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edleafe | #startmeeting nova_scheduler | 14:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Mon Apr 2 14:00:12 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is edleafe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'nova_scheduler' | 14:00 |
edleafe | Who's here? | 14:00 |
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alex_xu_ | o/ | 14:00 |
takashin | o/ | 14:00 |
fried_bunny | ö/ | 14:00 |
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edleafe | Might be a light crowd, since many have off for the fried_bunny holiday | 14:01 |
jaypipes | o/ | 14:01 |
* alex_xu_ just found that it is not only Chinese eat bunny | 14:02 | |
edleafe | :) | 14:02 |
fried_bunny | "Mississippi Fried Bunny to compete with KFC" | 14:03 |
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edleafe | alex_xu_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yxiv3CBMS4M | 14:04 |
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edleafe | OK, let's start | 14:05 |
alex_xu_ | haha | 14:05 |
edleafe | cdent put together a frighteningly long list of what's on our plate in his last placement update email | 14:05 |
edleafe | So I'm gonna paste 'em here | 14:05 |
fried_bunny | +1 to frightening | 14:06 |
edleafe | #topic Specs | 14:06 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Specs (Meeting topic: nova_scheduler)" | 14:06 | |
edleafe | #link VMware: place instances on resource pool (using update_provider_tree) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/549067/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Provide error codes for placement API https://review.openstack.org/#/c/418393/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link mirror nova host aggregates to placement API https://review.openstack.org/#/c/545057/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Proposes NUMA topology with RPs https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552924/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Account for host agg allocation ratio in placement https://review.openstack.org/#/c/544683/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Spec for isolating configuration of placement database https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552927/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Support default allocation ratios https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552105/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Spec on preemptible servers https://review.openstack.org/#/c/438640/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Handle nested providers for allocation candidates https://review.openstack.org/#/c/556873/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Add Generation to Consumers https://review.openstack.org/#/c/556971/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Mention (no) granular support for image traits https://review.openstack.org/#/c/554305/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Update the vGPU spec https://review.openstack.org/#/c/557912/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Proposes Multiple GPU types https://review.openstack.org/#/c/557065/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Standardize CPU resource tracking https://review.openstack.org/#/c/555081/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link NUMA-aware live migration https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552722/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Network bandwidth resource provider https://review.openstack.org/#/c/502306/ | 14:06 |
edleafe | #link Propose counting quota usage from placement https://review.openstack.org/#/c/509042/ | 14:07 |
edleafe | #link Fix endpoint URI /allocation_requests (reality fix) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/557580/ | 14:07 |
edleafe | (whew!) | 14:07 |
fried_bunny | TBC, this is doesn't include specs we've *already approved* (and thus slated for Rocky). | 14:07 |
edleafe | We couldn't go through them 1-by-1 if we wanted to. So are there any that we need to discuss? | 14:07 |
edleafe | fried_bunny: true dat | 14:07 |
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edleafe | OK, I guess nothing too controversial in specs. | 14:09 |
edleafe | #topic reviews | 14:09 |
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fried_bunny | except for there being too many for us to possibly handle in Rocky | 14:09 |
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edleafe | fried_bunny: yeah, that will be discussed in Opens | 14:09 |
