Thursday, 2022-02-24

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gouthamr#startmeeting manila15:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Feb 24 15:02:39 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:02
andrebeltrami[m]hello 15:02
angioluccihi everyone15:03
gouthamro/ hi everyone15:04
gouthamrcourtesy ping: ganso dviroel carloss tbarron felipe_rodrigues ecsantos15:04
* gouthamr is it just me, or irccloud flaky today?15:04
gouthamr#chair carloss 15:05
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: carloss gouthamr15:05
gouthamr^ just in case net-splits, and i'm speaking to myself15:05
gouthamralthough it appears like i'm okay:
gouthamr#topic Announcements15:06
gouthamralright, we15:06
gouthamrare at feature freeze15:06
gouthamrwe hope to ship out a client by tomorrow15:07
gouthamr^ python-manilaclient* only.. 15:07
gouthamrafter tomorrow, no feature changes will be accepted into manila, or manila-ui until RC1 has been shipped15:08
gouthamrthe target date for RC1 is Mar 1115:08
gouthamrthat's the announcements i had, any one else got any?15:09
gouthamr#topic Zorilla cycle PTG Planning15:10
gouthamr^ a reminder here to add your topic proposals to the planning etherpad15:10
gouthamr#link (PTG Planning Etherpad) 15:11
gouthamr#topic M-3 Bugsquash15:12
gouthamrmore like RC1 bug squash :) 15:12
gouthamrwe're planning to have a bugsquash that begins next thursday15:12
gouthamrfabiooliveira, carloss and i have been chatting about it a bit, we'll share some more details over the openstack-discuss mailing list15:13
gouthamras has been the case with the last several bugsquashes15:15
gouthamrwe'll have this one run for a week and close out on March 10th15:15
gouthamri hope you can all participate and review patches :) 15:16
gouthamri'll brainstorm with vhari to put up a list of bugs that need attention -- but, feel free to bring your own bug as always 15:17
gouthamrany concerns with the timing, or the plan?15:18
gouthamrwe'll switch to a bugsquash kick-off/bug triage meeting on meetpad next week at this time instead of having this IRC meeting15:19
gouthamrif there's no concerns, i hope you all are excited to close out on a bug or two next week :D15:21
gouthamr#topic M-3 feature reviews tracking15:21
gouthamrlots of movement on this etherpad15:21
gouthamrand some comments for deferring some things to the Zorilla cycle15:22
gouthamrlets chat about15:24
gouthamrAdmin only metadata keys/Metadata API15:24
gouthamr#link 15:25
gouthamrashrodri: what's the status of these? 15:25
ashrodrio/ right so I had zuul passing for the shares refactoring til I started rebasing on the recent changes, but ive almost got that cleaned up15:27
ashrodritempest trim is passing zuul and could use another coupler eviews15:28
ashrodriI think its a good idea to defer the featureful changes to Zorilla cycle, and keep the tempest trim and shares refactoring for this cycle, thoughts?15:28
gouthamrokay.. 15:29
gouthamraside from the behavior change that's warranting the removal of a metadata test:, there are no feature changes in the shares patch15:30
gouthamrin other words, is a refactor with no end-user impact (besides the invalid corner case that we've beaten to death)15:31
gouthamri can live with that15:31
gouthamrhaixin,felipe_rodrigues, carloss wdyt?15:32
carlosssounds good15:32
* carloss added his vote to the tempest removal change :)15:32
carlosstempest test*15:33
ashrodrithanks carloss++15:33
carlossyw :)15:34
felipe_rodriguesgood too15:34
gouthamrgreat, thank you! lets move on.. 15:35
gouthamrAdd support to multiple subnets per AZ15:35
gouthamr#link 15:36
gouthamrmerge conflicts and some review comments, how are these looking, felipe_rodrigues ecsantos[m] andrebeltrami[m] 15:36
felipe_rodriguesFrom the core patch, there are some reviews thank you gouthamr, carloss and dviroel15:37
felipe_rodriguesI already addressed them and rebased.. Now, there some unit tests to be fixed, I'm working on it! A new patch will be sent soon15:38
sfernandwe also have reviews for both ontap and containers15:38
sfernandwe are working to have all comments addressed including unit tests by the end of the day15:39
