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reedip_ | o/ | 14:00 |
SridarK | Hi FWaaS folks | 14:00 |
annp | hi | 14:00 |
xgerman_ | o/ | 14:00 |
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SarathMekala | hi all O/ | 14:00 |
chandanc | Hello all | 14:01 |
reedip_ | this is going to be a big meeting ... annp is here :) | 14:01 |
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SridarK | #start_meeting fwaas | 14:02 |
annp | reedip :p | 14:02 |
SridarK | #startmeeting fwaas | 14:03 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Sep 5 14:03:04 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is SridarK. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:03 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:03 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'fwaas' | 14:03 |
reedip_ | SridarK : either you forgot how to start a meeting or somethings down | 14:03 |
reedip_ | oh you forgot how to start the meeting :P | 14:03 |
SridarK | SridarK: sorry typo early AM :-) | 14:03 |
SridarK | i need to wake up | 14:03 |
reedip_ | Coffee !!! | 14:03 |
SridarK | yes badly needed | 14:03 |
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SridarK | #chair xgerman_ yushiro | 14:04 |
openstack | Warning: Nick not in channel: yushiro | 14:04 |
openstack | Current chairs: SridarK xgerman_ yushiro | 14:04 |
doude | o/ | 14:04 |
SridarK | i forget who was to run the mtg today | 14:04 |
reedip_ | you are ... I think | 14:04 |
SridarK | ok lets get started | 14:04 |
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SridarK | #topic Queens | 14:05 |
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yushiro | Hi | 14:05 |
SridarK | #chair yushiro xgerman_ | 14:05 |
openstack | Current chairs: SridarK xgerman_ yushiro | 14:05 |
yushiro | I'm sorry I'm late. | 14:05 |
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SridarK | yushiro: np | 14:05 |
SridarK | so in terms of Queens - most important is the planning and PTG topics | 14:05 |
SridarK | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-queens-ptg | 14:06 |
SridarK | pls add to the existing list in the fwaas section | 14:06 |
SridarK | shall we take a few mins to discuss on any other priorities as well now ? | 14:07 |
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reedip_ | SridarK : dont we have an etherpad for FWaaS only ? | 14:08 |
reedip_ | I think xgerman_ made something | 14:08 |
SridarK | I am open to have a targetted mtg on Thu as well either in our channel or as a conf call or something too | 14:08 |
xgerman_ | I think I did | 14:08 |
xgerman_ | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fwass_ptg_denver | 14:08 |
reedip_ | SridarK : meeting/conf call would be great | 14:09 |
reedip_ | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fwass_ptg_denver | 14:09 |
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SridarK | reedip_: ok - shall i set something up for the same time in 48 hrs ? | 14:09 |
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reedip_ | Oh , I thought during the PTG :P | 14:10 |
reedip_ | a normal meeting might suffice before the PTG | 14:10 |
xgerman_ | PTG might be hectic… | 14:10 |
SridarK | reedip_: ok - i can do that for sure - but my sense is the audio quality is going to be bad | 14:11 |
SridarK | lets take a quick stab now | 14:12 |
reedip_ | xgerman_ SridarK : I think on the last day when we have the time only for sub teams, we can have the discussion , yushiro would be there with you, so if not audio, we can just jump in the #fwaas channel and the FWaaS etherpad | 14:12 |
SridarK | of the priorities already listed in #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-queens-ptg | 14:12 |
SridarK | what do folks feel ? | 14:12 |
SridarK | reedip_: +1 we can do that | 14:13 |
reedip_ | folks are pretty quiet .... :P | 14:13 |
SridarK | I think in terms of debt or things needing wrap up - we have clarity | 14:13 |
xgerman_ | after a US holiday… | 14:13 |
annp | +1 reedip_ | 14:14 |