edleafe | Once again, we can't handle them individually, so here are all of them: | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link Update Provider Tree https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/update-provider-tree | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link Neste resource providers htttps://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/nested-resource-providers | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link Nested providers in allocation candidates htttps://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/nested-resource-providers-allocation-candidates | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link Request Filters htttps://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/placement-req-filter | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link Mirror nova host aggregates to placement htttps://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/placement-mirror-host-aggregates | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link Forbidden Traits htttps://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/placement-forbidden-traits | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link Consumer Generations htttps://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/add-consumer-generation | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link Extraction htttps://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/placement-extract | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link Optional Placement DB htttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/552927/ | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link Purge comp_node and res_prvdr records during deletion of cells/hosts https://review.openstack.org/#/c/546660/ | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link A huge pile of improvements to osc-placement https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/placement-osc-plugin-rocky | 14:10 |
edleafe | #link Add compute capabilities traits (to os-traits) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/546713/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link General policy sample file for placement https://review.openstack.org/#/c/524425/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Provide framework for setting placement error codes https://review.openstack.org/#/c/546177/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Get resource provider by uuid or name (osc-placement) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/527791/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Fix comments in get_all_with_shared() https://review.openstack.org/#/c/533195/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Fixes related to shared providers https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bug/1732731 | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link placement: Make API history doc more consistent https://review.openstack.org/#/c/477478/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Add to contributor docs about handler testing https://review.openstack.org/#/c/557355/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link doc: Upgrade placement first https://review.openstack.org/#/c/556631/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Handle agg generation conflict in report client https://review.openstack.org/#/c/556669/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Slugification utilities for placement names https://review.openstack.org/#/c/556628/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Remove usage of [placement]os_region_name https://review.openstack.org/#/c/557086/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Get rid of 406 paths in report client https://review.openstack.org/#/c/556633/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Add unit test for non-placement resize https://review.openstack.org/#/c/537614/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Address issues raised in adding member_of to GET /a-c https://review.openstack.org/#/c/554357/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Fix allocation_candidates not to ignore shared RPs https://review.openstack.org/#/c/533396/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Sharing-related bug fixes https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bug/1724613 | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link More sharing related bug fixes https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bug/1732731 | 14:11 |
edleafe | #link Cover migration cases with functional tests https://review.openstack.org/#/c/493865/ | 14:11 |
edleafe | Are there any of these reviews we need to discuss individually here? | 14:11 |
fried_bunny | I'd like to discuss the series starting at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558044/ | 14:12 |
fried_bunny | Mainly to get advice on where microversions are or aren't needed. | 14:12 |
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fried_bunny | This has three patches that change behavior. | 14:12 |
fried_bunny | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558045/ changes the provider_summaries to include *all* the resources in a provider, not just the ones relating to the request. | 14:12 |
fried_bunny | jaypipes: We decided we wanted to do that, right? | 14:13 |
edleafe | fried_bunny: what was the reason for that change? | 14:13 |
fried_bunny | I don't remember the rationale, to be honest. I imagine it could be useful for a weigher. | 14:14 |
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edleafe | OIC. Well, if we do make that change, it's definitely a new microversion | 14:15 |
fried_bunny | I know that it helped me with something later in the series. But that doesn't mean we couldn't filter 'em back out before returning, I suppose. | 14:15 |
alex_xu_ | yes, I also think about that | 14:15 |
fried_bunny | okay, that's what I thought for that one. And tetsuro has done so (since last night). So cool there. | 14:15 |
fried_bunny | Next | 14:15 |