sfernandthanks a lot carloss and dviroel for taking some time to review our patches15:39
ecsantos[m]Thanks for the review on the Container side carloss! I'm already addressing your comments and should publish a new patchset today :)15:40
andrebeltrami[m]from manila client, I already added the new check operation, and received some review from carloss thanks. I'm fixing the comments15:40
andrebeltrami[m]from tempest, I implemented more tests and I already fixed the comments from dviroel. Thank you dviroel. Waiting the new ps from core to submit the tempest changes. 15:40
gouthamrawesome thanks for the updates and the reviews15:40
carlossyw :)15:40
gouthamrtaking a pause here and looking at the clock, the client patch here is the one that needs to go out on time, or get deferred15:41
gouthamrsince these changes are all backwards compatible, there's no regression if the client doesn't include these new features... but, we've tried hard to get new features in alongside the server each release15:42
andrebeltrami[m]a new functional test from manila client depends on the core patch, it's a problem? 15:44
andrebeltrami[m]I am addressing the comments from carloss and I'll update the ps today15:44
gouthamrat the same time, i don't want us to get burnt out and rush things in.. lets take our time with the reviews and take a call about how to handle this on #openstack-manila after this meeting15:44
carloss> a new functional test from manila client depends on the core patch, it's a problem? 15:45
carlossan alternative to that would be to add the functional test after15:45
carlossi'd say it's not the ideal scenario15:45
carlosss/the functional test/this specific functional test15:46
gouthamrandrebeltrami[m]: in the worst case, we'll end up merging the core patches, and leave the client changes for zorilla -- they can merge next week, and we can request a new release15:46
gouthamrbut, lets see how that pans out.. won't count it out if everything's looking good.. 15:46
gouthamras is the mantra at this time of the release: all hands on deck :) 15:47
felipe_rodriguesI think the client can be merged until tomorrow.. We have tested with the core patch locally.. 15:47
sfernandthat sounds reasonable. Would be nice to have it merged too and I believe all comments aren't really critical15:47
gouthamrgreat.. 15:47
gouthamrlets discuss the last feature changes on the etherpad15:47
gouthamr#link (privsep migration)15:48
carlossboth of these looking quite close15:49
carlossmore eyes would be appreciated :D15:49
gouthamryes, these look good to me; they're a good start to the migration which will hopefully be  complete in the zorilla cycle15:50
gouthamrvkmc: would you be able to take a look?15:51
vkmcgouthamr, sure thing15:51
vkmc:) 15:51
gouthamralright, are we missing any other feature change?15:51
gouthamr#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:53
gouthamro/ vhari, do we want to triage any bugs in the time left? 15:53
vharigouthamr, lets take a look at #link 15:53
gouthamr#link 15:53
vharilooking to set importance and prio 15:55
sfernandthat could be assigned to me15:56
vkmcseems like there is a workaround15:56
vkmcand it's more like a user experience thing 15:56
gouthamryeah, an ux improvement, it looks like this could go the way of deferred deletion too15:56
vkmcso, importance medium? 15:56
gouthamrlooks like "low" to me, but annoying for sure; maybe something to address at the bugsquash!15:58
felipe_rodriguesLow +115:58
vharigouthamr, I will set it to a Med for now and park it for bugsquash 15:58
gouthamr:) okay, np 15:59
vhariwith that .. that's all the time we have for bugs today  :)15:59
gouthamr#topic Open Discussion15:59
gouthamrunder 1 min for any snarky comments :)15:59
gouthamrand you've had your time16:00
gouthamrthanks for coding all the changes and for reviewing, everyone16:00
gouthamrsee you on #openstack-manila16:00
gouthamrand at the bugsquash call next week16:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Feb 24 16:00:56 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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