Wednesday, 2017-11-29

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lbragstad#startmeeting policy16:00
openstackMeeting started Wed Nov 29 16:00:01 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is lbragstad. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'policy'16:00
lbragstadagenda ^16:00
lbragstadping raildo, ktychkova, rderose, htruta, hrybacki, atrmr, gagehugo, lamt, thinrichs, edmondsw, ruan_he, ayoung, kmalloc, raj_singh, johnthetubaguy, knikolla, nhelgeson16:00
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lbragstadso - we don't have anything on the agenda16:00
lbragstadbut i figured we could meet and open it up to any policy topics if folks have any16:01
lbragstad#topic open discussion16:01
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hrybackiDo we want to kick up the polciy exploring sessions again or wait until after the new year?16:01
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lbragstadhrybacki:  i'm good with either16:02
edmondsw_I vote wait until the new year16:02
lbragstaddo we feel like we got some useful bits out of the ones we had/16:02
lbragstadand would a summary there be beneficial?16:03
hrybackiI think it attracted a pretty diverse crowd which was nice16:03
edmondsw_I thought they were useful16:03
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lbragstadit helped reinforce the needs for the initial steps we're taking16:04
lbragstadat least in my opinion16:04
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lbragstadand it highlighted some key differences between what other systems have to protect with policy and what openstack has to protect with policy16:05
* hrybacki nods16:05
lbragstadif folks think a summary would be useful - i can attempt to jot down my thoughts and aggregate notes16:06
hrybackiIt would be a good thing to add to our next email to the ML advertising the next session for sure16:06
lbragstadhrybacki:  a link to a summary?16:07
* hrybacki nods -- or a concise version in the body of the email16:07
lbragstadin other news16:08
lbragstadi sent out a quick status on goal progress16:08
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lbragstada few projects are getting really close to being done16:09
lbragstad#info tc is now accepting goals for rocky16:10
lbragstadi have a todo to draft a goal for getting projects to use scope-types16:10
edmondswlbragstad do all of those actually need changes for the policy goal? Should only need changes where there's an API, so e.g. why is heatclient in the list?16:10
lbragstadedmondsw: yeah - that's a good question, i need to follow up with ricolin there16:11
lbragstadi'm not sure why that is in the list16:11
edmondswand all those networking- and neutron- ones that aren't started16:11
lbragstadyep - i pinged mlavalle about those16:11
lbragstadi can go ask again16:11
lbragstadwere there any other goals we wanted to propose for rocky?16:12
edmondswgnocchi and aodh seem to be missing from the email16:12
lbragstadfrom a policy roadmap perspective?16:12
cmurphysomething that came up in the tc office hours was that it's hard to set a goal that no one has completed yet, better to already have a few early adopters taht everyone else can copy from and make the goal just getting everyone else to follow suit16:13
edmondswlbragstad I'd love to see a community goal for removing any policy hardcoding, such as things that are hardcoded for admin, ResellerAdmin in swift, etc.16:13
hrybackigood point cmurphy16:14
lbragstadcmurphy: ++16:14
lbragstadedmondsw: yeah - that'd be a good one,too16:14
lbragstadedmondsw: #link
lbragstadi'll update aodh in governance16:14
lbragstadcmurphy: so maybe we do a trial run with scope_types in rocky with keystone and a couple other projects16:15
lbragstadand slate scope types for a proposal as a queens goal for S16:15
lbragstadwhich shouldn't set our roadmap back, since the functionality to fix admin-ness isn't changing16:15
lbragstadsweet - that actually removes a todo from my list16:16
edmondswsounds good. I don't think we should need a trial run for removing policy hardcoding, though... Seems like a very project-specific thing16:16
lbragstadtrial run or a goal?16:16
edmondswI do think we need a goal16:17
lbragstadif it's project specific - does it need a goal?16:17
lbragstador if it's is extremely project specific?16:17
edmondswI would still think it needs a goal16:17
edmondswso that everyone does it16:17
edmondswit's project-specific in the sense that everyone has hardcoded things differently16:18
lbragstadso - in order to complete that refactor, isn't using scope-types required?16:18
edmondswbut it's common in the sense that nobody should hardcode anything16:18
edmondswwhy would scope-types be required?16:18
edmondswI think this is parallel to scope16:18
lbragstadbecuase you'd need to actually fix the problem of admin-ness in order to remove the hardcoded checks16:19
edmondswallow hardcoding scope, but nothing else16:19
edmondswmaybe I'm missing something, but I don't think we should need to fix 968696 to remove hardcoded policy checks16:20
edmondswrole checks, anyway16:20
edmondswI'm not talking about removing hardcoding of policy checks16:20
* lbragstad is confused16:20
lbragstadin order to remove hardcoded "admin" checks, right?16:21