fried_bunny | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/533437/ now allows you to have an "anchor" provider in play. I sent email about this. | 14:15 |
alex_xu_ | fried_bunny: we required spec for new microversion | 14:16 |
fried_bunny | TL;DR: if you have a CN that doesn't provide resources itself, but is agg-associated with sharing providers that do provide resource to the request, you should be able to get results there. | 14:16 |
fried_bunny | Today, you get no results. | 14:16 |
fried_bunny | That patch fixes it so you do get results. | 14:16 |
fried_bunny | IMO, this one's fixing broken behavior, so doesn't need a microversion. | 14:16 |
fried_bunny | but... thoughts? | 14:17 |
fried_bunny | alex_xu_: That's a good point. I'd like to come back to whether we actually want/need that first behavior at all. | 14:17 |
edleafe | This also touches on the notion that every API change must be a separate microversion. I don't agree with that approach, since microversions are made on a per-call basis | 14:17 |
edleafe | I'd rather see related changes in a single microversion | 14:18 |
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alex_xu_ | there are a lot of breaking case in the shard rp | 14:18 |
alex_xu_ | I also remember we fixed few cases for shared rp, and we didn't bump microversion last release | 14:18 |
jaypipes | alex_xu_: example? | 14:18 |
jaypipes | fried_bunny: I still haven't gotten through your anchor providers ML post. | 14:19 |
edleafe | were they bug fixes, or just behavior changes? | 14:19 |
* alex_xu_ find the link | 14:19 | |
alex_xu_ | jaypipes: https://review.openstack.org/480379 | 14:19 |
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alex_xu_ | fried_bunny told me that already fixed by the refactor you done last release | 14:20 |
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alex_xu_ | the refactor of shared and non-shared code in the allocation candidates | 14:20 |
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fried_bunny | edleafe: That's often debatable. As is the case here, I think. | 14:22 |
alex_xu_ | I also remember we said we didn't support shared rp offcially | 14:23 |
alex_xu_ | maybe we can bump a microversion when we fix all the cases, that microversion is signal the shared rp works now | 14:23 |
jaypipes | alex_xu_: well, a) we haven't merged any of that code and b) I don't see how any code that has merged already has affected the public API? | 14:24 |
fried_bunny | Finally, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558014/ makes it so that, in the "anchor" case, the anchor RP actually shows up in the allocation request (with empty resources) and provider summaries (with, because of that first patch, *all* of its resources, even though none were used in the request). | 14:25 |
alex_xu_ | ok, acutally I didn't check that code again | 14:25 |
alex_xu_ | I should verify the testcase fried_bunny mentioned, but didn't get a chance yet | 14:26 |
fried_bunny | In this case, if we go for that second one as it is, we would arguably need a microversion for this third one. BUT if we squash 2 & 3 together, we can probably get away with *no* microversion, because the behavior change as a whole is enabling a broken behavior. | 14:26 |
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fried_bunny | Now, as alex_xu_ suggests, it's possible we should roll 2&3 into a microversion where we declare support for sharing providers. And basically we can do whatever we want up until then with sharing providers because we don't claim to support them at all. | 14:27 |
* fried_bunny steps back | 14:27 | |
fried_bunny | It's also possible we just want to punt this whole series to Stein... | 14:28 |
fried_bunny | ...and focus on nrp, granular, upt, forbidden, member_of, etc. | 14:28 |
edleafe | fried_bunny: that's kind of my thinking. Sure, it would be great to get this, but we keep finding more important things to work on | 14:29 |
fried_bunny | basically continue declaring no official support for sharing providers. | 14:29 |
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fried_bunny | jaypipes: What's your take on the first part - including all resources in provider summaries? Do you remember why we wanted to do that? | 14:30 |
fried_bunny | ...or even IF we wanted to do that? Maybe tetsuro and I just made it up in our heads. | 14:30 |
jaypipes | fried_bunny: you mean why we *didn't* do that, right? | 14:30 |
fried_bunny | shrug, I suspect the reason it is the way it is is more of a side effect of the impl than a conscious design decision. | 14:31 |
jaypipes | fried_bunny: not sure there was a deliberate thought behind that. probably just that we already had the resources dict representing the resources that are requested and we simply just put a WHERE condition on the keys in that dict. | 14:31 |
fried_bunny | exactly | 14:31 |
fried_bunny | I think perhaps I extrapolated something we said about NRP, which was that we want p_s to show all the RPs in the tree, even the ones not providing resource. | 14:32 |
jaypipes | fried_bunny: "Give me all your things that have oranges. OK, here they are, and some also have apples" | 14:32 |
fried_bunny | jaypipes: IMO, provider_summaries answers "what's in the grove?". | 14:32 |
