Wednesday, 2018-05-02

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zhaochao#startmeeting trove14:00
openstackMeeting started Wed May  2 14:00:09 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is zhaochao. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
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zhaochao#topic roll call14:00
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zhaochaohi, let's wait for some more minutes for others to show up14:03
fanzhangzhaochao o/14:03
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zhaochaofanzhang: :)14:03
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zhaochaoOK, let's start14:05
zhaochao#topic Rocky goal updates14:05
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zhaochaoIn fact, still nothing new from me in the last week, though I opened another patch in trove-dashboard today14:06
zhaochaothe issue about unittest blocked the patches of pike branch for a long time14:07
zhaochaohowever I finnaly found it's been fixed in the master, thanks to Samuel14:07
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zhaochaoand the left patches in pike branch of trove-dashboard should now be able to get merged14:08
zhaochaothis one may also need to be rebased, I'll do it later14:08
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fanzhangNice job :) Honestly, I just start coding for bp 'adapting file injection deprecation in nova' today.  So far so good, will commit the patches as soon as possible in order to let your guys review sooner.14:10
zhaochaofanzhang: great news, thanks :)14:10
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fanzhangJust finishing adding InjectedFiles object and refactoring get_injected_files, I have not fixed my test trove env, so maybe it'll cost some time.14:11
fanzhangThat's all from my side. Oh, because of the holiday, never got the chance to review the spec gang brought up earlier and the patches committed by zhaochao , sorry for that, will do this week14:12
gangI have updated my spec and fixed some format errors. Please review when you have time.14:13
zhaochaobuilding up an dev env for trove may need some more documents to speed up development and easy new contribution14:13
fanzhangyeah, that's what I am intended to do.14:13
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zhaochaogang: though I may still don't have much focusing on Trove, but I started reading the spec today, I think I'll finish the first reading through this week14:15
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gangzhaochao: thanks.14:16
songjian1994Still busy for gnocchi, recently idle time watched some mongodb and redis cluster restart, I think it can be discussed in the spec14:16
zhaochaogang: no problem, :)14:16
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gangLooking forward advice of all you guys.14:17
gangsongjian: looks good!14:18
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zhaochaosongjian1994: do we have issues about mongodb and redis cluster restarting? I didn't look into that part of code before14:19
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gangI think it's part of cluster supporting.14:20
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songjian1994In fact we haven't implemented these two types of cluster restart yet.14:20
songjian1994We only have mariadb with roll restart14:20
gangyes, rolling_xxx is lack.14:20
songjian1994But restart seems to be necessary for resize-volume and resize-flavor14:21
zhaochaogang: songjian1994 got that, these could be noted in the comments during review, and then we could discuss more about those topics14:22
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songjian1994yes,I think so14:23
gangzhaochao: OK14:23
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songjian1994If the reserved data is necessary for the restart action, then we may need some discussion.I will comment it during review14:24
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zhaochaoI think restarting is necessary during resize-volume and resize-flavor14:27
zhaochaowhat's reserved data? songjian199414:28
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songjian1994For example, if the user decides to resize after using it for a period of time, then it is necessary for the user to retain the data in the existing database, but it seems that for redis and mongo,this requires some additional commands to operate. The specific content we can trace and discuss in spec14:31
gangCurrently, rolling_restart_cluster is defined in taskmanager/ as a common method, if we want support different type of datastore.Maybe should more disscuss.14:31
songjian1994For example, for mongo, we may need to take the initiative to elect the primary, like using rs.stepDown()14:33
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fanzhangI don't know a lot about resizing, but I think songjian1994 is right. The operation for cluster can be tough in order to maintain the availability of database service14:34
gangDifferent situations for different datastore.14:34
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songjian1994Yes, I think this may be one of the reasons why only galera's roll restart was implemented.14:35
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zhaochaoI got the point, let's leave these topics for review then we could do more investigation14:38
zhaochaolooks like indeed we have lots of work to do if we want to improve cluster supporting14:39
gangsupport cluster step by step, restart seems a good start compare with resize_volume or resize_flavor.14:39
zhaochaoyes, agree14:40
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zhaochaoso do we have more for this rocky update topic?14:41
fanzhangOne topic I want to bring up here is that we may need some energy to focus on helping developers those who ask question in channel trove14:41
fanzhangbut it's tough I know14:41
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fanzhangI tried but looks like I cannot help with all these questions which a lot I'm not farmiliar with :(14:42
fanzhangso I'm just saying if you guys have a little bit time, please stay in openstack-trove :)14:43
zhaochaoyes, for a open source community, the users are helping each other is the ideal situation, but we don't have a large user base for trove14:44
fanzhangLooks like they're struggling with building image, booting an instance with no guest_info or can't reading guest_info in mongodb14:44
fanzhangI've suggested they should report a bug in launchpad, hope they would do that.14:45
fanzhangOh, the summit is coming, who will do the project update?14:45
fanzhangzhaochao I'm just curious :)14:46
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zhaochaolast time we talked about this, but it seems none of us will go to the summit, don't know whether maciej will go14:48
fanzhangok, I saw amrith was on the speaker list14:48
fanzhangnothing more here.14:49
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zhaochaoO, then maybe kumarmn have talked with Amrith14:50
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zhaochaoOK, I think that's all today14:51
zhaochaogang: songjian1994 ?14:51
gangno more for me14:52
songjian1994no more for me14:52
zhaochaoOK, thanks, everyone, Goodnight!14:52
ganggood night14:52
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openstackMeeting ended Wed May  2 14:53:07 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:53
openstackMinutes (text):
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fanzhanggood night :)14:53
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e0ne#startmeeting horizon15:00
openstackMeeting started Wed May  2 15:00:06 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is e0ne. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
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e0neis anybody around?15:02
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e0neI'm going to end meeting in 5 minutes if we don't have people to discuss anything :(15:05
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e0neunfortunately, I have to end meeting today^)15:14
e0neI hope, we'll have some people here next week15:14
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openstackMeeting ended Wed May  2 15:14:34 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:14
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