Thursday, 2023-12-14

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Dec 14 15:00:19 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: vkmc dviroel carloss vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri15:00
carlosso/ hello everyone15:05
carlossand welcome :)15:05
carlosstoday's meeting agenda:15:05
carlossas usual, let's start with our announcements:15:06
carloss#topic Announcements15:06
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:06
carlossso we're in R-1615:07
carlosstime is flying15:08
carlossaccording to the proposed manila schedule:15:08
carlosswe are 4 weeks away from the spec freeze15:08
carlossas requested, I tried to make it be after December, as some locations might have holidays15:09
carlossI will remove the w-1 from that change soon, so it'll be easier to visualize it in the regular schedule15:10
carlossand last announcement I had:15:10
carlossthe OpenInfra Live featuring the Caracal PTG highlights happened last week15:10
carlossI couldn't be live, but I recorded the Manila updates15:11
carlossso if you want to check out what other projects added to their summaries, this video is a good place to go15:11
carlossthat's all I had for announcements15:11
carlossis there an announcement you'd like to share with us today?15:11
carlosstaking silence as no15:14
carloss#topic Review Focus15:15
carloss#link (Caracal Review Focus Etherpad)15:15
carlossso I think some of our focus should now be on the specifications15:16
carlosswhich apparently are getting some reviewers' attention15:16
carlossso thanks for the reviews15:17
carlossthere's another change that would be nice to get some feedback:15:17
carloss#link (Add disabled reason field to service)15:17
carlosshaixin: thank you for working on this15:18
carlossmsaravan: can I get some NetAppers eyes here too? :)15:18
* gouthamr says hi, late15:20
* carloss o/15:21
carlossalso, is there a change you'd like to bring up today?15:22
gouthamrnone from me; i've been on and off PTO for a few weeks now.. also tardy on review requests.. hoping to get back next week15:24
carlossack, ty :D15:25
carlossalright, that's all for $topic15:27
carloss#topic Manila-UI Outreachy Internship15:28
carlossgouthamr: floor is yours15:28
gouthamrthanks carloss15:28
gouthamr i'm pleased to announce the beginning of an outreachy internship with Manila UI - melakualehegn[m] was recently picked to be our Outreachy intern! 15:28
gouthamras you're all aware, the OpenStack community, and especially this zorilla-land has been a great sponsor of Outreachy internships... melakualehegn[m] joins a long line of these interns this month15:29
gouthamrmelakualehegn[m]'s internship will last till the first week of March15:29
gouthamri'd pass the floor to melakualehegn[m] to introduce himself; and hope that you'll welcome him and support his internship! :) 15:30
melakualehegn[m]Hi All, 15:31
melakualehegn[m]Thanks gouthamr  for a warm welcome15:31
melakualehegn[m]My name is Melaku Alehegn. I'm from Ethiopia. I'm contributing to the Manila UI project and I'm looking forward to explore the OpenStack community.15:32
ashrodriwelcome Melaku!15:33
gouthamr++ perfect; we're very excited for your journey here.. welcome melakualehegn[m]! 15:33
carlossmelakualehegn[m]: welcome! it is great to have you onboard... I'm pretty sure you are going to have a great experience with the Zorillas :)15:33
melakualehegn[m]Thank you all for welcoming me into this vibrant community.15:35
carlossawesome, let's proceed to the next topic then...15:36
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:36
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:36
carlossvhari o/15:36
vhario/ carloss 15:37
vharihappy to announce there has been no new bugs since last call15:37
vhariwould like to loop back on this stale one 15:37
vhari#link    15:37
carlossah, reported against a bunch of projects15:38
vharihas anyone hit this lately? 15:38
carlossand this led me to:15:38
vhariyes and fixed in several projects15:38
carlosswhich is abandoned15:38
msaravancarloss: we'll review this change.. 898184.. missed to respond. 15:38
vhariack 15:38
carloss> has anyone hit this lately? 15:38
carlossmsaravan: np, thanks!15:38
vharipls comment the bug if seen again?15:40
carlossI haven't seen this lately, but we could try to reproduce and ensure it is still valid15:41
vharicarloss, we can move this bug to expiry and monitor recurrence 15:41
carlossvhari: that would be a good strategy15:42
vhariwill do 15:42
vhariso that's a wrap for bugs today 15:43
vhariback to you carloss :)15:43
carlossawesome, thanks vhari 15:43
carloss#topic Open Discussion15:43
carlosshow many of you are planning to be offline next Thursday? :)15:44
vhari+1 15:47
carlossthx vhari 15:48
carlossso I'm inclined to keep the next week's meeting15:48
carlossbut I think we'd have some people offline in the week between the breaks15:49
carlossso I'd say we could cancel the Dec 28th weekly meeting15:49
carlosshow does it sound?15:49
msaravanDec 28th, we all will be on leave at Netapp15:50
msaravanIt's a shutdown week for NetApp. 15:50
carlossah, alright - the Zorillas from Red Hat will be on PTO as well15:51
carthacaI will be away next two weeks :)15:52
carlossack, thanks for the feedback15:55
carlossso Dec 28th definitely cancelled, but I think we can keep next week - might be a short agenda though15:56
carlossso let's wrap this up15:57
carlossthank you everyone for participating15:57
carlosslet's get back to #openstack-manila15:57
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Dec 14 15:57:45 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:57
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