jaypipes | fried_bunny: is it useful information? maybe... is it a priority right now? not sure about that. | 14:32 |
edleafe | fried_bunny: was there a use case that precipitated this work? | 14:33 |
fried_bunny | edleafe: I was reviewing tetsuro's work on anchor providers, which I think he was doing in response to open bugs. | 14:33 |
fried_bunny | It was complicated code he was modifying in complicated ways, so I got really deep into it and I guess lost perspective on whether it meshed with our current priorities. | 14:34 |
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fried_bunny | Having had this discussion now, given that one of the things we want to get out of this meeting is, "how do we manage scope?" I can be convinced that we should table the series for Stein. | 14:34 |
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jaypipes | fried_bunny: ++ | 14:35 |
fried_bunny | Perhaps a procedural -2 jaypipes? | 14:35 |
edleafe | makes sense | 14:35 |
jaypipes | we have plenty of other things to focus on. | 14:35 |
fried_bunny | ...with a link to this discussion | 14:35 |
jaypipes | fried_bunny: after I fully consume your ML post about it, sure. | 14:35 |
fried_bunny | Bit of a shame since it's pretty much working at this point. But for sake of reviewer bandwidth, microversion noise, spec requirements, etc... | 14:36 |
fried_bunny | Let's move on. | 14:36 |
fried_bunny | I have one other thing I'd like to call attention to. | 14:36 |
edleafe | go for it | 14:37 |
fried_bunny | bug 1760322 | 14:37 |
openstack | bug 1760322 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Traits not synced if first retrieval fails" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1760322 - Assigned to Eric Fried (efried) | 14:37 |
fried_bunny | test case: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558066/ | 14:37 |
fried_bunny | (bad, horrible) fix: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558068/ | 14:37 |
jaypipes | currently reviewing that... | 14:37 |
fried_bunny | jaypipes: I think the right fix is to make _ensure_trait_sync run in its own transaction, regardless of the context around it. Is that possible? | 14:38 |
fried_bunny | (btw, I agree with tetsuro's comment on the test case patch, and got that all fixed up only to mess up the rebase locally, so Ima have to redo it) | 14:38 |
jaypipes | fried_bunny: not sure that is possible. at least, not if we want to trigger that being run from our context-decorated staticmethods... | 14:39 |
fried_bunny | okay. Well, consider your attention done broughten to it. We can finish the discussion in the review. And it's probably something cdent will want to look at. | 14:40 |
edleafe | fried_bunny: why wouldn't you do the sync check in _ensure_trait_sync, and set the global there accordingly? | 14:40 |
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jaypipes | alex_xu_: do NOT copy fried_bunny's use of wrong English above. | 14:40 |
jaypipes | alex_xu_: "broughten" is not a word. | 14:40 |
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fried_bunny | edleafe: That's what's being done. And it turns out wrong when the encompassing method raises an exception, because the db transaction gets rolled back, but the global doesn't get unset. | 14:41 |
fried_bunny | At least I think that's what's going on. | 14:41 |
alex_xu_ | jaypipes: ok... | 14:42 |
edleafe | I'd have to look at it more closely, but it seems like the check is in the wrong place. | 14:42 |
fried_bunny | Perhaps there's a way to set a flag to say "commit the transaction even when I raise an exception from here"? | 14:42 |
jaypipes | fried_bunny: I'll comment on the review. | 14:42 |
edleafe | me too | 14:42 |
fried_bunny | A provably correct way to do it would be to have the _TRAITS_SYNCED flag in the database itself. So it's part of the transaction. But that's a tad icky. | 14:42 |
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edleafe | ick ick ick | 14:43 |
fried_bunny | okay, triple icky. | 14:43 |
fried_bunny | cool, moving on. | 14:43 |
fried_bunny | thanks for indulging me, y'all. | 14:43 |
* alex_xu_ still can stop google https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/broughten | 14:43 | |
edleafe | Any other reviews to discuss? | 14:43 |
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fried_bunny | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq08yOneY_0 | 14:44 |
edleafe | alex_xu_: it's considered "substandard": https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/broughten | 14:44 |
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edleafe | ok, let's move on | 14:45 |
edleafe | #topic Bugs | 14:45 |
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edleafe | #link Placement Bugs https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=placement&orderby=-id | 14:45 |
edleafe | 3 new ones this week | 14:45 |
edleafe | we've already discussed 2 of 'em | 14:46 |
edleafe | the third has to do with some doc errors | 14:46 |
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edleafe | So let's move on to the main topic | 14:46 |
edleafe | #topic Open Discussion | 14:47 |
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edleafe | We're taking on a *lot* of stuff | 14:47 |
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edleafe | cdent mentioned this in his last placement update | 14:47 |
