Wednesday, 2024-09-25

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rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Sep 25 14:00:29 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
rosmaita(Jon has a conflict today, so I'm running the meeting)14:02
whoami-rajatrosmaita, should we also do the ping on the cinder channel?14:03
rosmaitai thought i did14:03
rosmaitathough maybe i pinged in glance by mistake14:04
whoami-rajatoh yes you did, i had the wrong username sorry14:04
rosmaitawell, it doesn't hurt to ping twice14:04
rosmaitaok, i guess we can get started14:05
rosmaita#topic schedule updates14:05
rosmaitaEpoxy development starts next week14:05
rosmaita(actually it has already started, we'll talk about that in a minute)14:05
rosmaitaback to the present14:05
rosmaitathis is final-rc week14:06
rosmaitajust a reminder of how the OpenStack development process works14:06
rosmaitawe released 2024.2 (Dalmatian) Release Candidate 1 (RC1) two weeks ago14:06
rosmaitawhen ^^ merged, the stable/2024.2 (dalmatian) branch was cut14:06
rosmaitamaster became the epoxy development branch14:07
rosmaitaeverything we work on always goes to master first14:07
rosmaitaso if you do a git log on master, you'll see a bunch of stuff has merged after the tag14:07
rosmaitathat's all Epoxy14:07
rosmaitathe only way to get it into the Dalmatian release is to backport it from master to stable/2024.214:07
rosmaitaWe will need to do a RC-2 to include
rosmaita(which has already merged to master and all earlier stable branches)14:07
rosmaitathe only other patches currently merged to master are test-only-changes14:08
rosmaitaso no need to backport those (at least not now)14:08
rosmaitaok, the point of all that is that if anything else is to be included in RC2 this week14:08
rosmaitait has to merge to master today14:08
rosmaitaand be backported to stable/2024.214:08
rosmaitai've seen 1 patch that i think is a good candidate14:08
rosmaita(but people can nominate others)14:08
rosmaitait's the StorPool patch that's on the agenda14:09
rosmaitaso it will need one more +2 and merge, and then kpdev can propose the backport14:09
rosmaitamy reasons for nominating it is that it's been sitting a long time, and it has implications for glance and multiattach14:10
rosmaitaso i think it would be good to have it in the Dalmatian release14:11
whoami-rajatare we adding iSCSI support to storpool driver?14:11
kpdevfor attach whenever possible configured using options14:12
whoami-rajatto me this looks like a new feature, and storpool should do it like how other drivers do it14:12
whoami-rajati.e. create a common file for common methods14:13
whoami-rajatand separate code for iSCSI, FC or any other protocol that they support14:13
whoami-rajatwe have examples in the netapp and pure driver for this, those support iSCSI, FC and NVMe14:13
rosmaitai thought pure was a single-file driver14:14
rosmaita(one of the "legacy" cinder drivers)14:14
kpdevisn't its driver specific ? 14:14
eharneypure is single-file but different classes for iscsi/fc drivers14:14
whoami-rajatrosmaita, pure has a single file but different classes for iSCSI and FC drivers14:15
whoami-rajati don't like the initialize_connection or other methods returning different protocols based on some config options, looks very error prone14:16
whoami-rajatbut that's just me14:16
eharneyre: storpool i'm also not a huge fan of adding very generic sounding options (like iscsi_cinder_volume/iscsi_portal_group) which are driver-specific14:16
whoami-rajateharney, +1, i think we have a precedent of driver specific config option names starting with the driver prefix, like storpool_iscsi_cinder_volume or something14:17
kpdevbut these options are in driver section14:17
eharneyyeah, other options do that there, but the new ones don't14:17
whoami-rajatto avoid conflicts with other config options14:17
rosmaitaok, sounds like there's some pushback, but it would be good to have a commitment to get comments on the review so it can be revised for early Epoxy14:18
whoami-rajatsure, i can add my concerns14:19
kpdevok so changing options to storpool_* should be fine for this patch to get in ? 14:19
rosmaitakpdev: sounds like there may be more refactoring involved14:19
rosmaitaso looks to me like not for RC214:20
rosmaitabut, whoami-rajat will get comments on the patch (and maybe eharney too)14:20
