Thursday, 2014-06-05

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DaisyWho's around for I18n meeting?07:59
FdotHello Daisy \o_07:59
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DaisyGood morning, Fdot07:59
Fdotygbo yt ?08:00
DaisyLet's start on time.08:00
Daisy#startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting08:01
openstackMeeting started Thu Jun  5 08:01:24 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is Daisy. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.08:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting'08:01
DaisyGood morning/afternoon, everyone.08:01
DaisyIt has been a long time since our last meeting.08:01
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FdotGood morning/afternoon everyone08:02
ygboHi all08:02
ujucHi!!!! ;)08:02
Daisy#topic #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting08:02
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DaisySorry wrong08:02
Daisy#topic Atlanta summit report from Daisy08:03
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DaisyI was in the summit this time. And there were two sessions related with translation very much.08:03
DaisyMessage I18n:
DaisyOpenstack developers were there and talked about messages I18n in this session.08:04
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DaisyOslo team is working on a new oslo.i18n library, which is designed to be ready in the first milestone of Juno.08:04
DaisyAfter that, they would find projects to adopt the new lib.08:04
DaisyWhen all of these works ready, we will have separated messages, user facing error messages, API response messages, exception messages, and log messages.08:05
Daisydifferent messages in different pot files.08:05
DaisyThen we are able to translate the user facing messages if we want.08:05
DaisyWhether to translate messages, and what to translated could be the decision of a translation team.08:06
DaisyDifferent country might have different situation.08:06
DaisyI plan to have Chinese translations for API response messages and user facing messages.08:07
DaisyYou could make the decision of your own.08:07
DaisyAny questions?08:07
Fdotnot for me08:08
ygboJust one thing about API error messages08:09
Daisyok. Fdot, do you have needs to translate these messages ?08:09
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Daisyygbo, please.08:09
Fdotwe have to think about this08:09
ygboThe "one thing" is about bug/error messages08:09
Fdotbut i don't think we are going to translate API messages in french08:10
ygboIf these messages are translated, the report is ot understandable if it does not have an error code (for the developper)08:10
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Fdotfor someone using the api it is easier to find informations about an error code or message if it is in english08:10
DaisyGood question, ygbo.08:10
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Fdothe will find more informations and records on google ;)08:10
DaisyIt's a common concern. We will have dev team to answer it.08:11
ygboFdot: maybe in French, but even us French will fix bugs reported maybe by an error message in Hindi08:11
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DaisyAs to API response message, in Horizon, sometimes there would be error report when you do an action, like: Error: instance XXXX failed to be deleted.08:12
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ygboI agree that a translated message is easier for the user, but for the one fixing the bug, if there is an error code he can link to the message without translation to fix the bug.08:12
Daisy"instance XXX failed to be deleted" is a API response message.08:12
Fdotygbo: sometimes it is easier for investigating to have a comon error referencial into one language ;)08:12
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DaisyNow these kind of messages are not translated in Horizon.08:12
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Fdotbut it is has to be translate into horizon08:13
DaisyHorizon displayed the back-end returned messages in their web UI.08:13
DaisySimply display.08:14
epicoygbo, I just thinks a few error codes are more maintainable for developers...08:14
epicoDaisy, how about to return English message and translate message both?08:14
Daisyepico: it could be a solution.08:14
epicomaybe current oslo.i18n supports these both messages.08:15
epicoas they can store both log messages. :)08:15
DaisyNow the solution is: Accepted Language in HTTP header is used to mark the required language for API response message.08:15
epicoDaisy, yeah08:15
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DaisyI will pass our feedback to the dev team and see their response.08:16
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DaisyNext session is "Translation tool discussion"
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ygboIf an error says "Erreur 1234, ceci a échoué", even if you don't understand Frenchn the developper can grep for the rror 1234 easily :-)08:17
epicoygbo, I just hopes not too many error codes are defined...08:18
Fdotepico +108:18
ygboepico: True :-)08:18
ujuc:) epico +108:18
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DaisyTransifex is not keeping opening. We need to pay for the support from Transifex team if we want to get better support, or else, we only have to wait for a long time.08:19
DaisySo I was asked by the OpenStack Technical Lead team to evaluate several "open source" translation tools .08:20
DaisyI have contacted with Zanata and Pootle. Zanata dev team give great support to me.08:21
DaisyZanata dev team gave a demo to us in April.08:21
DaisyThey even went to Atlanta to attend this session discussion.08:21
DaisySo In the summit, we decided to set up a Zanata demo website. Infra team will work together with Zanata dev team to implement it.08:22
DaisyAfter the demo website is ready, we will try some small projects there.08:22
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DaisyZanata dev team is open for OpenStack community's input, both in the contributors statistic feature and the UI improvements.08:22
DaisyA bug is used to track the contributor statistic feature:
uvirtbotDaisy: Error: Could not parse XML returned by HTTP Error 404: Not Found08:24
DaisyYou could input ideas if you have interested.08:24
DaisyAny questions or comments?08:24
ygboWith Fdot we noticed something on Transifex: The Icehouse Translations are not on Juno branch... And translators would like to have what they already did. So were the translations merged only in the Icehouse branch and not in "master"? If so it would be good after a release to have them in the master branch too for the "continuation". This is more a translation workflow issue than Transifex itself :-)08:25
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DaisyIn my mind, what we have translated should be in the master branch.08:26
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DaisyI don't know why you said they were not, ygbo.08:27
DaisyWhich project?08:27
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ygboDaisy: well Fdot can explain better, for my part, on Horizon in cloudwatt we stick to "master" and I have to take the pot files from Transifex-Icehouse (and add the missing which are master dependent), because "master" lacks a lot of translations.08:28
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DaisyI could check it offline with Horizon team.08:29
DaisyI don't think it should happen.08:29
Daisy#topic: Juno plans08:30
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FdotDaisy if i make a diff08:30
Fdotbetween the po file from icehouse and the po file available for juno08:30
Fdoti don't find some translation we have made for icehous08:30
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DaisySo Fdot, some translations you made for icehouse are not in the master branch. Not all, right?08:31
DaisyJust some translations disappeared?08:31
Fdotsome has disappeared and some are differents08:32
Fdotwe have made corrections for typos08:32
DaisyOK. I could check it offline. If not all and only a few, that might be a manually error.08:32
Fdotand don't find the corrections into juno08:32
Fdotother point about this08:32
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DaisyBecause while master branch switch to icehouse branch, amotoki do it manually.08:32
Fdotall revision work is lost between icehouse and juno which is sad :/08:33
DaisySo there might be something wrong during this "switch"08:33
Fdotok :)08:33
DaisyYes, I agree. I will do a check.08:33
DaisySo come back to Juno plans.08:33
Fdotthanks a lot :)08:34
DaisyIn Juno, before next summit in Pair, :), I hope to have as many as non-English website on-line.08:34
DaisyEspecially French, Fdot.08:34
