, which will then move into a proposed review16:55
evrardjpquick question about this: does someone know if tower will be open sourced at some point ?16:55
cloudnullv1k0d3n: sure thing16:55
odyssey4mewe can then revisit everything at the summit16:55
evrardjpthis would help with the dynamic inventory thingy16:55
cloudnull evrardjp idk16:55
cloudnulli know the folks at ansible have teased that in the past16:56
cloudnullbut ive heard nothing recently16:56
v1k0d3nok, so tyler cross from ansible and i have been discussing some ways to simplify the deployment and management of the openstack-ansible deployment (or at least give another option for management)...16:56
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v1k0d3ni'm new to this (different background), but we came up with this:
cloudnullv1k0d3n: tower would be sweet! if it can do what we need it to16:56
v1k0d3ni want to get suggestions for workflow, but there are two main workflows that i can think of that would be useful....16:56
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v1k0d3nmanagement of the first openstack deployment into bareOS16:57
v1k0d3nthe second would be OSaaS within OS for development purposes...16:57
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v1k0d3nand the OSaaS or bareOS deployment would use variables (in a survey provided to the end user) that could collect those variables used for the deployment (of each).16:58
v1k0d3ndoes anyone like this idea?16:58
cloudnullI'd be very interested in tower working for bareOS deployments16:58
v1k0d3nfor each deployment...bareOS or OSaaS, multi-node and AIO would be options.16:58
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evrardjpyeah it's cool16:58
v1k0d3ni want to prioritize the work effort, and see if folks would be interesting in contributing by pull requests, etc.16:59
cloudnullok we're out of time.16:59
cloudnullwe can carry on in the channel16:59
evrardjp+1 v1k0d3n16:59
cloudnullthanks everyone16:59
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v1k0d3nthanks guys17:00
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Feb 11 17:00:05 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)17:00
admin0thanks all17:00
openstackMinutes (text):
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cathy_#startmeeting service_chaining17:02
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 11 17:02:07 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is cathy_. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'service_chaining'17:02
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cathy_hi everyone17:02
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cathy_sorry I am a little late17:02
cathy_I see prithiv LouisF johnsom. Anyone else?17:03
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LouisFi don't see vikram17:04
cathy_any topic you have in mind for today's discussion?17:04
sridhar_ramcathy_: I'm here as well, I've some question on ODL support and timeline17:05
cathy_sridhar_ram: hi17:05
johnsomcathy_ You asked last week about OVN/dragonflow.  I asked around our group and I found that there is more interest here in OVN at the moment.17:05
cathy_johnsom: thanks for the info!17:05
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cathy_Yes, I think we should consider integration of newtroking-sfc with OVN in our second phase17:06
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cathy_Some of us have started to investigate what we need to do for integration with OVN.17:07
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LouisFjohnsom: has there been any work to extend ovn to support sfc?17:07
johnsomLouisF Sorry, I don't know.  Personally I have not explored this space much.17:07
LouisFjohnsom: thx17:08
cathy_sridhar_ram: please go ahead with your questions17:09
sridhar_ramcathy_: sure..17:09
sridhar_ramcathy_: regarding neutron-sfc's ODL support.. I'd like to know who owns this piece in the neutron, is anyone active looking into it ?17:09
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cathy_sridhar_ram: Integration of SDN controllers with networking-sfc is also something we will consider in our second phase. OVN is one of the controller, ODL too.17:10
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sridhar_ramcathy_: how does your timeline looks ? second phase == mid-mitaka  / newton ?17:11
cathy_pcarver originally proposed this work item.17:11
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sridhar_ramthe context for this question, as you know, is possible integration of Tacker with neutron-sfc and still bring in ODL support17:12
cathy_I am afraid that we will not be able to get that done in mitaka timeline. second phase means after mitaka release.17:12
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cathy_Sure, that is possible17:12
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cathy_, just the timeline might be after mitaka release cycle.17:13
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sridhar_ramcathy_: okay.. I'm trying to explore an option where Tacker can avoid going directly to ODL instead flow thru' neutron-sfc17:14
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sridhar_ramthere is tremendous interest in OPNFV / ODL community to expose their SFC features to VNF Manager like Tacker17:14
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sridhar_ramwe need to enable them.. sooner the better17:14
cathy_sridhar_ram: I think that is the right way to go since networking-sfc will integrate with different SDN Controllers. ONOS Controller integration with networking-sfc is already completed.17:15
cathy_ODL controller can be done in a similar way17:15
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sridhar_ramcathy_: ONOS has SFC support ?17:15
cathy_sridhar_ram: yes17:15
sridhar_ramcathy_: who did that ? any idea about the effort involved ?17:16
cathy_There is an ONOS driver plug into networking-sfc's southbound common driver interface17:16
cathy_sridhar_ram: vikram and mohan etc. did it.17:16
