Wednesday, 2022-05-11

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed May 11 14:00:02 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
fabiooliveirahi o/14:00
whoami-rajatnow i see enough people so guess we can get started14:03
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:03
whoami-rajatfirst, Cinder mid-cycle-1 coming up (Add your topics!)14:03
whoami-rajatAs decided few weeks ago, the date for Midcycle-1 is decided to be 1st June which is Wednesday from 1400-1600 UTC14:03
whoami-rajatSo add your topics to the following etherpad, I've already added the PTG topics that were not covered due to time shortage at the PTG14:04
whoami-rajatthat includes 3 of your topics rosmaita 14:05
whoami-rajatjust letting you know in case!14:05
whoami-rajatmoving on14:05
whoami-rajatsecond, Cinder festival of XS reviews overlapping with Red Hat recharge day14:06
whoami-rajatRedHat has a company holiday coming up that overlaps with our festival of XS reviews i.e. on Friday 20th May14:06
whoami-rajatMost of our team members (that are from RedHat) won't be able to join festival of XS reviews due to this holiday14:06
whoami-rajatthe current proposal is, should we shift the festival of XS reviews to the next friday like we did before? i.e. 20th May -> 27th May14:06
whoami-rajatif not, we can do a poll for it14:06
whoami-rajatagain, apologies, i wasn't able to attend the last one, and thanks rosmaita for conducting it!14:07
whoami-rajatso suggestions?14:07
* whoami-rajat hears crickets14:08
rosmaitai can do either 20 or 2714:08
fabiooliveiraI see no problem in moving it14:09
whoami-rajatwe can decide in next meeting as well but better if we finalized today so people are aware14:09
caiquemello[m]no problem moving it too14:09
whoami-rajatok, I will ask again next meeting but looks like the momentum is for moving it14:10
whoami-rajatso for now, the new date is 27th14:10
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for the feedback14:10
whoami-rajatlet's move on to topics14:10
whoami-rajat#topic Introduce service token support for Swift backup driver14:11
whoami-rajattobias-urdin, that's you14:11
tobias-urdinso there is a proposed patch to add support for trusts to the swift backup driver, but that seems more like a workaround14:11
tobias-urdinso i proposed a patch to support passing a X-Service-Token header with a service token handled by cinder to swift instead14:12
tobias-urdinnow, this should solve the problem in that the receiving service (swift) can allow the X-Auth-Token even if it's expired14:13
tobias-urdinallowing long running processes, same as done with glance/nova integration14:13
rosmaitai like this way better than trying to do the trusts stuff14:13
tobias-urdinthe bad thing is that ceph radosgw's implementation of keystone auth didn't support it yet, so i had to propose support for that there as well14:14
tobias-urdinbut openstack swift should already support it as far as i can tell14:14
tobias-urdini added a more brief explaination in the launchpad bug, just wanted to bring some attention to it14:15
tobias-urdinimplementation wise i favoured just keeping the service credentials within cinder and not pass it down to python-swiftclient, just pass the header it should send14:15
tobias-urdinlet me know what you think about it :)14:15
tobias-urdinsed /brief/in-depth/g prob the correct phrasing there14:16
whoami-rajatsounds good, interested folks can take a look at the patches and comment provided by tobias-urdin 14:17
whoami-rajatand by interested i mean the cinder team ^14:17
whoami-rajatany other comment/query on the same?14:18
whoami-rajatlooks like not, so review the patch mentioned above14:19
whoami-rajatand moving on to the next topic14:19
whoami-rajat#topic Followup to "Move install_command constraints to deps"14:19
whoami-rajatrosmaita, that's you14:19
tobias-urdinthanks for your time14:19
whoami-rajatnp, thank you tobias-urdin 14:19
rosmaitajust following up from last meeting14:19
rosmaitalooks like what we're doing is fine14:19
rosmaitayou can look at the discussion on the glance patch if you are interested in details14:20
rosmaitathat's all!14:20
whoami-rajatack, thanks for bringing it up, i will followup with the discussion14:20
geguileorosmaita: thanks for the confirmation :-)14:20
whoami-rajatmoving on14:21
whoami-rajat#topic Perparing for stable releases of Wallaby, Xena, and Yoga14:21
whoami-rajatlooks like jbernard is not around14:21
whoami-rajatso i will cover up for him14:21
whoami-rajatwe released victoria final release14:21
whoami-rajatbut it has some patches that are unreleased in more recent stable branches i.e. yoga, xena, wallaby14:22
whoami-rajatso we decided to do a quick followup release to keep the branches in sync14:22
whoami-rajatwe've some open patches in few branches and Jon and I have confirmed (but other's can look at other branches if we missed something)14:22
whoami-rajatall of them are in the cinder repo14:23
whoami-rajatso if those get merged soon, we can do a stable release14:23
whoami-rajatso stable cores can take a look -- links in etherpad14:23
whoami-rajatthat's all for this topic14:24
whoami-rajatand i don't see anymore topics14:25
whoami-rajatso we can move to open discussion14:25
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:25
rosmaitaI want to ask for reviews again for a Yoga "Known Issue", namely "Don't destroy existing backup by mistake on import"14:26
rosmaitai mean, we really don't want to destroy existing backups by mistake14:26
rosmaita(though apparently i am a minority view on that one)14:26
whoami-rajati will take a look14:27
enriquetasoI have a simple tempest test for Deleting Volumes Which are consumed as a basis for others that we might want as well!14:27
enriquetasoAlso feel free to review :)14:28
enriquetasoalready have one +2 14:28
rosmaitayes, let's review enriquetaso's
rosmaitait's been open for over a year14:29
rosmaitalet's get it out of her life so she can move on14:29
whoami-rajatI've added the links to the etherpad so people that are not present and reading the etherpad later can take a look as well14:30
dwhite4Hello, I recently submitted some driver changes if anyone gets a chance to take a look:
rosmaitageguileo should like that one, i think cinderlib is the primary consumer of get_driver_options14:34
whoami-rajatdwhite4, ack, added your link as well to the etherpad14:34
dwhite4thanks! 14:34
geguileorosmaita: iirc there is also some installers using it14:35
geguileorosmaita: hemna ^14:35
rosmaitamakes sense for installers, i hadn't thought of that14:36
geguileobut yes, I like those patches  lol14:36
rosmaitaall the more reason for the response to be accurate14:36
simondodsleycan we get reviews for this as well:
simondodsleyJust needs a +W14:37
whoami-rajatIf we don't have anything else to discuss, we can close early and give the remaining time to review the patches mentioned above14:37
whoami-rajatall are added to L#116 of the etherpad
rosmaitasimondodsley: what's the status of the Purity NVMe-RoCE driver?14:37
simondodsleyWe are struggling with Software Factory 14:38
simondodsleyI know - its a complete nightmare14:38
simondodsleyCan't even get the iSCSI and FC drivers to work correctly. Currently experiencing Neutron issues14:39
simondodsleysomething weird with devstack14:39
rosmaitathat sounds ... unpleasant14:39
simondodsleyWe have an NVMe-Fc driver ready as well now, but need the CI14:39
simondodsleysomething to do with `geneve`14:40
* geguileo jumps of joy at the thought of NVMe-FC14:40
simondodsleyno idea at the moment14:40
whoami-rajatending meeting early as nothing else to discuss and we can continue in #openstack-cinder14:43
whoami-rajatthanks everyone, please take a look at the review requests!14:43
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed May 11 14:43:49 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:43
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjThank you!14:46
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