DaisyI know you have done a lot of translations. I know some of them are not in Transifex, right?08:35
DaisyNow we have French doc website and Spanish doc website.08:35
Fdotin french we have 2 subjects :)08:35
DaisyOh, not Spanish, but Japanese, French and German.08:36
Fdot1 the translation we have made for havana just before the complete refactoring of the documentation I still don't find a solution for upstream it and since we have this work the documentation has changed a lot08:37
Daisyujuc: let's try to have Korean document website on-line in Juno lifecycle.08:37
DaisyWhat's your subjects, Fdot?08:37
Fdot2 - i am currently working working on translation of a lot of things about the APIs for Cloudwatt everything will be upstream08:37
DaisyGreat !08:37
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Fdotsorry not 2 subjects just 2 points :)08:38
DaisyFdot, as to #1, I wonder if we could use PDF file or HTML file directly.08:38
DaisyI know it's hard to import to Transifex. We could use HTML directly. Just publish them to the website.08:38
ujuc:)) yap08:39
Daisyujuc: when you have done any documents 100%, I will help you to have the Korean doc website.08:39
Fdotdaisy the translation was made on the grizzly base. I am not sure it is very relevant08:39
DaisyThat's bad.08:39
DaisyAny useful documents? Fdot?08:39
Fdotbut i have to find a way to extract all the part which didn't move from grizzly08:40
Fdotthe ideo should be to find a way to upstream the translation on the old grizzly po file08:40
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Fdotand them making a merge with the master file08:40
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Fdotwe will lost some parts08:40
Fdotbut win some others08:41
DaisyNot sure which tools could help, Fdot.08:41
Fdotdaisy me too :(08:41
DaisyLet's start the discussion in the mailing list to see if we could get good suggestions.08:41
Fdotthe amazon mechanic turk :D08:41
Fdotthat's a goot idea i am going to prepare an email about this08:42
DaisyNext work I'm going to do is automation globalization test.08:42
DaisyI got strong requirements about globalization test during the summit.08:42
DaisyGlobalization test will find bugs and errors occurring in Non-English environment.08:42
Fdot#action fdot is going to sen an e-mail to translation mailing list about his problem to upstream a french translation08:42
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DaisyThese kind of errors and bugs won't occur in English env.08:43
DaisyThe basic idea is to enhance Tempest test to feed pseudo translations.08:43
amotokihi, what is the problem for icehouse translation above. my nams is referred above.. let me clarify after the current topic finishes.08:43
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Daisyamotoki, French team found some of their changes to Horizon translation in Icehouse doesn't appear in the current master branch.08:44
Daisyamotoki: I'm going to move to next topic.08:45
Daisy#topic: Horizon translatable strings rules08:46
amotokiDaisy: icehouse horizon translation is not synced with the master branch. that is the reason.08:46
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Fdotamotoki this is what we were thinking :)08:46
Daisyygbo: are you there?08:46
Fdotthanks for the information08:46
ygboDaisy: yep :-)08:46
Daisyygbo: I have read the wiki page you write.08:46
DaisyIt's a long page, including many information. And thank you very much for your effort.08:47
DaisyI have some thoughts.08:47
ygboSure, let me know :-)08:48
DaisyFirst of all, I think we could find a way to easy review and comment, other than wiki page. :)08:48
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DaisyWiki page is hard to input comments.08:49
tmazurHi all! I have some questions about the wiki page you are talking about.08:49
Daisytmazur: please say. The author, ygbo, is there.08:50
tmazurIt appears that we start using npgettext_lazy for some translations.08:50
tmazurI mean this patch set:
ygbotmazur: that's my patch indeed :-)08:51
tmazurHowever there is nothing about npgettext_lazy at wiki08:51
tmazurygbo, sure :) I came here because you called me :)08:51
DaisyI wonder if npgettext_lazy is a customized function or not.08:51
ygbotmazur: *pgettext* is about contextual markers and pluralization :-)08:51
amotokire: npgettext_lazy it doesn't work with django older than 1.6.08:52
ygboDaisy: npgettext_lazy is from django08:52
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ygboameade: it does work :-)08:52
Daisyok. ygbo.08:52
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amotokihorizon team still supports django 1.4 and 1.5. This is the reason we don't use npgettext_lazy so far.08:52
tmazurygbo, yes. My point is: if we are going to use npgettext_lazy, we should add a few lines to wiki page08:53
ygbos/ameade/amatoki/ (sorry)08:53
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ygboamotoki: it does work see my comment
amotokiygbo: does it work on djnago 1.5 too? when i tested a year ago, it doesn't work as expectedc.08:55
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amotokii know it works on django 1.6.08:55
Daisyygbo: do you think if we should include apostrophe issue in this page? I know, apostrophe may cause unexpected errors in French.08:56
ygboamotoki: waht does not work is but this works
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ygboamotoki: "passing a key name instead of an integer as the number argument" is what doesn't work in 1.4/1.508:57
ygbobut I didn't use this08:57
ygbosee my comment here:
ygboamotoki: so as long as we use npgettext_lazy as it is documented in Django 1.4 there is no issue08:58
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amotokiygbo: i think npgettext() is documenetd in django 1.4 but npgettext_lazy() is new in django 1.6. am i missing something?08:59
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ygboamotoki: the Jenkins would have failed during the django 1.4 tests09:01
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amotokiygbo: doesn't the page describe only lazy translations. older django has definitions for all lazy variants of ugettext, but some of thme does not work actually. It only returns original strings.09:03
amotokiygbo: anyway let me check later.09:04
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Daisyygbo: We have overrun the meeting09:05
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ygboDaisy: oops, indeed09:05
Daisyygbo: how many people have give you feedbacks to the wiki page?09:06
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DaisyDid Horizon developers know about it?09:06
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amotokii think only a few of horizon developers know the page.09:07
ygboDaisy: for the moment... not many peaople09:07
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amotokiperhaps jpich, tmazur and i.09:07
DaisyI'm not the expert of Django09:07
DaisySo I might not help much.09:07
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amotokiapart from the detail, we need to clarify the basic policy first, then migrate to better one and apply it to the review policy.09:08
tmazuramotoki, agreed09:08
ygbonpgettext_lazy = lazy(npgettext, unicode)09:08
DaisyI suggest we use a more collaborative way to improve the wiki page, and let more people input their comments.09:08
ygboline 10209:09
epicoamotoki, +109:09
ygboDaisy: maybe an etherpad page?09:10
DaisyThen I can easily input my questions there.09:10
DaisyI'm not the expert, so I have a lot of questions. :)09:10
Daisy#action ygbo move the wiki page to Etherpad09:11
Daisy#action Daisy to pass the feedback about new oslo.I18n to Oslo dev team.09:12
DaisyI will close the meeting now.09:12
DaisyYou could continue the discussion here.09:12
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openstackMinutes (text):
DaisyThank you all for attending.09:12
rajeshrthanks all!09:13
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Fdotthanks all for the discussion :)09:13
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epicothanks all!09:14
ygbo (need to display it properly)09:14
amotokifor horizon icehouse transktaion, importing transltaion from transifix is done manually before each stable update. I totalluy forgot to announce it for  icehouse stable update next week. I will iupdate translations for the next icehouse update 2014.1.2.09:14
Fdothave a good day/night ;)09:14
ygbothankd alls09:14
amotokithanks all. i will check the detail this weekend.09:14
tmazurthanks all!09:14
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enikanorov_neutron lbaas meeting in 5 minutes13:56
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mesteryenikanorov_: o/13:58
enikanorov_hi everyone13:59
JulianCashMorning.  I intended to email this earlier, but...