yushiro | SridarK, If possible, would you mind adding 'logging extension' as a challengable topic? | 14:14 |
SridarK | L2 support, Horizon, testing | 14:14 |
SridarK | yushiro: yes sure | 14:14 |
xgerman_ | + 1 | 14:14 |
SridarK | yushiro: done | 14:15 |
yushiro | SridarK, thank you so much. | 14:15 |
annp | Thanks SridarK | 14:15 |
SridarK | yushiro: np | 14:15 |
SridarK | annp: np | 14:15 |
yushiro | SridarK, xgerman_ I agree with current topic. L2 is the highest priority :) | 14:15 |
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yushiro | SridarK, xgerman_ and horizon ;) | 14:15 |
SridarK | i think we also need to evaluate ovs and sg integration | 14:15 |
xgerman_ | +1 | 14:16 |
chandanc | +1 | 14:16 |
yushiro | SridarK, ah, yes OVS one is also necessary, isn't it? chandanc :) | 14:16 |
xgerman_ | also investigate what happened to FW next and how we can collaborate | 14:16 |
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xgerman_ | SG | 14:16 |
chandanc | ya, i agree | 14:16 |
SridarK | chandanc: , yushiro xgerman_ and myself can discuss with the right set of folk on ovs | 14:17 |
xgerman_ | +1 | 14:17 |
chandanc | sure | 14:17 |
reedip_ | I rearranged the things a bit in the etherpad as per priority | 14:17 |
yushiro | SridarK, +1 jakub and other OVS guy can attend PTG | 14:18 |
SridarK | chandanc: pls let us know if there are specific concerns that u want clairfication on as well | 14:18 |
chandanc | Sure, i had a look at the code and UT | 14:18 |
chandanc | i see a lot of changes has been done for the SG driver | 14:18 |
SridarK | chandanc: ok - can u pls take a look and send us a summary by the end of the week or early next week | 14:19 |
chandanc | I will try to resync | 14:19 |
xgerman_ | thanks | 14:19 |
SridarK | chandanc: ok perfect thx | 14:19 |
chandanc | Ok SridarK | 14:19 |
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SridarK | and then we have testing | 14:20 |
SridarK | this will keep us busy for a good part of Queens | 14:20 |
xgerman_ | +1 | 14:20 |
SridarK | In terms of new features, SFC integration & using CCF | 14:21 |
xgerman_ | yep | 14:21 |
xgerman_ | and then our long term plan hitiching our wagon to K8 | 14:21 |
SridarK | I also reached out to CCF folks and did some investigation - i think they will have some model for a PoC - that we can play around with | 14:22 |
SridarK | xgerman_: huge +1 | 14:22 |
reedip_ | I am talking to them on #openstack-meeting :P | 14:22 |
reedip_ | SridarK ^^ | 14:22 |
yushiro | +1 | 14:22 |
xgerman_ | :-) | 14:22 |
xgerman_ | Yeah, integrating them should be stroght forward | 14:23 |
SridarK | i dont know how we position ourselves on that tha front | 14:23 |
SridarK | should we look at Kuryr as a first step too | 14:23 |
reedip_ | SridarK: SFC would be something to work with... | 14:23 |
apuimedo | SridarK: you summoned the kuryr man | 14:23 |
xgerman_ | nice | 14:24 |
reedip_ | apuimedo : hey hi :) | 14:24 |
SridarK | I dont have much thoughts on that yet - but lets talk more | 14:24 |
xgerman_ | hi | 14:24 |
SridarK | apuimedo: hi | 14:24 |
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apuimedo | SridarK: may I help? | 14:24 |
SridarK | apuimedo: wow like a Genie - u surface :-) | 14:24 |
xgerman_ | we were wondering how FWaaS can be useful for Kuryr | 14:24 |
SridarK | apuimedo: ^^^ exactly as xgerman_ puts it | 14:24 |
reedip_ | IIRC Kuryr doesnt have the FWaaS extension yet, right ? | 14:24 |
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apuimedo | xgerman_: well, it may be that for some policy in kuryr-kubernetes network policy translation fwaas would be needed | 14:25 |
apuimedo | we still didn't check if SGs are enough of not | 14:25 |
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xgerman_ | yes, that’s my thought as well. Canal, etc. are pretty poor in the semantics | 14:25 |
SridarK | apuimedo: perhaps we can thrash out some workflow and usage models | 14:25 |
apuimedo | it is a queens goal | 14:25 |
SridarK | apuimedo: will u be at the PTG ? | 14:25 |
