Wednesday, 2021-12-08

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sachinhi brian, This is Sachin More from KIOXIA13:58
rosmaitahello sachin13:58
sachinI would be joining this meeting weekly on behalf of Chuck Piercey13:59
rosmaitasounds good ... are you development side or management side?13:59
sachinI am product management14:00
rosmaitaok, cool, welcome!14:00
jungleboyjrosmaita:  I have a conflict today.  So, my attention will be split.14:00
sachinthank you!14:00
rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Dec  8 14:00:26 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
jungleboyjkind of.14:00
rosmaitaprobably a light turnout today14:01
rosmaitait is a holiday in a surprising number of countries14:01
rosmaitawell, surprising if you are an ugly american like me14:01
rosmaitaenriquetaso_: i thought today is a holiday in Argentina?14:01
TusharTgitehi all14:02
enriquetaso_it is14:02
rosmaitaenriquetaso_: bonus points for you!14:02
rosmaitaok, i think we can get started14:03
enriquetaso_argentina it's not in the list simondodsley :P14:03
enriquetaso_not sure why14:03
rosmaitakind of a light agenda, mostly announcements, but that will leave plenty of time for open discussion14:03
rosmaita#topic announcements14:03
rosmaitafirst, you probably noticed that we are not holding this meeting in video right now14:03
rosmaitawe'll have the followup session for the midcycle tomorrow14:04
rosmaitadetails here:14:04
rosmaitaand, there is the etherpad also14:04
rosmaitatime will be 1400-1430 UTC14:04
rosmaitatopic is the new quotas work, and if there's time, also the community goal ("secure and consistent RBAC")14:05
rosmaitait will be recorded if you can't make it14:05
rosmaitanext, early Yoga releases have happened14:05
rosmaitaos-brick: 5.1.014:06
rosmaitapython-cinderclient: 8.2.014:06
rosmaitai think neither really needed a release, but the release team likes early releases in the cycle to shake out problems14:06
rosmaitanext, our cycle-trailing deliverable must be released next week14:06
rosmaitathat's cinderlib14:06
rosmaitathere is one patch that has to merge immediately, so cores, please look it over:14:07
rosmaitait's a simple patch14:07
rosmaitajust noticed that i didn't put a link in the commit message to the docs explaining why we have to do this14:08
rosmaitaso i will put it here (soon as i find it)14:08
rosmaitalooking at the open patches, i don't see anything else that needs to get in to the xena release14:09
rosmaitaso doesn't get forgotten, can I have 2 cores commit to looking at it today?14:09
enriquetaso_820391 has +2 already?14:10
rosmaitaok, that was fast14:11
rosmaitathanks e0ne and eharney14:11
e0nerosmaita: np14:11
enriquetaso_just needs the workflow vote14:11
rosmaitai think there was a race condition there14:11
rosmaitathe release team already has a patch up for cinderlib release, so we're all set there14:12
rosmaitanext reminder:14:12
rosmaitaspec freeze is next week14:12
rosmaitai tried to get comments on all the proposed specs, but there are a few i still have drafts on14:13
rosmaitai'll get those done today, and then start re-reviewing14:13
rosmaitaalso next week is the monthly Festival of XS Reviews14:14
rosmaita1400-1600 UTC on Friday14:14
rosmaitanext week is a pretty busy week!14:14
rosmaitasomething a bit further out is the new driver merge deadline14:14
rosmaitawhich is 21 January14:15
rosmaitai know people are itching for reviews on their new driver patches14:15
rosmaitabut specs reviews are the priority over the next week14:15
rosmaitain the meantime14:15
rosmaitayou can look through our handy new driver reviewer checklist14:16
rosmaitaand make sure you have all those things addressed14:16
rosmaitaand, of course, make sure your third party CI is working14:16
rosmaitaand displaying results in an easily consumable format14:16
rosmaitathat is, do not require people to download and decompress an archive file in order to see the logs etc14:17
rosmaitaok, that's all for announcements14:17
rosmaita#topic TC collection of service pain points14:17
rosmaitathe TC has been collecting operator feedback with the idea that there could be a service-specific community goal to fix a pain point14:18
rosmaitathe info has been collected here:14:18
rosmaitathere is a video meeting to discuss this today, right after our meeting14:19
