Wednesday, 2022-11-16

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Nov 16 14:00:04 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajatreasonable attendance, let's get started14:04
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:05
whoami-rajatfirst, Cinder festival of XS reviews this friday14:05
whoami-rajatlast time it was in PTG week and we didn't get enough time to do it14:05
whoami-rajatbut since this week is the third friday of the month, we will have festival of XS reviews14:05
whoami-rajatI will send a mail later today or tomorrow for a reminder14:06
whoami-rajatnext, Add topics for midcycle14:06
whoami-rajatwe are going to have midcycle 1 on 30th Nov which is next to next week14:06
whoami-rajatso it's close, so please add your topics to the etherpad ^14:07
whoami-rajatnext, Migrating devstack jobs to Jammy (Ubuntu LTS 22.04)14:07
whoami-rajatgmann, is planning to merge the migration patches on 18th November, not sure how we will be able to merge the tempest patch given the ceph job failure14:08
whoami-rajatwe've 2 patches proposed, one for cinder and one for os-brick14:08
whoami-rajatthe cinder change is failing with the same reason tempest is failing, some issue in the ceph job for packages14:09
whoami-rajatrosmaita, proposed the os-brick patch which is failing on py39 for some test which looks random14:10
whoami-rajatprobably os-brick is fine14:10
whoami-rajatwe've a non-voting ceph job which is failing14:10
rosmaitai'll go back and look at the os-brick patch later after the new logs are available14:11
whoami-rajati see they've a patch up for ceph issue14:11
enriquetasoJust to add a comment: devstack + ceph + Jammy don't work either (as fas as I could tell) 14:12
rosmaitai figure the ceph job will start working once that merges14:12
enriquetasomanually *, well.. i guess it's the same14:12
whoami-rajatso we look good there, let's wait for gate results14:13
whoami-rajatmoving on, next, Call for presentations for 2023 OpenInfra summit is open14:14
whoami-rajatCFP is open for 2023 vancouver summit14:14
whoami-rajatif anyone is interested in presenting their topics, please submit your presentations14:15
whoami-rajatnext, Upcoming releases14:16
whoami-rajat1) cinderclient for M-114:16
whoami-rajatwe've rosmaita's patch that fixes snapshot create operation14:16
whoami-rajatso looks like we should release14:16
whoami-rajatjbernard, and I can take a look14:17
jbernardwhoami-rajat: roger that14:17
rosmaitai already forgot about that patch, but it makes sense to release14:17
whoami-rajat2) Cinderlib Zed (16 Dec)14:18
whoami-rajatthis is tricky since our gate is broken for the whole cycle14:18
whoami-rajatrosmaita, i forgot what we discussed last week about it ...14:19
rosmaitai sort of volunteered to look at that, but haven't done it yet14:19
whoami-rajatoh ok, great14:19
rosmaitathe plan was if it's an easy fix i'll do it, otherwise we will bug geguileo :)14:19
whoami-rajatgeguileo, wasn't around last week so just for awareness ^14:19
whoami-rajatsounds good14:20
whoami-rajat3) cinder tempest plugin: ussuri and victoria last14:20
whoami-rajatnot sure why they've tagged it -last, maybe it's a tempest plugin convention14:21
whoami-rajatbut looks like they're moving these branches to EM14:21
whoami-rajatwill review that14:21
whoami-rajatlast announcement, Bug Deputy and Stable release manager14:22
rosmaitai think the -last thing is to make it easy to automate finding the tag14:22
whoami-rajatah ok14:22
whoami-rajatstarting with bug deputy, no one reached out to me throughout the week so if enriquetaso doesn't have any issues, she can continue doing the great work!14:23
enriquetasoI have not issues with this, anyway if someone would like to take the role i'm open as well 14:23
rosmaitaenriquetaso FTW!!!14:23
whoami-rajatnow regarding release liaison14:24
jungleboyjenriquetaso:  Thank you!14:25
whoami-rajatjbernard, has been doing great work, he managed to get all stable branches released and also worked on getting wallaby to EM14:25
whoami-rajatso i will leave it upto jbernard if he would like to continue the work as release liaison for this cycle as well14:25
jbernardi do, i think i finally understand all the pieces now, going forward should be much easier14:26
whoami-rajatthanks enriquetaso and jbernard for the great work!!14:26
whoami-rajatmoving on to topics now14:27
whoami-rajat#topic Discrepancy in volume create arguments "name" and "size"14:27
whoami-rajatplease see last 3-4 comments here14:28
whoami-rajatcurrently in OSC, name is a positional argument and size (--size) is an optional one14:28
whoami-rajatStephen changed the OSC behavior to make name accept 0 or more arguments but it's still positional arg14:28
whoami-rajatthe --size argument is mandatory to pass if we don't specify create from snapshot or volume14:29
whoami-rajatso functionality wise it works fine14:29
whoami-rajatmy ask was to modify the size as a positional argument since it's needed when we are creating a normal volume (not from any source)14:29
whoami-rajatand make name as optional one (--name) since name is never mandatory14:30
whoami-rajatmaybe I'm stretching it but the design doesn't look convincing to me on the OSC side14:30
rosmaitai guess your worry is that people moving from cinderclient -> osc will wind up with a bunch of volumes named "1024"14:30
whoami-rajatwanted to know what the team thinks about it14:30
whoami-rajatrosmaita, that's a possibility14:31
whoami-rajatthe transition from cinderclient -> OSC should be seamless, at least for the main commands like volume create14:31
rosmaitaone would hope so!14:32
whoami-rajatI've a local patch which does change this behavior but no point working on it any further if it just seems an issue only to me14:32
rosmaitawell, fwiw, i support you on this14:32
rosmaitait would help if the osc team were a little more attentive to our CLI to ease the transition14:33
eharneyyour idea makes sense to me14:33
enriquetasoI think we discussed this many time ago and I think name shouldn't be mandatory but I need to review that patch because I haven't 14:34
whoami-rajatthanks, I will complete and push that patch then14:34
