Wednesday, 2025-02-05

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:57
rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Feb  5 14:02:17 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:02
rosmaita#topic roll call14:02
rosmaitahello sfernand, say hi again so you get into the minutes14:02
rosmaitaok, let's get started14:05
rosmaitathe school bus broke down this morning and Jon had to take his kids to school, so that's why he's not here14:05
rosmaitabut, there's a kind of light agenda (except for the review requests)14:06
rosmaitaI'm not aware of anything to announce ... anyone got anything?14:06
rosmaitaok, one thing ... looks like PTL self-nomination season is oepn today at 23:45 UTC14:07
rosmaitaif you are interested in becoming cinder PTL, either for Flamingo or G or H or something14:09
rosmaitawe have several still-active PTLs you can talk to and find out what the job entails14:09
rosmaita(also, i believe that Jon will stand for election again, but i haven't actually asked him)14:09
rosmaitabut, might as well think about the future14:10
rosmaitaanyone got anything else?14:10
rosmaitaok, on to the topics14:11
rosmaita#topic help to review the powermax bug fixes which are important for third party CI14:12
rosmaitanot sure who put this on?14:12
rosmaitapossibly nileshthathagar ?14:12
nileshthathagaryes that was me14:13
rosmaitait is awful quiet in here ... am i netsplit?14:13
rosmaitaok, the floor is yours14:13
whoami-rajatwe can see you rosmaita 14:13
rosmaitai am wearing blue today14:13
* whoami-rajat sorry for interrupting, nileshthathagar please go ahead14:14
nileshthathagarsure thanks there are few patches which required when powermax CI is ready to run14:15
rosmaitanileshthathagar: it sounds like these particular patches are important to get your 3rd party ci working again?14:15
rosmaita(or am i thinking of a different dell driver)14:15
nileshthathagarwhen powermax CI will get fixed. this patches also required to CI get passed.14:16
nileshthathagarwe have all CI gets broken but these patches will help to smooth run of CI when It will get fixed.14:17
nileshthathagarfor powermax14:17
rosmaitaok, the cinder community encourages third party ci, so it makes sense to prioritize these reviews14:17
nileshthathagargreat. thanks14:17
rosmaitai will commit to looking at the 3 on lines 76-78 in the etherpad immediately following the meeting14:18
rosmaitacan i get a commitment from someone else?14:18
* sp-bmilanov added the the three lines with changes, maybe nileshthathagar can add more if there are any14:19
rosmaitaty sp-bmilanov14:19
rosmaitai still think i may be netsplit, though that doesn't seem to happen much with OFTC14:20
nileshthathagarall added. thanks14:20
rosmaitaused to happen all the time on freenode14:20
rosmaitaok, next item14:20
rosmaita#topic old patch of the week14:20
rosmaitathat's me14:20
rosmaitanot my patch, but a patch I came across14:21
rosmaitaRecord the original size when creating an image from a volume14:21
rosmaitaseems very straigthtforward, so i am wondering if i am missing something14:21
rosmaitabasically, the idea is that glance has this 'min_disk" image property14:22
rosmaitacinder and nova pay attention to it when you request to do something with an image14:22
whoami-rajatnileshthathagar, i wanted to know more details about the os-brick patch, maybe we can discuss in open-discussion14:22
rosmaitathe issue is that if you upload a volume as an image to glance, and it's a qcow2 or something14:23
rosmaitathe virtual size of the volume may be bigger than it's actual size in glance14:23
rosmaitaand when you request to do an image-to-volume operation in cinder, it can fail14:23
rosmaitaif the user picks a size that looks big enough, but really isn't14:23
rosmaitaso the proposal is that since we know how big the volume is that we are uploading from cinder14:24
nileshthathagarwhoami-rajat, we can discuss in direct chat. I am also in another meeting as well.14:24
rosmaitaand since min_disk is in GB14:24
sp-bmilanovthis sounds like a Tempest test case as well?14:24
whoami-rajatnileshthathagar, sure14:24
whoami-rajatrosmaita, so when we upload the volume to glance, doesn't glance calculate the virtual_size?14:24
rosmaitacinder can add the min_disk property when the image is uploaded to glance14:24
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: i am not sure if it does that in the normal upload path14:25
rosmaitathat may be an image import thing14:25