rosmaitaand if you have questions about the refactoring request, you can put it on the agenda for the ptg in a few weeks14:20
kpdevok, isn't it possible to merge this as experimental feature support in rc2 and do refactoring as asked for epoxy ?14:21
rosmaitabut maybe Rajat's comments plus looking at the Pure driver will give you enough ideas14:21
rosmaitathat's really a question for the PTL14:22
rosmaitai'm inclined to say no14:22
eharneyif you do that, you have to then handle compatibility because changing from an option to enable iscsi to a different driver class is a significant change14:22
eharneywould be kind of a mess14:23
rosmaitakpdev: sorry about getting your hopes up14:23
rosmaitaon the plus side, you did get some more people looking at the patch14:23
rosmaitaall right, any other nominations for RC2?14:24
whoami-rajatnot related to RC2 but i had concerns with one of the changes that storpool driver did some time ago, should i hold it till open discussion?14:24
rosmaitayes, we will have plenty of time14:25
whoami-rajatok thanks14:25
rosmaitaok, I will be able to post the RC2 patch right after the meeting, then14:25
rosmaitamoving on ...14:25
rosmaitathe Epoxy virtual PTG will be the week of October 2114:26
rosmaitai'm sure Jon has an etherpad, but I can't find a link14:26
rosmaitaanyone got one?14:26
rosmaitaplease think about topics and add them to the etherpad14:28
rosmaitaalso, feel free to propose something like a review day14:28
rosmaitawe did one last PTG for backup reviews14:28
rosmaitaand, finally, speaking about reviews14:28
rosmaitawe have a monthly "Festival of Xtra-Small Reviews" the third friday of each month14:29
rosmaitaattendance has been kind of ... not good14:29
rosmaitaplease think about putting it on your calendar14:29
rosmaitaand if the time is no good, you could propose an alternative at the weekly meeting14:30
rosmaitaok, that's it from me ... there's a list of reviews on the etherpad, please look at Luigi's zuul topics at line 127 on the etherpad first14:31
rosmaita#topic open discussion14:31
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: you had something you wanted to talk about14:32
whoami-rajati wanted to discuss about the cross pool cloning functionality that storpool added14:32
whoami-rajati mean the support to report that the backend supports it14:33
whoami-rajatI've a comment there 14:33
whoami-rajatso if we have 2 storage arrays and we configure 2 cinder backends, each pointing to a different array, this logic says you can clone the volume but in reality you cannot and the operation will fail14:33
whoami-rajatthis is a case which i think was missed, reading the reply, looks like that's not a configuration that storpool supports14:34
whoami-rajatI'm not sure why since it should be possible theoretically14:34
whoami-rajatanyways, the code is common to all cinder drivers so if another vendor comes in with multiple storage arrays, this logic might not behave correctly for them14:35
whoami-rajatto be specific, this is the image volume cache functionality and we will only see this in action when we are creating a bootable volume from an image14:35
whoami-rajatright now no other driver than storpool reports clone_across_pools so it's fine but I think NetApp was also trying to add support for the same14:37
rosmaitayeah, i am glad you flagged that14:38
msaravanYes, the coding is in progress for NetApp as well.. 14:38
msaravanhave some doubts, and we can connect offline next week..14:38
rosmaitaalso, there's the ptg14:38
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: why don't you put up a patch with a "FIXME" comment before line 65 in that file, so that if we all get hit by buses in the next week, there will be an indicator in the code that this needs to be addressed14:39
whoami-rajatrosmaita, sure i can do that, i also have the fix but no testing environment to validate it14:41
whoami-rajatbut i like the FIXME idea14:41
rosmaitahaving an actual fix is even better!14:41
rosmaitaok, anybody else have something to discuss?14:42
rosmaitasounds like "no"14:44
rosmaitaok, see you here next week, and we can celebrate the Dalmatian release14:44
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Sep 25 14:44:26 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:44
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjThank you!14:44

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