Thursday, 2024-11-14

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Nov 14 15:00:37 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri15:00
carlosso/ hello15:04
carlosslet's get started :)15:04
carlossour meeting agenda for today:15:04
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossSchedule and Deadlines15:05
carlossthe epoxy-1  milestone is this week15:06
carlosswe have a couple of things currently targeted to this milestone on launchpad15:07
carlossI should definitely add the manila milestones to the official schedule15:08
carlossthat's on top of my todo list15:08
carlossI believe I'll be able to get to it next week and share it with you15:08
carlossanother announcement:15:11
carloss# (Scale CFP extension)15:11
carlossthere will be another openinfra days co-located with the scale linux event next year15:11
carlossand I should've brought it up sooner15:11
carlossbut the cfp extension ends tomorrow15:11
carlossso if you have any last minute ideas you'd like to propose, please go ahead15:12
carlossthat's all I had for announcements. Is there an announcement you'd like to share with us?15:12
carlosstaking silence as no15:15
carloss#topic Review focus15:15
carloss#link (Epoxy review focus etherpad)15:15
carlosswe currently have two specs being proposed15:16
carloss#link (Add spec for subnet force deletion)15:16
carloss#link (Add spec for share group affinity policy)15:16
carlosssharing feedback on the specs is very important15:17
carlossi'd encourage all of the reviewers to take a look at them15:17
gouthamr+1 I’ve looked but not finished commenting15:18
gouthamrwill do today15:18
carlossgouthamr: thank you very much!15:18
carlossfor today I'd like to ask for some attention to these specs and the bugs targeted to epoxy-115:20
carlossIs there another change you'd like to bring up for $topic?15:20
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:21
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:21
vharity carloss 15:21
vharilets start with new bugs needing triage this week 15:22
vharithen dive into a small backlog 15:22
vharity for reporting this gouthamr 15:23
gouthamryeah; was hoping we can pin this job on jammy as we investigate15:24
msaravanhi, sorry for joining late. 15:25
carlossgouthamr: sounds like a good idea15:26
carlosshey msaravan o.15:26
vhariack, gouthamr what would stop us from this? are there any drawbacks?15:26
vhario/ msaravan 15:26
msaravanHi carloss. if there are any asks on NetApp, please share.. 15:27
carlossmsaravan: sure, so far only me asking for some reviews in the specs :)15:28
carlossvhari: the image pinning should be okay as far as I remember15:30
carlossgouthamr: are you planning to work on this? or would you like someone to take a look at pinning the image?15:30
gouthamrwasn’t planning to; but we got to move along to land the noble based jobs early15:32
gouthamrso can do15:32
vharity gouthamr++15:33
carlossif you have too much going on, let us know and we can try to find another owner15:33
carlosss/let us know/please let us know15:33
vharimoving on .. #link
carlossso this is a bug I reported after hearing some feedback from bauzas, while he was doing some testing with VirtioFS15:35
vharigood catch carloss 15:35
vharisaw the thread around this issue .. ty for reporting it 15:35
gouthamrmissing user message?15:35
carlossvhari: np15:35
carlossyes, a user message would be helpful there15:36
carlosshis suggetion was: we shouldn't let the user do this when we know that backup isn't supported15:36
vhariack 15:37
carlossand if we would be able to fail earlier, I would be in favor of it, but it is a bit tricky15:37
carlossto fail earlier, this means failing at the API layer15:37
carlosswhere we don't have a lot of information whether the backup will use the generic implementation or the driver own means to create the backup15:38
carlosshis idea was: as the generic implementation only works with NFS, we can check on the share's protocol and fail15:39
carlosswhen it's cephfs15:39
carlosswhich makes sense until we implement share backup using the cephfs driver and can take backups from cephfs shares too15:39
carlossthis would make us impose something only based on a single protocol, but if we are to fail, I'd rather ask the backend if it supports the action or not15:40
carlossbecause we also have CIFS, glusterfs...15:41
vhari++ that would be a broader solution15:41
carlossand CIFS might work with NetApp, so the best way out to fail earlier would be to check with the backend first15:41
carlossthe downside is that it adds some extra complexity and a direct call to the backend15:42
carlosswhich can leave the API request hanging15:42
carlossso maybe we can check if the protocol is not NFS. if it is not, we can make a call to the share manager and check if there's a backup driver or an implementation for backups15:44
carlosswe can use only the user message, which will fail at the moment it attempts to mount the share in order to copy the data15:45
carloss^ currently15:45
carlosswe can also return earlier in the generic backup implementation in case this isn't an nfs share15:46
gouthamrI think I live the latter; the backup driver is reporting to the scheduler, correct?15:48
carlossgouthamr: iirc yes15:49
vharicarloss, any interest in taking a stab at this bug? :)15:51
carlossyes, I can take a look15:51
vharigreat ty .. you've done a lot of research on possible fixes ++15:52
vhariI think that's all the time we have for bugs today 15:52
vhariso back at you carloss 15:52
vharity all for pitching in as always 15:52
carlossvhari: tyvm :)15:52
carloss#topic Open Discussion15:52
vhariyw :)15:52
kpdev, most of PRs are there for more than 3 weeks, I have not received significant reviews. so please review and speed up. 15:54
carlosshey kpdev o/ sorry for the wait but from what I hear a lot of people are fighting fires at the moment15:59
carlossand the reviews are a bit delayed16:00
vharikpdev, would you mind share your top prio changes in manila channel for folks to focus on?16:02
vharisince we are at top of hr for this meeting? 16:03
vharithat would greatly help ty16:03
carlossvhari++ thank you16:03
vhariyw carloss :)16:03
carlosskpdev++ i'm hoping we can get some reviews in asap16:03
carlosswe're past the hour16:04
carlosslet's get back to #openstack-manila16:04
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opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Nov 14 16:11:16 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:11
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