Wednesday, 2024-05-08

rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed May  8 14:00:28 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
rosmaitai guess we should get started14:03
zaitcevOh. I thought jbernard would.14:03
rosmaitaagenda ^^14:03
rosmaitajbernard had a conflict come up, so i'm chairing the meeting for him14:04
rosmaitalooks like there are no announcements14:04
rosmaitaactually, here's one14:04
rosmaitai think i've seen this a few times, usually in cinder-tempest-plugin-lvm-multiattach 14:05
rosmaitatempest.scenario.test_instances_with_cinder_volumes.TestInstancesWithCinderVolumes.test_instances_with_cinder_volumes_on_all_compute_nodes : mount: mounting /dev/vdb on /mnt/vdb failed: Device or resource busy14:05
rosmaitaseems to be intermittent, but we should keep an eye on it in case there's a real issue14:05
rosmaitaso if you have a failure in cinder-tempest-plugin-lvm-multiattach , before rechecking, take a look and see if that's the error you are hitting14:06
rosmaitaok, that's all the announcements14:07
rosmaita#topic Repropose spec to introduce new backup_status field for volume14:07
rosmaitacrohmann: that's you14:07
crohmannYes. I reproposed this and wanted to know if you believe this is something that could be jointly worked on?14:08
crohmannI was merged before, but not worked on or implemented.14:09
rosmaitait's been a while since i looked at that spec14:09
rosmaitai seem to remember that hemna had a devastating critique that came up after it was merged?14:09
rosmaitaor am i thinking of something else14:09
rosmaitamust be something else, i don't see a comment from him on the original patch14:10
rosmaitaso crohmann , when you say jointly worked on, do you mean that you are looking for someone interested in implementing this spec?14:11
crohmannYes, actually if this is something you cores would work on yourself. I doubt this is the kind of thing one can ever get done as a part time contributor.14:12
*** Guest4920 is now known as geguileo14:13
crohmannDe-Coupling backups from other volume status to mee seems kind of a great improvement to core of what cinder is and does14:14
rosmaitawell, we need to re-approve the spec, so that should encourage cores to re-read it and think about implementation14:15
rosmaitamy initial thought was that if it's well defined, maybe Desire would be interested in picking it up to work on14:16
rosmaitanot sure what her time commitments are, though14:17
zaitcevThe hardest part to think about is to imagine the consequences of it.14:17
zaitcevAt least for me.14:17
rosmaitai will have to search the old meeting logs, or maybe just ping Walt ... i was sure that he had a serious objection14:18
crohmannrosmaita: I believe you are referring to e.g. which was the former idea to introduce a whole new task status field. But that was indeed a bad idea.14:19
rosmaitathanks ... though i thought it was more recent than 2022!14:20
crohmannThat is when we went back to the drawing board and realized that it's not about all tasks ... but backups especially that can run independently from other actions on the volume.14:20
rosmaitaok, i clearly need to re-read this spec14:20
rosmaitaso, the situation is: spec needs to be re-approved, and we are looking for someone willing to pick it up14:21
whoami-rajatmore than the implementation i think it requires thorough testing14:21
whoami-rajatsince the volume state won't be backing-up, there are all the operations that we can perform on the volume14:21
whoami-rajatand any one of them could break causing a regression14:22
rosmaitawe will need a full suite of tempest tests14:22
whoami-rajatso that is the major thing to examine IMO14:22
geguileoAnd we could even block processes if, for example, we delete the volume14:22
whoami-rajat+1 for tempest tests14:23
rosmaitasounds like a good action item would be for someone to review our current tempest backup test coverage and propose some new tests14:23
rosmaitaok, so let's keep that in mind in reviewing the spec14:23
geguileoI believe the tests would depend on the operations that we can think of that would break thigns14:23
crohmannI know it's complex, but it also promises some benefits by removing interlocking of cinder and cinder-backup. But from the discussion here I believe I am right to assume this really needs your buy in ... there really is no way to just push some code for review.14:24
rosmaitai agree about the benefits, but also with the wide opportunity to break things14:25
rosmaitai think if you have time to code some stuff, a good place to start would be to improve the test coverage14:26
crohmann(see my request for review :-P )14:26
rosmaitaok, let's move on ... result of the discussion is that cores need to please review the spec14:27
rosmaita#topic image encryption14:27
rosmaitaLuzi: that's you14:28
Luziyeah, the glance spec is still under review and i addressed your comments rosmaita 14:28
rosmaitajust saw that, i need to re-review14:28
Luzido you want a spec for cinder too, now that you have looked through it?14:28
rosmaitadid i see that you  put up a patch for a new database table?14:28
rosmaitain cinder, i mean14:28
Luzithat was for the volume type spec14:29
rosmaitaoh, ok14:29
Luzithat is another topic - let's focus on image encryption first14:29
rosmaitayes, sorry for confusing things14:30
Luzii think it is important to also have cinder folks looking through the glance spec, because you mentioned the need for another parameter14:30