xgerman_ | oh, stars aling… | 14:25 |
apuimedo | SridarK: no. Denver + Sydney would be too much | 14:26 |
apuimedo | but dmellado is going on behalf of Kuryr | 14:26 |
apuimedo | he'll be the kuryr man then | 14:26 |
dmellado | o/ | 14:26 |
xgerman_ | ok, so we need to go to Sydney to meet you? | 14:26 |
reedip_ | lol | 14:26 |
SridarK | apuimedo: ok - we will try to sync up then | 14:26 |
SridarK | :-) | 14:26 |
dmellado | apuimedo: if you try to throw more stuff into me I'll exchange my name tag at the PTG with somebody xD | 14:27 |
yushiro | I want to go Sydney either... | 14:27 |
SridarK | dmellado: perhaps we can figure out a way to meet up to discuss some FWaaS usecases | 14:27 |
dmellado | SridarK: sure thing | 14:27 |
reedip_ | yushiro : you are in line ! | 14:27 |
SridarK | dmellado: yushiro, xgerman_ and myself will be at Denver | 14:27 |
reedip_ | apuimedo : kuryr meeting is on Mondays, right ? | 14:27 |
dmellado | SridarK: I'll be at the infra sessions on Monday, so feel free to catch me there | 14:27 |
SridarK | dmellado: i get in only on Tue eve - | 14:28 |
SridarK | and there till Fri | 14:28 |
dmellado | SridarK: oh, I see, np I'll be there the whole week | 14:28 |
apuimedo | reedip_: it is | 14:28 |
xgerman_ | me, too | 14:28 |
SridarK | dmellado: ok perfect - we can meet up on Wed | 14:28 |
dmellado | ping me and we'll try to meet up there at some point | 14:28 |
SridarK | dmellado: perfect done | 14:28 |
apuimedo | :-) | 14:30 |
SridarK | ok good we have a plan to explore | 14:30 |
SridarK | thx apuimedo dmellado | 14:30 |
dmellado | yw! | 14:30 |
xgerman_ | thx | 14:30 |
yushiro | thank you | 14:30 |
reedip_ | ea | 14:30 |
apuimedo | thank you | 14:31 |
SridarK | reedip_: yes on SFC, as u mentioned | 14:31 |
reedip_ | sorry SridarK : lost track | 14:32 |
yushiro | apuimedo, dmellado looking forward to meeting in Denver :) | 14:32 |
SridarK | I think we have a reasonable list to go after, other pls add things that are important that we have missed | 14:32 |
reedip_ | I am discussing for CCF. SFC not yet | 14:32 |
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SridarK | reedip_: sounds good - i had some conversations on SFC in the past | 14:33 |
reedip_ | ok .... | 14:33 |
dmellado | yushiro: same there! | 14:33 |
SridarK | ideally if we can wrap up our debt from the Pike cycle and move fwd on 1 or 2 of these new areas - will be ideal | 14:34 |
reedip_ | SridarK : I do not think there would be some exceptional work for SFC. I think it would just be pluggable | 14:34 |
SridarK | reedip_: that was my thought too - i had some concerns on the implementation details | 14:35 |
xgerman_ | the devil is in the details | 14:35 |
reedip_ | I am checking the details :P | 14:35 |
SridarK | xgerman_: yes exactly | 14:35 |
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SridarK | ok good i think we have enough to keep us busy during PTG | 14:35 |
SridarK | lets move on | 14:35 |
xgerman_ | they run a port in-different port out model,,, | 14:35 |
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SridarK | xgerman_: and based on how we are positioned in the router - i was not sure how to effect it | 14:36 |
reedip_ | SridarK , xgerman_ have we considered providing support to tacker ? | 14:36 |
reedip_ | for NFV ? | 14:36 |
reedip_ | or is it already there ? | 14:36 |
SridarK | reedip_: we had some very early conversations but no discussions recently | 14:36 |
xgerman_ | +1 | 14:37 |
reedip_ | xgerman_ https://docs.openstack.org/newton/networking-guide/config-sfc.html#architecture | 14:37 |
amotoki | "for NFV", "for tacker" sounds too ambiguous to me. | 14:37 |
reedip_ | SridarK : ok, I think that work would be done from tacker team themselves | 14:37 |
amotoki | it looks better to discuss specific topics if there are such demands | 14:37 |
xgerman_ | +1 | 14:37 |
reedip_ | amotoki +1 | 14:37 |
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SridarK | ok sounds good and agree | 14:38 |
SridarK | #topic L2 Support | 14:38 |
