Wednesday, 2023-05-10

whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed May 10 14:00:01 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:05
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:05
whoami-rajatfirst, Cinderlib 2023.1 Antelope (5.1.0) released14:05
whoami-rajatwe've released cinderlib for 2023.1 Antelope with tag 5.1.014:05
whoami-rajati think the next step is to modify the zuul and tox files to open for 2023.2 Bobcat development14:06
whoami-rajat(open cinderlib for)14:06
whoami-rajatnext, Runtime update for 2023.2: Test libraries against py3814:07
whoami-rajatthere was a problem with some jobs breaking when we removed py38 support14:08
whoami-rajatthe supported runtimes for 2023.2 are py39 and py31014:08
whoami-rajatbut there is a patch up in governance project to make py38 a runtime for libraries14:08
eharneydoes that mean cinder too, to support cinderlib?14:09
whoami-rajatgood question, since cinderlib depends on cinder's requirements we might need to14:10
whoami-rajatbut there is still ongoing discussion so things might change14:10
rosmaitai think that's a "yes"14:10
* jungleboyj sneaks in late.14:10
whoami-rajatyes, i don't think there is any harm is supporting py38 for another release, the jobs don't consume a lot of gate resources and we can assure py38 compatibility14:12
whoami-rajatanyway, let's see how this will be finalized, maybe we will end up having py38 for all projects14:13
whoami-rajatnext, Query on A/A14:13
whoami-rajatso raghavendra, who works on the HPE driver, sent a query on the ML regarding A/A support for their driver14:14
whoami-rajatand i don't think we've a proper docs page that describes the changes required by drivers to enable A/A14:14
whoami-rajati was able to find this doc but this might have a lot of info irrelevant for the implementation of the active active support itself14:15
whoami-rajatjust wanted to bring this up for attention if we will have more and more vendors wanting to enable A/A then this is something we need to consider14:16
happystackeragreed! ;-)14:16
eharneymuch of the effort is in understanding how your driver works and if it designed in a way where running multiple instances of it in HA will break its assumptions (local state, etc)14:17
whoami-rajatthat's a good point, maybe we can document all the generic things common to all drivers and add points like this ^ for driver vendors to test out scenarios14:20
whoami-rajatthe next vendor implementing this can also consider documenting the steps14:21
whoami-rajatnext, Bobcat Midcycle - 114:22
whoami-rajatplease add topics for the midcycle14:22
whoami-rajatalso i was thinking if there are enough people attending the Vancouver summit, we can use the midcycle topics for the PTG there14:23
whoami-rajati mean skip the midcycle and discuss the topics in vancouver14:23
whoami-rajatin any case, do add topics so we will have something to discuss :D14:24
whoami-rajatnext, Upcoming events14:25
whoami-rajatBobcat-1 milestone: May 11th, 202314:25
whoami-rajati think we've clients and library releases proposed for M-114:26
whoami-rajatI will go through them to see if we've merged patches that needs a release14:26
whoami-rajatOpenInfra Summit Vancouver (including PTG): June 13-15, 202314:26
whoami-rajatVancouver summit+PTG is next month14:27
whoami-rajatplease plan accordingly if you're going to travel there14:27
whoami-rajatthat's all for announcements14:28
whoami-rajatlet's move to topics14:28
whoami-rajat#topic Add the next job to periodic jobs14:28
whoami-rajatenriquetaso, that's you14:28
enriquetasoHello, I'm currently working on fixing the Ceph backup driver. You can find my work here: 14:28
enriquetasoI've updated the commit message ^ because eharney identified the patch that introduced the bug. (I've added that info on the commit message) If you have some spare time, I would greatly appreciate a review.14:28
enriquetasoOnce the patch in the master branch is merged, I plan to propose the backports.14:29
enriquetasoIn addition to the fix, I've proposed a non-voting job14:29
enriquetasowhich you can find here:14:29
enriquetasoto display results.. However, I believe we're at our limit for adding additional Ceph jobs to the CI. Consequently, I'm considering adding this job to the periodic jobs, allowing it to run at least once a week.14:29
enriquetasoIs this feasible? 14:29
enriquetaso If so, I could use some guidance on adding jobs to the periodic queue.14:30
rosmaitai can help you there14:31
rosmaitahere's an example:
rosmaitaglance runs a bunch of periodic jobs14:32
rosmaitait's basically the same as a normal job, you just put it in the 'periodic' section14:32
rosmaitai think by default they run once a day14:32
enriquetasothanks rosmaita, i'll check where are the periodic section in cinder14:33
rosmaitai don't think we have one, you can add it14:34
enriquetasoexcellent 14:34
whoami-rajatif the idea of the new job is to only test backup/restore, we can use a regex to only run backup/restore tests14:35
whoami-rajatright now i think it's doing some redundant testing same as it's parent job cinder-plugin-ceph-tempest14:36
enriquetasoThe goal is to only have LVM as volume backend y ceph as backup driver14:36
enriquetasoi think I need to add a new job, otherwise, restore will be ceph to ceph14:36
whoami-rajatI'm not saying to use the cinder-plugin-ceph-tempest job14:37
whoami-rajatwhat I'm trying to say is we can limit the tests running in the new job14:37
whoami-rajatsince the volume tests would run the same as LVM job i guess14:37
whoami-rajatmy idea is if we can use a regex to limit this job to run only backup/restore tests14:38
enriquetasoaahh, i understand14:38
enriquetasoi have no problem with limit the amount of test with regex if that's a better alternative 14:39
enriquetasoi dont know if its something we want to run in every patch tho14:39
enriquetasobut sure, i can update the patch to add the regex14:40
whoami-rajathere I added a new job to run a single test because i required two different images for that test14:41
whoami-rajatmight not be the best example to reference but just to give an idea14:41
enriquetasolooks good! I'll update my job then14:42
whoami-rajatgreat, thanks enriquetaso 14:42
enriquetaso@all Please review the main fix when possible!14:42
whoami-rajatok, moving on to the next topic14:43
whoami-rajat#topic Cinder-Backup very slow / inefficient when using chunked drivers, e.g. S314:43
whoami-rajatcrohmann, that's you14:43
zaitcevI was going to look into it too. Do we have a bug number?14:44
whoami-rajatzaitcev, i think it's this one14:45
whoami-rajatreading the etherpad, i think crohmann couldn't make it today14:45
whoami-rajatlet's discuss this again when he's around14:45
whoami-rajatmoving on14:46
whoami-rajat#topic Need help with zuul errors on
whoami-rajatdrencrom, that's you14:46
drencromHi, we discussed this issue previously14:46
drencromI did a patch to check for the length in bytes of the metadata values14:47
drencromBut now zuul is failing and it does not seem to be related to my patch14:47
happystackerit seems that cinder-plugin-ceph-tempest and tempest-integrated-storage-ubuntu-focal are causing the failure, I don't feel this is connected to your change14:50
whoami-rajat2023-04-24 13:01:11.268256 | controller | ERROR: No matching distribution found for tooz===4.0.0 (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 550))14:51
whoami-rajati remember tooz issue relating to py3814:51
drencromYes, I'm asking in case you have alresdey seen this in other patches.14:51
drencromAlso would like you to validate that my patch to is sound14:52
eharneyhmm, tooz 4.0.0 doesn't support py3814:53
whoami-rajatmaybe they were pinning tooz for py38 compatibility14:58
whoami-rajatbut we need to wait for TC to come up with a resolution14:59
whoami-rajatwe're out of time15:00
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for joining15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed May 10 15:00:18 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
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