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rosmaita | #startmeeting glance | 14:01 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Sep 7 14:01:00 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:01 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'glance' | 14:01 |
rosmaita | #topic roll call | 14:01 |
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abhishek_k | o/ | 14:01 |
* smcginnis is partly here | 14:01 | |
jokke_ | o/ | 14:01 |
jokke_ | still on other call but I'll be fully yours in a bit | 14:01 |
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rosmaita | ok | 14:03 |
rosmaita | might as well get started | 14:03 |
rosmaita | (just finished the proposed ptg schedule) | 14:03 |
rosmaita | #topic updates | 14:03 |
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rosmaita | #info no meeting next week due to PTG | 14:04 |
rosmaita | (i thought that was supposed to do something) | 14:04 |
jokke_ | :) | 14:04 |
rosmaita | also, i have taken the liberty of scheduling 2 events for us at the PTG | 14:05 |
rosmaita | #info glance team photo, tuesday at 11:20 am | 14:05 |
rosmaita | not sure where the location is, will update the ptg schedule when I know | 14:05 |
abhishek_k | great | 14:05 |
rosmaita | also, for abhishek_k and jokke_ , i have signed us up for a video interview | 14:06 |
rosmaita | tuesday at 11:30 am | 14:06 |
rosmaita | (so right before lunch) | 14:06 |
abhishek_k | good to know | 14:06 |
rosmaita | take a quick look at this email for more info: | 14:06 |
rosmaita | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-August/121369.html | 14:06 |
rosmaita | it's a kind of "get to know some glance devs and what they did in pike" kind of thing | 14:07 |
rosmaita | the email has a link to a spreadsheet that has a page outlining some questions to be ready for | 14:07 |
abhishek_k | going through previous interviews on YouTube :D | 14:07 |
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rosmaita | so please take a look when you have some time | 14:07 |
rosmaita | ok, final update | 14:08 |
rosmaita | #info lbragstad has started work on the policy-in-code community goal for glance | 14:08 |
rosmaita | had a brief discussion with him yesterday in the #openstack-glance channel | 14:08 |
jokke_ | oh crap :P | 14:09 |
rosmaita | you can take a look at the channel logs to see what we discussed | 14:09 |
jokke_ | that was for the interview, not the policy work | 14:09 |
rosmaita | ok! | 14:09 |
rosmaita | well, you don't have to interview ... but it's a RH guy doing the interviews | 14:10 |
rosmaita | so sort of a home team thing for you | 14:10 |
rosmaita | yeah, so lance has some patches up already for the glance changes | 14:10 |
jokke_ | Ok, finally fully yours | 14:10 |
rosmaita | i think we should look them over and can discuss at the PTG | 14:11 |
abhishek_k | ok | 14:11 |
jokke_ | So anyone has a good TL;DR about this community goal, why are we doing this and what are we trying to achieve with it? | 14:11 |
rosmaita | he's having 2 sessions on monday and tuesday about the goal | 14:11 |
jokke_ | ok | 14:11 |
jokke_ | need to try to attend to those | 14:11 |
rosmaita | yeah, key thing is to be able to have oslo.policy generate what the default policy is | 14:12 |
rosmaita | and to make sure there are defaults in place for all policies | 14:12 |
jokke_ | well we do have that as soon as you have 'default' defined :P | 14:12 |
rosmaita | well, sort of | 14:13 |
jokke_ | anything else that is not specifically defined will use that | 14:13 |
rosmaita | unless the config option to change 'default' to 'freddy' has been used | 14:13 |
rosmaita | :) | 14:13 |
rosmaita | there's a little weirdness for glance because we also allow policy to be used to control image property protections | 14:14 |
jokke_ | well that just makes freddy the default ... doesn't make it any less default what ever sting has been used to identify it | 14:14 |
jokke_ | string | 14:14 |
jokke_ | rosmaita: there is penty of weirdness in Glance and policies :P | 14:15 |
rosmaita | well, if the config opt is 'freddy' for the "default" rule, then having 'default': 'role:admin' in your file won't actually work | 14:15 |
rosmaita | i mean 'freddy' for the name of the rule that is used for default | 14:15 |
rosmaita | that is really hard to explain, let's discuss at the ptg | 14:16 |
rosmaita | ok that brings us to the next topic | 14:16 |
rosmaita | #topic PTG | 14:16 |
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rosmaita | as you well know, the PTG is next week | 14:16 |
