Wednesday, 2022-08-24

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Aug 24 14:00:40 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
geguileohi! o/14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
jungleboyjo/ kind of ... multi-tasking.14:01
whoami-rajatgood turnout today14:04
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:04
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:04
whoami-rajati think the first two announcements are by rosmaita , would you like to do it?14:04
rosmaitaas agreed last week, we proposed to EOL cinderlib on stable/train and stable/ussuri14:06
rosmaitathe release team is OK with the patches, but have put a hold to give people time to respond14:06
rosmaitahaven't heard anything in a week so far14:06
rosmaitawhat will happen is that they will tag the branches with 'train-eol' or 'ussuri-eol'14:07
rosmaitaand then delete the branches14:07
rosmaitaso if you need them, you can always checkout the tag14:07
rosmaitanext item14:07
rosmaitawe agreed at the midcycle that third-party CI should run on all os-brick changes14:08
rosmaitaso there's an announcement to the ML:14:08
rosmaitano responses to that one either14:08
rosmaitahopefully the driver maintainers have seen it14:09
whoami-rajatto all vendors in the meeting ^14:09
rosmaitayes, we should point out to any new people14:09
geguileorosmaita: I realized something we'll have to merge and backport in Cinder for cinderlib...14:09
geguileorosmaita: because afaik the primary user of cinderlib is oVirt to attach RBD volumes, and with the removal of the keyring, we broke it14:10
geguileorosmaita: I have a patch to fix this in Cinder (will only work with Cinderlib)14:10
geguileoso no security issue for Cinder14:10
rosmaitai thought we had merged that, or am i thinking of something else?14:10
geguileoit's now failing on mypy, but it should be ok otherwise14:10
geguileorosmaita: I thought we had already merged it as well14:10
geguileorosmaita: but it turns out we didn't, so iirc right now cinderlib is broken for RBD14:11
geguileorosmaita: oooooh, wait, wait, we merged that14:11
geguileorosmaita: this is a second patch, for when the config is not under /etc/ceph (which is usually the case in cinderlib)14:11
rosmaitaah, ok14:12
geguileoanyway, just wanted to give the fyi on that one14:12
geguileowe can continue, and once CI says it's ok I'll go around with the usual begging for reviews14:12
rosmaitaguess we need to prioritize getting cinderlib master open for zed development14:12
rosmaitafinal thing i wanted to say to driver maintainers14:12
rosmaitayou may know this already14:13
rosmaitabut when we send stuff to the openstack-discuss mailing list about the cinder project, we put '[cinder]' in the subject line so you can filter easily14:13
rosmaitafor stuff that impacts driver maintainers, we also put '[cinder][drivers]' in the subject line14:13
rosmaitaso you should *really* pay attention to those14:14
whoami-rajatrosmaita, would be good to get a current status on cinderlib Zed development (maybe later), I'm kind of not updated there14:14
rosmaitaok, let's see if there's time during open discussion14:14
rosmaita(i am not completely updated myself, tbh)14:14
rosmaitathough now i remember, so let's talk later14:15
whoami-rajatI'm sure more updated than me !14:15
geguileowhoami-rajat: the tldr; is that it's broken14:15
whoami-rajatsounds good14:15
whoami-rajatgeguileo, :( so it's in the state i last remember14:16
geguileowhoami-rajat: yeah, I've been a bit busy with the unit tests mess14:16
rosmaitabusy indeed!14:16
* whoami-rajat will pay more attention to cinderlib after M-314:16
whoami-rajatdon't forget quotas!14:17
geguileowhoami-rajat: oh I haven't!!14:17
rosmaitageguileo has nightmares about quotas14:17
geguileo(I have nightmares with it now)14:17
geguileorosmaita: you know me so well!!14:17
whoami-rajatso we can discuss about cinderlib if we get time after the topics14:18
whoami-rajatrosmaita, anything else from the first two announcements?14:18
rosmaitanope, i think that's all14:20
whoami-rajatok, thanks for the announcements14:20
whoami-rajatnext, os-brick release this week14:20
whoami-rajatwe've the os-brick release deadline tomorrow14:20
