Thursday, 2013-05-30

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SergeyLukjanovhey guys, Savanna weekly meeting will be here if several minutes18:00
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SergeyLukjanovi think that we can start, should we wait for someone?18:04
aignatovare there Savanna guys around?))18:04
jmaronJohn and I are here18:05
nprivalovaok, let's start18:05
nprivalova#startmeeting Savanna18:05
openstackMeeting started Thu May 30 18:05:24 2013 UTC.  The chair is nprivalova. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:05
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: Savanna)"18:05
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'savanna'18:05
nprivalovahere is our agenda for today18:05
nprivalova1. Update on each blueprint which is in progress.18:05
nprivalova2. Q&A18:06
nprivalovathat's it :)18:06
jmaronsounds ok18:06
nprivalovaI'd like to describe in a few words the plugins we are working on. Please remember your questions and ask them after update, because we are limited in time18:07
aignatovthis week we published a lot of blueprints related to Savanna project18:07
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nprivalovaAlex I, please give an update18:08
aignatovintstance-interop-helper is a former name of VMManager18:09
aignatovthis feature is completely done I think18:09
aignatovbut not integrated with the trunk18:10
SergeyLukjanovI would like to clarify that currently only basic functions has been implemented18:10
mattfi don't see ref VMManager in the source. what was it?18:10
nprivalovado you mean link? or sources?18:11
SergeyLukjanovit'll be available when the core plugin mechanism will be merged into the trunk18:11
mattfnprivalova, both would be ideal18:11
aignatovyeah, only basic functions - setup_connection, execute_remote_command, interactive remote invoking and read/write remote file18:11
nprivalovaok, let's continue18:11
nprivalova#topic Horizon UI for Savanna
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nprivalovaNikita, please update18:12
nkonovalovCurrently the savanna-dashboard plugin is at the begining of developement18:12
nkonovalovWe are bulding our tables and workflows for nodegroup templates, clusters templates and clusters18:13
nprivalova#topic Cluster Security
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nprivalovaAlex K, please :)18:14
mattfthe contents of the savanna-dashboard is "Horizon plugin for Savanna. \n It should provide an ability to fully control Savanna using UI." - can we get more detail on it?18:14
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nprivalovaMatt, we will answer after, ok? I've remembered your question18:15
mattfok, after all updates, not after each -- oops18:15
akuznetsovNow we re-create the vm provision mechanism corresponding to the new object model18:15
akuznetsovit will also contain a improvement for cluster security, it will possible login to the clusters machine via user keypair18:17
akuznetsoveach cluster will have it own private key for passwordl-ess login18:17
SergeyLukjanovSavanna will generate unique keypairs per clusters18:18
nprivalova#topic Image Registry
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nprivalovaSergey L, please update18:18
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SergeyLukjanovok, let's see… it consists of two parts18:18
SergeyLukjanovpython SPI to use in plugins and REST API to interop with it externally18:19
SergeyLukjanovas for SPI - it's already done18:19
SergeyLukjanovhere it is -
SergeyLukjanovI think we'll add such helpers (like Image Registry) to the plugins context18:20
mattfqueue for later: blueprint for image-registry is "Hadoop images should be registered in Savanna to provide an ability to specify additional info about Hadoop and etc." - more detail please18:20
SergeyLukjanovI think that's all from my side for this blueprint18:20
SergeyLukjanovit described better in pluggable provisioning mechanism blueprints at wiki.o.o18:21
SergeyLukjanovI'll add link to it to the bp18:21
SergeyLukjanovlet's go to the next point18:21
nprivalova#topic Image Builder.
