Wednesday, 2022-11-02

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Nov  2 14:00:01 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
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whoami-rajatWelcome everyone back after the PTG14:03
whoami-rajatit was a good week of useful discussions14:03
whoami-rajatand that is related to my first announcement14:03
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:03
whoami-rajatPTG Summary14:04
whoami-rajatI've created a summary of all the topics we've discussed with links to the etherpad and recordings14:04
whoami-rajatto all the people who couldn't make it to the PTG, they can watch the sessions they're interested in14:05
whoami-rajat(since i don't expect anyone watching 16 hours of video meeting)14:05
whoami-rajatmoving on14:05
jungleboyjDid I get all the recordings posted?14:05
whoami-rajatnext, Antelope schedule14:05
whoami-rajatjungleboyj, yes, as far as i checked14:06
whoami-rajatjungleboyj, thank you for uploading them!14:06
jungleboyjOk.  Good.  Just wanted to make sure I was caught up.14:06
whoami-rajatI calculated the total time of all the parts of a particular day and they added up to 3-4 hours so it looks good14:07
whoami-rajatok moving on then14:07
whoami-rajatnext, Antelope schedule14:07
whoami-rajatplease check the second link above ^ it contains the cinder specific cycle schedule of antelope14:08
whoami-rajatthe idea is to check for dates of deadlines and see if it has any conflicts14:08
whoami-rajatI've moved some deadlines since they overlap with the year end break14:08
whoami-rajatbut more eyes on it would be useful14:09
whoami-rajatlook in the "Project-specific events" column14:09
jungleboyjOne thing I see is that the Mid Cycle is the week after Thanksgiving.  Not sure if anyone is planning to be out the week after ...14:12
rosmaitamidcycle-1 date looks good, but midcycle-2 may be a holiday in Brazil ... i think most of our netapp people are there?14:12
jungleboyjrosmaita:  ++14:12
whoami-rajatack, this cycle is short so we've only so much weeks spare that the deadlines don't overlap14:13
whoami-rajatbut good feedback, maybe we can move it one week before or after14:13
jungleboyjLooking at things I think the Mid-Cycle 1 is probably best where it is before we get into December.14:13
whoami-rajati will remove midcycle 2 from my current review and we can decide later on the date14:14
whoami-rajatjungleboyj, yep, tried to keep it before the year end holidays14:14
jungleboyj++ and most people do vacation before Thanksgiving if they are going to take extra time off.14:15
whoami-rajatand it will be a good checkpoint for spec reviews and status14:15
whoami-rajatack, good feedback, will keep in mind14:15
whoami-rajatif you remember some more conflicts later, please leave a comment on my proposed patch14:16
whoami-rajatguess we can move on with the final announcement14:17
whoami-rajatWallaby moving to EM14:18
whoami-rajatthere is a patch proposed in releases project to move wallaby into EM14:18
whoami-rajatactually there is a patch for every project14:18
whoami-rajatsince Jon had a patch to release wallaby, it seemed like a good idea to get that one done first before moving into EM14:19
whoami-rajatso this will be the final wallaby release and after that we wallaby will be moved to EM14:19
whoami-rajatthat's all the announcements from my side14:20
whoami-rajatanyone has anything else?14:20
whoami-rajatguess not, so we can move to the next segment14:21
whoami-rajat#topic PTG Follow-up14:21
whoami-rajatrosmaita, i think you added it?14:21
rosmaitayeah, just wanted to say i did send in the revised user survey questions14:22
rosmaitathe other thing is the 'service' role 14:22
rosmaitathe policy-pop-up team wants to get it implemented by M-114:22
whoami-rajatyep, thanks for following up on that and mentioning it in the etherpad, I've added that in the PTG summary as well - DONE14:23
rosmaitawhich is coming up fast14:23
rosmaitathe spec hasn't been approved yet, so if you have any interest, might be worth leaving a +1 to help push it along14:23
rosmaitaabhishek from the glance team has volunteered to implement it14:24
rosmaitaso it's really a matter at this point to get the spec approved14:24
whoami-rajatrosmaita, the assignee is still mentioned as lbragstad, would be good if Abhishek takes a look and revises it14:24
rosmaitagood point14:25
rosmaitai'll mention it on the glance agenda for tomorrow14:25
whoami-rajati think reviewing the spec would be good to understand more about how/where to use it, I will take a look14:25
rosmaitathat's all from me14:27
whoami-rajatgreat, thanks for bringing it up14:27
whoami-rajatmoving on to next topic14:27
whoami-rajat#topic Outreachy update14:27
whoami-rajatis Sofia around?14:27
eharneyi think not14:28
whoami-rajatcan't find her with nick14:28
whoami-rajatSince I'm co-mentoring with her, i can take this topic14:28
whoami-rajatthis friday is the deadline for proposing the first patch and then an outreachy candidate can be considered for internship14:29
whoami-rajatwe haven't seen much contribution but one contributor has been actively working on a patch14:29
whoami-rajatand it is related to our outreachy intern project as well14:29
whoami-rajatso would be good to keep some eyes on14:29
whoami-rajati think that's all she wanted to mention14:31
whoami-rajatlet's move to the next topic14:31
whoami-rajat#topic EOL-ing older stable branches14:31
whoami-rajatrosmaita, that's you again14:31
rosmaitayeah, there has been some discussion on the ML14:31
rosmaitathe release team wants to EOL Queens across all projects14:32
rosmaitanova and ironic (and maybe neutron?) want to EOL rocky and stein as well14:32
rosmaitaso i was wondering if we would want to also EOL rocky and stein14:32
rosmaitaso to be clear about what this means14:33
rosmaitaeach branch will be tagged with an -eol tag, and then the stable branch will be deleted14:33