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SridarK | yushiro: chandanc pls go ahead | 14:38 |
yushiro | SridarK, OK. | 14:38 |
yushiro | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/323971/ | 14:38 |
yushiro | I got some comment from Inessa and he said 'imho noop driver dependency has a lot more chances to get approved and merged.' | 14:39 |
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reedip_ | yushiro : he reason for that is also mentioned | 14:40 |
reedip_ | and I think he is right | 14:41 |
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reedip_ | "Maybe make this patch independent of ovs driver by implementing noop driver? | 14:41 |
reedip_ | ovs driver patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/447251/ that this patch depends on is a very complex change, imho noop driver dependency has a lot more chances to get approved and merged." | 14:41 |
yushiro | Yes, I'd like to discuss with a behavior when 'noop' driver is loaded. | 14:41 |
yushiro | I think 'noop' driver does nothing and alarm some message(WARNING) into log, right? | 14:42 |
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amotoki | yushiro: why do you think some warning log messages are needed? | 14:43 |
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reedip_ | No , it doesnt ... | 14:43 |
yushiro | amotoki, Because, if 'noop' driver is loaded, firewall rule doesn't set in OVS. | 14:44 |
amotoki | noop driver does nothing on back-end side and if the noop dirver is loaded just API should work as usual | 14:44 |
reedip_ | https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/services/metering/drivers/noop/noop_driver.py | 14:44 |
SridarK | In the past, for v1 as well as v2 (L3) we have not taken such an approach - the agent - driver interface is basically the internal API corresponding to actions for CRUD | 14:44 |
yushiro | amotoki, reedip_ Aha. | 14:44 |
SridarK | so this will be a pass through | 14:45 |
reedip_ | I guess so | 14:45 |
yushiro | amotoki, reedip_ SridarK OK, thank you and I was misunderstanding. | 14:45 |
amotoki | re: noop driver in the agent side, it is in a question how it has a real value though.. | 14:45 |
amotoki | but it can be used to validate internal APIs | 14:46 |
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SridarK | amotoki: perhaps that and the removal of dependency with the driver patch - | 14:46 |
reedip_ | amotoki : I think we can keep noop driver for now, and once OVS Firewall patch merges, then maybe we can add this back | 14:46 |
amotoki | SridarK: +1, yeah it is one possible usecase | 14:47 |
SridarK | yushiro: since our driver interface is well defined - this should not be a problem | 14:47 |
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SridarK | perhaps it gives folks who want to use a different driver more confidence in integration | 14:47 |
yushiro | SridarK, amotoki OK. So, we should implement driver base code and define some methods, shouldn't we? | 14:48 |
SridarK | yushiro: anyways we allow specifying the driver | 14:48 |
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yushiro | SridarK, I understood. | 14:49 |
amotoki | yushiro: the base driver is useful to deifne the interface | 14:49 |
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amotoki | with docstring | 14:49 |
yushiro | So, I'll remove ovs = neutron_fwaas.services.firewall.drivers.linux.l2.openvswitch_firewall.firewall:OVSFirewallDriver in setup.cfg from l2-agent patch. | 14:49 |
yushiro | amotoki, Yes, I guess so! | 14:50 |
SridarK | yushiro: ok | 14:50 |
yushiro | chandanc, please add above definition into setup.cfg in your OVS patch :) | 14:50 |
SridarK | we have 10 mins, chandanc anything to add from driver side ? | 14:50 |
yushiro | chandanc, I'll comment in gerrit either. | 14:51 |
chandanc | yushiro: sure i agree | 14:51 |
SridarK | ok lets move on | 14:51 |
yushiro | yes | 14:51 |
SridarK | #topic Horizon changes | 14:51 |
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SridarK | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/475840/ | 14:51 |