edleafe | #link cdent's email on Placement Overload http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-March/128924.html | 14:48 |
fried_bunny | One thing we can do is start looking at specs from a perspective of "Can we do this in Rocky" as opposed to "Do we want this and is it workable". I think we've been doing pretty much exclusively the latter thus for. | 14:48 |
fried_bunny | far | 14:48 |
edleafe | I don't know about that. Having a spec approved and then punting the development makes it simpler to revist in the next cycle | 14:49 |
fried_bunny | We may even consider re-evaluating blueprints we've already approved in that light. | 14:49 |
edleafe | Perhaps we should have some sort of "priorities list" | 14:49 |
fried_bunny | edleafe: Yeah, we can mark a blueprint approved for next cycle. | 14:49 |
edleafe | :) | 14:49 |
fried_bunny | but not sure how the paperwork works out for the spec being in specs/rocky/approved | 14:49 |
fried_bunny | Perhaps we want to introduce a specs/future/approved | 14:50 |
fried_bunny | and then they move into specs/<currentrelease>/approved when the bp gets approved for that release. | 14:50 |
edleafe | fried_bunny: it has to be re-proposed in Stein, taking into account any changes that will be needed | 14:50 |
fried_bunny | okay; specs/rocky/approved-but-not-for-this-release/ ? | 14:50 |
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fried_bunny | something to separate 'em out. | 14:51 |
edleafe | IOW, I propose to do X by changing Y in a certain way, but before the next cycle, other things have changed Y. | 14:51 |
edleafe | fried_bunny: that's | 14:51 |
fried_bunny | yeah, I get it. | 14:51 |
edleafe | that's "backlog" | 14:51 |
fried_bunny | Sure. So what I'm saying is that right now we don't have a good demarcation of backlog vs nowlog | 14:52 |
edleafe | :) | 14:52 |
fried_bunny | which makes it hard to understand the content of a release. | 14:52 |
fried_bunny | and makes it look like we don't get done what we say we're going to get done. Which we *also* don't. | 14:52 |
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fried_bunny | This is probably something to discuss in the nova meeting, with more cores and the PTL at hand. | 14:53 |
fried_bunny | do we have anything specifically in the scheduler area that we can do to limit scope? | 14:54 |
edleafe | But that's not unexpected. I don't think we have ever finished all our specs before the end of the cycle, and then sat around wondering how we will occupy our time | 14:54 |
fried_bunny | I assert that's a problem. | 14:54 |
fried_bunny | Not that we don't have spare time, but that we *never* finish the specs we approved for a cycle. | 14:54 |
fried_bunny | or even come close. | 14:55 |
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fried_bunny | It's become the expectation, the status quo. | 14:55 |
edleafe | fried_bunny: yes, we have an etherpad | 14:55 |
edleafe | #link Rocky priority etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rocky-nova-priorities-tracking | 14:55 |
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edleafe | We need to get better about updating that sucker | 14:55 |
fried_bunny | 4 minutes. | 14:56 |
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edleafe | ok, I'll put an item on next week's agenda to work on the etherpad. In the meantime, let's add the specs/reviews we feel are important to the etherpad, and we can order them next week | 14:58 |
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edleafe | Any last-minute (literally) items? | 14:59 |
edleafe | #endmeeting | 14:59 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Mon Apr 2 14:59:40 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:59 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_scheduler/2018/nova_scheduler.2018-04-02-14.00.html | 14:59 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_scheduler/2018/nova_scheduler.2018-04-02-14.00.txt | 14:59 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_scheduler/2018/nova_scheduler.2018-04-02-14.00.log.html | 14:59 |
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fried_bunny | edleafe: While you're working the agenda, fix those htttps links? | 15:00 |
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edleafe | fried_bunny: which links? | 15:08 |
fried_bunny | edleafe: About a third of the spec links aren't showing up as hyperlinks because https is misspelled htttps | 15:09 |
fried_bunny | edleafe: Sorry, review links, not specs links. | 15:09 |
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corvus | howdy zuul folks | 22:00 |
clarkb | hello | 22:01 |
ianw | o/ | 22:01 |
Shrews | sup | 22:01 |
pabelanger | o/ | 22:01 |
* mordred waves | 22:01 | |
corvus | #startmeetign zuul | 22:01 |
jhesketh | Morning | 22:01 |
corvus | #startmeetin' zuul | 22:02 |
corvus | #startmeeting zuul | 22:02 |
openstack | Meeting started Mon Apr 2 22:02:05 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is corvus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 22:02 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 22:02 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'zuul' | 22:02 |
corvus | #link agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Zuul | 22:02 |
