Thursday, 2024-01-11

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jan 11 15:00:16 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping:  dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca pulluri15:00
vharihi 15:00
gouthamrhello o/15:00
carlosso/ hello everyone15:04
carlosstoday's meeting agenda:15:04
* carloss sends the wrong link15:05
carlossnow the correct one ^, apologies15:05
carlossso first topic15:06
carloss#topic Announcements15:06
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:06
carlossso we're currently in the spec freeze deadline we agreed15:07
carlossand we can get to that in a minute15:07
carlossthis is also the c-2 milestone15:07
carlossthe next OpenStack milestone will be the feature freeze15:08
carloss#link (New features guideline doc)15:08
carlossain't merged yet - I missed the comments and will post an update as soon as I can15:08
carlossbut just in case you don't know exactly what is expected in case you're proposing a feature/driver15:09
carlossthis is a good place to look into15:09
carlossalso, in case you missed it:15:10
carloss#link (D release name voting)15:10
carlossthe foundation is looking for votes for the new release name15:10
carlossthe three contenders are:15:10
carloss- Dijon15:10
carloss- Dalmatian15:10
carloss- Daikon15:10
carlossonly one animal made it to the list, and we've been naming the previous releases with animal names15:12
carlossnot trying to influence you into voting for Dalmatian15:12
carlossif it was in the Z release and the animal was a Zorilla, then I possibly would :p15:13
carlossbut: please make your vote count15:13
carlossit is great to have community members participating15:13
carlossso far there are 300 registered votes and Dalmatian is winning (it wasn't this morning)15:13
carlossso it's very close15:14
carlossthat's all I had for $topic15:15
carlossdo you have an announcement to share with us?15:15
carlosstaking silence as no15:17
carloss#topic Review Focus15:18
carloss#link (Review Focus etherpad)15:18
carlossas mentioned, today is the spec freeze deadline we agreed15:18
carlosshowever, I see we have some specs didn't get a lot of attention yet15:18
carlossmany reasons (holidays, people being busy at the beginning of the year)15:18
carlossso I'd like to extend the spec freeze by a week15:19
carlossso we can get some more eyes on the two specs kpdev has been working on15:19
gouthamr+1 would help me.. itโ€™s been a busy start of the year after said holidays15:19
carlosssure :)15:20
carlossI had the chance to review both specs being proposed by kpdev15:20
carloss#link (Deferred deletion)15:20
carlossdeferred deletion seems quite close and has good details on the intentions for the implementation15:20
carlossI have asked some questions and kpdev responded very quickly15:20
carlossas for the share encryption spec15:21
carloss#link (Add spec for share encryption)15:21
carlosswhich documents the intentions for the integration with barbican15:21
carlossI think we are heading to the right direction, according to what was discussed during PTG15:21
carlossbut my comments were pretty much related to the existence of other features that could be impacted by the shares encryption15:22
carlossi.e. should we allow manage/unmanage, what will we do with share snapshots and backups?15:22
carlossand things like this15:22
carlossso I think it might take some time for kpdev to document all this15:22
carlosss/all this/everything15:23
carlossso for this week (and the next one) I'd like to have some focus on the specs15:23
carlossthere are a couple of bugfixes to the NetApp driver that could use some pairs of eyes, but we are waiting the CI to be fixed15:24
carlossmsaravan kindly shared an update with me earlier today mentioning that they are working on the issue and are prioritizing it15:24
carlossso do you have another change you'd like some eyes on?15:24
gireeshJust wanted to update on Netapp CI, we have few host down and we are working with engineering support team to bring those up. this is still in-progress 15:26
carlossthank you!15:28
carlossso a reminder: in case you have a change and you would like some reviews, please add it to the review focus etherpad15:28
carlosson to the next topic...15:29
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:29
carloss#link (Bug triage etherpa)15:29
carlossvhari: o/15:29
vharity carloss 15:29
vharithere were no new bugs since last session15:29
vharicontinuing the trend to look at some stale bugs 15:30
vhari#link  15:30
vharithe proposed fix requires rebase15:30
vharichecking if this is still being actively pursued 15:31
vhariand may require some assistance to move forward?15:31
carlossthe change author is no longer working with NetApp15:31
carlossbut looking at the change15:31
vhari^^ proposed patch15:32
carlossthere's something that we can use now to fix this15:32
carlossresource locks!15:32
carlossas we did for access rules, locking the visibility of some fields, we could do the same for this bug15:32
vharicarloss++ new approach 15:33
carlossbut we'd need an assignee15:34
carlossis there a netapper looking for an adventure with the Manila API? :)15:34
carloss:D * 15:37
carlossno pressure, let's add this to our ideas backlog perhaps15:37
carlossand it would be a good task for someone willing to do some coding15:37
carlossit's not that big of a change I think, it would follow the same thing we did with the access rules visibility locks15:38
vharicarloss, I remove the bug assignee for now 15:39
carlossvhari: ty15:39
vharithis is a medium bug M3 .. it'll be great to get some eyes on it 15:40
vharinext up #link 15:40
vharithe proposed fix
vharifailed gates 15:41
vharichecking if this is being actively worked on .. or needs fresh eyes?15:41
carlossthere's a chance that the issue is not caused by this bugfix15:42
carlossconsidering that the job failing is the LVM15:42
vhariack 15:42
carlossand the fix only touches the glusterfs driver15:42
carlossI just hit recheck to see if the issue is gone15:42
vharitrivial fix 15:42
carlosslast recheck was ~1 year ago :|15:42
gouthamr our gluster jobs have been failing now, they passed on this change nearly a year ago15:43
vhariwill keep an eye on the results 15:43
gouthamrlast I looked, we need changes to devstack-plugin-glusterfs15:43
carlossfor a moment I thought this was assigned to me ๐Ÿ˜…15:44
vharihaha .. no 15:45
carlossI remember I tried to debug at some stage15:45
vhariwould you like it to be :)15:45
carloss#link (GlusterFS bug error log)15:45
carloss"sudo: gluster: command not found"15:45
carlosshaha, yes15:46
carlossplease assign it to me, vhari 15:46
carlossI can take a look15:46
* vhari was joking ofc 15:46
vharithat would be awesome carloss ++15:46
vhariso that's a wrap for bugs today 15:47
vharity all for pitching in 15:47
carlossvhari: tyvm 15:47
carloss#topic Open Discussion15:47
vhariyw 15:47
gouthamrI see a low hanging fruit python-manilaclient bug:15:48
gouthamrseems to have come up during the holidays; any volunteers to reproduce this and propose a fix?15:49
carlossashrodri: ^ this could be a fun thing to do :)15:52
carlossjust in case you have some cycles15:55
gouthamrthanks carloss15:57
carlossalright, we're almost at the top of the hour15:58
carlosslet's wrap up15:58
carlossthank you everyone for participating15:58
carlosslet's get back to #openstack-manila15:59
carlosshave a great day!15:59
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jan 11 15:59:16 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:59
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