Thursday, 2023-11-09

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ashrodri#startmeeting manila15:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Nov  9 15:01:01 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ashrodri. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:01
ashrodricourtesy ping vkmc dviroel felipe_rodrigues vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri15:01
ashrodrio/ hello everyone15:01
ashrodricarloss is unavailable this week, I'll be leading todays meeting15:02
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ashrodritoday's meeting agenda: 15:02
ashrodriokay, let's get started15:05
ashrodri#topic Announcements15:05
ashrodri#link 15:05
ashrodriNext week is actually Caracal milestone-1, so make sure any bugs targeted for that date are added to the review etherpad, or retargeted for m-2.15:06
ashrodri#topic Caracal PTG Summary15:07
ashrodriThanks for a great PTG guys! Carlos has sent a summary of events to the mailing list here: 15:07
ashrodriand there is a summary etherpad here: 15:08
ashrodrione of our AIs from PTG is to update this spec on multiple share network subnets: 15:08
ashrodrithe implementation concluded a while ago: is there anything we think is missing? Is this something we can consider done?15:08
gouthamro/ we took this AI because not everyone that uses/is familiar with this feature may have been at the PTG session15:09
gouthamri'm looking at the spec's work items:
gouthamr- Add ability to define multiple subnets in the same share network AZ15:12
gouthamr- Add ability to “update” subnets in a share network AZ15:12
gouthamrdon't we have both of these at this point? 15:12
gouthamrfelipe_rodrigues dviroel: you may have been involved with designing this; do you recall if anything in particular was pending? 15:14
felipe_rodriguesI think we deliever those points15:15
dviroeli would need to double check all, can't remember15:16
gouthamrack ty felipe_rodrigues dviroel; i read through the spec and i don't find anything jumping out at me as missing15:16
* gouthamr got distracted.. 15:20
gouthamrdviroel: sure thing; we can take the conversation to #openstack-manila and decide what we'll do 15:20
gouthamri wanted to create a new field indicating "completed"/"implemented" multi-release work15:21
gouthamrwhere we can tag this one, and the openstackclient one.. 15:21
gouthamrnothing else to add here; we can move on, ashrodri 15:24
ashrodrialright thanks goutham, felipe_rodrigues 15:25
ashrodriWe now have a patch up that adds documentation reagrding stable branch maintenance policy here: 15:25
ashrodri#link 15:25
ashrodrigouthamr, this is your topic, anything to add?15:25
gouthamrwe discussed this at the PTG too; and noted that we need to have some meta doc explaining stable branch maintenance as we've spoken about it.. so i re-read the docs we have, and added the missing commentary15:26
ashrodriill add myself as reviewer15:28
gouthamrthanks; i'd like us to read through it, and if we need to add any more unspoken things to the doc, i'd be happy to edit.. 15:28
gouthamroh, currently stable branches badly need some review attention15:30
gouthamri'm mulling a review day just to clear the backlog15:30
gouthamrmany of these are clean cherry-picks, with passing CI etc.. 15:31
gouthamr#link (stable/2023.2)15:31
gouthamrdoes a review day sound feasible? 15:32
gouthamrperhaps next week, starting halfway of this meeting at 1530? 15:34
msaravanack .. fine with that. 15:35
gouthamr++ thanks; lets do it.. i'll send this out on the ML as well15:36
ashrodrigreat! moving on...15:38
ashrodri#topic Review Focus15:38
ashrodriOnly two patches listed in this etherpad so far, please take some time and add any of your patches ready for review. Is there any to call out during this meeting?15:38
gouthamryes; can anyone help with ?15:39
gouthamrdviroel? (vkmc and haixin will probably read scrollback)15:39
gouthamr*crickets* :D15:43
gouthamrlets take this elsewhere.. 15:43
ashrodriokay, next up...15:44
ashrodri#topic Bug Triage15:44
ashrodrivhari the floor is yours..15:44
gouthamrvhari had a conflicting meeting 15:45
gouthamrshe's added a couple of bugs for us to review15:45
gouthamrthis is a doc bug that needs an assignee15:46
gouthamri think oslo docs improved from the time we created this bug15:46
gouthamr#link 15:46
gouthamranyone interested in attempting a short blurb to our admin doc covering this? 15:47
* gouthamr will add some details to the bug15:50
gouthamr#link 15:50
msaravanany time line for this ? if it's for m2, you can assign15:50
gouthamrmsaravan: no rush; m2 is certainly fine.. thank you! 15:50
msaravanSure. 15:51
gouthamrregarding 15:51
gouthamrwe have an open review 15:51
gouthamr#link 15:51
gouthamri suppose lucas is no longer working on this.. 15:52
gouthamrthis was a nice-to-have enhancement; and having this would allow drivers to enhance their code15:52
gouthamrbut, its certainly less useful if we keep punting.. 15:52
gouthamrthe fix that lucas and matheus attempted seems correct15:53
gouthamrbut the patch needs a rebase15:54
msaravanAnything on Lucas, I'll assign to one of the NetApp engineers. 15:55
msaravanthis one, I have noted it down gouthamr 15:55
gouthamrthanks msaravan15:55
gouthamri can unassign lucas so one of you can claim this bug yourself15:56
gouthamrbut, i see some trouble with launchpad -- the "assign me" button doesn't show up.. i haven't been able to figure out why15:56
gouthamri _think_ it starts showing up if you rack up some launchpad karma -- our outreachy prospects indicated this 15:57
gouthamrso if you have trouble, please ping me 15:57
gouthamrthat's a wrap on the bugs15:57
ashrodrithanks gouthamr 15:57
ashrodriokay, wrapping up...15:58
ashrodri#topic Open discussion15:58
ashrodriAnything more to bring up today?15:58
felipe_rodriguesI just have one point. As you may know, the PTG week was the last week of Caique, Thiago and me here. I didn't have the opportunity to officially announce that, so I just want to thank all of you, specially carlos, douglas and goutham who had helped a lot us. Hope see you again.15:58
ashrodrithanks for being part of this great community felipe_rodrigues!15:59
gouthamrfelipe_rodrigues! indeed! it was a pleasure; thank you for all the work you've done over the years15:59
gouthamrfelipe_rodrigues: don't be a stranger :) we'd love to have you back someday.. 15:59
ashrodriThanks for joining us, have a great rest of your day!16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Nov  9 16:01:28 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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