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nprivalovaIvan B is working on this, but he is not online. Alex I, please help us :)18:22
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aignatovWe have created a new repository savanna-extra which is place of Savanna related things not included into the main repo: scpecial scripts, infra related. Imagebuilder elements is the first thing which will be checked in to savanna-extra.18:23
aignatovMoreover, we have the first CR related to creating Ubuntu images with jdk and Apache Hadoop inside.18:23
aignatovLinks to repo and the first CR18:23
aignatovmattf, I know you were interested in this feature, please review this patch and welcome for contributing!))18:23
SergeyLukjanovwe are planning to merge this CR tomorrow18:24
* mattf deletes question about "where's the source"18:24
mattfaignatov, please link the bp and the source18:24
jmaronah :)18:25
aignatovok, will do18:25
nprivalova#topic Swift Integration
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mattffyi - is empty18:25
ruhemattf it'll be there once code is reviewed and approved18:26
nprivalovaIt's my favourite topic18:26
nprivalova Now we are investigating Swift and Hadoop side patches and think how to test data-locality feature on our cluster.  But now we are able to copy data between hdfs and swift using 'hadoop distcp' and run hive-queries on data in swift.  On next week the patch for Savanna should be done.18:26
SergeyLukjanovI think that we'll integrate it with Savanna asap18:26
nprivalova#topic Vanilla Plugin
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aignatovthe status of vanilla-hadop-pugin is in progress))18:27
nprivalova#topic Ambari plugin18:28
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aignatovjust trying to reimplement the same behavior as it was in Savanna 0.118:28
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nprivalovaJon, John, Eric,  do you have any update on your unpublished blueprint :)?18:28
jmaronyes - it will be published shortly ;)18:29
jspeidelErik is working on it18:29
SergeyLukjanovjmaron, it's great18:29
jmaronErik just responded to Sergey's email18:29
nprivalovado you have any update regarding plugin itself?18:30
SergeyLukjanovguys, I think it'll be great if you share your plugin code with us when you'll be ready, maybe w/o change requests18:30
jmaronwe are progressing with our implementation.  We are essentially modifying our existing code to align with the SPI18:30
mattfqueue for later - what's the difference between the vanilla hadoop plugin and the ambari plugin?18:30
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nprivalovamattf, ok, will discuss18:31
jmaronmatt - vanilla plugin is essentially restructuring existing savanna code that installs apache hadoop.  Ambari plugin will leverage Ambari to install HDP18:32
jspeidelSergeyLukjanov,  we should be able to post our plugin code mid next week18:32
nprivalova#topic Node placement controll
SergeyLukjanovjspeidel, that's great!18:32
*** openstack changes topic to "Node placement controll (Meeting topic: Savanna)"18:32
aignatovmattf, vanilla plugin supports vanilla Apache Hadoop and Ambari plugin supports for Hortonworks Apache Ambari Distribution18:32
nprivalovaAlex K, please update18:33
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akuznetsovNode group will contain a property anti affinity group that allows to schedule a vm with data node on a different compute nodes. This work is near to the end and code will be merge in the trunk at the next week.18:33
mattfjmaron, aignatov, does that mean the ambari plugin won't be able to install unbranded apache hadoop?18:33
jspeidelmattf, it could, but it wont18:34
nprivalova#topic Plugabble Provisioning
*** openstack changes topic to "Plugabble Provisioning (Meeting topic: Savanna)"18:35
nprivalovaso the main topic18:35
jspeidelthe hdp plugin uses ambari to configure/install/manage the hadoop cluster18:35
SergeyLukjanovit consists of tons of complicated parts:)18:35
jspeidelmattf, ambari could work with vanilla hadoop, but that is not in our plans now18:35
nprivalovaGuys, lets discuss after update please18:36
SergeyLukjanovfirst of all, db model and data access layer are ready18:36
mattfjspeidel, can we discuss over in #savanna?18:36
SergeyLukjanovthe overall helpers for building REST API are ready too18:36
SergeyLukjanovand currently I'm working on implementing REST API functions18:37
SergeyLukjanovI'm planning to merge this code by the end of this week18:37
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SergeyLukjanovI think that that's generally all18:38
SergeyLukjanovfrom my side18:38
nprivalova#topic Q&A18:38
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jmaroninterop helper and image registry - how does the plugin access them?  will they be accessible via the cluster reference?18:39
SergeyLukjanovguys, I think that we should clarify difference between vanilla plugin and Ambari one18:39
SergeyLukjanovjmaron, they we'll be accessible by the cluster ref or context that'll be available be calling ctx() anywehere)18:39