JulianCashNot something for us to vote on for this meeting13:59
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JulianCashBut something that should be mentioned at this meeting if that's okay.14:00
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enikanorov_wow, Julia, hi!14:00
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enikanorov_JulianCash: enjoyed your book!14:00
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enikanorov_let's start the meeting14:01
JulianCashIn other words, ideally we tack it onto the agenda as a "by the way, look at this & vote before XXX date.  I'll add a date to it now.  Again, this is about.
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enikanorov_#startmeeting neutronlbaas14:01
openstackMeeting started Thu Jun  5 14:01:28 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is enikanorov_. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
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enikanorov_#startmeeting neutron lbaas14:01
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openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
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aburaschihi   o/14:01
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hyakuheio/ <- Rob from HP / OSSG.14:02
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enikanorov_i'd like to cover few items today14:02
enikanorov_i know there was some amount of discussions recently about various impl aspects14:02
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enikanorov_so, I'd like to start with the item that I'd name "scope of the first patch"14:03
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enikanorov_we have that API improvement blueprint14:03
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enikanorov_which in fact is quite complex if we do everything that we have planned14:03
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enikanorov_so I'd like to see that we limit the scope of each patch we produce under that blueprint14:03
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enikanorov_the goal for each patch is that it should be consistent and it should move us forward14:04
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bloganso it still needs to be decided whether a new extension and plugin is created or the same one is kept and the old api is just translated to the new object model14:04
enikanorov_by 'move us forward' i mean that it should introduce some thing valueble in the general direction that we have taken14:04
mesteryAlso, each patch should be self-contained, and we need the reference driver to implement the new API as well.14:04
blogani believe kyle is going to bring that up on monday14:04
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mesteryblogan: Correct, at the team meeting.14:05
mestery*neutron team meeting14:05
enikanorov_so my personal opinion (you may refer to it then, if you want) is that we need to make a transition on existing extension14:05
sballeblogan: I like the new extension and plug-in14:05
enikanorov_it may lead to more bloated code, but it will be cleaned up eventually14:05
sbalukoffI am also all for the new extension and plug-in.14:06
blogani think the separate extension and plugin is cleaner and allows for the clean up to be much easier later, however, i'm okay with whichever14:06
enikanorov_i'm also fine with that, if rest of the core team finds in fine :)14:06
mesteryMy personal opinion is I like the new extension and plugin model as well. :)14:07
enikanorov_i mean, i would prefer progress rather than too long discussions14:07
rm_workhmm, i didn't realize that was an option, but that sounds cleanest14:07
mesteryWe should get consensus next Monday on this with the rest of the core team and then we can move forward.14:07
rm_workneutron-lbaas2? >_>14:07
rm_workthat's one way to do versioning, I guess :)14:07
aburaschiI agree on new extension is cleaner. I must ask about timings, however...14:07
sballeThis approach will alllow us to  have both APIs available for some time14:08
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mesterysballe: +114:08
rm_workyeah, would that be significantly more work? or would it actually be easier since no translation would be needed14:08
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enikanorov_the problem with this approach is that we have to write tons of code to get to working state14:08
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mesteryenikanorov_: Yes, that's the downside, and it's a large one for sure.14:08
german__we still will transalate at the object level...14:08
bloganrm_work: i think it would be easier, but I'm also wondering if another version of the agent needs to be created as well, I'll defer to Eugene for that14:08
sbalukoffOr... copy-paste a bunch of code to get to a working state.14:08
sballerm_work, It allows us to make sure we do the rigth thing and at the same time leave the old API/Model alone14:08
sballeuntil we can transition14:09
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german__sbalukoff *shudder*14:09
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dougwigi'm pretty neutral on this, but both apis would work in both scenarios, and i'm not sure i see the "cleaner".  gnerally you fork when you need to operate on a different schedule, or because of an incompatible model.  neither is true here.  plus, what happens with drivers?  are we dup'ing them?  or will they know both models?  can vendors submit new drivers14:09
dougwigagainst both models?14:09
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rm_workgerman__: I agree that's …. ick? but… if we literally just clone the old neutron-lbaas, rename it, and then go from there, it's pretty easy i guess14:09
enikanorov_rm_work: i'd be concerned about mergeability of such code14:10
enikanorov_and that's the biggest one14:10
german__I just don't like copy*paste since I then need to do bug fixes two places (with the risk forgettingn one)14:10
bloganand thats why I was hoping to get a quick consensus by the core reviewers14:10
sballeenikanorov, that's what the other teams have done so there is a precedence14:10
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sbalukoffblogan: +114:10
german__blogan +114:11
rm_workgerman__: agreed, but ideally we'd be deprecating the original extension14:11
crc32BLowGin: +114:11
sballeenikanorov, I agree since our plan is to bring the new code into Neutron14:11
blogani'd rather know up front whether that strategy will fail or be accepted before a lot of work is put into it14:11
rm_workalright, so we're going to leave this one to monday?14:11
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rm_workblogan: +1 then14:11
sballeblogan, +114:11
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aburaschiblogan +114:11
german__blogan +114:11
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mesteryblogan: +114:11
enikanorov_imo, (not trying to say on behalf of core reviewers, but...) if you make brogress and you're backward compatible - that should work for all of us14:11
enikanorov_including core team14:11
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mesteryenikanorov_: +1, progress and compatibility are a win-win14:12
sballeenikanorov, agreed14:12
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enikanorov_i'm not sure about 100% bw compatibility  but i think basic scenarios can work with new api+translation14:12
bloganyeah I feel the same way too14:13
aburaschiquick question: achieving same level of functionality as we have now, but with the new API, by Juno, is the final goal?14:13
german__that's what tests are for14:13
jorgemOkay since we are moving on, can we talk about hackathon?14:13
