Wednesday, 2022-01-05

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jan  5 14:00:09 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajatBrian is yet to be back from vacation so as discussed in last meeting of 2021, I will be taking today's meeting14:01
jungleboyjwhoami-rajat:  Thank you.14:01
sfernandhappy new year folks14:01
whoami-rajatHappy new year everyone!14:01
whoami-rajatand i missed roll call...14:01
whoami-rajathope everyone had a great vacation time14:02
whoami-rajatlooks like a great turnout14:03
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:04
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:04
whoami-rajatSimon Dodsley (simondodsley on IRC) has been added to the cinder-specs core team14:04
whoami-rajatcongratulations simondodsley 14:04
jungleboyjCongratulations.  Well deserved!14:04
simondodsleythank you14:05
whoami-rajatthanks simon for all your contributions!14:05
whoami-rajatmoving on14:05
whoami-rajatnext announcement14:05
whoami-rajatParamiko new release 2.9.1 broke ssh connection failing tempest-full-py3 job14:05
whoami-rajatpeople may or may not be aware but paramiko's new release changed some ssh related functionalities which broke tempest tests14:06
whoami-rajatas the tests wasn't able to ssh instances14:06
yuvalyes, I saw it in our internal CI14:06
whoami-rajatthe revert patch was merged and gate was fixed, this can continue until we've changes to adapt to the new release changes14:07
whoami-rajatyuval, do we have a proper fix available for it?14:08
yuvalno, we roll back to our previous tempest version14:08
whoami-rajatso let's constraint to not use the latest paramiko lib to avoid tempest failure14:09
whoami-rajatnext announcement14:09
whoami-rajatLog4j vulnerability14:09
whoami-rajatthere has been a lot of discussion around Log4j recently everywhere14:09
whoami-rajatJeremy Stanley sent out a mail to openstack-discuss mentioning the impact on openstack14:10
whoami-rajatlooks like the networking-odl driver was affected due to a third party dependency but I'm not an expert there14:10
fungiyeah, any additional info anyone has they could reply with would be much appreciated14:10
whoami-rajatfor details you can read the mail from him14:10
whoami-rajateveryone ^^14:11
fungimy understanding is that opendaylight is implemented in java, and uses log4j, so needs to be updated if you've got it installed14:11
whoami-rajatif anyone has any idea of more vulnerabilities inside openstack, they can reply to the ML with the details14:11
fungiyep, thanks!14:12
whoami-rajatthanks for the details fungi 14:12
whoami-rajatnext announcement14:13
whoami-rajatMilestone 2 week (Jan 03 - Jan 07 R-12)14:13
whoami-rajatso we are in the week of M-214:13
whoami-rajatElod sent out a mail regarding release specific deadlines that need to be addressed in this week14:13
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whoami-rajat1) All projects should have deliverable files14:14
whoami-rajatwhich i checked and we have for our projects python-cinderclient, cinder, os-brick, cinderlib and cinder-tempest-plugin14:14
whoami-rajat2) Libraries need to be released at least once per milestone period14:14
whoami-rajatwhich I'm not sure about if we are going to release os-brick for M-2, i checked and we didn't release it last cycle in M-1 or M-214:15
whoami-rajatalso need to go through the patches that needs to be released14:15
yuvalif I have a patch set for os-brick, and its not merged in M-2 - it means it wont get in yoga release?14:15
whoami-rajati will discuss with Brian once he's back from vacation14:16
whoami-rajatyuval, we will be releasing os-brick before the final yoga release14:16
yuvalok thanks, what it means date wise?14:16
whoami-rajatwhich should be 2 weeks (Feb 21 - Feb 25) before RC-1 (Mar 07 - Mar 11)14:17
whoami-rajatyuval, Feb 21 - Feb 2514:17
yuvalok thanks14:17
whoami-rajatthat's all i had for announcements14:18
whoami-rajatanyone else has anything?14:18
SachinMorehi, the kioxia dev team has a query14:19
whoami-rajatSachinMore, you can ask that in the open-discussion (later during the meeting)14:19
SachinMoreok, thanks14:19
whoami-rajatok, moving on to topics14:20
whoami-rajat#topic Yuval from lightbits labs says hello - working to add lightbits driver to the cinder project14:20
whoami-rajatyuval, that's you14:20
yuvalHey yes14:20
yuvallightbits labs is working on a storage sulotion for nvme over tcp14:20
yuvaland part of the work we want to make the product be able to communicate with cinder driver14:21
yuvalso we created a cinder driver its running for few years now14:21
yuvalmainly tested with rocky to Train14:21
yuvaland currently developed env with kolla and xena14:22
yuvalthere are 3 PR currently waiting for review in cinder, os-brick and nova14:22
yuvaland we are working on a thrid party CI14:22
yuvalmaybe someone have a question?14:22
whoami-rajatyuval, can you add links to the patches on the etherpad?14:23
yuvalyes I will14:23
whoami-rajatthanks, i remember simondodsley and Gorka planning to work on nvme this cycle14:23
whoami-rajatmaybe it was mostly focused on multipathing, not sure14:24
simondodsleyyuval, does your driver support multipathing and if so which sort - ANA or DM?14:24
yuvalif we can help in anyway we are open for questions14:24
whoami-rajatyuval, sorry for the wrong deadline, os-brick release deadline is Feb 07 - Feb 1114:24
whoami-rajatyou can follow the yoga cycle release schedule here14:24
yuvalsimon let me get back to you with a proper answer14:25
simondodsleyi ask because there are a lot of changes to NVMe multipathing in the works currently14:25
yuvalwhoami-rajat thank you, so we need to pass the zuul test and some human review till that date Feb0714:25
whoami-rajatyuval, cinder and os-brick have separate deadlines, you need to have the third party CI in place and driver code ready before Jan 1714:26
