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ildikov | #startmeeting cinder-nova-api-changes | 16:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Sep 7 16:00:47 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ildikov. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 16:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 16:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'cinder_nova_api_changes' | 16:00 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy jaypipes e0ne jgriffith hemna mriedem patrickeast smcginnis diablo_rojo xyang1 raj_singh lyarwood jungleboyj stvnoyes | 16:01 |
stvnoyes | o/ | 16:01 |
mriedem | o. | 16:01 |
* jungleboyj is watching out of the corner of my eye | 16:01 | |
ildikov | hi all | 16:01 |
ildikov | let's dive in, I think the today's meeting will be a short one | 16:03 |
ildikov | we have a bunch of open reviews: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/cinder-new-attach-apis+status:open | 16:03 |
ildikov | the gate is in general happy with the patches right now | 16:04 |
ildikov | we have the new cinderclient out which fixed a bunch of things for us | 16:04 |
ildikov | mriedem: do you think we can get these things merged by the end of next week? | 16:05 |
johnthetubaguy | that big patch on version 133 is scaring me | 16:05 |
ildikov | mriedem: I'm happy to sit together with you and johnthetubaguy and/or other cores interested and get things fixed and merged | 16:05 |
mriedem | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/330285/ will likely not be merged by the end of next week | 16:05 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: it has a ton of tests if you mean the size of that thing | 16:06 |
ildikov | mriedem: if we could spend time on figuring out if there's anything fundamentally questionable with that still that would be great | 16:06 |
ildikov | mriedem: and then I can polish it up as needed that should not be a big issue | 16:06 |
johnthetubaguy | initially the size of it, there are some specifics, its more about the context of the changes being hard to reason about | 16:06 |
stvnoyes | how about a review for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/463987/ ? (migrate) While I still remember what I did... | 16:07 |
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ildikov | johnthetubaguy: we cannot really split it up to smaller changes honestly | 16:07 |
mriedem | stvnoyes: i'm running tests in another patch on that again today | 16:08 |
mriedem | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/481290/ | 16:08 |
mriedem | i would like to get that one in soon | 16:08 |
stvnoyes | ok great. let me know if there's anything I can do | 16:09 |
mriedem | looks like it's passing so that's good | 16:09 |
ildikov | I checked that briefly too, it looked good | 16:09 |
mriedem | {0} tempest.api.compute.admin.test_live_migration.LiveMigrationRemoteConsolesV26Test.test_volume_backed_live_migration [26.192704s] ... ok | 16:09 |
mriedem | {0} tempest.api.compute.admin.test_live_migration.LiveMigrationRemoteConsolesV26Test.test_volume_backed_live_migration [26.192704s] ... ok | 16:09 |
* smcginnis catches up on scrollback | 16:09 | |
mriedem | oh those are the same | 16:09 |
mriedem | {2} tempest.api.compute.admin.test_live_migration.LiveAutoBlockMigrationV225Test.test_volume_backed_live_migration [35.446023s] ... ok | 16:09 |
stvnoyes | mriedem: i also updated the live migrate tempest test to check that the attachments were done correctly - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/487884/ | 16:10 |
johnthetubaguy | nice | 16:10 |
mriedem | stvnoyes: problem is, | 16:10 |
mriedem | we don't ever run test_iscsi_volume | 16:10 |
stvnoyes | hmmm, I'll need to recheck, I did that test because I was finding that the other tests didn't exercise the new code, but let me go back and recheck that | 16:11 |
stvnoyes | i'll let you know | 16:11 |
stvnoyes | if the other tests do what we need i'll move the checks over to them | 16:12 |
johnthetubaguy | BFV one just have some attachments that need testing, although that is a different path | 16:12 |
mriedem | http://logs.openstack.org/90/481290/3/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-multinode-live-migration-ubuntu-xenial/e8a67e8/console.html#_2017-09-07_15_03_37_331325 | 16:12 |
johnthetubaguy | bummer | 16:12 |
ildikov | yeah :/ | 16:13 |
mriedem | i did have https://review.openstack.org/#/c/459316/ | 16:13 |
mriedem | so, i could roll a dnm change on top of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/481290/ that depends on ^ | 16:14 |
mriedem | and see if the scsi live migration works | 16:14 |
mriedem | it's just that it intermittenly fails on it's own | 16:14 |
johnthetubaguy | mriedem: do you remember how it failed? | 16:15 |
mriedem | it was april, so no | 16:15 |
mriedem | well, although, | 16:16 |
mriedem | in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/459316/ it's not the live migration job that's failing | 16:16 |
johnthetubaguy | yeah, that's all I saw | 16:16 |
mriedem | so for the scsi one i'd have to recheck those as the logs are gone | 16:17 |
mriedem | and i think the patch above it failed the scsi test | 16:17 |
mriedem | but the logs are gone | 16:17 |
mriedem | "The live migration job failed on the iscsi test which is enabled in the change below it, so maybe that's not very stable after all." | 16:17 |
johnthetubaguy | hmm, I see now | 16:18 |
johnthetubaguy | like you say though, getting a pass from that would be no bad thing | 16:19 |
mriedem | yeah, so i can stack something up there to run it | 16:19 |
mriedem | plus stvnoyes's tempest patch as a dependency | 16:19 |
mriedem | jesus my tab farm is growing | 16:19 |
ildikov | that would be great to have those tests in | 16:21 |
ildikov | and this farm is just crazy I always end up cleaning up around 5-6 merged dependencies, etc... | 16:21 |