enikanorov_aburaschi: with translation - it could be even better14:13
enikanorov_jorgem: yep, that's another item14:13
crc32+1 jorgem14:13
mesteryjorgem: Yes, we need to nail down logistics there.14:13
sballeI create the following agenda page:
sballeI have added some items I feel we need to discuss and feel to add more14:14
jorgemsballe: Very nice thank you14:14
enikanorov_mestery: that's what i was going to talk about14:14
mesteryenikanorov_: Perfect!14:14
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sballeit also has some prep I feel we need to do before we meet14:14
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enikanorov_so recently we have discussed the possible implementation approach  with blogan14:14
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enikanorov_it seems that the following plan may make sense14:15
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jorgemSo I have a question about the API model refactor. What functionality do we want to have exposed by the time the code freeze comes?14:15
enikanorov_1) introduce new object model underneath existing API - that makes sure existing scenarios work, new scenarios are limited to existing features level14:15
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enikanorov_by new object model i mean: loadbalancer and listeners14:16
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enikanorov_no major attribute changes yet14:16
enikanorov_just to limit the scope of the change14:16
enikanorov_so we need to do proper relationships at object model level, everything, and get it exposed via existing API14:16
enikanorov_so, say, VIP will map to loadbalancer+its first listener14:17
bloganyeah and thats what I have been doing14:17
bloganeven if we pivot to option #2 I know the code so much better now14:17
enikanorov_the second patch is then introduces actual new objects in rest api layer14:17
sbalukoffIsn't all of that affected by what we just talked about?14:17
enikanorov_which should not be a big deal14:17
bloganyes it is14:18
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enikanorov_so it was item #2 for the code sprint IMO14:18
sbalukoffenikanorov_: So we can't make assumptions about the scope of that first patch until we know whether option #2 as described by blogan in the e-mail he sent out earlier this week is a viable path for us to take, according to neutron core devs' opinion.14:18
bloganenikanorov_: I think everyone agrees with the strategy for how to implement option #1, and if we have to move option #2 a new strategy will have to be made14:18
enikanorov_blogan: yep14:19
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enikanorov_sbalukoff: still... i'm describing the way we can leverage existing code14:19
bloganenikanorov: i just dont want to spend too much time on this if there is consensus on what should be done and there's is a bit of uncertainty based on anotehr meeting on monday14:19
enikanorov_that's for sure14:19
jorgemblogan: +1, hackathon items need to be addressed since we have little time14:20
enikanorov_but still i'd like to present my vision of how it should be delivered14:20
sbalukoffPersonally, I would like to see us concentrate on those "problem integration areas" for Neutron which cause LBaaS and other advanced services to be so tightly integrated with NEutron.14:20
crc32+1 for hachathon and barbican discussion14:20
jorgemI want to make sure we get to them before the meeting ends14:20
sballeblogan, Could we discuss his on the IRC neutron-lbaas on Monday after the neutron meeting?14:20
enikanorov_if we end with brand new extension and plugin - fine!14:20
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blogansballe: yes that would be a good time, though that will be at 5pm cst on monday.  I'll send an email out14:21
mesteryblogan sballe: May make sense Tuesday morning?14:21
rm_workis that *late* or *early* for enikanorov_ ? >_>14:21
enikanorov_neutron meeting ends 2am for me14:21
mesteryTuesday morning EDT will work better for enikanorov_ as well.14:21
enikanorov_so it's a bit...14:21
bloganokay, I'll still send an email out and then we can discuss tuesday morning14:22
sballeblogan, +114:22
bloganso hackathon now?14:22
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sballeI am really worried that we start implementation before we have an agreement on the architecture so if we can outline tasks than can be done first such as interface clean-up, etc. then we can work on these until we have agreement on the arch. I agree that API/model cn be done first.14:22
mesteryjorgem: Are you guys all set to host all of us at RAX now?14:22
mesteryjorgem: As long as we haev a room and wifi we're good I think :)14:23
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jorgemwe need to finalize the number of people that are coming14:23
sbalukoffsballe: +114:23
crc32I''m attending.14:23
german__yeah, big room = better14:23
jorgembut no worries on getting a room14:23
jorgem :)14:23
mesteryjorgem: perfect!14:23
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jorgemI'd like to briefly touch on scope14:24
tmc3inphillycan't wait to get my hack on14:24
sballeI see a lot of folks are looking at:
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sballefeel free to add items that you feel are important14:24
jorgemWhat functionality are we going to expose via the API by the time the freeze comes along? and...14:24
enikanorov_jorgem: I'd suggest to set realistic goals14:25
jorgemDoes the reference implementation need to be in sync with that?14:25
sballeI thougth we had agree on HA14:25
jorgemenikanorov: Correct I'd like to try and define them now14:25
enikanorov_realistic in my opinion is to expose new  resources of the new API14:25
rm_worksballe: isn't HA more of a backend issue? I thought that's what we decided14:26
jorgemI have HA. I don't think SSL will happen on the backend but should it be exposed on the front end?14:26
enikanorov_and to have meaningful logic around that14:26
vivek-ebayAs I understand, we have following main LBaaS deliverables for Juno release:14:26
vivek-ebay1) New Rest API and object model14:26
vivek-ebay2) SSL APIs and integration with Barbican14:26
vivek-ebay3) HA Proxy scalable reference implementation (Octavia)14:26
bloganif the custom backend does not support a feature that the API exposes should that still go in?14:26
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jorgem+ blogan Thats what I'm getting at14:27
enikanorov_having fully implemented (1) seems a success for me14:27
rm_workvivek-ebay: +114:27
crc32I'm interested in topic 2.14:27
rm_workthat is what I recall as well14:27
vivek-ebaywhat is the scope for hackathon at RAX? #3 ?14:27
sballeI like the Juno feature list but think it is ambitous14:27
rm_workI think #1 and MAYBE #2, honestly14:27
rm_work(should be top priorities)14:28
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hyakuheicrc32: I'm interested in #2 also14:28
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vivek-ebayWe are also interested in #1 and #214:28
blogan#3 will not be limited by a code freeze14:28
rm_workwe can work on #3 but on the side14:28
sballevivek-ebay, now we are back to my worry. We haven't agreed on an arch and on how to clean-up the interfaces and we start talking about implrmenting new features14:28
mesteryblogan: Correct!14:28
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blogananother top priority will be cleaning up the integration points14:28
vivek-ebaysballe +114:28
sbalukoff#3 will be limited if we don't have clean interfaces to Neutron.14:28
mesterysballe: The integration point cleanup is something we will discuss on day-1 at the Hackathon.14:28
evgenyfcrc32: topic 2) there is updated WIKI iwth all latest changes , please review it