whoami-rajatI've created an etherpad from which most of the changes have merged14:21
whoami-rajatI've left a -1 on the release patch for the meantime14:21
whoami-rajatnot all the patches are release critical but good to have them merged 14:21
geguileothis one would be good to have merged:
geguileothat together with a cinder patch can prevent unit tests not returning to the shell14:22
whoami-rajatgeguileo, yep, i was reviewing it but the meeting started, will finish it after the meeting14:22
whoami-rajatthat sounds great!14:22
rosmaitawe should probably merge it, we're supposed to be supporting py 3.9, and that seems to be where it happens14:23
geguileorosmaita: this is a different blocking  ;-)14:23
geguileothere are 2 kinds of blockings    rofl14:23
geguileobecause, why not!14:23
geguileothis is a weird interaction of the garbage collector calling the close method of the wrapper14:24
rosmaitageguileo is laughing because otherwise he would be crying14:24
geguileorosmaita: yup14:24
whoami-rajatthere is also a topic dedicated to UTs by geguileo later during the meeting14:25
whoami-rajatnext, Antelope PTG Registration14:25
whoami-rajatby this time everyone might be aware that the Antelope PTG in october is going to be virtual14:26
whoami-rajatbut some people might not have registered before thinking it's in person and forgot about it later14:26
whoami-rajatso for a reminder, please register for the upcoming PTG, it's virtual and free14:26
whoami-rajatthat's all for announcements14:27
whoami-rajatlet's move on to topics14:28
whoami-rajat#topic Our Unit Tests are a broken clock14:28
whoami-rajatnice heading14:28
whoami-rajatgeguileo, that's you14:28
geguileoso basically it's by pure luck that our unit tests run successfully14:28
geguileowe have all kicks of madness going on there14:29
geguileoand it's easy to see by running tox -epy39 -- --random14:29
geguileoif you can run that 3 times without a failure, you should play the lottery, because your luck is out of this world14:29
geguileobesides the 10 to 15 seconds tests we have that abishop is working on14:30
geguileoI have found that our test runs may just get stuck14:30
abishopI think my patches to eliminate timed delays all merged14:30
geguileoabishop: didn't know if you had more you were working on or not, thanks14:31
geguileotoday I hit the blocking issue at the gate
geguileothat's on py3814:31
geguileoand it shows as the CI job timing out14:31
geguileoI have a whole series of patches (16 or so) fixing unit test issues14:32
geguileolinks on the etherpad14:32
geguileoI just want to point out 4 things here for reviewers and coders14:32
geguileo- Look at the results of the unit tests jobs when new UTs are being added to confirm there are no >1sec new test14:33
geguileo- Make sure that data in '' are static values, otherwise those tests are not executed14:34
geguileo- Use self.mock_object and self.patch and NEVER, EVER replace things with something.another = mock.Mock()14:35
geguileoBecause when that happens on a library you'll break tests that come afterwards14:35
geguileo- Preferrably don't use global variables (or class attributes) with data that is going to be used in the tests unless they are not going to be modified14:36
geguileootherwise even if you usually use copy and deepcopy, you will eventually forget somewhere and make your tests flaky14:36
geguileoas success will depend on the order in which they are run14:36
geguileoA lot of examples of these last 2 in the patches I have proposed14:36
geguileoOne of the patches proposes adding  --random to how we run stestr14:37
geguileoto try to detect these sooner14:37
geguileooh, and for anyone that uses 'stestr run --load-list XYZ' to reproduce a gate job tests in the same order14:38
geguileothey should know that that is currently broken in stestr14:38
geguileoI have proposed a patch to fix it:
geguileoand that's all I wanted to complain about14:39
whoami-rajatthere are a series of patches on the etherpad that geguileo mentioned fixes our UTs so please review14:40
rosmaitai don't think it counts as complaining when you have posted all those patches fixing stuff14:40
whoami-rajatrosmaita, +114:41
