Thursday, 2024-08-22

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Aug 22 15:00:00 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carloss courtesy ping: dviroel  carthaca msaravan pulluri15:00
msaravanHi 15:02
carlosssooo, small audience today :D15:05
carlossa couple of red hatters are taking the day off, as tomorrow is a recharge day in some countries for us :)15:06
carlosswe can keep this meeting brief15:06
carloss#link (Meeting agenda)15:06
carlossthis is the meeting agenda for today. There are a couple of things I'd like to bring up15:07
carloss#topic Announcements15:07
carloss#link (Dalmatian release schedule)15:07
carlosswe're 1 week away from feature freeze, and there are still plenty of features to review :)15:07
carlossI've been keeping the review focus etherpad updated15:09
carloss#link (Dalmatian review focus etherpad)15:09
carlossso let's keep up with the reviews and do our best to merge things by the end of next week15:10
carlossI think we had a good idea of the changes and review assignments in the mid cycle15:12
carlossis there something you'd like to bring up regarding this deadline and/or review focus?15:12
kpdev, I tried revert_to_snapshot returning size of share after revert, but this does not work.. lot of tempest tests specially LVM are failing15:13
kpdevsince it takes almost a minute to finish this sync call.15:13
kpdevso might be we should go back with original approach of making RPC call to know driver behaviour.... or use share-type metadata to know the behaviour...  15:14
carlossor we can try to adapt the tests to this new behavior?15:15
carloss^ I am mentioning this because we know the expectation is changing with this15:16
carlossso perhaps would be the case of us adapting the tests to try not going over the timeout15:16
carthacarevert_to_snapshot in manila/share/ does not have to be a call anymore, it can stay a cast15:19
carthacano need to return the new size to the api, the manager would handle the quota change if the driver returned some new size15:19
carloss^ this works too :)15:20
kpdevok, I will check15:22
carlossack, ty15:23
carlossty for the feedback everyone15:23
carlossis there an announcement you'd like to share today?15:23
carloss#topic Outreachy internship wrap up15:24
carlossa couple of months ago we have introduced two interns, that were just getting started with their outreachy internships in the manila-ui repo15:25
carlossccokeke[m] and tspyderboy[m] :)15:25
carlosstheir internship is ending this week15:25
carlossand I would like to take this opportunity to than them for all of the work the did15:26
carlossand for the commitment to their tasks15:26
carloss#link (Christian's contributions)15:26
carloss#link (Ariq's contributions)15:27
carlossthey've both focused on making manila-ui better and adding more features to it15:27
carlossthis internship has been great for the mentors, but also for the progress in manila-ui, as we continue to fight the feature disparity with the API15:28
carlossit's a bit late in their timezone, they might not be around now, but I'd like to thank them for all of the work15:28
carlossand say they will always be welcome on this community15:28
carlossthat's all I had for $topic :)15:31
carloss#topic Bug Triage (carloss)15:31
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:32
carlossthanks vhari for updating the list15:32
carlosswe have 1 untriaged bug there15:32
carloss#link (Creating a backup of an nfs based share fails with "mount.nfs: remote share not in 'host:dir' format\n")15:32
carlossso gibi has opened this bug15:33
carlossgood catch on creating backups15:33
carlossI'd say it's a medium priority at this point... I think this has been tested in the past though, so maybe a regression or an untested scenario15:34
carlosskpdev: I believe you have the most familiarity with the nfs backup implementation. Could you please take a look?15:34
carlosswe can follow-up in the bug :)15:36
carlossthat's a wrap for bugs15:36
carloss#topic Open Discussion15:36
gireeshfrom the logs it seems that export mount is failing 15:37
gireeshwe need to add the proper export path in manila.conf file 15:37
gireeshthis can be config issue 15:38
carlossgireesh: ah, ack! thank you15:38
carlossmind adding a suggestion to the bug?15:39
* gouthamr drops in15:39
gireeshsure, will check the log again and will update that 15:39
carlossalso, feel free to ask for his manila.conf15:39
carlossgireesh: ack! thank you15:39
* carloss waves at gouthamr :D15:39
carlossso just a friendly reminder to bring up in open discussion:15:40
carloss#link (Epoxy PTG planning etherpad)15:40
carlossplease feel free to start adding topics to the planning etherpad15:40
carlossthe next ptg is in exact two months from now :)15:40
gouthamro/ carloss .. 15:40
* gouthamr notes that he'll look at the latest on kpdev's revert-to-snapshot fix15:41
carlossack, thank you15:43
carlossanything else y'all would like to bring up? otherwise, let's wrap up :)15:44
* gouthamr scrolls back 15:44
gouthamrah, carloss: tspyderboy and ccokeke aren't here. i wonder if they missed the time15:45
gouthamrwe can possibly have them come in next week15:45
gouthamrbesides that, nothing else from me.. we should get on with reviews targeted to feature freeze15:46
carlossthanks gouthamr 15:47
carlosslet's wrap up then15:47
carlossthank you everyone for attending15:47
carlosslet's get back to #openstack-manila15:47
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Aug 22 15:47:47 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:47
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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