ildikov | mriedem: do you have capacity to do these this week or early next? | 16:22 |
mriedem | do how? | 16:22 |
mriedem | no i don't have capacity, but i'll hump what i can | 16:22 |
ildikov | ok, no worries, I'm just trying to figure out what needs to get done and who can do it | 16:23 |
mriedem | i will try to stack these iscsi live migration volume test changes to run those against stvnoyes's changes | 16:24 |
mriedem | and go through the live migration change again | 16:24 |
ildikov | that sounds great | 16:24 |
ildikov | thank you | 16:24 |
ildikov | does anything else need more testing BTW? | 16:25 |
ildikov | we have coverage in Grenade and stvnoyes made sure we have updates in tempest for a few items | 16:25 |
ildikov | I added unit and functional tests to the attach patch | 16:25 |
johnthetubaguy | can I ask a dumb question? | 16:26 |
ildikov | shoot :) | 16:26 |
johnthetubaguy | the live-migrate patch, we are only testing the old code path isn't broken, because the attach new flow patch is separate? | 16:26 |
johnthetubaguy | i.e. bdm.attachment_id is always empty? | 16:27 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: the attach patch depends on the live migrate one | 16:27 |
mriedem | johnthetubaguy: i'm testing those together here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/481290/ | 16:28 |
stvnoyes | currently the ci is testing the patch with empty attach id's since the live migrate patch will go in forst | 16:28 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: and I think the DNM patch also has the Depends-On tags to get the new code in | 16:28 |
stvnoyes | first | 16:28 |
ildikov | the attach patch has the tests running with the full code base | 16:28 |
johnthetubaguy | OK, got it | 16:28 |
johnthetubaguy | thanks | 16:28 |
johnthetubaguy | totally didn't see that depends-on in there | 16:28 |
johnthetubaguy | I just wonder if we want live-migrate patch passing those extra tests before and after | 16:29 |
johnthetubaguy | the new attach flow | 16:29 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: not your fault we have a ton everywhere that I clean up occasionally, so it's hard to follow | 16:29 |
stvnoyes | johnthetubaguy- not sure what you mean, which tests? | 16:30 |
mriedem | the live migration patch itself is passing live migration with the old flow | 16:30 |
mriedem | my patch with the depends-on is passing it with the new flow | 16:31 |
mriedem | since it depends on both the live migration change and the api change to use the new flow | 16:31 |
johnthetubaguy | ah, sweet | 16:31 |
mriedem | which is why i was making sure it was working first | 16:31 |
ildikov | the api change depends-on the live migrate one too to pass the functional test for it... | 16:31 |
mriedem | and i'll stack something on top of that to run the iscsi test | 16:31 |
johnthetubaguy | cool, sorry I wasn't following those moving bits before, makes sense to me now | 16:32 |
mriedem | it's hard to follow | 16:33 |
ildikov | we have less moving bits now, so it's getting there | 16:33 |
johnthetubaguy | yeah, there is some light at the end of the tunnel | 16:34 |
ildikov | should we try to get together for a short group review next week while we're all at the same place? | 16:35 |
ildikov | or we now manage without that? | 16:35 |
johnthetubaguy | I like the idea of trying that | 16:35 |
ildikov | I think we plan to update the teams on this activity, but that will not get things merged | 16:35 |
ildikov | and I don't think we would want to go into that deep details on the joint session | 16:36 |
johnthetubaguy | I think I get the new attaching -> attached stuff, is there context on what changed peoples minds on that? | 16:36 |
ildikov | so I'm happy to block some time next week to get a better progress on these patches and sort out anything that's still questionable | 16:36 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: we needed to have a final 'OK' from the consumer, in this case Nova to tell Cinder the connection is all built up on the host | 16:37 |
johnthetubaguy | ildikov: its for the API state I guess, it went attached to early without that? | 16:38 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: otherwise the volume would get to 'in-use' before brick finished it's business and you can start a detach too early which messed up the things on the compute | 16:38 |
ildikov | *its | 16:38 |
johnthetubaguy | ah... you can start detach too early, got it | 16:38 |
ildikov | yeah, we had broken iscsi connections | 16:38 |
ildikov | in the test logs as they execute the calls in a sequence, so we realized we need the extra state change | 16:39 |
johnthetubaguy | I remember wanting it before, I couldn't remember why, thats it | 16:39 |
ildikov | we got there eventually :) | 16:39 |
stvnoyes | i wonder if that had something to do with the failing iscsi test | 16:39 |
johnthetubaguy | I think I commented in one patch, delete is called before create, during a move | 16:39 |
ildikov | it's quite complicated especially with having the two flows existing in parallel, so it just makes it harder to get a clean slate to re-design it or even just to see the big picture... | 16:40 |
johnthetubaguy | I thought it was going to the other way around to avoid a window where the volume gets detached | 16:40 |
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johnthetubaguy | ildikov: upgrade certainly spoils almost every party | 16:41 |
ildikov | grenade seems fine with the simple attach-detach at least | 16:42 |
ildikov | we tried to cover the create/delete path, although without re-writing the whole code it's tough to keep orders | 16:42 |
ildikov | although I think we didn't really leave a big window anywhere | 16:42 |
johnthetubaguy | its line 2951 in here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/330285/133/nova/compute/manager.py | 16:43 |
johnthetubaguy | it might be correct, just not got my head around that bit | 16:43 |