nprivalovaAre there any questions more about vanilla and ambari?18:40
jmaronah…you've added ctx as an argument to the spi methods?18:40
jmaronI see it now18:41
mattfre vanilla vs ambari -- what are the differences?18:41
SergeyLukjanovoops, this part of code is outdated :)18:41
jspeidelmattf, to answer your question about ambari managing non-branded hadoop18:42
mattfnprivalova, re VMManager, it's being replaced, what was it?18:42
SergeyLukjanovwe just name it "Instance interop helper"18:42
jspeidelmattf, technically it could, but that is not currently in the plans for the plugin.  we are currently making certain assumptions regarding hdp18:42
SergeyLukjanovVMManager is not very good name18:43
jspeidelmattf, so the short answer is that it is possible, but for now the plugin will assume hdp18:43
jmaronSergey:  so ctx isn't a parameter passed to SPI methods?18:43
SergeyLukjanovbecause in feature we are planning to support bare metal provisioning:)18:43
mattfnprivalova, re dashboard - the contents of the savanna-dashboard is "Horizon plugin for Savanna. \n It should provide an ability to fully control Savanna using UI." - can we get more detail on it?18:43
SergeyLukjanovjmaron, yep18:43
nprivalovamattf, it's just a helper for interacting with VMs. Are you finding where is it described?18:43
ruhemattf, we created these blueprints to allow community to monitor current progress. i agree that we need to add more details to blueprints. we'll do that gradually18:44
SergeyLukjanovmattf, we are published mockups18:44
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mattfSergeyLukjanov, is it the code currently in cluster_ops and friends for managing ssh sessions and exec'ing commands?18:44
jmaronis the assumption that we extends a base class and invoke a ctx() method to access the context?18:44
ruheDmitry published mockups this week18:44
mattfjspeidel, i see, ok18:44
SergeyLukjanovmattf, yes18:44
ruhewe only need to add links to mockups in the corresponding bp18:44
ruhemattf, here is link to email with mockups
jmaronstill wondering about ctx…18:46
SergeyLukjanovNadya, are there any other questions?18:46
aignatovbtw, instance-interop-helper bp in the savanna has a link to the spec which Nadya just posted18:46
nprivalovaquestion from mattf:queue for later: blueprint for image-registry is "Hadoop images should be registered in Savanna to provide an ability to specify additional info about Hadoop and etc." - more detail please18:47
SergeyLukjanovjmaron, ctx will hold db session, helpers and other misc18:47
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SergeyLukjanovI hope that I'll update code tomorrow18:47
ruhemattf, about your question about image registry. we'll add link to corresponding wiki page to the bp18:47
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jmaronSergey:  still wondering how I get a reference as a plugin developer?  can you post to list when code is updated so I can take a look?18:48
mattfruhe, ok18:48
ruhemattf, thanks for asking. that'll help to keep blueprints in a good shape :)18:48
SergeyLukjanovjmaron, you can subscribe to the change request or to the gerrit project to receive notifications18:48
mattfruhe, the dashboard bp is also empty of details. i'm particularly interested in it.18:49
ruhesure, it'll be updated18:49
jspeidelmattf, to clarify, HDP really is Apache Hadoop, and Ambari is an Apache project also.  So, you can obviously use Ambari to manage Apache Hadoop.  At this time, the savanna plugin is assuming that certain services are available that are in the HDP distribution.18:49
aignatovbtw, evryone can join this project and implement it's own plugin)18:50
mattfjspeidel, specifically what services?18:50
jspeidelmattf, examples are Ganglia and Nagios18:50
SergeyLukjanovguys, are there any other unanswered questions?18:50
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mattfSergeyLukjanov, i'm pretty good. assuming bp's get more content soon!18:51
mattfjspeidel, anything else come to mind?18:51
jspeidelmattf, we are also assuming that some hdp puppet scripts exist18:51
nprivalova#action ruhe add more details to savanna-dashboard blueprint18:52
mattfthose are puppet scripts provided by HDP instead of being provided by Ambari?18:52
SergeyLukjanov#action SergeyLukjanov to update pluggable provisioning mechanism CR with latest ctx vision18:53
jspeidelmattf, good point, looking at our code, I see only ambari puppet scripts referenced18:53
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nprivalovamattf, may I assign action about bp creation on you?18:54
mattfnprivalova, for which bp?18:54
mattfjspeidel, in my mind it seems like if you provide a repo with all the bits ambari expects the ambari plugin would work, if that repo is from hdp or from cloudera or from bigtop18:55
nprivalovamattf, oops :) I meant Ambari plugin18:55
nprivalovamattf, sorry18:55
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mattfnprivalova, you could, but i'm not sure what the action is18:56
nprivalova#action EricB create bp for Ambari18:56
mattfoh, ha!18:56
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ErikBnprivalova - got it18:57
