carloss | #startmeeting manila | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Thu Feb 27 15:00:51 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'manila' | 15:00 |
haixin | o/ | 15:01 |
gouthamr | o/ | 15:01 |
carthaca | hi | 15:01 |
carloss | courtesy ping: dviroel vhari msaravan pulluri ashrodri | 15:01 |
gireesh | hi | 15:04 |
* carloss got distracted | 15:04 | |
carloss | hello everyone! | 15:04 |
carloss | welcome | 15:04 |
carloss | #link (Weekly meeting agenda) | 15:04 |
carloss | this is our agenda for today | 15:04 |
carloss | plenty to get to, let's get started | 15:05 |
carloss | #topic Announcements | 15:05 |
carloss | #link | 15:05 |
carloss | this is feature freeze and client release week | 15:05 |
vhari | hi | 15:05 |
* carloss o/ | 15:05 | |
vhari | sry late due to another call | 15:06 |
carloss | np | 15:06 |
carloss | no featureful patch should be landed after this point | 15:06 |
kpdev | hi | 15:06 |
carloss | unless granted exception | 15:06 |
carloss | o/ | 15:06 |
carloss | we'll get to the featureful patches in a bit | 15:06 |
msaravan | Hi | 15:06 |
carloss | and look at the feature freeze more in depth | 15:07 |
carloss | next week is already the RC1 week | 15:07 |
carloss | and the week that we will have a bugsquash | 15:07 |
carloss | #link (Bugsquash ML announcement) | 15:07 |
carloss | we'll meet on Monday and Tuesday | 15:08 |
carloss | the kick-off meeting will be on Monday 15 UTC | 15:08 |
carloss | and we will be focusing on stale bugs | 15:09 |
carloss | and the last announcement for today: | 15:09 |
carloss | No meeting next week | 15:09 |
* carloss means the upstream weekly meeting | 15:09 | |
carloss | a couple of us will be in person at the OpenInfra Days Na | 15:10 |
carloss | NA* | 15:10 |
carloss | the zorillas have two sessions, one on Thursday and another one on Friday | 15:10 |
carloss | so if you'd like to participate in a first contributor workshop | 15:10 |
carloss | s/first contributor/first time contributor | 15:11 |
msaravan | Hi | 15:11 |
carloss | o/ msaravan | 15:11 |
msaravan | sorry for joining late | 15:11 |
carloss | np | 15:11 |
carloss | as well as get to know some more details, the state of the art and our future plans to the CephFS drivers | 15:12 |
carloss | (and you're attending to the conference) | 15:12 |
carloss | come say hi, you'll be very welcome! :) | 15:12 |
carloss | so as a couple of the zorillas will be in person at the OpenInfra Days NA, we'll be cancelling next week's weekly meeting | 15:13 |
carloss | if that's okay | 15:13 |
carloss | in case you have any concerns or have something to bring up | 15:13 |
carloss | please ping me on IRC or email | 15:13 |
carloss | I should remain connected | 15:13 |
carloss | that's all I had for $topic | 15:13 |
carloss | oh, there's something else! | 15:13 |
carloss | sorry | 15:13 |
carloss | I'd like to congratulate gouthamr on his election to the TC seat again :) | 15:14 |
carloss | #link (TC election results) | 15:14 |
gouthamr | thanks carloss | 15:15 |
gouthamr | in the same vein, we're ever thankful for your continued leadership of the manila team: | 15:15 |
gouthamr | #link (PTL Elections, Flamingo) | 15:15 |
carloss | thank you! :D | 15:16 |
carloss | lots of great things that gouthamr has been up to | 15:16 |
carloss | one of my favorites is the weekly email with the updates | 15:16 |
carloss | very good information to keep everyone informed about what's going on | 15:17 |
carloss | gouthamr++ all the best! | 15:17 |
gouthamr | nice, thank you :) | 15:17 |
carloss | awesome, now I am really done with $topic | 15:18 |
carloss | is there another announcement you'd like to share with us today? | 15:18 |
carloss | #topic Feature freeze | 15:20 |
carloss | so this is the week we must release python-manilaclient | 15:20 |
carloss | and I updated the release patch a bit earlier today | 15:21 |
carloss | #link (Python-manilaclient epoxy release) | 15:21 |
carloss | we managed to get a couple of other fixes in the last couple of days | 15:21 |
carloss | not sure if you are pursuing any other changes to be a part of this release | 15:21 |
carloss | as far as I can tell, we are good to go | 15:22 |
kpdev | passing share network subnet metadata would be good to have in release for us | 15:22 |
carloss | kpdev: you mean the manila change? | 15:22 |
* carloss didn't find a manilaclient change for it | 15:23 | |
kpdev | yes, this comes with API change | 15:23 |
kpdev | we dont need manilaclient change for this feature, do we ? no change in REST API | 15:23 |
carloss | we don't | 15:23 |
carloss | this patch I linked refers only to python-manilaclient | 15:24 |
carloss | because the client release must happen this week | 15:24 |
kpdev | but manilaclient max version should be upadted to 2.89 for this to work | 15:24 |
carloss | kpdev: yes, good point | 15:24 |
kpdev | I will create patch with new microversion, wdyt ? | 15:24 |
carloss | kpdev: sure | 15:24 |
carloss | please go ahead and do it | 15:24 |
carloss | the API change seems close, you've got some reviews on it | 15:25 |