jokke_ | rosmaita: no but it's not default value and if you change it you need to understand to change your 'default' string to 'freddy' string ... like said that's just key how to identify your default value and it won't change the defaultness behavior wise as long as it's identified correctly | 14:16 |
jokke_ | sure | 14:17 |
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rosmaita | here's my schedule proposal | 14:17 |
rosmaita | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-queens-ptg | 14:17 |
rosmaita | i haven't copied over the descriptions, so you'll have to look at the planning etherpad, too: | 14:18 |
rosmaita | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-queens-ptg-planning | 14:18 |
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rosmaita | i will copy the discriptions over, though, so we have everything in one place | 14:18 |
rosmaita | key thing now is feedback on timing, etc | 14:18 |
rosmaita | and i was hoping mtreinish is here | 14:18 |
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rosmaita | he's leading a session, but i want to make sure there's no conflict | 14:19 |
rosmaita | ok, so basically, as i said at the top of the pad, i planned for 9am to 5:30 pm | 14:19 |
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jokke_ | So only thing that really jumps on my face from there is the strategic planning | 14:20 |
rosmaita | we have rooms until 6pm, though, so we won't get kicked out if we go over | 14:20 |
rosmaita | yeah, there is no description for that one, i just threw it in | 14:20 |
rosmaita | but here's what i'm thinking | 14:20 |
jokke_ | does it make sense to have strategic planning discussion before we have actually had discussions of the individual topics | 14:20 |
rosmaita | good question | 14:21 |
rosmaita | my idea is that this is a general thing, where we say what we would like to see glance going | 14:21 |
jokke_ | I'd almost prefer to double session that with the Queens prioritization, kind of "This is what we try to achieve in Queens, now lets discuss longer term plan" | 14:21 |
rosmaita | like, i think we need to complete swift support and start thinking about more ceph support | 14:22 |
rosmaita | yeah, but my idea is that if we have some idea of where we want to go, it will help us in thinking about the queens-specific stuff | 14:22 |
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rosmaita | because, i am well aware, that there' cannot *really* be a strategic plan | 14:22 |
rosmaita | the next PTL could change everything | 14:23 |
mtreinish | rosmaita: heh, I don't really have a fixed schedule for the ptg | 14:23 |
jokke_ | So Wed morning we make strategic plan to free u half of the sessions as they're out of our long term planning already? :P | 14:23 |
rosmaita | mtreinish: hello, i have you down for wednesday 16:30-17:15 for your microversion thing | 14:23 |
jokke_ | "free up" | 14:23 |
rosmaita | jokke_ well, it's more like this | 14:24 |
mtreinish | rosmaita: I probably can make that work | 14:24 |
rosmaita | we have dev-power problems right now | 14:24 |
rosmaita | so queens will fill up fastg | 14:24 |
rosmaita | *fast | 14:24 |
jokke_ | yeap | 14:24 |
rosmaita | but i am curious what people have heard/are thinking for "the future" of glance | 14:25 |
rosmaita | also, this impacts the "replacement" issue | 14:25 |
rosmaita | which i scheduled before lunch on thursday so that therewill be a hard stop to the discussion | 14:25 |
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jokke_ | sure, so the Strategic plan session is kind of "Paint the perfect world with all the unicorns" and then we have 2 days of reality check after that? :D | 14:26 |
rosmaita | exactly | 14:26 |
rosmaita | but like doug's question on the ML yesterday | 14:26 |
rosmaita | do we see on-demand replication happening? what would come first? stuff like that | 14:27 |
rosmaita | anyway, i figured it will be an easy way to kick things off | 14:27 |
rosmaita | btw, i just noticed i have a blank slot on thursday morning | 14:27 |
jokke_ | yeah ... I just had internal meeting before this one around what we want to achiee, what kind of road map we're planning etc. :D | 14:27 |
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rosmaita | ha! | 14:27 |
jokke_ | to see if there is something major from our customers that would need to try to fit into PTG discussions | 14:28 |
rosmaita | ok, no more blank spot on thursday am | 14:29 |
rosmaita | my thought is to deputize anyone appropriate to be able to discuss the sec bugs | 14:30 |