nprivalovaSo thanks guys! We are out of time. I hope I was not too boring :)18:58
mattfjspeidel, back to #savanna?18:58
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jspeidelmattf, sure18:58
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aignatovPlese ask questions in savanna channel if needed18:58
openstackMeeting ended Thu May 30 18:58:41 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)18:58
openstackMinutes (text):
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kgriffshey marconi team19:05
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kgriffsflaper87: ping19:06
flaper87kgriffs: pong19:06
kgriffsyo, is it OK if we skip the meeting this time? both of us have been traveling this week, and I'm out of pocket at the moment19:06
flaper87kgriffs: makes sense19:07
kgriffskk, let's do that.19:07
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markwashits almost glance o'clock!19:59
markwashthe suspense!19:59
markwash. . . . . .20:00
icchai was thiking of what to type for suspense music, but could nt fugure it out20:00
markwash#startmeeting glance20:00
openstackMeeting started Thu May 30 20:00:11 2013 UTC.  The chair is markwash. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'glance'20:00
markwash#topic greetings20:00
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markwashhi everybody20:00
icchahello markwash20:00
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icchanikhil: and ameade should be here soon..20:00
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markwashesheffield: o/20:02
markwashanybody else glancy here?20:02
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markwashrosmaita: flaper87: o/20:02
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markwash#topic agenda20:03
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markwashI've got the standing agenda stuff here20:03
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markwashthe main things I gathered for today are blueprints, but I'm not sure that's our most important topic20:03
markwashso does anybody else want to suggest something for todays agenda?20:03
icchamarkwash: is there way to classify blueprints as nice to have vs must haves?20:04
jbresnahi would like to get concensus on the API for the multilocations changes i made if possible20:04
icchamarkwash: i want some direction on protected properties, and push for documentation of flance v2 api20:04
markwashiccha: I think so, basically the priority20:04
ameadehere now!20:04
rosmaitai'd like to see what people think about a new 'image-action' resource vs. modifying the image resource20:04
markwashcool yay lots of items20:05
flaper87I would like to discuss all those topics :D20:05
nikhilnew meeting time?20:05
nikhilor will it be same?20:05
markwashnikhil: I forgot to set up an alternate time20:05
nikhilah k, well I just saw it somewhere and brought it up20:06
rosmaitamarkwash: \o (dind't mean to leave you hanging)20:06
nikhilthis time works well with me, not sure about alternate one (would like to be in sync)20:06
markwashcool, I think we can hit all of those items20:06
markwashI have 2 blueprints I wanna deal with really fast, if that's okay20:06
markwash#topic blueprints20:07
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markwashto keep this timeboxed, lets either say definite yes/no or defer the discussion20:07
markwashtake a look20:07
markwashbasically, the idea is to propagate changes from base images to snapshots based on them20:07
flaper87markwash: remember there's a vote functionality we can use20:08
markwashthe only way I can think for this to work, it would have to know about filesystems and be able to change checksums of existing images20:08
icchadoes glance need to do this? or its like an additional script will suffice?20:08
markwashso I propose we resoundingly reject this bp as a part of glance20:08
nikhilthink glance would also need some changes20:08
rosmaita(to reject, i mean)20:09
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markwashno we should not reject it?20:09
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markwashyou guys vote funny20:09
jbresnahmarkwash: it makes me wonder our plans for things like OVF20:09
nikhil(open for discussion)20:10
jbresnahand managing a hierarchy of child images20:10
nikhiljbresnah: yeah, +120:10
jbresnahmarkwash: how deep is this rejection?20:10
jbresnahmarkwash: what they want seems really far from where glance is20:10
markwashI'm not sure.20:10
jbresnahmarkwash: but were those other things in place it might not be20:10
markwashokay, well, let's just defer then20:10
markwashI'll ask a question on the whiteboard there20:10
jbresnahmarkwash: but i am entirely on board with rejecting this for anything in the near term20:11
nikhilsounds good20:11
markwashokay cool20:11
flaper87mmh, it seems to me that blueprint is different from OVF and other supports20:11
jbresnahflaper87: agreed, i just wonder the trajectory is all20:11
markwash#startvote should we accept membership-policies?20:11
openstackBegin voting on: should we accept membership-policies? Valid vote options are Yes, No.20:11