simondodsleyyuval, you will need your third-party CI to start reporting on your driver and other general cinder patches by R-1014:26
yuvalwhen is R-10?14:27
simondodsleyJan 1714:27
toskyyuval: reference page:
sfernandJan 17 - Jan 2114:28
sfernandmilestone is
yuvalYes, I saw it, thank you. currently we have a dedicated cluster for the CI and we manage to connect with jenkins-gerrit-trigger14:28
yuvalsimon regarding multipath - we support it using ANA14:29
yuvalwe still didnt figure out how to post comments14:29
yuvaldo I need a special priv or a regular user will do?14:30
whoami-rajata regular user can post comments14:30
simondodsleyOK - then please test against the current multipath patches in os-brick so that the ANA changes there are validated14:30
yuvalcan you link me the patches?14:31
whoami-rajatyuval, you can find the patches in gerrit with project as os-brick
whoami-rajatso please review the lightbits driver and related os-brick code, I've added links to the etherpad, thanks enriquetaso for providing links14:33
whoami-rajatwe can discuss details in the review or #openstack-cinder channel14:33
simondodsleyI think there are 3 open nvme patches from kioxia 14:33
whoami-rajatmoving on to next topic14:34
whoami-rajat#topic Spec status14:34
whoami-rajatso most of the specs made it into yoga, some of which that didn't make it required additional work or had open review comments14:35
whoami-rajattwo of the patches didn't have both so let's discuss them14:35
whoami-rajat1) Spec to introduce additional task status field14:35
whoami-rajatI haven't gone through the spec but i think this is trying to add a task field as nova does 14:36
whoami-rajatBrian had a comment that we need to discuss this more and that we can do in midcycle-214:36
whoami-rajat2) Update original resource's az14:36
whoami-rajatThis spec is aimed at adding a new cinder-manage command to update availability zone14:37
whoami-rajati think this can be done without a spec but that's just my opinion14:37
whoami-rajatlet's discuss these again when the whole team is back, most probably next week14:39
whoami-rajatthat's all the topics we had, moving on to open discussion14:39
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:39
whoami-rajatSachinMore, i think you had a query to ask14:40
SachinMoreI did, but our dev guy is not able to join 14:40
SachinMoreso it will have to wait14:40
yuvalI have a q14:40
yuvalits related to third party ci - is it ok?14:41
whoami-rajatSachinMore, ok, we've weekly meetings so you can also add your topic to next weeks meeting agenda14:41
whoami-rajatyuval, sure, go ahead14:41
yuvallets say I am running a test on a patch set - the overall env -meaning the other projects like nova neutron14:42
yuvalthey need to be in which branch - xena master?14:42
yuvalor some yoga release?14:42
simondodsleyi would say that you should always run the master branch for every project14:43
yuvalor I shouldnt do integration tests on cinder internal?14:43
whoami-rajatyuval, do you mean which release you should run the tempest suite against? the current development cycle is yoga14:43
whoami-rajatas simon said ^^14:43
simondodsleywhich is the current master branch14:43
yuvalok, master in opendev not master on github14:44
simondodsleysame - its a mirror14:44
whoami-rajatgithub is a mirror opendev14:44
yuvalI see14:44
yuvalI am currently using kolla with dev mode 14:45
yuvaland running with master14:45
yuvalso that is ok right?14:45
yuvalwhen I get a new patch set - I will check it out in my cinder dir, and run tempest14:45
simondodsleyUsing Software Factory to build your CI is probably a better way to go. That seems to be thje general direction now14:46
yuvaland regarding the logs - which files should I expose?14:47
yuvaltempest logs14:47
simondodsleyIf you use SF then it is all done for you14:47
jungleboyjsimondodsley: Is there documentation somewhere on the best practices for doing that?14:48
jungleboyjUsing SF?14:48
yuvalI am afraid 17 Jan is to close to change CI framework14:48
simondodsleySadly not. We are currently rebuilding our CI to support NVMe and are using SF - we will try and document this as much as possible for the community14:48
yuvalbut I will sure take a look14:48
jungleboyjsimondodsley:  That would be great!14:48
whoami-rajati think simondodsley  also gave a presentation on software factory14:50
whoami-rajatcan't remember which PTG or midcycle it was but recording should be available in the cinder channel14:50
simondodsleyAt one of the last PTGs one of the Pure guys gave a presentation (it's recorded) but it was high level, not implementation detail14:50
jungleboyjwhoami-rajat:   Oh, that is right.14:50
whoami-rajatjungleboyj++ for uploading all the videos14:51
jungleboyj:-)  My pleasure.14:52
yuvalthere are also meeting with video?14:53
whoami-rajat7 minutes left, do we have anything else for open discussion?14:53
jungleboyjOnce a month we do the meetings in video.14:53
whoami-rajatyuval, last meeting of every month is video + all PTG, midcycles are in video14:53
jungleboyjThen we record all the Project Team Gathering meetings and mid-cycles.14:53
yuvaland what framework is use zoom?14:54
whoami-rajatBluejeans as of now but we might shift to something else in future14:54
yuvalI see ok14:54
whoami-rajatlooks like there's nothing else to discuss, we can close 3 minutes early14:57
whoami-rajatThanks everyone for attending and happy new year once again!14:57
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jan  5 14:57:47 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:57
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
yuvalgreat to communicate with some people!14:58
yuvalThanks for all the help14:58
whoami-rajatyuval, happy to help, you can ask further queries in the #openstack-cinder channel anytime14:59
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