jokke_ | I added fillup for Fri morning session for those glance folks who are not in -core-sec and want to use the time well for Glance ;) | 14:30 |
rosmaita | but yeah, i guess we should plan for the possibility of inappropriate people being there! | 14:30 |
rosmaita | ok, that's a good idea | 14:30 |
rosmaita | we'll go over the bugs thursday afternoon | 14:30 |
rosmaita | and they'll be ready for people to work on friday morning | 14:31 |
rosmaita | that's actually a good change, thanks | 14:31 |
jokke_ | yeah | 14:31 |
rosmaita | cool | 14:31 |
jokke_ | should we try to agree already day for Glance team night out? | 14:31 |
rosmaita | any other feedback about the schedule? | 14:31 |
* smcginnis has been accused of being inappropriate | 14:31 | |
jokke_ | smcginnis: well done! | 14:32 |
smcginnis | :) | 14:32 |
rosmaita | smcginnis do tell! | 14:32 |
jokke_ | smcginnis: keep doing it. | 14:32 |
rosmaita | i didn't put a team dinner on there, we should probably plan for one, though | 14:32 |
rosmaita | anyone have a preference for tues, wed, or thurs? | 14:33 |
rosmaita | or i guess monday for that matter | 14:33 |
jokke_ | I've seen some teams already planning for Wed. Should we try to align with that? | 14:33 |
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jokke_ | or specifically rule that out so multi contributors can join both? | 14:33 |
smcginnis | Tuesday would probably work best for me. I'd love to meet up with you all, but shouldn't affect whatever works best for everyone else. | 14:34 |
abhishek_k | sounds good | 14:34 |
jokke_ | the problem is that there will be likely company specifics as well etc. | 14:34 |
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rosmaita | i think smcginnis and mtreinish are the ones most likely to have conflicts | 14:34 |
smcginnis | rosmaita: I'll be having a lot of dinners next week. ;) | 14:34 |
jokke_ | yeah, but that's like 3rd of our active base atm. | 14:34 |
rosmaita | ok, let's shoot for Tuesday for a "formal" team dinner | 14:34 |
rosmaita | and then we can also have informal team dinners all the other days | 14:34 |
jokke_ | Sounds good to me | 14:35 |
abhishek_k | works for me as well | 14:35 |
rosmaita | ok, anyone familiar with denver? | 14:35 |
jokke_ | if we don't have first hand, I have some friends on the area so I can ask for suggestions | 14:35 |
abhishek_k | no, I only know vegas is 10 hours away by road :D | 14:36 |
jokke_ | Just FYI I'll be flying in Sun and out Sun | 14:36 |
smcginnis | There was a wiki page started somewhere with recommendations. | 14:36 |
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smcginnis | If I can find that, I'll paste into the -glance channel. | 14:36 |
rosmaita | smcginnis cool | 14:36 |
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rosmaita | ok, i put team dinner on the etherpad for 18:30 tuesday | 14:36 |
rosmaita | sorry smcginnis i always want to spell your name like the beer | 14:38 |
smcginnis | It's a good mistake to make. :D | 14:38 |
rosmaita | ok, i'll update the schedule with the descriptions this afternoon | 14:38 |
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jokke_ | I think it's actually really good to sit down around food and drinks before the session :P | 14:38 |
rosmaita | and then update the wiki page of etherpads to make the new one our "official" etherpad | 14:38 |
jokke_ | Less risk of fights at the dinner :D | 14:38 |
rosmaita | yeah, but more risk of being hung over for the strategic planning! | 14:39 |
abhishek_k | :D | 14:39 |
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rosmaita | final thing | 14:39 |
jokke_ | rosmaita: I think that might be beneficial as well | 14:39 |
rosmaita | monday and tuesday are open | 14:39 |
rosmaita | please add sessions of interest that you learn about to the etherpad | 14:40 |
rosmaita | ok, moving on | 14:40 |
rosmaita | #topic py35 goal report | 14:40 |
*** openstack changes topic to "py35 goal report (Meeting topic: glance)" | 14:40 | |
jokke_ | Indeed ... and remember that Wed-Thu seems quite well packed so remember to leave sufficient time for hallway talks mon-tue, fri (and specially if you're scheduling some extra curricular activities) | 14:41 |
rosmaita | ok, so i looked over everything, and those 2 skipped tests (plus adding the PyPI classifier) in glance are all that's outstanding | 14:41 |
jokke_ | so we really are almost there! | 14:41 |
rosmaita | what's weird is that the ssl handshake problem is reported for py27 in google, everyone thinks py35 is fine | 14:42 |