rosmaitai will attend, though i'm not exactly sure what it's about14:19
rosmaitaanyway, there are 2 items currently listed for cinder14:19
rosmaita1. volume backup rotation14:20
rosmaita2. cinder backup fails due to user token expiration with swift backend14:20
jungleboyjrosmaita: What it is about will hopefully be clearer after the discussion.14:20
rosmaitajungleboyj: hope so!14:20
jungleboyjGoal was to look at some of the higher level problems that our users have and if something can be done community wide to help address those items.14:21
rosmaitaok, that's good from a cinder point of view then, because these are both minor issues14:21
rosmaitathe first one looks like a minor enhancement, unless the idea is that cinder should store the number of backups, then it would require some thought about whether it's per-volume or per-project or what14:23
rosmaitathe second one has an alternative fix (if it is in fact a problem)14:24
rosmaitashort story is, the status of keystone "trusts" is kind of suspect, and the advice i got from the keystone team is don't use them in new code14:25
rosmaita#topic openstackclient feature parity14:26
rosmaitathis one is a surprise14:26
rosmaitathe claim is made there that openstack SDK fully supports cinder14:26
rosmaitai haven't had time to look closely at that14:27
jungleboyjWell, ship it.14:27
rosmaitathe idea is that if SDK fully supports Block Storage API v3, then since the osc uses SDK, it's just a small matter of time before the osc will fully support it too14:28
jungleboyjWell, that would be awesome if true.14:29
e0nejungleboyj: +114:30
rosmaitalooking at the history makes me kind of skeptical14:31
rosmaitaif you look at the email i linked above, this came up because a pain point is "why can't i use the openstackclient for everything?"14:33
rosmaitaok, that's it from me ... let's have open discussion14:34
rosmaita#topic open discussion14:34
rosmaita... or not14:36
rosmaitaenriquetaso_: thank you for your weekly bug report:14:38
eharneyi put up a couple of patches a bit ago that just remove dead code, maybe not a tough review if anyone wants to take a look:
enriquetaso_I have only one question regarding the bug report 14:38
enriquetaso_maybe i can do it in the open discussion and skip the bug meeting14:39
rosmaitasounds good to me!14:39
enriquetaso_bug_1  cinder schedules backups on disabled backup services14:39
enriquetaso_Summary: Set up multiple cinder-backup nodes then mark one of them as disabled via 'openstack volume service set --disable'. Create some backups and those backups get sent to the disabled node. The reporter points out that the real issue here is the lack of any kind of feedback during the backup; ideally there would be some way to detect stuck jobs and retry them.14:39
enriquetaso_Maybe this is too obvious but I'm not sure what to reply to the reporter here.14:39
enriquetaso_The creation of the backup depends on the backend you're using, if it takes too long to create the backup there's not much we can do excerpts for a retry.  However, cinder shouldn't use the disable nodes for backups.14:39
enriquetaso_..guess I'll just mark the bug as medium importance and we can fix it :P14:45
eharneyit will take some investigating to figure out what to do with this, there may be some room to improve usability w/ async error messages14:46
rosmaitayeah, i think a related issue is 'disabled' temporarily (fine for jobs to get picked up on restart) vs 'disabled permanently', i.e., the node is never coming back14:47
enriquetaso_OK, that's all I have14:50
enriquetaso_14 bugs reported in two weeks!!14:50
enriquetaso_The good side it's that most of them have fixes proposed on master but please take a look at the full list.14:50
rosmaitathanks enriquetaso_ !14:51
rosmaitaanyone else have anything to discuss?14:51
rosmaitaok, as a reminder, all cinder-cores need to be looking at specs over the next week14:52
rosmaitai guess that's all for today14:52
rosmaitathanks everyone, and have a good rest of the week14:52
rosmaitadon't forget the midcycle followup session tomorrow at 1400 UTC14:53
rosmaitaall right, we can close the meeting14:54
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Dec  8 14:54:54 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:54
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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