Thursday, 2024-08-08

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Aug  8 15:00:01 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri15:00
carlosshello everyone :D15:03
carlossour meeting agenda for today:15:03
carlossfirst up:15:05
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossSchedule and Deadlines15:05
ccokeke[m]Hello 15:05
carlosswe're past feature proposal freeze and feature freeze is in ~20 days :)15:06
carlosswe are having our collab reviews next week in our mid-cycle15:07
carlossplenty of features being proposed for this cycle15:07
carlosswe'll get to mid-cycle in a bit15:08
carlossbut that's all I had for announcements15:08
carlossis there an announcement you would like to share with us?15:08
carlosstaking silence as no15:10
carloss#topic Mid-cycle15:10
carloss#link (Mid-cycle announcement)15:11
carlossIt will happen next week, on Monday and Tuesday15:11
carlossas suggested in the PTG, we will talk about the progress of the features we have discussed15:11
carlossbut also use some time for our collab reviews15:12
carloss#link (Dalmatian mid-cycle etherpad)15:12
carlossI have added only a few topics15:13
carlossand I believe that our collab reviews will need a bunch of time15:13
carlossso please also add the collab review topics for the features you are working on15:14
carlossso we can try to speed up the reviews15:14
carlossthe etherpad has the meeting room info, as well as as the dates and time slots15:14
carlossdo you have any questions with regards to the bugsquash?15:15
gouthamris this a trick question? :)15:19
gouthamrsince its a couple of days; the collab reviews should keep us quite busy15:19
carlossnot a tricky question15:20
carlossmy head keeps mixing up event names :D15:20
carlosssorry :p15:21
vhariwe got your drift15:21
vhariphew .. you got me on that one :)15:21
carlossalright, next topic:15:21
carloss#topic Review focus15:21
carloss#link (Dalmatian review focus etherpad)15:22
carlossso I have added some updates to the etherpad15:23
carlossI see things were added there15:23
carlossthank you15:23
carlossI intend to keep updating the changes status15:23
carlossmost of the changes could use more eyes15:24
carlossbut I also see that most of the features there will be proposed as review collabs15:24
carlosskpdev also highlighted some other features in #openstack-manila15:25
carlossand I pinged some reviewers15:26
carloss#link (Pass metadata to backend drivers)15:28
carlosshas a +2 from haixin, but we need more reviewers15:28
carlossI looked at the change a week or two ago and it was looking close15:28
carlosswill circle back15:28
carlossasked for some reviews on this in #openstack-manila, I think we can wait on reviews now15:29
carloss#link Update share/snapshot instance deferred deletion (Update share/snapshot instance deferred deletion)15:29
carlossalso has a +2 from haixin and needs more eyes15:29
carloss#link (Share type encription)15:30
gouthamrI will take a look; I was hoping to test this15:30
gouthamr(at both of the above)15:30
carlosshad some eyes, bigger feature15:31
carlosskpdev: I noticed there is no tempest change for this yet. Please propose some tests for it15:31
carlossalso don't see this in the collab review topics. I think this would be a very good feature to have a collab review15:32
carlosscould you please add it?15:32
kpdevencryption ?15:32
carlosswe talked about the metadata change having or not a collab review, and it is a smaller change, already had a couple of reviews, so I think the review iterations will be easier for it15:33
carlossfor share encryption, I believe the collab review will help us to speed up15:33
carlosstyvm :)15:34
carloss#link (Fix share revert to snapshot for specific scenario)15:37
carlosshad a review from gouthamr, and I see the discussion going on. kpdev: are you applying to changes that gouthamr is suggesting?15:37
carloss#link (Export location metadata)15:37
kpdevwaiting for NetApp engineers to comment15:37
carlossack, ty15:37
carlossmsaravan gireesh jayaanand: could you please follow-up?15:37
gireesh@kpdev and @carloss, will add my comment soon 15:38
msaravanGireesh is on it, and I'll also look at it. 15:38
carlosson export location metadata: work from a former an intern, and ashrodri has been working on getting it done. We also need some reviewers here15:38
carlosskpdev gireesh gouthamr: could you please take a look?15:38
carlossmsaravan gireesh: thank you!15:39
carlosstwo to go in the list of review focus15:39
gouthamrsure thing15:39
carlosstyvm :D15:39
carloss#link (Manage/unmanage for CephFS drivers)15:39
carlossone of the features I am pursuing for this release15:40
carlosstesting for manage/unmanage for shares is already passing in a job, but now I am testing manage/unmanage with snapshots15:40
carlosssome eyes would be welcome too15:40
carlosshaixin gouthamr kpdev: not quite ready for reviews yet, but can I have your eyes on it? as soon as I test snapshot updates, will add you to reviewers if that's okay :)15:41
carlossand last on the list15:41
carloss#link (Ensure shares APIs)15:41
haixin ok15:41
carlosssame thing: still under manual testing, but client and API changes are being worked on15:41
carlossthat's all I had for review focus15:42
carlossif there's a change you'd like some attention and that is not on the list15:42
carlossplease add it15:42
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:43
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:43
vharity carloss 15:43
vhariwe have a backlog from last week 15:44
vhari#link 15:44
vharilooking for minor triage atm15:44
carlossganso: thanks for the bug report15:44
gouthamrhmmm, makes sense; there are a bunch of pool--->host fall backs; but we may have missed it for these filter and goodness functions15:46
carlossyep, good find15:47
carlossI think it's a medium prio15:47
carlossis there someone willing to work on it?15:48
carlossI can ask ganso if he has the plans to15:48
vharicarloss, ack good thought15:48
carlossto remember his glorious manila days15:48
carlossbut he's been busy with other things for the past years15:48
vharinext up #link
gouthamrnova should be locking share deletion too.. 15:50
vharigood catch gibi++15:50
carlosswe don't prevent the deletion of shares because they have access rule15:52
carlosswe don't prevent the deletion of shares because they have access rules15:52
carlossso we don't do that check regardless if it is locked or not15:52
carlossif the share was also locked, then I believe we wouldn't run into this issue15:53
carlossthe admin can also place the lock in the share15:53
gouthamryes, Gibi notes that in the bug15:53
gouthamri wonder if their design changed and we didn't hear of it.. 15:53
gouthamri'd expect the workflow to be: 1) lock the share because its mounted somewhere 2) lock the access rule each time the share is mounted15:54
gouthamr3) unlock the access rule when the share is being unmounted15:54
gouthamr4) delete the share lock if its not being mounted anywhere15:54
gouthamrif this isn't done, it'll break nova the same way as originally feared - the share could be deleted from underneath it and hard mounts could make the host go unresponsive15:56
gouthamradding a check in the share delete/unmanage/soft-delete logic to prevent deletion if there are any locked access rules may be okay; just a bit of a performance hit to make some database calls15:57
gouthamrif there's a problem with the existing design, that might be our only recourse though15:57
carlossif we end up needing to do the check too15:58
carlossI can work on the fix15:58
carlossbut we can share that we initially thought that the share should be locked15:59
vharicarloss++ 16:00
vharithat's a wrap for bugs .. out of time :)16:00
carlossvhari: thank you!16:01
carlossthank you everyone for participating16:01
carlosslet's get back to #openstack-manila16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Aug  8 16:01:23 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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