SridarK | SarathMekala: amotoki pls go ahead | 14:51 |
SarathMekala | I returned back from vacation today | 14:52 |
SridarK | SarathMekala: do u feel we are ready to do more manual tests | 14:52 |
SridarK | SarathMekala: ok | 14:52 |
yushiro | SarathMekala, Welcome :) | 14:52 |
SarathMekala | :) thanks | 14:52 |
amotoki | re v2 dashboard, SarathMekala post a patch with UT success :) yay | 14:52 |
SarathMekala | as of the last checkin the UTs are passing now | 14:52 |
amotoki | perhaps some more test round will be needed | 14:53 |
SridarK | amotoki: thx for jumping in on the UTs as well | 14:53 |
SarathMekala | there are some comments given by amotoki.. will work on them | 14:54 |
SridarK | SarathMekala: amotoki ok - i will pick up PS28 | 14:54 |
SarathMekala | now we can do one big round of manual testing and fix any issues that turn up | 14:54 |
SarathMekala | this should harden the flows :) | 14:54 |
yushiro | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fwaas-v2-dashboard | 14:55 |
SridarK | ok we can update the etherpad ^^ | 14:55 |
SarathMekala | yes.. will clean it up a bit | 14:56 |
yushiro | SarathMekala, I found GUI issue in selecting firewall_rule in policy. Please refer #fwp-6 | 14:56 |
SarathMekala | yushiro, ok will check it out | 14:56 |
amotoki | yushiro: SarathMekala: firewall rule selection in policy creation seems not to work at now | 14:56 |
SridarK | SarathMekala: ok pls evaluate that and give us a heads up | 14:57 |
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amotoki | what I can tell is that it is due to django 1.11 stuff and v1/v2 dashboard have the same problem | 14:57 |
yushiro | amotoki, Oh, OK. Thanks. | 14:58 |
amotoki | it is caused by horizon side code, but in the horizon side, we are dropping the consumer of the corresponding JS code | 14:58 |
amotoki | so if the fw dashboard continues to use it, we need to maintain and/or fix the probem in the fwaas team | 14:58 |
SridarK | ok 2 mins, let me go to open slot and we can continue discussion | 14:58 |
yushiro | amotoki, you mean v1 dashboard? | 14:59 |
SridarK | #topic Open Discussion | 14:59 |
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amotoki | yushiro: including v1 dashboard | 14:59 |
SridarK | others anything else to bring up ? | 14:59 |
yushiro | amotoki, Ok | 14:59 |
amotoki | some maintenance notice: regarding v1 dashboard I sent a series of patches which I noticed during v2 dashboard reviews. v2 dashboard copied a lot from v1 dashboard including some weird codes. https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/neutron-fwaas-dashboard+branch:master | 14:59 |
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yushiro | amotoki, wow, nice cleanup! will take a look. | 15:00 |
SridarK | ok we are nearing end - we can continue the fwaas channel | 15:00 |
doude | Hi I just started to rebase patch to implement a plugable backend driver | 15:00 |
SridarK | yushiro: +1 | 15:00 |
doude | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/480265 | 15:00 |
SridarK | amotoki: will look too | 15:00 |
SarathMekala | amotoki, +1 | 15:00 |
SridarK | doude: ok | 15:00 |
SridarK | doude: will add to the agenda so u have time | 15:01 |
SridarK | #endmeeting fwaas | 15:01 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Sep 5 15:01:10 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:01 |
reedip_ | its more than the alloted time guys | 15:01 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/fwaas/2017/fwaas.2017-09-05-14.03.html | 15:01 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/fwaas/2017/fwaas.2017-09-05-14.03.txt | 15:01 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/fwaas/2017/fwaas.2017-09-05-14.03.log.html | 15:01 |
SridarK | thx all for attending | 15:01 |
xgerman_ | o/ | 15:01 |
SarathMekala | o/ bye all | 15:01 |
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doude | bye | 15:02 |
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