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.20:11
markwash#vote yes20:12
markwashremember you can change your vote :-)20:12
iccha#vote yes20:12
flaper87#vote yes20:12
ameade#vote yes20:12
esheffield#vote Yes20:12
nikhil#vote Yes20:12
markwashseems pretty straightforward, we can still pick on the review20:12
ameade#vote Yes20:12
jbresnah#vote yes20:13
openstackVoted on "should we accept membership-policies?" Results are20:13
markwashI don't know what just happened20:13
markwashanyway, all good20:13
markwashthat's all I have for urgent blueprints20:13
esheffieldresults are inconclusive apparently20:13
nikhilcan't find that results in any other channel i've open20:14
markwashLet's talk about documentation20:14
markwash#topic documentation of v220:14
*** openstack changes topic to "documentation of v2 (Meeting topic: glance)"20:14
markwashiccha I saw you had a great etherpad breaking down the differences between v1 and v220:14
iccha has some initial notes  by esheffield and me20:14
markwashyes that!20:14
icchabut we could definitely add more granularity if we would like20:14
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jbresnahi would love to see that in a more formal public space20:15
jbresnahesheffield, iccha: that is great20:15
markwashare you hoping we can have something like a "how to migrate" or "what's changed" kind of documentation?20:15
markwashor just more general v2 documentation?20:15
icchathere are some inconsistent and not so useful documentation of glance v2 api out there, would be great to substitute with this. we would like both20:15
icchaa place with how to use v2 and whats changed20:15
icchafor ppl who are considering migrating20:15
ameadeand not have this wrong20:15
flaper87I think a wiki page makes sense20:16
markwashiccha do your or esheffield wanna come back to us with a survey of docs and plans next week?20:16
markwash*plans for better docs?20:16
esheffieldameade: yeah, we already found errors in that one20:16
markwash*survey of existing docs20:16
icchasure, and who would we hand this off to for formal documentation?20:16
markwashiccha: I'm sure we can talk to annegentle about that20:17
jbresnahcan it go in the glance/doc/source tree?20:17
esheffieldflaper87: yes, a wiki is certainly our goal. the etherpad is kind of a "rough draft" area while we explore and organize20:17
flaper87esheffield: makes sense20:17
markwashiccha: I'm not sure what the resources breakdown is, like how much glance devs should write, vs technical writers folks20:17
markwashwe definitely want to do something consistent with openstack users expectations here20:18
markwashthat might dictate the format of our ultimate documentation somewhat20:18
icchaaction- esheffield and iccha work on plan for documentation and survery existing documentation and possibly places where it should reside?20:18
markwash#action  esheffield and iccha work on plan for documentation and survery existing documentation and possibly places where it should reside20:18
markwash#topic multilocations api20:18
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jbresnahi have a review out for that and i discussed it a bit with markwash20:19
jbresnahthe main situation is that i added api to copy 1 location in an existing store to another store configured with glance20:20
jbresnahso if people could check that out it would help me progress on that BP20:20
markwashI'll admit, I was at first thinking of this feature as a "register multiple image locations" api, which wouldn't involve glance doing data copies20:20
markwashbut I don't feel like I have any definitive understanding of the features we're targeting right now20:20
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flaper87I don't think I am either20:21
jbresnahi was worried about the vetting process of that20:21
jbresnahi mean, i like that more20:21
jbresnahbut it opens up issues20:21
markwashjbresnah: agreed! there is basically no vetting which seems dangerous20:21
jbresnahthere is no way to check that the various locations actually match20:21
markwashso maybe our action item is for folks to weigh in on the review?20:22
jbresnahthis was all i could come to that would mean progress without an entire mind cluster20:22
jbresnahthat would be great20:22
markwashcool, and thanks for driving this jbresnah20:22
markwashI'm excited about landing it in h2 which seems very likely at this point20:22
rosmaitamarkwash, jbresnah: what do yo mean by "vetting"?20:22
jbresnahmarkwash: i hope so20:22
ameadewell dont merge this review till i get to have a good look20:22
jbresnahbut i am on baby time20:22
markwashrosmaita: ensuring the quality of something20:22
jbresnahthat is why i am pushing it a bit20:23
rosmaitaof the bp, or of the location?20:23
markwashrosmaita: of the image20:23
jbresnahrosmaita: well, if you have an image id20:23
jbresnahand you want to add another location20:23
jbresnahyou could just say: ok add this new location: http://google.com20:23
jbresnahin one sense it is 'buyer beware'20:24
jbresnahbut it opens a can of worms20:24