lbragstadwhere a service just checks that a user has the "admin" role regardless of what they are scoped to?16:21
edmondswor other things, e.g. ResellerAdmin in swift16:21
edmondswforget scope16:21
edmondswother than that, yes16:22
lbragstadbut scope has to be a part of that doesn't it?16:22
lbragstadif we remove the hardcoded check of a string, oslo.policy has to evaluate scope, too16:22
edmondswsomething does, but not oslo.policy16:23
edmondswnot until we have scope-types anyway16:23
edmondswtoday, scope checks are generally done in code16:23
edmondswand should stay that way16:23
edmondswbecause they shouldn't be customizable16:24
lbragstadi guess i could be more specific here16:24
lbragstadrole-scope check16:24
lbragstadversus just scope-check16:24
lbragstad"does the user have the required role for this operation on the right scope"16:24
edmondswI would say there is no such thing as role-scope check... there is role check and there is scope check and there is target attribute check, and they are all independent and unrelated16:24
edmondswthey are only related in that you have to pass all of them16:25
edmondswbut they can all be implemented independently16:25
lbragstad1.) role check = does this user have the role necessary to perform this operation16:25
lbragstad2.) scope check = is the token using the proper scope for the operation being done (system vs. project)16:26
lbragstad3.) target attribute check = is the thing being acted on in the right project, etc... (all service specific)16:26
lbragstadin order to removed hardcoded "admin" checks16:26
lbragstaddon't 1 and 2 need to be done?16:26
lbragstadin order to fix that as a community goal?16:27
edmondswI think that would just be related to #116:27
edmondswdefine policy checks that are customizable to indicate what role should be allowed, instead of hardcoding that only the admin role is allowed16:27
lbragstadyeah - i think i see what you mean now16:27
lbragstadi'd need to go through a bunch of the projects to figure out where that is being violated16:28
lbragstadif it's only a handful of projects, maybe we can just do it with bugs16:28
lbragstadinstead of proposing a community goal16:28
edmondswthat's fair16:28
lbragstadbut - yeah, i think that totally depends on how many services are doing that16:29
edmondswI know it's a problem in nova and swift at least16:29
edmondswand I think cinder?16:29
edmondswand probably all the telemetry projects16:29
lbragstadsounds like we have something to chase before a formal proposal - either way i agree we should fix that16:30
lbragstadanything else we should do as a rocky goal?16:31
lbragstaddefault roles?16:32
hrybackiThat's an important one16:33
lbragstadeven if it is just admin, reader, writer...16:33
edmondswI think that one needs a trial first16:33
lbragstadso something we can try and pilot in rocky16:34
edmondswat least more discussion on "how"16:34
lbragstadif all goes well we can remove the policy.v3cloudsample.json file since it will be obsolete at that point16:35
edmondswbecause we don't want to break backward compat, and that will be tricky16:35
edmondswlbragstad isn't v3cloudsample already obsolete?16:35
lbragstadi suppose, but we could officially remove it saying "yep, this is no longer needed because we have sensible defaults out-of-the-box"16:36
edmondswoh, we probably need to fix a bunch of scope checking before we remove it?16:36
lbragstadso, community goal, yes or no?16:37
lbragstadit will generate discussion that's for sure16:37
hrybackiI want to say yes. Might we at a minimum propose it?16:37
lbragstadyeah - worst case, it gets shot down and we learn a little more about what still needs to be done16:38
lbragstadand maybe we break it into a couple goals16:39
lbragstad1.) define a set of defaults16:39
lbragstad2.) implement a set of defaults16:39
edmondswI don't think #1 needs a goal16:39
hrybacki3.) test a set of defaults16:40
lbragstadprobably not - but we do need people to participate in the discussion16:40
edmondswand you can't separate 2 and 316:40
lbragstadtraditionally - any sort of default roles discussion had lived in either nova-specs or keystone-specs16:41
lbragstadand i think we need to have it at a level where other projects can jump into that discussion16:41
* lbragstad is open to suggestions here16:41
edmondswI think it should be a cross-project spec16:41
lbragstadthat might work16:42
lbragstadare cross-project specs voted on by tc?16:42
lbragstadand tc managed?16:42
edmondswI'm not entirely sure how that works16:42
edmondswbut I think that's the right place to do it, and I would start that ball rolling and get that spec approved before we propose a goal that everyone implements it16:43
lbragstadyeah - i agree16:43
lbragstadso, it looks like we have an action there16:44
lbragstadi think that kinda wraps up the rocky goals questions i had16:45
lbragstaddoes anyone have anything else?16:45
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* hrybacki shakes his head16:46
lbragstadcool - thanks for coming everyone16:46
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Nov 29 16:46:57 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:46
hrybackithanks all! o/16:46
openstackMinutes (text):
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