sridhar_ramthat's quite promising ...17:17
cathy_I can check with vikram about the effort and get back to you later17:17
cathy_LouisF: thanks for posting the link17:17
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sridhar_ramLouisF: thanks. will look into that.. qq, is that specific SFC or a ONOS mech driver ?17:18
cathy_pcarver: are you there?17:18
LouisFsridhar_ram: that is networking-sfc to onos driver17:19
mohankumarsrithar_ram :
sridhar_ramLouisF: sounds good17:19
LouisFmohankumar: thx17:19
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sridhar_ramcathy_: here is one line of thought.. tacker has some code to talk to ODL SFC.. we can take that as a seed and somehow speed up neutron-sfc ODL integration .. that would be awesom17:19
LouisFsridhar_ram: the networking-sfc to odl driver would be similar17:20
mohankumarLouisF : yes17:20
sridhar_ramLouisF: sure, make sense...17:20
LouisFmohankumar: that onos driver has been working and tested for some time - right?17:21
mohankumarLouisF : yes17:21
sridhar_ramcathy_: just for the record, tacker doesn't have any preference to go directly to ODL, we prefer to use neutron-sfc for all backends17:21
cathy_sridhar_ram: OK, I think Tacker should remove the direct interface to ODL, otherwise there are two paths to ODL in Tacker which is confusing and also not compliant with general Neutron architecture17:22
sridhar_ramsridhar_ram: overall agree, it was just the we were cooking at the same time.. the good news is tacker --> odl-sfc code hasn't landed17:23
cathy_sridhar_ram: I see17:24
sridhar_ramcathy_: so, there is some wiggle room...17:24
cathy_sridhar_ram: :-)17:24
mohankumarsridhar_ram:  just want to know ODL already supports SFC ? i  had same thought some weeks before too17:24
sridhar_ramcathy_: ... if we can speed up ODL work here, perhaps using the WIP code already in Tacker we all go home happy :)17:25
cathy_mohankumar: no yet17:25
cathy_mohankumar: we will add a ODL driver to integrate with networking-sfc17:25
sridhar_rammohankumar: Yes, ODL has quite elaborate support for SFC17:25
mohankumarsridhar_ram: Ahh .. ok17:25
sridhar_rammohankumar: ODL-SFC is a fairly active group for last many year.. use to lot of GBP, now we have non-GBP sfc options17:26
sridhar_ramcathy_: fyi, ODL now has "netvirtsfc" support .. so no need for GBP to do SFC17:26
sridhar_ram*use to do lot using GBP17:27
cathy_sridhar_ram: I will take a look at the non-GBP option17:27
sridhar_ramcathy_: I'd request if your and this team help to get ODL sooner.. !17:28
cathy_sridhar_ram: will try our best:-)17:28
sridhar_ramcathy_: thanks..17:29
cathy_Regarding openstack-manual int the networking guide, I think we need to add networking-sfc there.17:29
cathy_johnsom: what do you think?17:29
cathy_johnsom: AFAIK you have been working on other Neutron subprojects. Do the other subprojects update the openstack-manual?17:30
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cathy_LouisF: mohankumar do you think we should updtae that manual?17:31
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mohankumarcathy_ ,  we may need to update ..but  not sure17:32
cathy_prithiv: any idea?17:33
mohankumardoes any documentation team will support us to add ?17:33
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johnsomcathy_ Sorry, stepped away.  Yes, typically the neutron project teams submit the manual updates17:34
cathy_mohankumar: not sure.17:34
johnsomAt least the advanced services I work on do.17:34
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LouisFcathy_: we see where text needs to get added17:34
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LouisFcathy_: and engage with the doc teams17:34
cathy_johnsom: thanks for the info. I think we need to submit the update patch ourselves or shall we ask the documentation team to do this?17:35
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johnsomWe submit the patches, they correct us...  grin17:36
cathy_johnsom: Ok, thanks.17:36
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cathy_We got request on doing a release of networking-sfc based on liberty code base. IS there any back porting rule saying we should not do this way?17:37
cathy_johnsom: LouisF mohankumar any idea on this?17:38
mohankumarcathy_ :   no idea17:38
johnsomThere are rules about back porting, there is a doc somewhere on the wiki.  Let me see if I can find it for you.17:39
johnsomcathy_ Some doc examples from our team:
johnsomcathy_ This page talks to backport guidelines:
cathy_johnsom: thanks. I remember reading this before. But it seems it applies to projects that already delivered a liberty release before. Anyway I will take a look at these. Thanks!17:41
johnsomYes, trye17:41
johnsomI guess you could do a local "stable/liberty" branch if it doesn't require changes to the other projects17:42
johnsomIt would be a bit odd though.17:42
cathy_johnsom: OK, thanks. that is in line with my thought.17:42
LouisFjohnsom: we have a stable/liberty branch in the repo17:42
cathy_it does not require changes to other projects, so we should be Ok17:43
johnsomSo by release you were talking about a pypi release?  If you already have a stable/liberty you must have tagged that already.17:44
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cathy_I assume that it is not against the backport rules if networking-sfc does a first release on Liberty code base. johnsom what do you think?17:44
cathy_johnsom: yes, pypi release17:45
johnsomOh, ok.  Yeah, no problem there17:45
cathy_johnsom: great, thanks for the info!17:45
cathy_That's all from my side.17:45
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cathy_starting from next meeting, we will start discussing new features planned for second phase.17:47
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cathy_If no other topic, I will end today's meeting early.17:47
cathy_bye everyone17:48
LouisFok bye17:48
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cathy_igordcard: you joined when we will end the meeting:-)17:49
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