corvus | #link previous meeting http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/zuul/2018/zuul.2018-03-26-22.01.html | 22:02 |
corvus | #topic action items | 22:02 |
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corvus | corvus write automated query for private zuul stories (to find security issues) | 22:02 |
corvus | nope didn't do that | 22:03 |
corvus | #action corvus write automated query for private zuul stories (to find security issues) | 22:03 |
corvus | mordred propose release-blocking javascript patches | 22:03 |
corvus | done! | 22:03 |
corvus | tobiash test most recent github3.py to see if it's ready to release | 22:03 |
corvus | done! | 22:03 |
corvus | and... those being done... we released 3.0.0 | 22:03 |
corvus | #topic Open discussion | 22:03 |
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mordred | \o/ | 22:03 |
pabelanger | yay | 22:03 |
jlk | o/ | 22:03 |
jhesketh | Woo! | 22:03 |
corvus | so i'm not going to pester anyone about release blocking things this week :) | 22:03 |
corvus | if you really want me to do some pestering, i'll say: weigh in on the meeting time vs abandon meeting thread :) | 22:04 |
corvus | i've been going through the backlog of patches i've deferred reviewing until the v3 release | 22:05 |
corvus | i'm up to early march now | 22:05 |
corvus | it'll probably be a few more days before i get all the way through | 22:05 |
mordred | if anyone wants to review some more javascript, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/551987/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/551989 are ready and the previews of them should be functional (thanks for the reviews on those jhesketh) | 22:05 |
Shrews | corvus: is there any sort of priority for nodepool features/reviews? | 22:06 |
corvus | one common theme in my reviews is 'add a release note please' which, of course, we didn't have until recently, so it's natural changes will need updating for that. hopefully folks have seen the note about using reno | 22:06 |
mordred | reno++ | 22:06 |
clarkb | I recently used the docs we just merged about using reno and they worked for me | 22:07 |
Shrews | and i think we need a group decision on the zk retry stuff | 22:07 |
corvus | Shrews: i don't think so; hopefully our 'always be ready to release' approach makes that not entirely necessary. | 22:07 |
corvus | Shrews: can we distill that into a simple question? | 22:08 |
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Shrews | corvus: umm... i don't think so? (other than "do we use it or not"?) | 22:08 |
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corvus | Shrews: i haven't been convinced that we should use it in general. | 22:09 |
pabelanger | yah, we had an issue on nb03.o.o over the weekend losing its connection to zookeeper and never reconnecting. Had to stop / start to fix it | 22:09 |
corvus | pabelanger: *that* is a bug | 22:09 |
corvus | but that's not solved by "use retries everywhere" | 22:09 |
ianw | that is probably a good tester cause it's on a distant server on a sometimes unreliable network. i feel like i've had to restart that before for similar reasons | 22:10 |
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corvus | Shrews: my understanding is that the retry discussion uncovered some places where we need to do some things differently, but that you and i both remain skeptical that using them globally is the right approach. | 22:11 |
Shrews | corvus: the discussion uncovered some things that had not been considered by tristanC. he proposed ways around them (sequences and ephemeral nodes). those ways to change the way we deal with session errors, but are untested | 22:12 |
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Shrews | s/ways to/way/ | 22:13 |
corvus | Shrews: oh, i thought i remember you saying you found a case unhandled by the current code. | 22:13 |
Shrews | corvus: ephemeral nodes are not handled well i think | 22:14 |
corvus | Shrews: what do you mean? | 22:14 |
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Shrews | well, i misspoke when i said there was a solution for ephemeral nodes. the final email on that was | 22:15 |
Shrews | "they aren't used that much" | 22:15 |
Shrews | but i think it affects zuul more than nodepool, so you'd need to weigh in on that i think | 22:16 |
Shrews | so i don't have a warm fuzzy feeling about dealing with those moving forward in the retry world | 22:16 |
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corvus | i don't think the big issues have been addressed at all | 22:17 |
Shrews | http://lists.zuul-ci.org/pipermail/zuul-discuss/2018-March/000079.html | 22:17 |
* fungi sneaks in late and sits in the back | 22:20 | |
corvus | Shrews: what i'm concerned with is the behavior change. i keep seeing things like "if zk disconnects then we don't upload a build" as a bug | 22:20 |
corvus | it's not a bug, it's a feature | 22:20 |
corvus | this is a distributed system that is designed for parts to fail. that means if we lose a builder, we expect another to take its place. zk, for better or worse, is the way we decide that. | 22:21 |
corvus | so, when we have issues like "a builder doesn't connect to zk after disconnect" that's a bug that needs fixing. when we have an issue like "my builder disconnected and didn't upload the thing it built" that is not a bug, it's the system working as designed | 22:22 |