carloss | gouthamr: could you please take a look at it again? :) | 15:25 |
gouthamr | yes, on it | 15:25 |
carloss | gouthamr: tyty | 15:26 |
carloss | gireesh: could you please circle back as well? | 15:26 |
carloss | kpdev: thanks for splitting the API change and the driver change | 15:26 |
carloss | at the moment, we have a couple of features that would qualify for feature freeze: | 15:29 |
carloss | #link (Pass share network subnet metadata updates to backend drivers ) | 15:29 |
carloss | #link (NetApp - Restrict LIF Creation Per HA Pair) | 15:30 |
carloss | #link ([NetApp] Certificate based authentication for NetApp drivers) | 15:30 |
carloss | #link (Allow services API to filter by ensuring) | 15:30 |
carloss | the NetApp changes got some reviews from NetAppers and kpdev and I also got a chance to look at them | 15:31 |
carloss | more reviews would be welcome | 15:31 |
carloss | the change to restrict LIF creation sounds like a bug fix, as currently, without it there could be a failure during cluster failover | 15:32 |
carloss | as for certificate based authentication, I believe the NetApp Deployment and Operations guide should be updated to share examples on how to configure it | 15:33 |
carloss | I've suggested this to Sai in the reviews | 15:33 |
carloss | he can add a mention to it in the NetApp driver upstream documentation as well | 15:33 |
kpdev | #link (Passing update to NetApp driver) is also dependent change and should be merged for freeze | 15:34 |
carloss | yes | 15:34 |
carloss | driver specific change | 15:35 |
carloss | so the request for review stands: kpdev gireesh gouthamr ashrodri carthaca msaravan could you please share your thoughts on the changes I linked? :) | 15:38 |
carloss | there are some other changes we can merge but they are bug fixes | 15:39 |
carloss | in case you need a feature freeze exception, please let me know | 15:39 |
gireesh | sure Carloss | 15:39 |
carloss | you'll likely need to send the email requesting the feature freeze exception to the openstack-discuss mailing list | 15:39 |
carloss | but I think it would be great if we can get everything merged by next Tuesday EOD | 15:40 |
carloss | thoughts? questions? | 15:43 |
carloss | taking silence as no | 15:44 |
gouthamr | yes, about the client | 15:44 |
carloss | oh :) | 15:44 |
carloss | gouthamr: please go ahead | 15:44 |
gouthamr | i'm inclined to ship it and follow up with the new API changes right after.. | 15:45 |
gouthamr | we'd need to get the release team to wait on us otherwise, which wouldn't be ideal | 15:45 |
carloss | yep... we can ship a new release when we have the client change merged too | 15:46 |
gouthamr | except it'll be in the Flamingo "2025.1" stream.. | 15:46 |
carloss | should only take a few days to get the release out after the change is merged in the client | 15:46 |
carloss | yep | 15:47 |
gouthamr | we can try to work through the next few hours, but, if we find we need to make major changes to manila, it'd be okay to let the client get released | 15:47 |
carloss | ++ | 15:48 |
carloss | I'll update the client change by EOD | 15:50 |
carloss | or as early as possible | 15:50 |
carloss | and watch the reviews on the API change | 15:50 |
carloss | #topic Bug Triage (vhari) | 15:51 |
carloss | #undo | 15:51 |
opendevmeet | Removing item from minutes: #topic Bug Triage (vhari) | 15:51 |
carloss | thanks for sharing your thoughts :) | 15:51 |
carloss | #topic Bug Triage (vhari) | 15:51 |
carloss | #link (Bug Triage etherpad) | 15:52 |
vhari | ty carloss | 15:52 |
vhari | another week with no incoming bugs :) | 15:52 |
carloss | yayy | 15:52 |
vhari | :) would like to revisit #link | 15:52 |
gouthamr | think we need an owner here | 15:53 |
gouthamr | the suggested workaround is to tinker with the share types temporarily to allow the migration to proceed | 15:53 |
gouthamr | but, there's a pretty simple bug in the NetApp driver | 15:53 |
carloss | gouthamr: thanks for the very detailed bug report :) | 15:54 |
gireesh | will check with the team if someone can take this, otherwise I will own this | 15:55 |
carloss | gireesh: thank you | 15:56 |
* carloss checks time | 16:00 | |
carloss | vhari: I see that's the only bug in the list for today, thanks for bringing it up | 16:00 |
carloss | in case there are more, let's continue in the #openstack-manila channel | 16:00 |
vhari | yw carloss | 16:00 |
vhari | that's a wrap for bugs of | 16:01 |
carloss | thank you everyone for participating | 16:01 |
carloss | have a great day | 16:01 |
carloss | let's get back to the manila channel! | 16:01 |
carloss | #endmeeting | 16:01 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Thu Feb 27 16:01:25 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 16:01 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 16:01 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 16:01 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 16:01 |
gouthamr | thank you! | 16:01 |
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