Wednesday, 2024-07-31

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jbernard#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jul 31 14:00:18 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jbernard. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
jbernard#topic roll call14:00
jbernardThis is will a quick one I think, mostly a few moments for open discussion14:05
jbernardwe have about 1 month until feature freeze14:05
yuvalWhat I need to do to have my patches reviewed?14:06
yuvalI am starting to worry14:06
jbernardthe review requests that have been on the list for a while - a few have been reviewed and the remaining are on my short list14:06
jbernardyuval: i will increase the review priority so others may see them14:07
jbernardyuval: i could also be helpful to trade reviews with someone, offer to review there patches in exchange - that sometimes can get things moving for both14:07
yuvalI am up for reviews if anybody need my 2 eyes14:08
jbernardrosmaita: is there anything we should note regarding the recents CVE and fixes?14:09
rosmaitajust that a few regression bugs have been filed, seem to affect nfs based backends14:10
rosmaitaor drivers that are subclasses of the remotefs driver, to be more specific14:10
rosmaitai looked into some of the bugs with whoami-rajat, i think we have an idea of how to fix, should have patches up soon14:11
jbernardawesome, thanks14:11
rosmaitawould be good for quobyte and virtuozzo to get their CIs fixed so they can run full tempest suites14:12
jbernardrosmaita: aren't they both deprecated? or am i thinking of something else?14:12
rosmaitathey are, but they haven't been removed yet, and there may be some people still using them14:13
rosmaitabut yeah, deprecated driver + no CI + CVE issue can mean driver removal14:13
jbernardwhat is the time window? should we set a time to make that decision?14:14
whoami-rajatdid we check with dell team, i remember they also have a dell NFS driver inheriting from our generic driver14:15
whoami-rajatif they are also facing similar issue14:15
rosmaitayes, they have filed a bug14:15
rosmaitai should list the bugs we know about in the etherpad, will do that now14:15
whoami-rajatare we using qcow2 images for dell?14:17
whoami-rajatsorry, qcow2 volumes14:17
yuvaldo we understand what was the root issue?14:18
whoami-rajatbut since it's a bootable volume, whenever we attach it, it will report a qcow2 volume14:18
whoami-rajatso it's the same14:18
rosmaitathe dell issue has to do with backup/restore, so i assume qcow2 is involved14:18
whoami-rajatyeah, when they restore the volume (containing the image), and we attach it (to launch the VM), it does the virtual size check and thinks it's a qcow2 volume (whereas it's a raw volume with a qcow2 image)14:19
rosmaitabut it's also backup of a volume containing a bootable image, so definitely qcow214:19
whoami-rajatso it affects all operations involving attaching a bootable volume, which are most of our use cases ...14:20
yuvalbut why the size is not the same? parsing of the result is different? or the qcow have a different size?14:21
whoami-rajatthe size is same, the issue is with the format inspector (or the qemu-img tool) detecting a raw volume as qcow2 when it has a qcow2 image inside it14:22
whoami-rajatbecause of the header14:22
rosmaitawhoami-rajat has an analysis on that explains in more detail14:22
yuvalThanks will check it out14:23
jbernardon a general note, does anyone have any blockers or need something that I might be able to help with?14:24
yuvalI see so we checked image size vs volume size14:24
jbernard(reviews aside)14:25
whoami-rajatyuval, yes14:25
whoami-rajatzaitcev, can you take a look at my reply on my patch, it blocks adding OSC and SDK support for default types 14:26
jbernard#topic open discussion14:30
kpdevHi all, I need quick glance on small PR of storpool  #link
jbernardkpdev: ill review this today14:31
jbernardit's also on my list14:31
kpdevjbernard: thanks14:32
zaitcevjbernard: did you get my e-mail about core resignation?14:32
ccokeke[m]Please can someone take a look
jbernardzaitcev: i see it, but i haven't had a chance to responde yet14:33
jbernardzaitcev: there is group one can be added/removed14:34
yuvalhow one's become a core reviewer?14:34
zaitcevyuval: Do normal reviews with good comments for a cycle or two.14:35
jbernardyuval: consistent and helpful reviews14:35
yuvalI see14:35
jbernardyuval: if you feel you're already there but just haven't been considered, feel free to reach out14:35
jbernardthe process is less defined than it probably should be14:36
yuvalI am quite dependent on my company regarding availability but I can discuss it with my superiors 14:36
yuvaljbernard :)14:36
jbernardalright, anything else? 14:38
yuvalIs someone seeing a surge in openstack usage in the last few months?14:38
simondodsleyi am - lots of requests for information and POCs14:38
yuvalvmware stuff my guess14:39
simondodsleyI've had a number of large enterprises say they are dumping VMware and are moving to OpenStack14:39
zaitcevAWS was putting screws to people a little bit. Dropping services left and right. And then VMware jacked up prices too.14:40
simondodsleyA large Telco just got screwed with a 5x license cost14:40
yuvalthe new skype14:40
simondodsleythey had 30 days notice so they had to pay14:40
simondodsleythe only issues from a convertion perspective is DRS equivalence.14:41
simondodsleyI'm loooking at Masakari and Watcher to see how they can compete14:41
jbernardccokeke[m]: wrong link? (that's for manilla-ui) or possibly wrong meeting?14:43
yuvalI think we are done14:44
jbernardalright everyone, thanks and please reach out if something is blocking or needed, have a good week and "see" you all next week14:44
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jul 31 14:44:45 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:44
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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