rosmaita | so i am doing a bit more research | 14:42 |
rosmaita | but yeah, we are almost there! | 14:42 |
rosmaita | i updated the etherpad with specifics about all our projects | 14:42 |
jokke_ | nice | 14:42 |
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jokke_ | mind to link it here again for reference | 14:42 |
rosmaita | (looking | 14:43 |
rosmaita | ) | 14:43 |
rosmaita | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/glance-pike-python35-goal | 14:43 |
rosmaita | we need to plan a hallway discussion about the wsgi business | 14:43 |
rosmaita | maybe we can combine it with actual whiskey on tuesday evening | 14:43 |
jokke_ | is the community wide tracking page up to date? (I can't remember was it wiki or etherpad or what was it) | 14:44 |
rosmaita | there is an etherpad, i'll have to find it | 14:44 |
rosmaita | when i do, i'll put a link on the one i linked above | 14:44 |
jokke_ | ++ | 14:44 |
rosmaita | ok, i lost the agenda | 14:45 |
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rosmaita | oh, yeah, here's some light reading you may not have seen on the regular ML: | 14:45 |
rosmaita | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack/2017-September/045448.html | 14:46 |
rosmaita | we should probably all read that before the strategic planning session | 14:46 |
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rosmaita | #topic open discussion | 14:46 |
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rosmaita | there's a patch up for changing the alembic db facades or something like that | 14:47 |
rosmaita | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/500889/ | 14:47 |
rosmaita | it's part of one of those items where someone goes through all the projects cleaning things up or getting rid of deprecated stuff | 14:47 |
rosmaita | and apparently, it not being merged into glance is blocking something else | 14:47 |
rosmaita | i'll look at it this afternoon, but of course i am only one +2 | 14:48 |
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rosmaita | tbh, i have been ignoring it, didn't realize it was important | 14:48 |
jokke_ | So looking that DbMigrationError change | 14:49 |
jokke_ | it's really confusing for me as last change merged to oslo.db master is actually raising the DbMigrationError which is claimed to be deprecated on the change proposed to us | 14:50 |
rosmaita | also, this is not the oslo db facade change i was thinking of | 14:50 |
abhishek_k | We also need to look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/493654/ | 14:51 |
abhishek_k | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/493654/ | 14:51 |
abhishek_k | i have tested it thoroughly and added my comment | 14:52 |
rosmaita | abhishek_k thanks for testing that out | 14:52 |
abhishek_k | yes, atleast for mentioned scenarios I haven't encountered any problems | 14:53 |
jokke_ | abhishek_k: so that will unbreak image upload when deployed on uwsgi? | 14:54 |
abhishek_k | that will not break | 14:54 |
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jokke_ | I'm not that worried about the tests but you all know how much I hate unit tests anyways. What I am actually missing is some level of tracking (likely a bug) for why we are doing this so that it can be easily captured on the releasenotes | 14:56 |
mtreinish | jokke_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1703856 | 14:57 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1703856 in Glance "502 Bad gateway error on image-create" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Matthew Treinish (treinish) | 14:57 |
jokke_ | the commit message is pretty clear explaining why this is actual bug on our code if we claim supporting wsgi | 14:57 |
abhishek_k | jokke_: yes we can add that as a bug is already reported for this | 14:57 |
jokke_ | mtreinish: does the change close that bug? Can we just add Closes-Bug: to the commit message and be happy with it? | 14:58 |
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mtreinish | jokke_: yes, that was my oversight. I'd do it except I don't want to take the gate hit adds like >2hours of wait time | 14:59 |
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mtreinish | and also eats resources for no real gain when we're over capacity | 14:59 |
abhishek_k | we are out of time | 15:00 |
rosmaita | good point | 15:00 |
jokke_ | Thanks all! | 15:00 |
rosmaita | let's continue in #openstack-glance | 15:00 |
abhishek_k | thank you all | 15:00 |
rosmaita | thanks! | 15:01 |