rosmaitaso no one can propose changes to it14:33
rosmaitabut, if someone needs it for some reason, they can check out the git tag14:33
rosmaitathe reason for us to stay in sync with nova is that if we run into problems in stable/rocky or stable/stein tempest tests, they won't be fixing anything14:34
rosmaitaso we might have to EOL at that point, anyway14:34
rosmaitathis way, we just get the branches out of our lives right now14:35
rosmaita... and i will shut up and see if anyone wants to say anything14:35
whoami-rajatI think I'm OK with this change since i don't even see people proposing backports after train14:35
whoami-rajateven maintaining CI on these branches is extra burden for us14:36
rosmaitayeah, there hasn't been much action on those branches at all recently14:36
rosmaitatrain is the last branch that supports python 2.7 iirc, so if there's some kind of security fix needed, it would be py27 compatible, and people could backport it themselves from train to whatever locally14:38
whoami-rajatmaybe Jon would have some feedback since he's our release maintainer but not sure14:38
jungleboyjI support doing this.  :-)14:38
whoami-rajatanyway, I'm in favor of it14:38
rosmaita(just checked, i am correct about py27 on train: )14:39
abdirosmaita: If i may ask.  From a third party cinder CI maintainer perspective.  What would be the impact? I don't suspect any but thought I'd ask. 14:39
rosmaitawell, we don't require third-party CI on the stable branches, just a statement on any backport patches that you have tested it on the stable branch and it's ok14:41
rosmaitaso i don't think there's much impact for CI14:41
abdiSounds good.14:41
rosmaitabut if you have customers on any of those old releases, you'll have to fix them privately14:42
rosmaitabecause there won't be an upstream branch to merge the changes to14:42
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: maybe ask jon to send something to the ML and see if there are any objections?14:42
rosmaitahe can use the nova email as a model14:43
abdiUnderstood.  In such cases, we have a strong case to get them to upgrade. 14:43
rosmaitaabdi: exactly!14:43
whoami-rajatrosmaita, sure, will do14:43
rosmaitasounds like all of us here are in favor14:44
jungleboyjNo concerns from me.  Most of the people I have heard of are  on Train as the oldest release.14:45
whoami-rajatrosmaita, anything else on this?14:47
rosmaitanothing from me14:47
whoami-rajatcool, let's move to the next few topics there14:47
rosmaita(sorry, sort of left you hanging there)14:47
whoami-rajatthere are a bunch of review requests14:47
whoami-rajatoh no problem14:47
whoami-rajat#topic request for review of
whoami-rajatganso, anything you would like to say about it apart from requesting reviews?14:48
whoami-rajatI've reviewed it btw14:48
gansowhoami-rajat: no, not really14:48
gansojust that we've been waiting for this fix for a while14:48
gansoI see no reason to delay it further14:48
gansoit would be nice to have some attention14:48
whoami-rajatyeah, glance is kind of moving towards multi store and we will start seeing these failures more often14:49
gansoif there is anything pending, please post to the gerrit patch, like test-coverage, improvements,e tc14:49
whoami-rajatrosmaita, maybe you could take a look from glance perpspective? ^14:49
gansowhoami-rajat: thanks for reviewing =)14:50
rosmaitaganso: i will review today14:50
whoami-rajatgreat, thanks ganso and rosmaita 14:50
rosmaitai think i did the nova patch it's based on14:50
whoami-rajatthen this would be familiar code changes, there are a bunch of things i don't understand14:50
whoami-rajatwould be good to get some clarity on them14:50
whoami-rajatcool, moving on to the next review request14:51
whoami-rajat#topic Request for review of
whoami-rajatabdi, i see it's introducing a new HPE driver, anything you would like to say about it?14:51
abdiThis one is mine.14:51
whoami-rajatcool, stage is yours14:52
abdiThe iSCSI tests consistently run into 2 volume swap test failures.  We believe to have root caused it to a potential race condition between os-brick and nova.14:53
abdiSo, I'd like to get a review and acceptance of the driver.14:53
abdiThe bug in question #link  14:54
whoami-rajatack, we target all drivers for M2, would be a good discussion topic for midcycle 1 as well14:54
abdiOk.  I'd love to get an early accept on this so I don't worry about it making it into the next release.14:55
whoami-rajatyes, will try to do that14:56
whoami-rajatabdi, anything else on this?14:56
abdirosmaita: There are a few comments on the patch it would be good for you to resolve after you've reviewed my comments.14:56
abdiOther than that.  Nothing else from me. 14:57
abdiI'll monitor the patch for your acceptance.  Thanks.14:57
whoami-rajatack, great14:57
whoami-rajatlet's quickly go over the last review request14:57
whoami-rajat#topic Request for review of
whoami-rajataneeeshp1, that's you14:58
rosmaitaabdi: ack14:58
aneeeshp1Hi all14:58
aneeeshp1Yes. i have addressed the comments received14:58
abdirosmaita: Thx.14:58
aneeeshp1Thank you for reviewing14:58
aneeeshp1Ci setup is now running and the driver passed tempest14:58
aneeeshp1I would like to request further review on the patch14:59
whoami-rajati remember there were CI issues due to which it couldn't get into Zed, good to know things are good now14:59
aneeeshp1Just to get it reviewed earlier to avoid missing the next release14:59
aneeeshp1whoami-rajat yes the CI is up now14:59
aneeeshp1Nothing else from me other than this request15:00
whoami-rajataneeeshp1, great, I will review and keep an eye on it15:00
whoami-rajatand we're out of time15:00
aneeeshp1whoami-rajat thank you15:00
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for joining!15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Nov  2 15:00:57 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjThank you!15:02
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