sballerealistically I see 1/ Clean-up interface 2/ model and APIs and maybe 3/Barbican integration14:29
VijayB_I don't see why we should postpone 2) Is the reason that haproxy is still beta on ssl termination support?14:29
sbalukoffmestery: It would be great to have an idea where those areas are *before* the hackathon so maybe we can spend some time at the hackaton working on them.14:29
rm_worksballe: +114:29
german__+1 sbalukoff14:29
bloganVijayB: I think it is because it needs to be implemented in the reference implemenation as well as the API14:30
german__also we will be lost of people so we might split in teams tackling different things14:30
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mesterysbalukoff: +1, now that markmcclain is done traveling, I plan to work with him later this week to get a list of that down.14:30
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mesterygerman__: +114:30
sballegerman__, +114:30
rm_workgerman__: +114:30
blogancan we all agree that cleaning up those interfaces is a top priority?14:30
sbalukoffmestery: Thanks!14:30
jorgemSo #3 doesn't seem like a priority for hackathon since it isn't affected by the freeze14:30
crc32evgenyf: Yes but our discussions with the barbican team has some implications on the behavior we are expecting. For 1 their is no schema for a cert and key just a generica container thats immutable.14:30
vivek-ebayhow about we host separate  hackathon for #1 and #2 in parallel to RAX hosting for #3 ?14:30
jorgemblogan: +1 is a big one14:31
sbalukoffjorgem: +114:31
JulianCashgerman__ +114:31
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enikanorov_honestly folks i think that you need to find out those "integration points"14:31
jorgemI'm trying to focus on freeze related items14:31
sballeblogan, 100% agree that cleaning up interface is top priority14:31
sbalukoffjorgem: Also, #3 is the most nebulous task, which tells me we aren't yet in enough agreement there to make a lot of forward progress.14:31
enikanorov_or otherwise how are you going to write code for neutron?14:31
sballeenikanorov, +10014:31
tmc3inphillywouldn't barbican integration take place in the driver?  or is there a desire to have it in LBaaS?14:32
sbalukoffjorgem: Also, agreed, let's get the things done first that will be affected most by the code freeze.14:32
rm_worktmc3inphilly: it's an API-level thing14:32
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rm_workneeds to be exposed at the API so the user can provide barbican container IDs14:32
jorgem1) New Rest API and object model - My fear with this one is that certain items don't make it in and we have to wait several more cycles to expose functionality. It's easy to expose stuff via the API but it won't get accepted unless there is at least one working implementation of it right?14:32
german__+1 em_work14:32
bloganwe have two separate conversations going on here, can we focus on one?14:32
german__blogan +114:32
enikanorov_jorgem: right14:33
enikanorov_jorgem: but basic functionality is supported by haproxy14:33
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rm_workso, we'll still be updating the haproxy namespace driver during this14:33
enikanorov_and it won't be too difficult to imlement it14:33
jorgemenikanorov: So what are we agreeing on to expose? Plus this means coding in the current reference implementation14:33
enikanorov_rm_work: correct, we have to14:33
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enikanorov_jorgem: loadbalancer and listeners14:33
rm_workenikanorov_: yeah, sorry, i meant that rhetorically, i have no problem there :P14:34
enikanorov_and limiting attribute change as possible14:34
jorgemenikanorov: What about things such as SSL, L7, SNI, etc.?14:34
enikanorov_jorgem: L7 is fine to work on once we have basic api/obj model in the master14:34
crc32evgenyf: Also we need to discuss the exected behavior for when users update their keys in barbican should barbican use an event system to alert the Lbaas service a key or cert has changed or leave it to the user.14:34
enikanorov_ssl - probably too, but without eact merging expectations14:35
crc32jorgem: SNI is out of scope for Juno I believe as well as rencryption.14:35
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rm_workcrc32: +114:35
jorgemAll of us said velocity was a key thing but if features are exposed via the API then that kind of defeats the purpose somewhat14:35
crc32Jorgem: But ssl termination or offloading is still on for juno.14:35
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enikanorov_jorgem: and features are not until they're implemented on the backend14:35
german__let's have "stretch" goals and use the hackathon to hammer them out?14:36
evgenyfcrc32: I will add this point to the doc.14:36
enikanorov_exposing loadbalancer and listeners is simple thing which doesn't require much work on driver side14:36
jorgemI just see a disconnect from the work octavia will be able to accomplish if it is limited by API functionality not being exposed14:36
jorgemDoes everyone see my concern?14:36
enikanorov_jorgem: that's why i've suggested to set realistic goals14:36
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enikanorov_we may be able to produce large amounts of working code14:37
sbalukoffjorgem: When you say "limited by API finctionality not being exposed' are you talking about Neutron API?14:37
enikanorov_but realistically, having basic model in Juno working - that will be a good deal14:37
jorgemsbalukoff: Yes, Neutron LBaaS API14:37
german__we still can have an Octavia API?14:37
jorgemI understand scope needs to be limited, at least for the backend14:37
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enikanorov_may i raise reservation against Octavia name?14:38
sbalukoffjorgem: Yes, I agree. But I would say that not having a clean interface to work with in Neutron would limit Octavia even more than that.14:38
crc32evengenyf: I wanted to sync up with you rm_you and sballe after this meeeting about the barbican schema we intend to use for Certs as well as if we intend to use the event engine to communicate changes back to the lbaas servicve.14:38
enikanorov_that's my car model name...14:38
crc32rm_work I mean sorry.14:38
jorgemI want to focus on getting as much functionality exposed (while cleaning up interfaces) so that Octavia can move at the speed it needs to.14:38
enikanorov_ii want it to be a car :_14:38
JulianCashSuggesting we pick a name via:
JulianCashFeel free to add names that you think of!  Add names BEFORE 6/8/2014 7:00am utc (midnight pst).   Then people can put their name next to project names they like (to vote).  Vote BEFORE 6/12/2014 7:00am utc The PTL/TC/Core folks will likely do the final picking and vote tallying.14:39
vjay2Hi Everyone, Was on vacation and just joined the meeting. Still catching up on stuff.14:39
sballecrc32, please include hyakuhei14:39
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mesteryjorgem: +1 to that14:39
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vjay2Will someone kind enough to clarify? Is this cleaning of (neutron) interface meant to make LBaaS service independent? Meaning, whatever LBaaS requires of Neutron will be exposted as an API by Neutron?14:39
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sballejorgem, +114:39
enikanorov_jorgem: how can we expose API without implementation?14:39
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jorgemsbalukoff: Thus I feel like we should put more focus on Neutron LBaaS before getting knee deep into octavia because of the time sensitivity.14:39
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enikanorov_i think the perception of core team is opposite14:40