rosmaita | #endmeeting | 15:01 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Thu Sep 7 15:01:07 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:01 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/glance/2017/glance.2017-09-07-14.01.html | 15:01 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/glance/2017/glance.2017-09-07-14.01.txt | 15:01 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/glance/2017/glance.2017-09-07-14.01.log.html | 15:01 |
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evrardjp | o/ | 16:00 |
spotz | hey! | 16:00 |
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spotz | #startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting | 16:00 |
spotz | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/openstack-ansible#Agenda_for_next_meeting | 16:00 |
spotz | #topic Roll Call | 16:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Sep 7 16:00:44 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 16:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 16:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' | 16:00 |
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spotz | give folks a few minutes | 16:00 |
andymccr | o/ | 16:01 |
evrardjp | o/ | 16:01 |
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logan- | o/ | 16:03 |
hwoarang | o/ | 16:03 |
spotz | Yeah people for andymccr's last meeting! | 16:03 |
andymccr | EVER | 16:03 |
spotz | heheh | 16:03 |
asettle | \o// | 16:03 |
andymccr | tbh i dont have much to add this meeting :D | 16:04 |
jmccrory | o/ | 16:04 |
asettle | andymccr: I just handed over hte mantle well early | 16:04 |
andymccr | so i think its mostly evrardjp | 16:04 |
spotz | #topic PTG - 11-15 September - Denver, Colorado | 16:04 |
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spotz | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osa-denver-PTG-planning | 16:04 |
evrardjp | yeah it's heading forward | 16:04 |
evrardjp | The etherpad was updated as you can all see | 16:04 |
evrardjp | Please check the sessions to be prepared | 16:05 |
evrardjp | And if you're host of a session, don't hesitate to contact me if you need any help | 16:05 |
evrardjp | A little prep of the etherpad with the outcome of all conversations as you'd see it would be great too | 16:05 |
evrardjp | I haven't prepped the .ics I will do that soon | 16:06 |
andymccr | sounds good | 16:06 |
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andymccr | already the best PTL with .ics files etc. | 16:07 |
evrardjp | Yes, I guess if you have new topics, don't hesitate to add them to the Friday, we'll cherry pick those topics if we have more time throughout the days | 16:07 |
evrardjp | sarcasm and all andymccr ! :p | 16:08 |
* mhayden stumbles in | 16:08 | |
xgerman_ | o/ | 16:08 |
evrardjp | Oh it reminds me that there is a photo on some day (see the etherpad), and there is dinner we'll do too (no date planned) | 16:08 |
evrardjp | that's it for the ptg | 16:09 |
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andymccr | excellent | 16:10 |
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spotz | #topic Forum @ Sydney Summit - 6-8 November - Sydney, AU | 16:11 |
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spotz | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osa-sydney-summit-planning | 16:11 |
evrardjp | So | 16:12 |
evrardjp | for the summit | 16:12 |
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evrardjp | we'll have a series of deadlines in the future for the forum preparation | 16:12 |
evrardjp | as you can see in the etherpad, we are currently at the "Brainstorming" phase | 16:12 |
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odyssey4me | o/ | 16:13 |
evrardjp | I don't remember the deadline, but it's around next week | 16:13 |
evrardjp | yeah, already. | 16:13 |
evrardjp | So the idea is: if you have any idea of a topic we should bring at the forum, shoot at the etherpad | 16:13 |
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evrardjp | I've pasted what andymccr did at the last summit | 16:13 |
evrardjp | and took the results of the operators session | 16:14 |
evrardjp | in other words: The last forum session for us had a focus on operators | 16:14 |
andymccr | so for forums you probably want ops focus | 16:15 |
evrardjp | If you think of any user/operator requirement for the Forum, shoot | 16:15 |
andymccr | since the forum is designed to be a connection between ops/users and the projects themselves | 16:15 |
andymccr | other dev stuff is for the PTG | 16:15 |
evrardjp | yeah | 16:15 |
