Thursday, 2022-11-10

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Nov 10 15:00:27 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: vkmc dviroel vhari gouthamr15:00
carlosshello everyone o/15:04
carlosstoday's meeting agenda:15:05
carlossfirst thing in our agenda today:15:06
carloss#topic Announcements15:06
carlossso, next week is m1 already!15:07
carlossI remember there were a couple of things targeted to m1, and one of them we'll talk about in a few15:08
carlosswe do want to get a couple of things merged earlier in the cycle though, but we'll talk about them later15:09
carlossI will let vhari share the details of the next announcement with you :)15:09
vharity carloss 15:11
vhariwe are planning the hackathon Wed 11/16-  Thur 11/1715:12
vhariAnd reserve FRi 11/18 to reviews 15:13
vharipls stay tuned for lkuchlan's email with details and links 15:13
vhariin the meantime feel free to take a peak at the kanban board 15:15
vhariand share any questions on the manila channel ahead of time 15:16
gouthamrsweet! Thanks for putting it together vhari / carloss / lkuchlan15:16
gouthamrlooking forward to the hackathon!15:17
carloss++ thanks vhari and lkuchlan :D15:19
carlossawesome, those were the announcements we had for today15:19
carlossis there another announcement you would like to share with us? :)15:19
carlossokay, going to the next topic15:22
carloss#topic Review Focus15:22
carlossour traditional review focus etherpad15:22
carlossI updated it withe the status of the changes15:23
carlosswe had two specs to review, one of them is merged now (oversubscription enhancements)15:23
carlossthe second one would be share backup15:23
carloss#link (Share backup spec)15:24
carlossI want to provide some feedback to this spec this week, but it would be nice to have more eyes on this15:24
carlossduring the previous meetings we have nominated some reviewers, but if you would like to provide kpdev some feedback, please do so15:25
carlossis there a change you would like to get our attention to in this meeting?15:27
ashrodrihey, metadata changes are super close to being merged, need a few more eyes15:28
ashrodrifor the tempest and cli changes15:28
carlossack ashrodri - I see there's some good progress in the manila-tempest-plugin, it has mine and lkuchlan's +2 - and I remember gouthamr also reviewed that change15:30
carlossgouthamr: when you have some cycles, could you please take a look?15:30
carlossthanks for mentioning the changes ashrodri - let's get those merged soon15:33
gouthamr- can do, but don’t know how early I can get to it carloss15:33
vharicarloss, I can have another look 15:34
carlossno problem gouthamr 15:34
carlossthanks vhari :D15:34
ashrodrithanks guys!15:34
haixini will also take a look :)15:35
carlossthanks haixin 15:35
carlossokay, next topic15:36
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:36
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:36
vharity carloss ..15:36
vhariI would like to share link to our new bug stats tracker
vhariso we can track bug arrival, triage movements over time 15:37
vharithe link is also included in our  main LP etherpad15:37
vhariwe briefly discussed the idea to revisit bug status for 'open' bugs during the ptg15:38
vhariI would like to encourage bug owners to have a look at their bugs and take a crack as correcting the status 15:39
gouthamrthis is cool!15:39
carloss++ - great info there vhari 15:39
vhariwe give bug owners first crack at this and hope with their help most of the open bugs will line up with their true status15:40
vhariany residual bugs will be devided among 'volunteers' :) for review and disposition 15:41
vharias always, any thoughts or feedback are welcome 15:41
vharithe idea is to correct and validate bug stats 15:42
vharithat said .. will jump to 1st new bug this week15:43
vhariit's a doc bug and looking for minor triage atm 15:43
vkmcI reported tha one and I'm expecting to work on it in the upcoming days 15:43
vkmcit comes from a user requests we had yesterday... regarding snapshots in the CephFS NFS driver 15:44
vharivkmc, \o   thanks for bringing this and the next one to our attention 15:44
vkmcwe could use some clarification wrt changes in how subvolumes work on Ceph newer versions15:44
vkmcactually... the snapshots bug has the text we need to include in the description... I classified it as a low hanging fruit, so if we have newcomers in the room that want to take a stab on it, I'm glad to help on that 15:45
carlossgreat vkmc - thanks for the report15:46
vhari^^ #link
carlossyou mentioned you intend to work on it, we're 1 week away from m1, should we target it for m2?15:46
carlossvkmc ^15:50
vharicarloss, we can set target to m-2 for now 15:50
carlosssure vhari 15:51
vharicarloss, and let vkmc tweak it as needed15:51
vkmccarloss, yeah, since it's an easy doc fix I thought we could get it in m1 15:51
vkmcbut m2 might be more reasonable for reviewers15:51
vharicarloss, so that's all the time we have for bugs today :)15:52
carlossvkmc++ - thanks15:53
carloss#topic Open Discussion15:53
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carlossokay, silence in open discussion :D15:55
carlosslet's get 5 minutes back to our days15:55
carlossthank you for joining! see you in #openstack-manila15:55
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Nov 10 15:55:58 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:55
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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