rm_workthere's TWO names here -- Octavia was for the backend impl thing we were discussing, not for the new LBaaS API Project in Openstack14:40
sbalukoffjorgem: Agreed.14:40
enikanorov_as they tend to move from 'experimental status'14:40
bloganvjay2: it is meant to allow lbaas to be independent yes, that independence will not happen right away14:40
jorgemenikanorov: It doesn't seem like the community want to. On way is method not implemented but I don't think the community likes that14:40
enikanorov_if you have an API that is not actually working - that's just not good14:40
sballejorgem, 100% agree. If we get the claeen-up done we can parallellise the effort around the features inOctavia14:40
JulianCashBefore we change off of name topic, are folks okay with picking the name via a vote process, as specified here:
vivek-ebayrm_work: +1, its very confusing folks using it interchangably14:40
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rm_workvivek-ebay: yes T_T14:40
crc32sballe: Are you not going to be apart of this discussion?14:41
enikanorov_jorgem: are you going to participate monday neutron meeting?14:41
jorgemenikanorov: yes14:41
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evgenyfcrc32: I'm available after this meeting14:41
sballeI can't have some otehr meetings. please invite german__ and hyakuhei (he is our security expert and work on barbican as well)14:41
vjay2blogan: thanks for the reply. Yes I understand. we are doing the ground work now.14:41
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enikanorov_then please raise this again. Because what I just said is not my fantasy, you know :)14:41
jorgemanother important item related to freeze...14:42
bloganI think implementing the features in the namespace driver will not be so hard14:42
jorgemIs barbican affected by the freeze?14:42
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crc32hyakuhei and german_ rm_work and evengyf can you meet up in neutron-lbaas after this meeting?14:42
jorgemSince it is in incubation?14:42
rm_workcrc32: yes14:42
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jorgembecause if it is then we also need to focus on integrating with it too14:43
evgenyfcrc32: yes14:43
sbalukoffjorgem: +114:43
jorgemto setup the foundation for SSL14:43
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german__crc32 irc?14:43
jorgemmestery: Do you know if the freeze affects incubated projects?14:43
mesteryjorgem: For incubated projects, it's up to their discretion if they follow it or not.14:43
hyakuheicrc32: I can for maybe 20 minutes or so yes14:43
rm_workgerman__: yeah, just over in #neutron-lbaas14:43
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sballejorgem, Are you talking abotu code freeze?14:44
german__ok, will bethere14:44
jorgemsballe: yes14:44
crc32german__: yes freenode #neutron-lbaas or if you have a better place we can meet there.14:44
jorgemmestery: Okay good but I'm going to error on the side that they will freeze14:44
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sballejorgem, I think we sj=hould follow the openstack releases and freeze.14:44
jorgemmestery: At least initially, which means effort needs to be put into integrating with Barbican14:45
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rm_workminimum necessary changes in Barbican should hopefully be small, so should not be a big deal anyway14:45
mesteryjorgem: Agreed 100%14:45
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rm_workbut we will discuss14:45
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s3wongso we still haven't gotten to talking about the hackathon?14:45
rm_works3wong: i think we just finished outlining priorities for it?14:45
german__we have an etherpad14:45
jorgems3wong: I'm trying to define scope of it14:45
sballes3wong, do you agree with waht's is inthe tehrpad?14:46
jorgems3wong: So that we have a goal14:46
bloganok so do we have a priority list for the hackathon: 1) clean integration points 2) api object model refactor 3) L7 and SSL features in API and namepsace driver14:46
mesteryblogan: We should put that on sballe's etherpad.14:46
sballeblogan, L7 is now in there.14:46
sbalukoffblogan: I like that list. Also, we can potentially work on those three things in parallel14:46
jorgemblogan: Goal should also be to expose as much functionality as possible.14:46
sballeI just put it in but wthout the L714:46
german__also we can work in parallel/multiple teams...14:46
jorgemblogan: which means reference impl work14:47
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s3wongsballe: I am looking at your etherpad. So I am from the serviceVM and adv-service service insertion subteams, and would be here to help if the LBaaS subteam has further requirements on integration points14:47
mesterysbalukoff: +114:47
sballes3wong, Perfect14:47
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mesterys3wong: Are you coming to SAT in 2 weeks? :)14:47
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s3wongmestery: if needed, I will. I got mgmt approval on travel budget already14:48
sbalukoffs3wong: Ooh! Yes, I'd like to hear what your main concerns are for integrations points (but that can happen offline, after this meeting.)14:48
mesterys3wong: sweet!14:48
sballes3wong, it would be great if you can come14:48
s3wongmestery: so I guess I will then :-)14:48
mesterys3wong: nice and thanks!14:48
sballes3wong, +114:48
blogans3wong: awesome, we could use your knowledge and expertise14:49
vivek-ebayIf there are more folks in bay area interested , we can host hackathon at ebay campus too for subteams to work in parallel on other items.14:49
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sballesballe, and HP is happy to host the enxt one in Seattle14:49
sbalukoffvivek-ebay: That would be really cool if y'all do that.14:49
bloganvivek-ebay: i think this is the only date in Juno that works for mestery and markmcclain14:49
mesteryblogan vivek-ebay: Maybe a parallel hackathon at ebay during the same time?14:49
mesteryvivek-ebay: that woudl let s3wong avoid travel.14:49
mesteryvivek-ebay: I like that idea!14:50
vivek-ebayyes, same time14:50
JulianCashFYI, timecheck.  10 minutes left in this meeting.14:50
mesteryvivek-ebay: +1 to that idea!14:50
sbalukoffSeattle also works well for Blue Box, since we're based there, too.14:50
bloganah same time14:50
mesterys3wong: would that work for you?14:50
mesteryI'd like to keep the core folks at SAT though if possible14:50
sballeok I am worried now. About "same time"14:50
mesteryF2F is important for this initla one :)14:50
s3wongmestery: yes, that would also be good14:50
jorgemsbalukoff: Seattle works for me too since I like traveling there :)14:50
vivek-ebayI will work on getting logistics. Should not be a problem.14:50
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JulianCash<B Seattle14:50
sballeI really think taht we need to be inthe same room for this first one14:50
s3wongvivek-ebay: let us know (from ML) when and where the meeting is14:50
mesterysballe: +1, at least for most folks14:51
vivek-ebayAddress would be: 2211 N First St, San Jose, CA 9513114:51
sballemestery, +1 We will set the direction and do all the "serial" work at this meeting.14:51
mesteryTime check: 9 minutes left.14:51
rm_workso, next hackathon -- seattle! :P14:51
sballeWe can do parallel coding camps later14:51
mesterysballe: Agreed14:51
jorgemso I wanted to touch on one last agenda item14:51
s3wongmestery: we need to make sure video link and virtual white board is in place for collaboration14:51
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blogansballe: +1 but not everyone will be able to make it and if they are in the same area they shoudl eb able to join in and we can do a video call14:51