whoami-rajatenriquetaso, name isn14:34
enriquetasosorry, i'll check the patch first whoami-rajat 14:35
rosmaitaenriquetaso: it was, but stephen listened to us and made it optional recently14:35
rosmaitaso this is a slightly different issue14:35
whoami-rajatenriquetaso, name isn't mandatory but positional so you can say "openstack volume create 1234 --size 1" but it's opposite to our structure in cinderclient14:36
whoami-rajatthat's all i had for this, let's move to next topic14:36
whoami-rajat#topic Outreachy Update14:36
enriquetasodo we have any cinder member also part of the osc core (in order to vote i mean)? I don't know how much I agree with the fact that the owner also approves the patch, but I think that discussion is for another time.14:36
enriquetasoi think the osc is a small group14:37
enriquetasothat's me14:37
enriquetasoSad news: Cinder only had one potential contribution this round. The applicant has chosen another project to work on so we don't have another applicant to pick as an intern. 14:37
whoami-rajatyeah, we discussed it before, let's reiterate this discussion during midcycle14:37
enriquetaso We are out of this Outreachy round :( 14:37
whoami-rajatyeah and that's really bad, she was a promising candidate14:38
enriquetasoyes, she was really good14:38
enriquetasoi think one of the best I can remember, really big first contribution 14:38
rosmaitaenriquetaso: thanks for trying!14:39
enriquetasoguess, we have to continue with the functional test ourself. I'll work on that 14:39
whoami-rajatyep, so we won't be having outreachy session during this quarter right?14:39
jungleboyjrosmaita:  ++14:39
whoami-rajatack, thanks for guiding me through the outreachy process enriquetaso 14:40
enriquetasoapplicants really struggle to deploy devstack and make something work. most drop out at that time14:40
enriquetasowhoami-rajat, maybe we can try again next year14:41
enriquetasothat's all for me14:41
whoami-rajatthanks again14:41
whoami-rajatthat's all the topics we had for today, moving to open discussion14:42
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:42
inoriExecuse me, I'd like to bring attention in this patch here. I made a request in the reply to the comment, and I want to know whether it is feasible.14:42
inoriSince the difference between current community and our lateset version is large, and I'd like to submit and merge them as soon as possible, so could you please review and comment the patches at your earliest convenience?14:43
whoami-rajati see hemna has a -1 there14:43
rosmaitainori: are you saying that what you want to do is submit a series of patches, and after that, bump the version?  because otherwise the "community" and "enterprise" drivers will have different versions?14:44
rosmaita(saying in your response to walt on the patch, i mean)14:44
ganso(o/ for later open-discussion quick topic)14:44
inori Yes, he said that we should add versioning information. But the current community code is old, which is quite different from our latest version14:44
rosmaitaok, and you want to add the features to the community driver in a different order than the "enterprise" version numbers14:45
inoriYes, does it is feasible?14:46
whoami-rajati see another change for qos support:
rosmaitainori: the current community driver is 1.3.0 .... what will the version be after you make all the changes?14:48
inori703770‘s time is a little long, so I submitted  847730 again14:48
inoriit will be 1.714:49
whoami-rajatinori, it is always good to continue in the same patch to preserve history but if you plan to move forward with 847730, would be good to abandon 703770 to avoid confusion14:49
rosmaitawell, how about doing 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3, etc, and then bump them both to 2.0 when you have reached functional equivalence?14:50
inoriI see. I'll try to abandon 703770 later.14:50
inoribut some function has been changed over and over again in the history versions.14:52
rosmaitain any case, i agree with hemna that we want some kind of version history in the file about the features that are being added14:52
inoriIn other words, the question I made in 847730 may not be very feasible?14:54
whoami-rajatrosmaita, and hemna seems to disagree with the approach so probably you will need to change it14:55
rosmaitainori: let me try to say this another way14:56
rosmaitayou already have 2 different drivers14:56
rosmaitaso the version history is going to be different14:57
rosmaitai mean, is the plan that you will get all the code from the "enterprise" driver merged upstream, and then you will only have one driver?14:57
inoriWe have FC and iSCSI driver, and the version of them are synchronized.14:58
inoriThe community is 1.3.0, and now our latest is 1.7, and many changes have taken place in the process.14:59
rosmaitawell, that's ok, it looks like you keep the version number in the common file15:00
inoriso it may be a little difficult to submit them in the order of versions.15:01
rosmaitayeah, but inori, we are interested in knowing what version of the upstream driver is being used ... i don't think we can wait until everything has merged, because all committed changes will be released when Antelope is released15:01
rosmaitainori: you don't have to submit them in the order of versions ... you are just submitting a series of patches.  Just bump the openstack driver from 1.3.0 to, and then to, etc15:02
rosmaitaand when you reach equivalence, you can bump it to whatever you want15:02
whoami-rajatand we're out of time, would be good to continue the discussion in cinder channel (after the BS meeting) or on the patch15:02
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for joining15:02
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Nov 16 15:02:54 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:02
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
whoami-rajatganso, i think you had a topic which we can discuss in cinder channel afterwards?15:03
inoriOK, I see. Thanks. I'll discuss with our team later.15:03
gansowhoami-rajat: yes, it is super quick15:03
gansoprobably will not need discussion15:03
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