rosmaita(though that may have changed)14:25
rosmaitain any case, we have min_disk tooling already in place (on the download side), so maybe it makes sense to do it on upload?14:28
whoami-rajatcertainly adding min_disk property would make volume create from image request fail fast14:28
rosmaitaok, just got confirmation that whoami-rajat is correct, glance does compute virtual_size on the upload path we use14:29
whoami-rajatthat was quick!14:29
rosmaitai think fail-fast is the key thing, if we can fail in the REST API response, that's a better user experience14:29
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: i just happened to be talking to dansmith in another channel14:30
whoami-rajatyep, also the min_disk property would act as a data point for end user to know what size they should provide for the volume create14:30
whoami-rajatif users are able to see it14:30
rosmaitait's a standard glance property14:30
rosmaitathe other thing about min_disk is that it is the same unit as cinder volumes14:30
rosmaitawhereas i believe the virtual_size is bytes14:31
rosmaitaso if it is populated in the database, it will be in the image-show response14:33
rosmaitaok, well we can continue this discussion on the patch ... it would be good to move that along, because requesting a volume create, and getting a 204, and then having the volume go to error status, is not a good user experience14:34
rosmaitanow we come  to my least favorite part of the meeting14:35
rosmaita#topic review requests14:35
rosmaitawe already discussed the dell PowerMax14:35
rosmaitadoes anyone have anything helpful to point out about the others14:36
rosmaitai think sp-bmilanov did put a comment on line 88 that is helpful14:36
sp-bmilanovyep, I've got one from me14:36
rosmaita(as an explanation of why we need to review quickly)14:36
sp-bmilanovyes, in a nutshell, os-brick now uses the internal API client for communicating with StorPool14:37
sp-bmilanovbecause the change is merged, but the change that switches the client over inside Cinder is this one, and still not merged14:37
sp-bmilanovit would be really nice not to have a release in which we have to be careful that one is using one, and the other -- another14:38
rosmaitayes, it makes sense to get everything in order14:39
rosmaitajust to be clear, this is an "all-or-nothing" patch, i mean, once the cinder patch is merged, you *must* be using os-brick >=6.10.014:40
sp-bmilanovthe change is 80% a search and replace of the API calls, and 20% inits and stuff that are done differently with the internal client14:40
rosmaitawhat i mean is, there is not a provision to fall back to look for the old storpool packages 14:40
sp-bmilanovyes, I need to check if the requirements.txt reflects this14:40
rosmaitayes, you did update requirements.txt on your patch14:40
sp-bmilanovah, right, yes, there is no planned fallback, we would like to support the internal client only, not both14:41
rosmaitathat's fine, what i am getting at is maybe you should word the release note more strongly14:42
rosmaitato make it clear that not only are the storpool packages not required, they are ignored, you must use the correct version of os-brick14:42
rosmaita(but maybe that's overkill)14:42
sp-bmilanovgood point, it should at least mention that it's only the internal client, nothing else14:43
sp-bmilanovit see how you could read it as either-or currently14:43
rosmaitaand maybe in the docs, instead of deleting that section, maybe turn it into a note14:44
rosmaitamainly for people upgrading, new users won't care14:44
rosmaitabut those are nits and could certainly be a follow up14:44
sp-bmilanovturn it into a note inside the docs? sth like "previously you had to install X, now you need os-brick Y"?14:45
sp-bmilanovor like a proper releasenote with an "upgrade" classifier?14:45
sp-bmilanovthe latter sounds better 14:45
rosmaitathat sounds good to me14:46
sp-bmilanovnice, thanks14:46
rosmaitaold users will see the upgrade note, and new users don't need to know anything14:46
rosmaitaok, any comments about any of the other reviews?14:47
rosmaitaok, let's end the meeting early and go do some reviews!14:48
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Feb  5 14:48:16 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:48
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
whoami-rajatnileshthathagar, hey, can you join the #openstack-cinder channel14:57
nileshthathagarwhoami-rajat, sure.15:14

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