sbalukoffsballe: +114:51
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sbalukoffblogan: +114:52
mesteryblogan sballe: +1, Google Hangouts work marginally ok14:52
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JulianCash+1 s3wong14:52
sballes3wong, +114:52
aburaschiSorry to go back a few lines but... what are the certainties of Barbican becoming core for Juno? Or that is off topic and it is ok to integrate with incubation project right now, as old API will still be usable?14:52
jorgemI'll probably move the barbican agenda item to the ML14:52
rm_workaburaschi: i believe it was decided that it was acceptable14:52
jorgemaburaschi: Barbican integration is definitely within scope14:53
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jorgemthe lbaas community has aggreed to that14:53
aburaschijorgem, rm_work, thanks, great.14:53
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jorgemWe met with the Rackspace Barbican folks yesterday and currently see two options14:53
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jorgemwe are open to more options14:54
jorgemHere are the two options:14:54
jorgem1.Create an eventing system for Barbican that Neutron LBaaS (and other services) consumes to identify when to update/delete updated secrets from Barbican. For those that aren't up to date with the Neutron LBaaS API Revision, the project/tenant/user provides a secret id when enabling SSL/TLS functionality.14:54
jorgem◦Example: If a user makes a change to a secret in Barbican then Neutron LBaaS will see an event and take the appropriate action.14:54
jorgem2.Push orchestration decisions to API users. This idea comes with two assumptions. The first assumption is that most providers' customers use the cloud via a GUI, which in turn can handle any orchestration decisions that need to be made. The second assumption is that power API users are savvy and can handle their decisions as well. Using this method requires services, such as LBaaS, to "register" in the form of metadata to a barb14:54
jorgem◦Example: If a user makes a change to a secret the GUI can see which services are registered and opt to warn the user of consequences. Power users can look at the registered services and make decisions how they see fit.14:54
jorgemsorry for the splat :)14:54
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crc32aburaschi: Yes barbican was expected in juno.14:54
jorgemIn the interest of time though I will start a thread on the ML with these options14:55
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german__Both are fantastic options... and I was already happy that barbican can store certs in containers...14:55
sbalukoffjorgem: Are we going to try to discuss that now with 5 minutes left in this meeting?14:55
JulianCashAnybody spare a +1 or -1 on this name list?  Does this idea/plan seem okay to you?  Aiming for the name voting before hackathon, but it could be changed to at the hackathon so folks could talk aobut it in person.
jorgemwe can a little if you want14:55
jorgemits the last agenda items14:55
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sbalukoffJulainCash: I think there's some confusion as to what we're naming:  The new LBaaS project, or the reference implementation for this project?14:55
rm_workjorgem: we are meeting in #neutron-lbaas about this after this meeting as well14:55
jorgemI think the main thing to discuss are the pros and cons of each14:56
jorgemand decide on a direction14:56
mesteryjorgem: +114:56
jorgemeither way will work.14:56
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jorgemHowever, if other teams have ideas I would love to hear them14:56
sbalukoffJulianCash: I've been calling the reference implementation we'll be creating "Octavia" but we have yet to come up with a name for what the not-Neutron LBaaS project should be.14:57
aburaschiI will check the list in detail after the meeting, JulianCash. I like the proposals.14:57
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JulianCashThanks sbalukoff.  In my mind "the new LBaaS project".14:57
sbalukoffJulianCash: But it should probably not have the same name, to avoid confusion.14:57
bloganI think it is a bit early to even spend time on the name of the lbaas project14:57
hyakuhei /win 814:57
bloganI'm interested in it too but naming things can devolve into hours of debates14:58
aburaschiblogan +114:58
sballeblogan, +114:58
jorgemblogan: +1 new lbaas project focus comes after hackathon14:58
sbalukoffblogan: +114:58
crc32and meeting spamming to it seems.14:58
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mesteryblogan: +114:58
mestery< 2 minutes left14:58
mesteryAnything to wrapup here?14:59
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jorgemone last thing14:59
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jorgemIs it possible for teams to frequently let others know what work you are focusing on?14:59
enikanorov_#action team to follow up on neutron meeting about the implementation strategy14:59
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jorgemvia ML?14:59
mesteryjorgem: Yes! That's a good idea14:59
jorgemJust to get visibility on things14:59
sballejorgem, that is part of the porxess I would like to discuss the first day of the hackathon15:00
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aburaschijorgem +1!15:00
jorgemsballe: ok good!15:00
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jorgemjust to address the elephant in the room :)15:00
enikanorov_ok, thanks everyone15:00
sbalukoffjorgem: +1, but I would like to see what you're looking for in particular.15:00
crc32jorgem: Yea thats what I was hoping the wednsday meetins were going to be for but ...15:00
s3wongthanks, guys15:00
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Jun  5 15:00:55 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
aburaschiThank you all15:00
openstackMinutes (text):
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JulianCashThanks a lot!15:01
eglynn_#startmeeting ceilometer15:01
openstackMeeting started Thu Jun  5 15:01:12 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is eglynn_. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
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vrovachevhi all :)15:01
enikanorov_DinaBelova: o/ \o15:01
DinaBelovaenikanorov_ :D15:01
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eglynn_good afternoon / good morning / good night all!15:01
eglynn_#topic Juno-1 blueprints status15:02
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eglynn_gordc: do you think we'll have enough in the v1 api removal & retry rationalization to declare victory on the sqla BP for juno-1?15:03
gordceglynn_: i was going to ask same thing...15:03
eglynn_i.e. we could push the further improvements discussed with Mike Bayer out a 2nd dependent BP15:03
eglynn_(and target that 2nd BP at juno-2)15:04
gordcit's not fully realised but it's enough for testing to continue.15:04
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gordceglynn_: sounds like good plan.15:04
gordci'm ok creating another bp and marking this one as complete15:04
eglynn_gordc: yeah, it brought it from unviable to viable so I think that's good enough to put a stake in the ground for j115:04
eglynn_gordc: ... thanks if you could file that second BP, it would be great!15:04
gordceglynn_: cool cool. i'll do that then.15:04
eglynn_gordc: thank you!15:05
eglynn_BTW folks we had a call yesterday evening with Mick Bayer, author of sqlalchemy15:05
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eglynn_gordc steps him thru' the current schema and got some good feedback and pointers15:05
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* cdent waves15:06
eglynn_rough notes here ...
