Thursday, 2025-02-27

carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Feb 27 15:00:51 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: dviroel vhari msaravan pulluri ashrodri15:01
* carloss got distracted15:04
carlosshello everyone!15:04
carloss#link (Weekly meeting agenda)15:04
carlossthis is our agenda for today15:04
carlossplenty to get to, let's get started15:05
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossthis is feature freeze and client release week15:05
* carloss o/15:05
vharisry late due to another call 15:06
carlossno featureful patch should be landed after this point15:06
carlossunless granted exception 15:06
carlosswe'll get to the featureful patches in a bit15:06
carlossand look at the feature freeze more in depth15:07
carlossnext week is already the RC1 week15:07
carlossand the week that we will have a bugsquash15:07
carloss#link (Bugsquash ML announcement)15:07
carlosswe'll meet on Monday and Tuesday15:08
carlossthe kick-off meeting will be on Monday 15 UTC15:08
carlossand we will be focusing on stale bugs15:09
carlossand the last announcement for today:15:09
carlossNo meeting next week15:09
* carloss means the upstream weekly meeting15:09
carlossa couple of us will be in person at the OpenInfra Days Na15:10
carlossthe zorillas have two sessions, one on Thursday and another one on Friday15:10
carlossso if you'd like to participate in a first contributor workshop15:10
carlosss/first contributor/first time contributor15:11
msaravanHi 15:11
carlosso/ msaravan 15:11
msaravansorry for joining late15:11
carlossas well as get to know some more details, the state of the art and our future plans to the CephFS drivers15:12
carloss(and you're attending to the conference)15:12
carlosscome say hi, you'll be very welcome! :)15:12
carlossso as a couple of the zorillas will be in person at the OpenInfra Days NA, we'll be cancelling next week's weekly meeting15:13
carlossif that's okay15:13
carlossin case you have any concerns or have something to bring up15:13
carlossplease ping me on IRC or email15:13
carlossI should remain connected15:13
carlossthat's all I had for $topic15:13
carlossoh, there's something else!15:13
carlossI'd like to congratulate gouthamr on his election to the TC seat again :)15:14
carloss#link (TC election results)15:14
gouthamrthanks carloss 15:15
gouthamrin the same vein, we're ever thankful for your continued leadership of the manila team:15:15
gouthamr#link (PTL Elections, Flamingo) 15:15
carlossthank you! :D15:16
carlosslots of great things that gouthamr has been up to15:16
carlossone of my favorites is the weekly email with the updates15:16
carlossvery good information to keep everyone informed about what's going on15:17
carlossgouthamr++ all the best!15:17
gouthamrnice, thank you :)15:17
carlossawesome, now I am really done with $topic15:18
carlossis there another announcement you'd like to share with us today?15:18
carloss#topic Feature freeze15:20
carlossso this is the week we must release python-manilaclient15:20
carlossand I updated the release patch a bit earlier today15:21
carloss#link (Python-manilaclient epoxy release)15:21
carlosswe managed to get a couple of other fixes in the last couple of days15:21
carlossnot sure if you are pursuing any other changes to be a part of this release15:21
carlossas far as I can tell, we are good to go15:22
kpdevpassing share network subnet metadata would be good to have in release for us15:22
carlosskpdev: you mean the manila change?15:22
* carloss didn't find a manilaclient change for it15:23
kpdevyes, this comes with API change15:23
kpdevwe dont need manilaclient  change for this feature, do we ? no change in REST API15:23
carlosswe don't15:23
carlossthis patch I linked refers only to python-manilaclient15:24
carlossbecause the client release must happen this week15:24
kpdevbut manilaclient max version should be upadted to 2.89 for this to work15:24
carlosskpdev: yes, good point15:24
kpdevI will create patch with new microversion, wdyt ?15:24
carlosskpdev: sure15:24
carlossplease go ahead and do it15:24
carlossthe API change seems close, you've got some reviews on it15:25
carlossgouthamr: could you please take a look at it again? :)15:25
gouthamryes, on it 15:25
carlossgouthamr: tyty15:26
carlossgireesh: could you please circle back as well?15:26
carlosskpdev: thanks for splitting the API change and the driver change15:26
carlossat the moment, we have a couple of features that would qualify for feature freeze:15:29
carloss#link (Pass share network subnet metadata updates to backend drivers )15:29
carloss#link (NetApp - Restrict LIF Creation Per HA Pair)15:30
carloss#link ([NetApp] Certificate based authentication for NetApp drivers)15:30
carloss#link (Allow services API to filter by ensuring)15:30
carlossthe NetApp changes got some reviews from NetAppers and kpdev and I also got a chance to look at them15:31
carlossmore reviews would be welcome15:31
carlossthe change to restrict LIF creation sounds like a bug fix, as currently, without it there could be a failure during cluster failover15:32
carlossas for certificate based authentication, I believe the NetApp Deployment and Operations guide should be updated to share examples on how to configure it15:33
carlossI've suggested this to Sai in the reviews15:33
carlosshe can add a mention to it in the NetApp driver upstream documentation as well15:33
kpdev#link (Passing update to NetApp driver) is also dependent change and should be merged for freeze15:34
carlossdriver specific change15:35
carlossso the request for review stands: kpdev gireesh gouthamr ashrodri carthaca msaravan could you please share your thoughts on the changes I linked? :)15:38
carlossthere are some other changes we can merge but they are bug fixes15:39
carlossin case you need a feature freeze exception, please let me know15:39
gireeshsure Carloss15:39
carlossyou'll likely need to send the email requesting the feature freeze exception to the openstack-discuss mailing list15:39
carlossbut I think it would be great if we can get everything merged by next Tuesday EOD15:40
carlossthoughts? questions?15:43
carlosstaking silence as no15:44
gouthamryes, about the client15:44
carlossoh :)15:44
carlossgouthamr: please go ahead15:44
gouthamri'm inclined to ship it and follow up with the new API changes right after.. 15:45
gouthamrwe'd need to get the release team to wait on us otherwise, which wouldn't be ideal15:45
carlossyep... we can ship a new release when we have the client change merged too15:46
gouthamrexcept it'll be in the Flamingo "2025.1" stream.. 15:46
carlossshould only take a few days to get the release out after the change is merged in the client15:46
gouthamrwe can try to work through the next few hours, but, if we find we need to make major changes to manila, it'd be okay to let the client get released 15:47
carlossI'll update the client change by EOD15:50
carlossor as early as possible15:50
carlossand watch the reviews on the API change15:50
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:51
opendevmeetRemoving item from minutes: #topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:51
carlossthanks for sharing your thoughts :)15:51
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:51
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:52
vharity carloss 15:52
vharianother week with no incoming bugs :)15:52
vhari:) would like to revisit #link 15:52
gouthamrthink we need an owner here15:53
gouthamrthe suggested workaround is to tinker with the share types temporarily to allow the migration to proceed15:53
gouthamrbut, there's a pretty simple bug in the NetApp driver15:53
carlossgouthamr: thanks for the very detailed bug report :)15:54
gireeshwill check with the team if someone can take this, otherwise I will own this15:55
carlossgireesh: thank you15:56
* carloss checks time16:00
carlossvhari: I see that's the only bug in the list for today, thanks for bringing it up16:00
carlossin case there are more, let's continue in the #openstack-manila channel16:00
vhariyw carloss 16:00
vharithat's a wrap for bugs of16:01
carlossthank you everyone for participating16:01
carlosshave a great day16:01
carlosslet's get back to the manila channel!16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Feb 27 16:01:25 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
gouthamrthank you!16:01

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