Wednesday, 2021-11-17

rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Nov 17 14:00:19 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
*** akekane_ is now known as abhishekk14:00
fungiahoy, mateys!14:00
geguileohi! o/14:01
rosmaitagood turnout!14:01
rosmaita#topic announcements14:02
rosmaitawell, the cycle is moving right along ... this week is Milestone 1 for yoga14:02
rosmaitaluckily, we aren't required to do an M-1 release any more14:02
rosmaitabut, keep in mind that we are on third of the way through the development cycle14:02
rosmaitaok, some upcoming events14:03
rosmaitathe OpenInfra Live: Keynotes are today and tomorrow, 1500-1700 UTC14:03
rosmaitaif you're curious, the schedule is here:14:03
fungistarting right after this meeting concludes, in fact14:03
rosmaitayou need to register to get a link to the video session, and it is free14:04
rosmaitanext item14:04
rosmaitaour monthly Festival of XS Reviews happens on Friday this week (1400-1600 UTC)14:04
rosmaitafull info here:
rosmaitai will be on limited bandwidth and may not be in meetpad for that one, but i will be in irc and watching the etherpad14:05
rosmaitathe stable/ussuri branch is now in Extended Maintenance mode14:05
rosmaitathanks to whoami-rajat for getting the final ussuri releases out the door in time14:05
rosmaitathis means no more ussuri releases, though we may merge backports of bugfixes as a courtesy to people still using that branch14:06
rosmaitaanother announcement14:06
rosmaitathe openstack-wide stable core team process has changed14:07
rosmaitadetails here:14:07
rosmaitait doesn't really affect us, except in the sense that the openstack stable-core team can't -2 our releases if inappropriate stuff slips in14:07
rosmaitaso we need to continue to exercise due diligence14:08
rosmaitaok, last announcement:14:08
rosmaitacinder yoga midcycle coming up in 2 weeks on Wednesday 1 December 202114:08
rosmaitaplease add topics to ^^14:08
rosmaitaif you are working on a spec, it would be a good place to get some feedback14:09
rosmaitaor if you have an idea for a feature, or a bugfix that requires a new config option or something, also a good place to get feedback14:09
jungleboyjAre we thinking the usual time?14:09
rosmaitawas just going to ask that ... actually, first, is that day good (or at least not awful) for everyone?14:10
rosmaita(somehow I seem to remember someone saying there might be a conflict)14:10
jungleboyjThe day should be fine for me. 14:11
rosmaitaok, hearing no negative responses, we will stick with 1 december14:11
rosmaitaOK, next question is the time14:11
rosmaitaI'd like to do our usual thing where we use 1 hour from the weekly meeting time14:11
rosmaita(since everyone has that blocked off already)14:11
rosmaitaand add an hour either before or after the meeting14:11
rosmaitalet's try to pick a time right now14:12
rosmaitaoptions are:14:12
rosmaitaA 1300-1500 UTC14:12
rosmaitaB 1400-1600 UTC14:12
rosmaitaC either one of the above14:12
rosmaitaD need more options14:12
rosmaita#startvote time for the R-17 (1 December) midcycle? A, B, C, D14:12
opendevmeetBegin voting on: time for the R-17 (1 December) midcycle? Valid vote options are A, B, C, D.14:12
opendevmeetVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.14:12
rosmaita(everybody clear about how this works?)14:12
jungleboyj#vote B14:12
eharney#vote C14:13
rosmaita#vote B14:13
walshh_#vote B14:13
fabiooliveira#vote C14:13
ssuerd#vote B14:13
rosmaitaone more minute to vote!14:14
geguileo#vote C14:15
lucasmoliveira059#vote C14:15
rosmaitaok, let's see what the results are14:16
opendevmeetVoted on "time for the R-17 (1 December) midcycle?" Results are14:16
opendevmeetB (4): jungleboyj, walshh_, rosmaita, ssuerd14:16
opendevmeetC (4): lucasmoliveira059, fabiooliveira, geguileo, eharney14:16
rosmaitaOK, looks like 1400-1600 UTC it is14:16
rosmaitaby the way, if you are constrained to 1400-1500, put a note on the midcycle etherpad when you add your topic14:17
rosmaitaand we can make sure we discuss it during that time frame14:17