johnthetubaguy | I am struggling to remember what part of the flow all this little helper methods are, probably have to go re-read that | 16:45 |
ildikov | I need to double check that part as we had a few rebase rounds and we might left it there by mistake | 16:45 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: I have to re-understand those helper methods every second week... | 16:46 |
johnthetubaguy | ildikov: might be worth adding some comments on those methods, if you re-discover what they are really doing? | 16:46 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: partially why I asked whether we want to get together next week and go through these | 16:46 |
mriedem | stvnoyes: here is the change to test the iscsi tempest thing https://review.openstack.org/#/c/501805/ | 16:46 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: will try, although sometimes they are used by multiple things and I didn't feel that I want to be responsible for a not fully correct note... :) | 16:47 |
stvnoyes | ok great, I had just been running it locally. | 16:47 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: as letting people to figure it out is still better than misleading them | 16:47 |
johnthetubaguy | ildikov: yeah, I think we might want to bit the bullet on understanding those | 16:47 |
johnthetubaguy | ildikov: I am happy to review the comments and share the blame, normally I am totally against such comments because of the missleading over time thing | 16:48 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: same here | 16:48 |
johnthetubaguy | just to go back to a think | 16:48 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: we can try to draw some high level diagrams just to visualize the flows | 16:48 |
johnthetubaguy | assuming its needed, can we do attach before the detach there? | 16:49 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: which one do you mean? | 16:49 |
johnthetubaguy | I suspect it may fail if the rebuild lands on the same host like it does in the gate | 16:49 |
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ildikov | johnthetubaguy: do you mean the prep_block_device one now? | 16:50 |
johnthetubaguy | both of them | 16:50 |
johnthetubaguy | well, the detach followed by attach_create | 16:50 |
johnthetubaguy | I mean attachment_delete followed by create | 16:51 |
johnthetubaguy | the reverse is less racey | 16:51 |
ildikov | yeah, we reserve the volume with create there | 16:51 |
johnthetubaguy | totally need the create, I just want it before the delete, ideally | 16:51 |
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ildikov | I need to check the Cinder API as I remember we said that we will allow things for the same instance, just need to double check on where things evolved in practice | 16:52 |
ildikov | it's also tough with these helper methods to ensure we get the right order of things, etc. | 16:53 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: please add all questions/comments you have to the review and I will ensure we catch mriedem and jgriffith next week to go through the questionable ones | 16:54 |
johnthetubaguy | yeah, they should all be in comments on the review now | 16:54 |
ildikov | ok, we have 6 more minutes left | 16:54 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: +1, thanks | 16:55 |
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ildikov | is there anything else to discuss so we're all prepared for next week? | 16:55 |
johnthetubaguy | multi-attach? | 16:56 |
* johnthetubaguy ducks | 16:56 | |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: I uploaded the spec for review | 16:56 |
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ildikov | johnthetubaguy: it's in WIP, I will add a few small changes to it, so we kind of have the base for discussions | 16:56 |
johnthetubaguy | I should totally re-read that, lots of the folks I work with really want that | 16:56 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: there were a lot of people from a lot of areas who want that | 16:57 |
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ildikov | johnthetubaguy: that's why I'm pushing for it to talk about it next week and get progress | 16:57 |
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johnthetubaguy | totally, just hinting I should be able to make time to help keep moving that, not 100% sure | 16:57 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: feel free to add a ton of comments/questions to the spec review | 16:58 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: that would be great! | 16:58 |
johnthetubaguy | you got the link for that spec? | 16:58 |
ildikov | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/499777/ | 16:58 |
johnthetubaguy | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/499777/ | 16:58 |
johnthetubaguy | sweet | 16:59 |
ildikov | ok, we hit the top of the hour, but we can continue on the channels if there's more to discuss for prep | 16:59 |
ildikov | johnthetubaguy: good to have you back :) | 16:59 |
johnthetubaguy | nice to be around again | 17:00 |
ildikov | :) | 17:00 |
ildikov | thank you all for today | 17:00 |
ildikov | and see you all next week! :) | 17:00 |
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ildikov | #endmeeting | 17:00 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Thu Sep 7 17:00:31 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 17:00 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/cinder_nova_api_changes/2017/cinder_nova_api_changes.2017-09-07-16.00.html | 17:00 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/cinder_nova_api_changes/2017/cinder_nova_api_changes.2017-09-07-16.00.txt | 17:00 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/cinder_nova_api_changes/2017/cinder_nova_api_changes.2017-09-07-16.00.log.html | 17:00 |
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