jbresnahwhile having glance copy it into its configured stores allow progress20:24
nikhilwe need whitlisting no?20:24
jbresnahand allows us to get to the other blueprint regarding metadata on those locations20:24
nikhilthought we'r going to add that on store level SLAs20:24
markwashnikhil: ?20:24
nikhilmarkwash: :)20:25
nikhilmarkwash: I was talking about the locations conversation20:25
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nikhiland white-listing of the location based on catalogue or something20:25
markwashokay, well everybody interested, go have a look at the review20:25
markwashI will too, and stop being lame which has been my current alternative20:25
jbresnahnikhil: i think the nature of copying to configured stores handles the whitelist20:25
markwashare you guys okay with following up later?20:26
jbresnahnikhil: the image can only be copied to the stores configured in glance20:26
jbresnahjust as an upload would be20:26
jbresnahmarkwash: yes20:26
icchai see your point jbresnah . if i am a user and i would like the same image record to point to different locations, i dont want to be individually uploading everywhere and then adding location, it would be cool if glance could do that for me. what are ur concerns mark? i owuld love to hear that. maybe u could leave comments on the review?20:26
nikhiljbresnah: ah k, well I need to read more into it. read your conversation with rosmaita a bit differently i guess20:26
jbresnahnikhil: oh i see20:26
icchamarkwash: can u add ur concerns to the review? ^^ so reviewers can be cognizant of it20:26
markwashiccha definitely20:27
jbresnahnikhil: so instead of, say http://whitelisted.location.com20:27
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markwashI just want to say ahead of time, my concerns aren't as strong as my usual ones, I'm just trying to reason carefully about our api change20:27
jbresnahthere is still no guarentee that the images match20:27
jbresnahnikhil: same problem exists20:27
markwashI'm really happy about the progress so far, even if we have to change things up some from the current review20:27
jbresnahnikhil: know what i mean?20:27
nikhilwill understand the issue in depth later from you jbresnah20:27
jbresnahmaybe we should take this on after the meeting20:27
icchaits a cool feature, but it may not be the 'right way' using image location, we can dwell on that20:28
nikhilmarkwash: seems to be getting20:28
nikhilumm.. restless?20:28
markwash#topic protected properties and the way forward20:28
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markwashnikhil: :-)20:28
markwashI'm feeling a bit silly today20:28
nikhilcat trouble?20:28
markwashso, iccha I think this was your item, want to kick us off?20:29
icchastuart's latest suggestion was to add core property for billing20:29
icchawhich i do not think is the right way forward though the easiest20:29
icchait would not provide a long term solution for protected properties20:29
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markwashI know you were disappointed to find out all the namespace conflict potential in the v2 property layout20:30
icchawe seemed to be hittinh cross roads with the flat hierarchy causing namespace collisions20:30
markwashor I should say, the "lack of namespace" conflict potential20:30
nikhil-1 to add 'em to core properties20:30
markwashI'm wondering now, if there is some merit to an approach to adding optional namespaces to image properties20:31
markwashbut would that just be the same thing as a prefix?20:31
icchai have just started some work on converting properties to domain model, while we figure out our best way forward...20:31
icchamarkwash: not necessary prefix ,  "system": {20:32
iccha      "foo": "baz"20:32
iccha  },20:32
nikhilmarkwash: makes sense, optional is not as painful20:32
markwashiccha: yeah, that's what I was thinking. . it could be a tool to help users and deployers avoid conflicts20:32
markwashand it could be considered orthogonal to property protections20:32
rosmaitaso is the problem that if we don't do namespacing, a customer could put metadata on an image and not be able to modify it?20:32
nikhilor modify something else20:33
markwashrosmaita: perhaps, but it would be normal to not allow users the "create" permission if you don't allow them the "modify" permission20:33
markwashrosmaita: though create without modify is a legitimate class of use cases as well, I think20:33
icchahow would we implement protection without have a separate user space which we know we should not interfere with?20:34
markwashiccha: can deployers just *know* not to put restrictions on properties their users already have been using?20:35
rosmaitai think deployers are currently using the generic metadata for this, and already prefixing the fields20:35
markwashrosmaita: right, so the properties they would put restrictions on, they already want to restrict20:36
icchai think the latest suggestion by markwash and the license usecase described by stuart and me is a good starting point which works with flat namespace20:36
markwashand would view user's modifying those properties as a "bug" ?20:36