rosmaitaok, thanks everyone ... on with the meeting14:17
rosmaita#topic Ceph: add option to keep only last n snapshots per backup14:17
rosmaitajhartkopf: that's you14:17
jhartkopfso basically we'd like be able to only keep a specific number of backup snapshots of a volume14:18
rosmaitafor the RBD driver14:19
rosmaitawell, ceph backup driver, i mean14:19
jhartkopfso this patch adds a new config option to configure how many snapshots to keep14:19
jhartkopfexactly, for the Ceph driver14:20
rosmaitaseems like a good idea, but i asked jhartkopf to put it on the agenda because it requires a new configuration option14:20
geguileoI disagree, I don't like this14:21
rosmaitaplease elaborate14:21
geguileothat's my first impression, looking more on the patch14:21
geguileorosmaita: the reason for having backup snapshots is to be able to do incremental backups14:21
geguileoif we remove the snapshot without removing the related backup then we can reach a point were we can't do an incremental backup and end up doing a full backup14:22
rosmaitathat is a good point14:23
geguileoliterally what the referenced bug was fixing14:23
jhartkopfas far as I understand, we still can do incremental backups if both snapshots (the same ones) exist on both sides14:24
geguileobut if you remove it due to the new config option then we can't14:25
geguileowe have a 1-to-1 relationship between cinder backups and RBD snapshots14:25
rosmaitathat's quite a commit message on
geguileothat's how we can do incremental14:25
geguileoif we break that 1-to-1 relationship we break incremental backups in some cases14:26
jhartkopfbut if we only remove older snapshots, we keep the more recent ones which can then be used to do incremental backups14:26
geguileolet me show you the issue with an exageration14:27
geguileoset the new conf option to 214:27
geguileodo 4 incremental backups14:27
geguileothe oldest 2 snapshots are removed14:27
geguileonow you delete the last 2 backups14:27
geguileonow you can't do incremental backups14:27
geguileobecause the new one will be a full backup14:28
geguileo(the removal of the snapshots are done by the new feature)14:28
rosmaitaso it looks like if the motivation for this is to save space on the backend, this approach is counterproductive14:30
jhartkopfyes that seems like a situation to consider14:30
geguileoand that was the situation that the related bug was fixing14:30
rosmaitajhartkopf: why don't you take some time to think about this, and we could discuss again at the midcycle if you have some new ideas14:31
geguileojhartkopf: what was the original reason for the feature?14:31
geguileoperformance? save space?14:31
jhartkopfmainly to save disk space because keeping all snapshots can quickly take up much space14:32
geguileojhartkopf: I assume you don't want to delete the backups that match those snapshots14:32
jhartkopfyes we'd like to keep the backups14:34
geguileoI don't like the idea of removing the source snapshots... Though I understand your issue14:35
rosmaitaok, let's think about this some more and pick up the discussion, maybe at the midcycle, and work through the issues14:36
rosmaitathanks geguileo and jhartkopf14:36
rosmaita#topic Implications of new Glance spec-lite on Cinder image encryption spec rewrite14:36
fungii'll make this quick, it's a national holiday for the secustack folks, but during the image encryption pop-up team meeting on monday, Luzi mentioned wanting to inquire in the cinder meeting whether anyone's had time to mull over the implications of the glance "spec-lite" on the former cinder spec, and whether a new spec would be required for the cinder side of things or if changes14:37
rosmaitafungi: you have the floor14:37
fungimight be needed to the old cinder spec for it14:37
fungilooks like jhartkopf had some feedback on the agenda etherpad already14:37
rosmaitaactually, that was me14:37
fungiahh, okay14:37
rosmaitaso the change in Glance is to not wait for the Barbican Secret Consumers API to be implemented14:37
rosmaitabut go ahead without it, and add it later14:38
