Thursday, 2024-05-30

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ashrodri#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu May 30 15:00:05 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ashrodri. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
ashrodricourtesy ping vkmc dviroel carloss vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri 15:00
ashrodriIts a holiday in Brazil today, I'll be filling in for carloss15:01
ashrodritoday's agenda:15:02
ashrodriokay, let's get started15:05
ashrodri#topic Announcements15:05
ashrodriReminder that we've got a little more than a month before Manila's first deadline, our specification freeze15:05
ashrodriCarloss recently put up an ensure shares spec here:
ashrodriI think that's the only spec in progress at the moment.15:07
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ashrodriIn other news, I would like to welcome tspyderboy and ccokeke, our May-Aug Outreachy interns working on Manila-UI. Happy to have you here!15:08
vhari\o/ welcome 15:11
jayaanand:-) welcome15:12
ashrodriDo you have any Announcements to share today?15:13
gouthamrnope; just distracted on another meeting; but hearty congratulations to ccokeke[m] and tspyderboy[m]... its great for this community to have two interns again!15:15
ashrodriagreed! okay, moving on...15:17
ashrodri#topic Review Focus15:17
ashrodriIs there any patch we want to bring attention to today?15:17
ccokeke[m]gouthamr: Thanks 15:18
kpdevthese two I need review. Thanks15:18
jayaanandi am on it15:19
ccokeke[m]ccokeke[m]: Thanks 15:19
ashrodriThanks for these bug fixes kpdev!15:20
ashrodriThanks jayaanand for taking a look.15:24
ashrodriIf there's no other patches for today...15:24
ashrodri#topic Bug Triage15:26
ashrodrivhari, floor is yours...15:26
vharity ashrodri 15:26
vharilets dive in 15:26
vharifirst bug due light triage 15:26
vhariit's a good catch, easy reproducible 15:29
ashrodriseems like an easy fix too15:31
vhariack, likely a low .. and low hanging fruit15:31
ashrodriseems here is where the default is set:
vhariwe can set low hanging fruit along with ^^ ref to the code 15:35
vhariany thoughts?15:35
ashrodrino i think thats appropriate15:36
vharinext #link
gouthamrthis is an RFE15:39
vharia new API?15:39
gouthamryes; chuanm is seeking a way to temporarily set an access rule to ro15:40
vhariie a need for new API to implement the feature15:40
gouthamrthat seems like a narrower version of a couple of things we've discussed in the past15:41
gouthamr1) allow updating all access rule properties (which is quite hard to do) 15:41
gouthamr2) allow ordering access rules15:41
gouthamrwe did have a spec for (2); which would allow the workflow chuanm's expecting - i.e., temporarily set an r/o rule that precedes the r/w rule15:42
gouthamrbut we weren't sure we could implement this thing consistently across backends15:42
gouthamri really don't mind us revisiting (1) with this specific use case.. you can update the access-level of an existing rule and the share manager's update_access call will process it consistently across share drivers15:44
gouthamrmaybe this needs a lite spec to flush out details, and any pitfalls15:44
vhariit seems a good effort for k8s environment moving forward15:45
gouthamrack; lets set an [RFE] tag on the bug15:46
gouthamris anyone interested in working on this?15:46
vharimed importance about right?15:47
vhariif anyone would like to research this further and work on it .. pls lmk or assign to self15:50
vharion to last bug for the day
vharitspyderboy welcome :)15:51
ccokeke[m]tspyderboy: welcome:)15:52
gouthamrvhari: interesting bug15:54
gouthamrcarthaca: o/ do you see this behavior in your environment? 15:55
vhariyes, race condition?15:55
vhariis it reproducible at will? 15:55
gouthamrits possible that the profiler backend doesn't matter here.. 15:55
gouthamrvhari: i guess sylvan's tested a fix: "Everything works well if profiler is initialized in start method (ie after oslo_service.service.ProcessLauncher create a forks for the child process)"15:56
gouthamrmaybe we should ask him if he's interested to pick this up? 15:56
vhariwill do 15:57
gouthamrwe can tag it medium imo... 15:57
vharidone 15:57
vhariashrodri, wrapping bugs and  handing over to you :)15:57
ashrodrithanks vhari!15:58
gouthamrthank you vhari 15:58
ashrodricoming up to the top of the hour...15:59
ashrodri#topic Open discussion15:59
vhariyw ashrodri gouthamr :)15:59
ashrodriAnything more for today?15:59
tspyderboy1Hi all15:59
ashrodriWelcome tspyderboy1!16:00
ashrodriThat's all the time we had for today. Thanks for joining us, have a great rest of your day!16:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu May 30 16:00:35 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
ccokeke[m]Thanks everyone 16:02
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