Thursday, 2023-01-19

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jan 19 15:00:06 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: dviroel vhari gouthamr15:00
carlosso/ hello everyone!15:04
carlossgood quorum15:04
carlossI hope you are all doing well 15:04
carlosslet's get started with today's meeting agenda:15:04
hassanHello Carloss15:05
carlossfirst topic:15:06
carloss#topic Announcements15:06
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:06
carlossso as I mentioned during the previous weekly meeting, this is the feature proposal freeze week15:06
carlosswhich means that if you are proposing new features, they must be proposed and substantially completed, with unit, functional and integration tests by the end of this week15:07
carlossso we are ~1 month away from feature freeze!15:08
carlossis there a featureful patch that you haven't proposed to gerrit yet and would like to get in during this release?15:10
nahimsouza[m]hi carloss15:11
vhari_o/ 15:11
nahimsouza[m]i just uploaded some patches related to REST API transition for Netapp driver15:12
nahimsouza[m]we plan to include them in this release15:12
carlossthanks nahimsouza[m] :)15:12
carlosshuge number of lines touched :)15:14
carlosswill check CI outputs - those will be quite important for this change15:14
nahimsouza[m]yep, i believe most of the lines are unit tests15:15
nahimsouza[m]we are already working to provide the CI passing15:15
carlosssure nahimsouza[m], thanks!15:15
* dviroel it is over 9000!15:15
* carloss 🫠15:15
gouthamr+1 - since this code has two API paths, what’s the strategy? Will there now be multiple jobs testing each?15:16
nahimsouza[m]for now, only ZAPI tests are triggered automatically, but we are able to trigger the CI tests for REST API manually in separate jobs15:17
nahimsouza[m]there will be 2 new jobs for REST API - dhss true / dhss false 15:19
gouthamrack; makes sense for them to be manually triggered on these patches15:21
carlossack, thanks nahimsouza[m] 15:21
* gouthamr but would be the largest back ports we would ever have done15:22
gouthamrthanks nahimsouza[m] et al.15:22
carloss++ thanks to all working on this change15:23
carlossmoving on to second part of announcements:15:24
carlossBobcat PTG planning15:24
carlossjust want to reiterate that we already have our PTG planning etherpad for the first PTG of the Bobcat cycle15:24
carloss#link (PTG planning etherpad)15:24
carlossso if you intend on participating, please add your name and timezone to the etherpad15:25
carlossand also the topics you would like to bring up15:25
carlossthat's all I had for announcements - do you have something you would like to share with us today?15:28
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* carloss taking silence as no15:30
carloss#topic Review Focus15:30
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carlossnahimsouza[m]: could you please add the NetApp driver changes to the review focus etherpad?15:31
nahimsouza[m]yes, sure15:32
carlossfor review focus, I would say we should be focusing now on the featureful changes, specially on the clients from that list15:32
carlossif you don't see your changes in that list and would like to get some attention to them, please feel free to add15:33
carlossis there any other change you would like to bring up today?15:34
carlossokay, taking silence as no15:38
carlosswanted to have some proper time for bug triaging today :)15:38
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:39
carlossvhari: floor is yours :)15:39
vhari_o/ 15:39
vhari_so there was a small uptick in the backlog since last count 15:39
vhari_Manila bug statistics Tracker:
vhari_stats are tracked ^^ and also linked in the main pad 15:40
vhari_if anyone is interested to track trends, pls check these stats out from time to time 15:40
vhari_1st bug for today needing minor triage 15:41
vhari_#link  15:41
carlossthank you for the insightful stats vhari_ - I think a bugsquash would be useful during this cycle15:44
carlossbut not only that - there are fixes to bugs to be reviewed, and that would help us to reduce the numbers on the stats15:44
vhari_carloss, ack, the stats show it's a ripe time for one 15:46
carlossthanks for the bug report chuanm 15:47
carlossdo you have some logs you could add to the bug report?15:47
* carloss realizes that chuanm might not be in this meeting15:48
carlossI'll ask for more logs in the bug report15:48
vhari_carloss, I added a note in the bug 15:49
carlossack, thanks vhari_ 15:50
vhari_yw 15:50
gouthamr+1 - I wonder if there was something else going on the fly - like a share that was deleted but not yet reclaimed 15:50
carlossit's keeping him from creating a share, so I'd say it is high, but idk how often they create shares from that specific size on the cloud15:51
carlossso for that, I'd say medium15:51
carlosscarthaca: is there someone at SAP currently working on solving this issue?15:51
carthacaYes, I think chuanm will update the bugreport since I could not reproduce the issue15:53
carlossack carthaca - thanks! :)15:55
vhari_carloss, so that's a wrap for bugs today (in the interest of time!)15:55
carlossoh cool, thanks vhari_!15:56
carloss#topic Open Discussion15:56
carlossit's been a while since we don't get here15:56
carlosswhat's the bears situation gouthamr? :D15:56
carlossall hibernating I bet15:56
gouthamrhibernating hopefully :p15:57
gouthamrlike software engineers through winter - best use of our time15:57
vhari_haha hardly though ..  15:59
carlossnice! thank you for joining today's meeting16:00
carlosslet's continue chatting on #openstack-manila16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jan 19 16:01:02 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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