fungithat's my understanding, yes14:38
rosmaitai believe that cinder wasn't in the workflow for using the Secret Consumers API14:38
rosmaitaso that doesn't affect us14:38
rosmaitai think there may be some issues that are going to come up with how to handle the optimizations when glance is using the cinder glance_store14:39
fungiso the old cinder spec is still applicable, or are you saying there's no need to any work in cinder to support it?14:39
rosmaitaand also the cinder image cache14:39
fungier, no need to do any14:39
rosmaitai guess what i'm saying is that some stuff will have to be worked out during the implementation of the cinder side14:40
rosmaitabut i don't think we need a new spec for that14:40
fungiso doesn't rise to the level of complexity to require a spec. got it14:40
rosmaitayeah, i am in favor of the glance spec-lite because i think it will move the effort along14:41
fungii mainly wanted to make sure the folks working on this weren't blocked for a week waiting for another cinder meeting14:41
fungimuch appreciated14:41
rosmaitaonce there is end-to-end testing of the feature, i imagine a bunch of issues will areise14:41
fungisure, as ever14:41
fungi"that's software"14:41
rosmaitayes, so on the cinder side, the first priority is to get the gpg stuff into os-brick14:41
fungiyeah, looks like it needs rebasing at the very least14:43
rosmaitathanks fungi ... anyone else have comments or concerns about this?14:43
fungiokay, cool. that answers the questions i think. thanks again!14:44
rosmaitafungi: yes, if Luzi could get it out of merge conflict, that would be a good motivator for reviewers14:44
rosmaitaok, thanks ... let's move on14:45
rosmaita#topic mypy patch of the week14:45
rosmaitalast week's patch was this one14:46
rosmaitawe're still working on it ... it's very close, i think14:46
rosmaitaso that will remain the mypy patch of the week for this week14:46
eharneyyep, i'll update that again shortly14:47
rosmaitaand we can carry over the same reviewers 14:47
rosmaitaalso, thanks to walshh_, who did a thorough review14:47
walshh_you are welcome14:48
rosmaita#topic volume driver API function of the week14:49
rosmaitai think we are stalled on this one14:49
rosmaitastill need a solidfire dev to leave an OK on
rosmaitaand that blocks the next patch, that needs a second +214:50
rosmaitai had a nit on the next patch, but iirc it's a sphinx formatting thing, not content14:51
rosmaitaso don't let that stop you from looking at it14:52
rosmaitaso it looks like we remain the same for volume driver API function of the week14:52
geguileorosmaita: I'll update the patches and start working on a new patch14:53
rosmaitageguileo: thanks!14:53
geguileoI've been busy on the new quota stuff, which has turned to be a bit more complex than I had anticipated14:53
geguileo(but making progress)14:53
rosmaitathat is understandable!14:53
rosmaita#topic open discussion14:54
fabiooliveira> still need a solidfire dev to leave an OK on
fabiooliveirai'll take a look :D14:54
geguileoI should have the spec and patches for the midcycle14:54
geguileofabiooliveira: thanks!14:54
rosmaitafabiooliveira: thank you14:54
rosmaitaI just looked at the calendar, next week is the last meeting of the month, so will be held in video14:55
rosmaitabut, thursday and friday next week are holidays in some parts of the world14:56
rosmaitajust wondering if we will have a critical mass of attendance for wednesday's meeting?14:56
rosmaitaanyone who will not be attending?14:57
rosmaitaok, sounds like everyone will be around ... great!14:58
rosmaitadon't forget the Festival of XS Reviews on Friday this week14:58
rosmaitait has gotten awfully quiet in here ... thanks for attending, and have a good rest of the day14:59
rosmaitasee you on friday!14:59
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Nov 17 14:59:59 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:59
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jhartkopfthank you!15:00
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