evrardjp | that was my understanding too | 16:15 |
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spotz | Any more forum? | 16:17 |
evrardjp | Well if you're an operator of openstack-ansible, shoot your questions there | 16:17 |
evrardjp | none | 16:17 |
spotz | #topic Release Planning and Decisions | 16:17 |
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spotz | andymccr ? | 16:18 |
andymccr | ok! | 16:18 |
andymccr | so - we are gonna try release stable/pike today if we can get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/500569/ merged | 16:18 |
andymccr | we want to avoid the zuulv3 changes that are going to happen soon if possible | 16:18 |
hwoarang | andymccr: wasn't our pike release planned for the PTG week? or did i misunderstand? | 16:19 |
andymccr | hwoarang: well our deadline is the end of next week | 16:19 |
evrardjp | it is, but we can be in advance | 16:19 |
andymccr | so as long as we do it before then its all ok | 16:19 |
hwoarang | ok | 16:19 |
andymccr | if there are urgent issues we can hold off | 16:19 |
andymccr | ideally that should go in: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/501243/2 | 16:19 |
evrardjp | opensuse... | 16:20 |
andymccr | otherwise i'll do a newton/ocata release tomorrow | 16:20 |
logan- | UCA is breaking our ceph installation currently so thats gonna be something we'll have to backport asap once a working fix is in | 16:20 |
andymccr | logan-: ok - is that something you're looking at or whats teh status there? | 16:21 |
logan- | basically pike UCA has luminous and we're on jewel for pike, so we have to get our pinning working correctly | 16:21 |
logan- | yup working on it | 16:21 |
odyssey4me | logan- why don't we just set the default to the distro version? | 16:21 |
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odyssey4me | by distro version I mean UCA | 16:22 |
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logan- | odyssey4me: dunno, I guess its worth considering pulling it from UCA, but having a working way to install from upstream ceph repos is worth having too I think | 16:22 |
odyssey4me | never mind - you're on it, I trust you'll do the right thing | 16:22 |
logan- | because not everyone wants to jump to luminous just because UCA says pike is on luminous | 16:22 |
odyssey4me | yeah, anything that can be done to simplify is good in my books | 16:22 |
odyssey4me | the theory, though, is that all upstream gating was tested against that version | 16:23 |
odyssey4me | which is why we perhaps should not be overriding | 16:23 |
odyssey4me | I guess that would mean we'd need to properly serialise our playbooks to ensure that any upgrades being done are done right... which I don't think has been done in any of our playbooks? | 16:24 |
logan- | its not so much that we're overriding, our ceph_client role expects to source ceph from the ceph community repo, and ceph-ansible is configured to do the same | 16:24 |
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logan- | we could pull luminous from ceph community and it is a single var override to do so (ceph_stable_release: luminous) | 16:24 |
logan- | but currently we're on jewel as that was the latest stable when pike branched | 16:24 |
odyssey4me | ah ok | 16:25 |
odyssey4me | that makes sense to stay on then | 16:25 |
odyssey4me | master can move to the new thing | 16:25 |
logan- | yup | 16:25 |
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andymccr | thanks for looking into that logan- | 16:29 |
andymccr | so | 16:29 |
andymccr | if there are issues blocking a release please let me know | 16:29 |
andymccr | i'll try make sure hteyre in, i think we're in a good spot | 16:29 |
andymccr | so if we need to wait we have all of next week | 16:29 |
andymccr | but if there is no reason we should release | 16:29 |
evrardjp | agreed | 16:30 |
hwoarang | im going to verify the opensuse/pike thing manually because the mirrors are getting in the way | 16:31 |
hwoarang | and will report if a backport is missing | 16:31 |
evrardjp | I guess the sooner the job is removed, the easier for the ironic thing to merge, and to sha bump. | 16:32 |
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hwoarang | evrardjp: are you talking about this ? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/501243/ | 16:33 |
evrardjp | Yes, did I miss the train again? | 16:34 |
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hwoarang | the job has been removed this morning. so as soon as ubuntu passes we should be ok | 16:34 |
evrardjp | ok | 16:34 |
