Wednesday, 2023-07-05

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caiqilonghi, is the cinder weekly meeting started here?13:59
whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jul  5 14:00:12 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajathello everyone14:05
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:05
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:05
whoami-rajatfirst, EM EOL Branches14:05
whoami-rajatit's a followup from last week14:05
whoami-rajati sent out a mail to ML regarding EOL vs EM discussion14:05
rosmaitathat may be an incorrect link?14:06
whoami-rajatsince the discussion got side tracked from cinder EOLing EM branches to the feasibility of the EM model14:06
whoami-rajatsorry copied the wrong link14:06
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita 14:06
whoami-rajatso this mail is another reminder to get back on track and get feedback from vendors, operators etc on cinder team's decision14:07
whoami-rajatlet's get back to it next week when we will hopefully have some responses14:08
whoami-rajatnext, Milestone-214:08
whoami-rajatthis has multiple sub announcements14:09
whoami-rajat1. Library releases for M-214:09
whoami-rajatrelease team will propose patches for libraries, probably os-brick, python-brick-cinderclient-ext etc for M-214:09
whoami-rajatPTL (me) and release liaision (jbernard) needs to look out for patches14:10
whoami-rajat2. Deliverable files for 2023.2 Bobcat14:10
whoami-rajatI checked the directory and we have files for all relevant cinder projects14:10
whoami-rajatcinder: YES14:10
whoami-rajatcinderlib: YES14:10
whoami-rajatcinder-tempest-plugin: YES14:10
whoami-rajatos-brick: YES14:10
whoami-rajatpython-cinderclient: YES14:10
whoami-rajatpython-brick-cinderclient-ext: YES14:10
whoami-rajatlet me know if i missed anything14:10
whoami-rajatbut looks like we are good on this as well14:11
whoami-rajat3. Volume and target Driver freeze14:11
whoami-rajatwe have another driver this cycle which was mentioned on the ML14:12
whoami-rajatthe problem right now it's failing the zuul check as well as third party CI14:12
whoami-rajatforgot to mention, it's the TOYOU NetStor driver14:13
whoami-rajatthe author has asked for reviews and an extension14:13
whoami-rajatthe deadline is tomorrow so I'm not really sure14:13
whoami-rajatcurrently I am planning to provide 1 week extension to all drivers because of lack of reviews14:13
whoami-rajatit would be better if we have some volunteers, let's say 2 people, that commit to reviewing a driver14:14
caiqilongthanks, we will propose a new patch to fix the previous fails later.14:15
whoami-rajatI have added a Reviewers section to the etherpad14:16
whoami-rajatcaiqilong, thanks!14:16
whoami-rajatI have also added my name as a reviewer for all 3 drivers14:18
whoami-rajat@cores, please add your name against a driver if you are willing to review it14:19
whoami-rajati see rosmaita added his name for Touyou driver, thanks!14:19
whoami-rajatanyway, it can be done after the meeting14:20
rosmaitai can try Yadro FC also, but would also be good to have someone better with FC take a look14:20
whoami-rajat++ i think any other core member should volunteer for it14:20
rosmaitabasically, any current driver maintainer who has an FC driver would be good (even if not core)14:20
eharneyIIRC, we were waiting on a CI solution for the Lustre driver?14:21
whoami-rajatyes, i was thinking more in terms of merging the driver, but non-cores, feel free to review any driver!14:21
whoami-rajateharney, yes, AFAIK it isn't sorted out yet but will check again14:21
harshwill try on the FC driver :)14:21
whoami-rajatthanks harsh !14:22
whoami-rajati don't see any Lustre CI being reported on the driver14:24
whoami-rajatbut i see a discussion towards the end comment that the author will work on it14:24
whoami-rajatthe bad thing is that comment is from April 19th14:25
whoami-rajatlet's target the Yadro FC Driver and TOYOU NetStor drivers for now14:25
whoami-rajati will send out a mail to ML about the extension of deadline by 1 week14:26
whoami-rajatthat's all i had for announcements14:27
whoami-rajatlet's move to topics14:27
whoami-rajat#topic [Cinder-Backup]  Spec to introduce a backup_status field for volumes and a split-up of the backup status away from the volume_status.14:27
whoami-rajatcrohmann, are you around?14:28
whoami-rajatlooks like he is not14:29
whoami-rajatI think what we wanted to ask is, if there are any takers for this feature work14:29
whoami-rajathe has committed to helping out with implementation but can't work on it as primary authors14:29
whoami-rajatso reiterating it again, are there any takers for this feature work?14:30
crohmannwhoami-rajat: I am ... but only partially.14:32
whoami-rajatlooks like there aren't any takers in current meeting but we can revisit this again14:33
crohmanntoo bad. What happens with this merged spec if there is nobody taking it?14:34
whoami-rajatif someone would like to implement it, they have time till M-314:35
whoami-rajatelse we can repropose the spec to next cycle14:35
whoami-rajatlet's revisit this again14:37
whoami-rajatand let's move to next topic14:37
crohmannok. That's really unfortunate. I thought this would be more of a project goal to implement this14:37
whoami-rajatwe need developer bandwidth to implement it which looks like we don't have as of now14:38
whoami-rajatbecause of the same issue, one spec is postponed to next cycle14:38
whoami-rajatok, next topic14:40
whoami-rajat#topic [Cinder-Backup] Performance issues with chunked driver14:40
whoami-rajatit's again by crohmann 14:40
whoami-rajatsince there is a nice summary on the etherpad14:40
whoami-rajatI will paste the same info here14:40
zaitcev"the etherpad"?14:40
whoami-rajatthe meeting etherpad14:41
whoami-rajatJon Bernard from RedHat offered to look into the performance issues with chunkeddriver14:41
whoami-rajatUnfortunatly we only exchanged a few emails so far.14:41
whoami-rajatBut I just watched the talk from Enrico Bocchi and Luis Fernandez Alvarez from Cern about their endevours with Cinder-Backup14:41
whoami-rajatApparently they came to the same conclusion, that object storage backends are currently way to slow and not usable14:42
whoami-rajatI certainly will try to contact them both if they would join any efforts to speed up the chunkeddriver.14:42
whoami-rajatI just wanted to emphasize that this issue affects more people, even large installations such as at Cern, and forces them away from using object storage as cinder-backup backend.14:42
whoami-rajatI think Jon is not around at this time14:43
zaitcevOK. I'm not going to cross Jon on the performance then, or at least I'll ask how he's doing.14:47
zaitcevI'll take a look at Christian's review14:47
crohmannI did not want to point him out in any way ... I simply wanted to say, this really is an issue ... for big installations.14:47
crohmannthx a ton zaitcev 14:47
whoami-rajati think the idea is to get this addressed14:47
whoami-rajatthanks crohmann for the update, maybe we can revisit if we have any progress on this14:51
whoami-rajatany other thing to discuss on this?14:51
whoami-rajatguess not14:52
whoami-rajatlet's move to open discussion14:52
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:52
whoami-rajatplease take a look at the review request section14:55
whoami-rajatsome patches already have a +2 and requires a second vote14:56
whoami-rajatSofia is not around today so we will not have Bug squad meeting14:57
whoami-rajatwe are out of time15:00
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for attending!15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jul  5 15:00:44 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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