Luziwould something like "os_encrypt_compressed" = True/False good enough?14:31
whoami-rajatdo we have a link to the spec somewhere?14:32
rosmaitalooking that over, i think you may need a cinder spec, but you can keep it short14:35
rosmaitayou can refer to the glance spec for the basic outline14:35
Luziokay I will write a spec for Cinder14:35
rosmaitathe key things for cinder will be what metadata items to look for and how creating a volume from an image will be handled14:35
rosmaitait's probably pretty similar to what we are currently doing14:36
Luziyeah, I will keep that in mind14:36
rosmaitabut the problem is that we currently have a closed-loop system where cinder controls everything14:36
rosmaitaonce we inject users into the system, we need to be a lot more careful about checking things14:37
Luziso maybe i should outline the possible workflows?14:37
whoami-rajat"uses it to encrypt the image locally using the OpenStack client (osc) when uploading it." -- did i read this correctly? how will OSC help in encrypting the image?14:38
Luziwhat is done when cinder uses a user generated encrypted vs an image created from a Cinder LUKS-colume14:38
Luziwhoami-rajat, we want to make it easy for users and to be sure on how the encryption is done - so we aim for intagrating that into the osc14:39
rosmaitai guess the questions are: what does cinder have to worry about in downloading a user-supplied LUKS image so that it can write it into a volume14:40
Luziwe also had done this for the gpg-encryption14:40
rosmaitaand, is there anything new cinder needs to do when uploading a LUKS volume as an image to glance14:40
Luzirosmaita, yes that is what I mean14:40
rosmaitaok, we are on the same page then ... writing that up would be helpful14:41
whoami-rajatthat seems really strange to me, is the OSC team aware about this? since i see OSC as just the CLI interface and SDK for the API requests, but yeah i will add comments to spec14:41
rosmaitaLuzi: you also have a good point about needing to fail early if there's no key manager14:43
Luziyeah, that is what is bugging me with the container format14:43
Luzimaybe you could discuss this with the Glance team? We have a national holiday tomorrow - so I will not be available14:44
rosmaitathe glance team will probably have a holiday tomorrow, too14:45
Luziah okay14:45
rosmaita(also, i have a conflict with the glance meeting)14:45
rosmaitacan you explain real quickly though what the problem is with the container format?  is the idea that an operator who doesn't have barbican can not allow uploads of encrypted volumes by not including 'encrypted' in the glance container_formats config?14:46
Luziyou can and still need to update most of the "os_encrypt_*" parameters later on - if there is no Keymanager available, an encrypted image could be uploaded all parameters set, without getting an error14:48
Luziand cinder or nova using images which than have a container format like qcow2 or raw - how would you handle it? if there is a check, than it would fail in cinder or nova, but not while uploading in glance14:49
Luzii don't think that would be a good user experience14:50
rosmaitawell, i guess the osc could check that there's a key manager endpoint available before uploading the image?14:50
rosmaita(when you ask it to do the encryption)14:50
rosmaitai guess it has to, anyway14:50
Luziyeah but that way we would still have the problem in the API...14:51
rosmaitayeah, but you have to figure that API users at least a little know what they are doing14:51
rosmaitaright now you can put a JPEG into glance, and as long as it's container=bare, disk_format=raw, you can create a volume from it14:52
Luziwell i think this point really needs a discussion with also the Glance and see what they would want14:53
rosmaitaok, well it sounds like me and Rajat are committed to looking at the glance spec, so that's probably a good outcome for today14:53
Luziyeah thank you14:53
rosmaita#topic review requests14:54
rosmaitalooks like crohmann needs help interpreting a failing test14:54
* whoami-rajat adding all naive comments to the spec14:55
rosmaitathe festival of reviews is next week (may 17), maybe we can make it a festival of backup reviews14:56
rosmaitathey do seem to be piling up a bit14:56
whoami-rajatalso one thing i forgot to mention in announcement is, we have M-1 next week but not sure if we had planned any deadlines for M-1 this cycle14:56
rosmaitawow, that snuck up fast14:57
whoami-rajatyeah, i was just trying to see if we had a midcycle-1 date there and noticed the M-1 deadline14:57
rosmaitai know jon was working on scheduling the midcycles, guess we will be having one soon14:57
rosmaitathat means the release team will be asking for an early os-brick release14:58
rosmaitawe need to prioritize os-brick reviews:
whoami-rajatlooks like it, maybe we can prioritize any important review14:59
whoami-rajatin brick14:59
rosmaitaok we are out of time for today ... please look at the agenda to follow up on the other review requests, they look reasonable14:59
rosmaitathanks everyone ... have a productive remainder of your day15:00
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita !15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed May  8 15:00:16 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
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