rosmaitabut as far as specifiying protections, i think a deployer would like to be able to set all protections at once on all "com_rackspace" prefixed fields20:37
markwashrosmaita: good point, basically prefix-based restrictions20:38
rosmaitayes, so it's not really a namespace, but sort of is20:38
icchaand we prevent users from adding metadata with that prefix rosmaita ?20:39
markwashiccha I get the sense that you are very concerned about deployers having the option to make breaking changes in the api by specifying property protections20:39
markwashhmm, we've gone on for about 10 minutes now, maybe we should defer a bit?20:39
markwashiccha, I'd be happy to talk later today or tomorrow some more20:40
rosmaitaiccha: depends on the use, i can imagine that you could tell users to put stuff in org_openstack_gui to specify an icon or something20:40
markwashI'll follow up with you, okay?20:40
markwashbut I think we should talk soon to unblock things20:40
markwash#topic image actions vs image states for things like import20:41
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rosmaitado you want me to describe what that means?20:41
markwashrosmaita had an email out to the list20:41
markwashrosmaita: sure, thanks!20:41
rosmaitaok, so when you do an import/export/clone of an image there are two choices20:42
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rosmaita1. we create an image, you keep polling it to see the status of your operation20:42
rosmaita2. we create an image_action resource of type import/export/clone, and instead you poll that thing to see the status; if success happens, and image is created20:43
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rosmaitaso 2 complicates the API a bit, but i think it gives us more flexibility in returning error messages and statuses to the person polling20:44
rosmaitabut, that's jsut my opinion20:44
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rosmaitai'm curious what y'all think20:44
markwashand you can track the success of the action20:44
markwashwhich normally gets squashed by the "active" status of the resulting resource in approach #120:44
markwashand track the original arguments to the action request20:45
ameadeboth seem RESTful.. I like #2 for the reasons mentioned20:45
markwashalso, IMO complicated state machines are hard, but many simple state machines is easier to deal with20:45
rosmaitai like that you don't create an image until you're sure you really have one20:45
ameademarkwash: +1 +120:45
markwashanybody else +1 for either approach20:46
esheffield+1 for #220:47
jbresnahsorry I need to get more up to speed on the issue to vote :-(20:47
nikhilmarkwash: unable to comprehend which state m/c is more complicated20:47
nikhilhowever, +1 to #220:47
markwashI think this is just a current poll, not necessarily a vote20:48
icchahmm yeah i get the point about two simple state machines vs one complicated one20:49
markwashlet me go grab the link for the email chain20:49
* ameade is starting to doubt the RESTfulness of #1...too much reading20:49
markwashand in general in that thread20:49
markwashwell, read up, I don't think we're really blocked on either #1 or #2, if somebody wants to start coding :-)20:50
markwash#topic open discussion20:50
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markwashI'll just say, there are some other blueprints on the wiki page for this meeting that folks might find interesting to read up on20:50
markwashcool ideas, I'd love to see any feedback from anybody here on those blueprint whiteboards20:50
jbresnahmarkwash: i will put that on my TODO for this afternoon20:51
icchai like the cross-service-id, definitely a useful feature . not sure what the priority on it is though20:51
markwashiccha: yeah, seems awesome for tracking things down20:51
markwashalso I'm not really certain how to use priority on blueprints20:52
markwashcurrently I use "critical" for something that another project would depend on20:52
markwashand "not" for things I think don't belong in glance20:52
markwasheverything else is just "whatever feels right"20:52
rosmaitathat seems about right20:52
markwashanybody else got topics for open discussion?20:53
jbresnahxfer service has a bunch of code20:53
jbresnahand doc20:53
markwashoh cool20:53
jbresnahfor anyone interested in checking it out20:53
nikhilany funny videos come out this week?20:53
jbresnahcleaning up and adding tests today20:54
nikhiljbresnah: that too, sorry wanted to follow up on that20:54
jbresnahbut after that it will probably sit like that for a few weeks20:54
markwashbaby time!20:54
markwashwell, don't take that out of context, folks20:55
jbresnah. o O ( is there a blueprint for that? )20:55
icchaok i got to rush guys :) see ya in the channel tomorrow..20:55
markwashI think we can close it out20:56
markwashthanks everybody!20:56
jbresnahthanks, was great!20:56
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openstackMeeting ended Thu May 30 20:56:17 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)20:56
openstackMinutes (text):
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