Thursday, 2022-07-21

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jul 21 15:00:10 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: vkmc felipe_rodrigues ecsantos vhari fabiooliveira15:00
carlosshello and welcome everyone15:04
carlosssmaller crowd today15:04
carlosslet's start with our meeting agenda:15:04
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:05
carlossNew driver deadline is next week!15:06
carlosswe have one candidate #link (Add Macrosan Manila driver)15:06
carlossI have posted a review two days ago in the change15:07
carlossI am waiting for updates from the change owner15:07
carlosswe are quite close to the new driver deadline, so the more eyes the merrier15:08
dviroelyeah, I owe a review on that one15:08
carlossI'm happy to see the CI passing in the latest PS - we all know that CI setup is not that trivial and I'm glad to see that fzzf got it working... thank you ecsantos[m] for the assistance you provided15:09
carlossdviroel: some eyes there would be appreciated :D15:09
carlossI am unsure if we will need an exception, but if that is the case, we can check on the state of the change on the next week's meeting15:10
carlossand if necessary, we will talk about it15:10
carlossthis change has been up for ~2 cycles, and there was quite an effort from the owner to put the CI together and so on15:10
carlosslet's see the progress and we will circle back on the topic next week15:11
carlossAnd last announcement I have for today:15:11
carlossyou may have seen an email in the mailing list, where they were asking for mentors to this year's Open Source day during the Grace Hopper Celebration event15:12
carloss#link (Call for mentors)15:12
carlossin the past, the zorillas actively participated as mentors and I think we can continue doing so on this year's event15:13
carlosssome more informations about GHC15:13
carlosswhat would be the expectations from mentors?15:13
carlossone of the ideas is to show the open source world to mentees and talk about things we usually do and are used to15:14
carlossmentors will usually help the mentees to set up an environment and usually we get low hanging fruit bugs to solve with the mentees15:14
carlossso we go over what and how is the process of contributing to changes, running tests and so on15:15
carlossand hopefully the mentee will have their first contribution to an open source project at the end of their day15:15
carlossIt's usually nice and rewarding tbh15:15
carlossthe date of this year's Open Source day at GHC is September 16th15:16
carlossso I'd like to invite you to be a mentor this year15:16
carlossashrodri vhari vkmc - you are usual suspects that had participation over the last years15:17
carlosscaiquemello[m], sfernand, felipe_rodrigues: would some netappers be willing to join the mentors team? :)15:18
carlossI'm pinging the usual suspects, but it is open for everyone and we would be lucky to have you as a mentor15:18
carlossif you would like to participate, please ping me today... I'm willing to answer Kendall with an approximate number of mentors today15:20
felipe_rodriguesat least from my side, this time i cant, fully busy :/ 15:20
caiquemello[m]i will take a look and ping you later =), maybe pair with someone else, but i will see15:20
carlossthanks! :D15:21
carlossthat's all I had for announcements15:21
carlossdo you have an announcement to share with us today?15:22
* carloss taking silence as a no15:23
carloss#topic Review Focus15:23
carloss#link (Review Focus Etherpad)15:23
carlossone of the changes I'd like to highlight as I already said is the new driver, which is kind of close to the deadline15:24
carlossand also, some changes from OSC, which the deadline for the release where we want to reach parity is in one month15:25
carlossand the OSC functional tests:
carlosswe also have ashrodri's metadata changes15:26
carlossthey've been up for a while15:26
carlossso I think we can concentrate some effort on it for this week and the next one :)15:26
felipe_rodriguesis there any deadline for OSC functional  tests ?15:26
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carlossit would be nice to have the functional tests merged alongside the commands in z-315:27
felipe_rodriguesgot it15:27
carlossfor some coverage :)15:28
carlossis there any other change you'd like to bring our attention to?15:28
carlosscool, next topic...15:30
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:30
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:31
vharicarloss, ty 15:31
vhariso the bug backlog is keeping steady at 83 today 15:31
vhariand there is one new bug to triage for this week 15:31
vhari#link   15:31
carlossoh, related to share server manage/unmanage15:32
vhariack gouthamr looked into this issue , 15:33
carlossthat's a good catch - I think we haven't heard many people complaining about it because it may not be that easy to hit this issue15:33
carlossI mean, the share servers would need to have very similar identifiers15:34
carlossactually it would depend on what the share server was named in the backend - if there's a pattern for naming share servers in the backend and the admins manage share servers frequently15:35
carlossthen I think this is a big deal15:35
carlossI'd vote for medium15:35
carlossyeah, that db query should possibly be modified15:38
carlossdoes anyone oppose to medium prio?15:40
carlossmilestone I think we should say z-315:40
carlossand is there someone willing to take this bug?15:41
felipe_rodrigueseasy to reproduce and the fix is on the query, right ? 15:43
felipe_rodriguesI can take it15:44
vharifelipe_rodrigues++ 15:45
carlossthank you felipe_rodrigues! :)15:45
vharicarloss, I update the bug and that does it for bugs today  :)15:46
carlossthank you vhari15:47
carloss#topic Open Discussion15:47
carlossas we were speaking, an announcement was made15:47
carlosswe have a name for the next OpenStack release15:47
carlossthe name is: Antelope15:47
carlossthank you for the participation :)15:48
carlossokay, thank you for joining today's meeting15:50
carlosslet's continue on #openstack-manila15:50
carlosstty! :)15:50
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jul 21 15:50:34 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:50
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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