corvus | Shrews: anyway, maybe this will shake out once we get around to reviewing the actual proposed patches? or do you think we need to discuss on the ml more? | 22:23 |
Shrews | corvus: i've pretty much exhausted my concerns on the ML | 22:24 |
corvus | Shrews: what would you like to happen next? | 22:25 |
Shrews | corvus: i don't know. i'm happy with the current code. i just don't know the next steps with this | 22:25 |
Shrews | if it is "leave it the way it is", then i'm satisfied | 22:26 |
Shrews | if it is "let's try it", then we need to spend time rethinking our current code and session handling | 22:27 |
corvus | Shrews: then i think the immediate thing is to continue to maintain the current code. we should take pabelanger's bug report and try to fix that. | 22:27 |
Shrews | sure thing | 22:28 |
corvus | Shrews: meanwhile, i'll soon take a closer look at what tristan has actually written, and reply to the ml thread. that'll probably be in a few days. he should have all of our concerns so he can decide if he wants to continue to push for a redesign. | 22:28 |
corvus | anyone else have anything to discuss? | 22:31 |
Shrews | maybe if we make zk retry use containers, we can get more input! :) | 22:31 |
corvus | mordred: tell Shrews he's not helping | 22:31 |
mordred | Shrews: in soviet russia, containers use zk retry | 22:31 |
Shrews | \o/ | 22:31 |
mordred | corvus: oh, wait, maybe I did the opposite thing | 22:32 |
* fungi did not have anything to discuss | 22:33 | |
clarkb | I've pushed an infra-spec update to mark zuul v3 spec as done | 22:33 |
fungi | the how-to-report-security-bugs change is up for review, and i'm still drafting the vulnerability management guidelines for zuul projects | 22:33 |
corvus | fungi: thanks! | 22:33 |
corvus | clarkb: that reminds me -- i need to send a msg to the ml asking about future design docs | 22:34 |
corvus | but while we're here -- maybe we can brainstorm | 22:34 |
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corvus | if we wanted to make a big change to zuul (say, implement container support like Shrews is always going on about) | 22:34 |
corvus | where should we write that document? | 22:34 |
corvus | infra-specs is where it would have previously gone, but seems weird to put it there now. | 22:35 |
corvus | should we put it in the zuul repo in a special section of the docs? | 22:35 |
corvus | or should we make a zuul-specs repo? | 22:35 |
corvus | or...? | 22:35 |
clarkb | maybe a specs doc dir in zuul itself? though that may cause confusion over what is and isn't implemented | 22:35 |
clarkb | but that way the existing zuul docs hosting will just work | 22:36 |
corvus | i feel like if we put it in zuul docs, we could do it in a way that makes it clear. though, obviously, folks working on openstack came to the opposite conclusion. | 22:36 |
corvus | an advantage of that is that it's closer to the thing being modified. | 22:36 |
clarkb | corvus: ya, in general I've not liked how we split oepnstack docs into like 4 different locations | 22:36 |
corvus | it might be a good idea not to land things there if no one is working on them though. :) | 22:36 |
clarkb | corvus: its hard to navigate through the different locations that way whereas having a single tree amkes it more strightforward | 22:36 |
mordred | corvus: I've always liked the idea of a specs dir in the docs dir personally, so I'd be in favor of that ... at least until such a time as it becomes an issue | 22:37 |
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mordred | corvus: otoh - a single specs dir for the collection of zuul repos might be nicer | 22:38 |
mordred | corvus: so that there's a single place for zuul and nodepool and zuul-jobs things | 22:38 |
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mordred | (unless we wanted that place to be the zuul repo - I just don't think having a separate set of specs in the nodepool repo would be a benefit) | 22:39 |
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corvus | mordred: you make a compelling argument. for both options. :) | 22:40 |
corvus | good thing is -- it's easy to change | 22:40 |
corvus | it's probably easier to start with them in-repo. so i think i'll propose we do that for starters, unless someone objects. we can make zuul-specs later if we don't like it. | 22:40 |
fungi | yeah, putting them with the docs is a fine solution to start | 22:41 |
fungi | doesn't involve inventing new repos | 22:41 |
mordred | ++ | 22:41 |
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corvus | i think that's everything from the previous last call... unless anyone has more last-call topics... | 22:43 |
Shrews | viva la containers!! | 22:43 |
corvus | #endmeeting | 22:44 |
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corvus | :) | 22:44 |
openstack | Meeting ended Mon Apr 2 22:44:07 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 22:44 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/zuul/2018/zuul.2018-04-02-22.02.html | 22:44 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/zuul/2018/zuul.2018-04-02-22.02.txt | 22:44 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/zuul/2018/zuul.2018-04-02-22.02.log.html | 22:44 |
corvus | thanks everyone! | 22:44 |
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