whoami-rajatthanks for all the work on this geguileo !14:41
geguileofingers cross that those are the only big issues for a while14:41
toskygeguileo: just one question: stestr is pinned in requirements.git for each release14:43
geguileotosky: I don't know WHEN they broke that feature14:43
toskyso what does it mean for older releases? I guess the unit test fixes are still valid to be backported, but the older branches won't benefit much14:43
toskyor at least partially14:44
geguileoin my opinion for older branches I wouldn't backport the fixes14:44
geguileounless they are problematic for another backport14:44
toskyuhm, the "when it broke" is a good question, I hope stestr maintainers could help14:44
geguileotosky: well, the feature that broke is not related to all those fixes14:44
geguileotosky: I think I wasn't clear on what is broken in stestr14:44
geguileoso when you run tox for unit tests, or when it runs at the gate and it fails14:45
geguileobut you run it locally and it doesn't14:45
geguileoit's usually because tests are executed in a different order14:45
geguileoso it's a problem with some test that is not mocking things properly and breaks later tests14:45
geguileothe way to reproduce this locally is not download the subunit file from the gate14:46
geguileosee the worker number that has failed in the logs14:46
geguileoextract that worker tests into a file14:46
toskyoh, but then wouldn't it make sense to backport them then?14:46
geguileoand tell stestr to load that file and run it in that order14:46
geguileoand that is the part that's broken in stestr, that it doesn't preserve the order of the list14:47
geguileoso you can't reproduce the issues at the gate14:47
geguileoso it doesn't affect our gates14:47
geguileo(the stestr bug)14:47
geguileoonly our avility to reproduce the issues to fix things14:47
eharneyi suspect we'll want to backport some, like
geguileoeharney: yeah, probably the generic 3 generic ones14:48
eharneymany of them probably could be ignored for backport until obviously needed, as they've sat and run in the gates for years, mostly working14:48
geguileo(first 3)14:48
geguileoeharney: +114:48
geguileoif it's not broken, don't touch it  ;-)14:49
geguileoif there's nothing else, we can continue or finish14:52
whoami-rajatwe've open discussion :)14:52
whoami-rajatso that's all the topics had for today, let's move to open discussion14:52
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:52
whoami-rajatone thing i wanted to mention, we've the feature freeze next week so make sure to review the feature patches14:53
whoami-rajatrosmaita, would you like to provide an update on cinderlib or we can discuss that later?14:54
rosmaitareal quick, here's what's going on14:55
rosmaitacurrent cinderlib master is running gate CI against cinder and os-brick stable/yoga14:55
rosmaitathe patch to open it to zed development will run it against cinder/os-brick master14:55
rosmaitaand that is failing14:55
rosmaitamostly due to database changes, i believe14:56
rosmaitaso if you propose a patch to master right now, i think the CI will be green14:56
rosmaitabut that's not a "real" green CI14:57
rosmaitasorry, got distracted for a minute14:58
rosmaitathis is the patch opening cinderlib for zed development14:58
rosmaitaanyway, we could merge the rbd keyring fix to master now and backport it as necessary15:00
rosmaitait would just be a little weird15:00
geguileorosmaita: oh, that's a cinder patch15:00
geguileobut it's for cinderlib15:00
rosmaitaoh, then there's no problem wiht that15:00
rosmaitaok, good, because i wasn't liking what i suggested there15:00
rosmaitacan we delete the last 10 lines from teh meeting log?15:01
whoami-rajatdoesn't look doable but we can end meeting quickly15:01
whoami-rajatwe're already out of time15:02
rosmaitayes, please do, before i say anything else stupid15:02
whoami-rajatthanks for the update rosmaita 15:02
whoami-rajatand thanks everyone for attending15:02
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Aug 24 15:02:44 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:02
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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