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hwoarang | :) | 16:34 |
andymccr | sweet thanks hwoarang! | 16:34 |
andymccr | cool i think we're good on that one | 16:35 |
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andymccr | spotz master of meetings! | 16:37 |
spotz | Y'all done?:) | 16:37 |
spotz | #topic Blueprint work | 16:37 |
andymccr | i thinkso! | 16:37 |
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spotz | I know there was one | 16:37 |
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evrardjp | plenty | 16:38 |
andymccr | i dont think there are any yet | 16:38 |
andymccr | im sure after the PTG we will have some ;P | 16:38 |
andymccr | ok we'll just discuss those at the ptg | 16:39 |
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evrardjp | yeah | 16:39 |
andymccr | and i am corrected there are a few now | 16:39 |
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evrardjp | next? | 16:41 |
andymccr | ok i think we're good to go | 16:43 |
evrardjp | ok | 16:43 |
evrardjp | thanks everyone ! | 16:43 |
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andymccr | spotz: close it up :) | 16:44 |
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spotz | #endmeeting | 16:47 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Thu Sep 7 16:47:47 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 16:47 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2017/openstack_ansible_meeting.2017-09-07-16.00.html | 16:47 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2017/openstack_ansible_meeting.2017-09-07-16.00.txt | 16:47 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2017/openstack_ansible_meeting.2017-09-07-16.00.log.html | 16:47 |
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bcafarel | #startmeeting service_chaining | 17:02 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Sep 7 17:02:32 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bcafarel. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 17:02 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 17:02 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'service_chaining' | 17:02 |
bcafarel | I started the meeting in wrong chan sorry | 17:02 |
bcafarel | so again: hi everyone, LouisF (and maybe others) are away this week, let's see the attendance | 17:03 |
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pcarver | I'm here, but just back from vacation and not even close to caught up. | 17:03 |
bcafarel | pcarver: hi, hope you are full of energy from your vacation then :) | 17:04 |
bcafarel | ok I'll make it quick for this week then, just 2 points for the logs | 17:07 |
bcafarel | #topic agenda | 17:07 |
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bcafarel | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/ServiceFunctionChainingMeeting#Agenda_for_the_Networking-SFC_Meeting_.289.2F7.2F2017.29 | 17:07 |
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bcafarel | ^ will still be good for next weeks meetings | 17:08 |
bcafarel | #topic Pike release | 17:08 |
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bcafarel | I quickly tested a Pike release, everything looked good | 17:09 |
bcafarel | first release synced with main projects went fine :) | 17:09 |
bcafarel | #topic Denver PTG | 17:10 |
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bcafarel | pcarver: will you go there? | 17:10 |
bcafarel | the other usual suspects are not (igorcard, me, LouisF, ...) | 17:11 |
pcarver | no, I'm afraid not | 17:11 |
bcafarel | ok so probably not many SFC discussions then there | 17:11 |
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bcafarel | other topics can wait for more attendance :) | 17:12 |
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bcafarel | next week is PTG but as almost no one is going, we will see who turns up for the meeting | 17:14 |
bcafarel | pcarver: bye and welcome back! | 17:15 |
pcarver | thanks. | 17:15 |
pcarver | bye | 17:15 |
bcafarel | #endmeeting | 17:15 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Thu Sep 7 17:15:30 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 17:15 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/service_chaining/2017/service_chaining.2017-09-07-17.02.html | 17:15 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/service_chaining/2017/service_chaining.2017-09-07-17.02.txt | 17:15 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/service_chaining/2017/service_chaining.2017-09-07-17.02.log.html | 17:15 |
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