eglynn_(... a bit of a scramble of my initial email conversations with Mike, gordc's comments, and a summary of the discussion on the call itself)15:06
gordci would hide my irc handle if i were Mike... i can see a lot of questions coming his way.15:06
DinaBelovahehe :D My summary would be better if I had no connection issues :D15:06
_nadya_just one plea from me is . Review is very old but bp has juno-1 target. I'm still ready (and able) to answer all your comments15:06
eglynn__nadya_: are you confident of landing for juno-1?15:07
_nadya_eglynn_: see my message above :)15:07
eglynn__nadya_: cool15:07
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eglynn_ is pending EmilienM's patch landing15:08
DinaBelovaeglynn_, and btw15:08
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llu-laptop_nadya_: I tried once looking at the patch before, but failed because I had zero knowledge of hbase15:08
DinaBelovaeglynn_ about _nadya_'s change15:08
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DinaBelovait improves hbase performance dramatically15:08
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_nadya_llu-laptop: yep, I understand, too specific change :(15:08
DinaBelovaso if we want to test performance of different backends, her change is vital15:09
eglynn_DinaBelova, _nadya_: excellent, we definitely need to get it for j-1 in that case15:09
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eglynn_re. that grenade patch ... I discussed with Sean Dague on the -qa channel earlier15:10
eglynn_... should be no remaining blockers other than review bandwidth, so confident it will land for j115:10
eglynn_cdent will be proposing a corresponding BP spec also15:10
DinaBelovaeglynn_, yeah, already seen it - it's cool!15:10
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eglynn_idegtiarov: how about ?15:11
cdentYeah, I was stubbing that in the start to that grenade spec just before this meeting.15:11
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cdentI'm sure it will require some judicious review as I only half know what I'm doing.15:11
DinaBelovaeglynn_, there is strange Jenkins error there.... gate is failing - one bug was fixed, so idegtiarov tried to recheck15:11
eglynn_idegtiarov: will this patch suffice to declare vistory on it? ...
DinaBelovawe'll see what it was15:11
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eglynn_DinaBelova: k15:11
DinaBelovachange is ready to be reviewed15:11
_nadya_eglynn_: idegtiarov is working on this. I hope it will be ready15:12
eglynn__nadya_: great!15:12
_nadya_eglynn_: all tests passed locally15:12
eglynn_prad: what about ?15:12
DinaBelovathat's why Jenkins fail looks suspicious...15:12
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_nadya_eglynn_: we need several days for final version15:12
idegtiarovI am working! Hope all will be done in time.15:12
DinaBelovasileht, o/15:13
pradeglynn_, started working on it15:13
eglynn__nadya_, idegtiarov: great, thanks!15:13
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eglynn_prad: ... is still WIP for now? (... worth getting eyes on?)15:13
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pradeglynn_, yes, worth taking a look.. i still need to incorporate the enum suggestion you had.. and working on unit tests and docs.. should have something by next week15:14
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pradeglynn_, yea left the sip as the spec was pending.. now that thats approved.. will have this for review by early next week15:15
pradbut early eyes wouldn't hurt if someone has time to look at it15:15
eglynn_prad: so for juno-1, we need to have it landed by say Tuesday next week15:15
eglynn_prad: (juno-1 tag to be cut on Thurs)15:15
pradeglynn_, sure will try it get that in by then15:15
DinaBelovaeglynn_, hehe, if gate will be ok :)15:16
DinaBelovaeglynn_ to the time of j1 :)15:16
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eglynn_DinaBelova: well, we trust in the powers of the QA folks! :)15:16
DinaBelovayeah, exactly :)15:17
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eglynn_anyone anything else to add for j1?15:17
llu-laptophave any one successfully reproduce the bug locally?15:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1323524 in ceilometer "tests.alarm.test_rpc.TestRPCAlarmPartitionCoordination.test_ordination_allocate failed for timeout" [Medium,Confirmed]15:17
eglynn_llu-laptop: I couldn't, but didn't spend much time on it15:18
gordcllu-laptop: me neither... i assume it's related to this:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1321826 in ceilometer "periodic notifier unit test failure" [Medium,In progress]15:18
eglynn_llu-laptop: I was thinking we might have to bump it to j2 ... if it's one of those transient issues that may take unbounded time to track down15:18
llu-laptopI couldn't either, thouh I run tox -e py27 quite lots of times these days due to another issue15:19
gordcseems like some oslo.messaging quirk15:19
eglynn_gordc: yeap, my thought also15:19
llu-laptopeglynn_: agreed15:19
eglynn_k, let's bump it15:19
eglynn_#topic details of Juno mid-cycle meetup15:19
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eglynn_... brought to you by your gracious host, jd__ ;)15:19
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jd__so all details should be on that wiki page15:20
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DinaBelovalast time we had no opportunity to learn the results :D15:20
jd__if you got any question feel free to ask me as I'm organizing it mostly15:20
eglynn_any advice on local hotels?15:20
jd__eglynn_: good point, I can ask for that15:21
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eglynn_jd__: cool, thanks!15:21
gordcjd__: how much to couchsurf at your place?15:21
DinaBelovagordc, hehe :D15:21
llu-laptopgordc: LoL15:22
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_nadya_doh :( guys, you are too cruel15:22
eglynn_AirBnB Paris stylee ... LOL :)15:22
gordcgood business model.15:22
jd__I'm sorry gordc you're not hot enough15:22
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gordcjd__: hahah fair enough15:23
DinaBelovajd__, probably some nice girl will be better :D15:23
* jd__ high fives DinaBelova 15:23
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jd__anyway we alredy are 3 for Ceilometer on this sprint so that's cool15:23
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jd__sadly sileht won't be able to join15:23
eglynn_really, that's a pity!15:23
jd__he knows!15:24
* sileht is sad15:24
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jd__if you plan to come don't forget to update the wiki :)15:24
* eglynn_ sad also :(15:24
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nealphupdate the wiki so jd__ will know how many to make room for on his couch?15:24
eglynn_jd__: closer to the time, we could discuss a concrete agenda/goals etc.?15:26
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jd__eglynn_: sounds like a good idea15:26
eglynn_jd__: cool15:26
DinaBelovaeglynn_, offtopic - idegtiarov change is failing due to
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1323524 in ceilometer "tests.alarm.test_rpc.TestRPCAlarmPartitionCoordination.test_ordination_allocate failed for timeout" [Medium,Confirmed]15:26
DinaBelovajust checked it15:26
eglynn_DinaBelova: a-ha, that's the hard to reproduce bug mentioned above15:27
eglynn_DinaBelova: ... failing consistently?15:27
DinaBelovatwo times15:27
DinaBelovalemme check it one more time if it is about this bug15:27
DinaBelovayeah, it's it15:27
silehteglynn_, DinaBelova I have introduced this bug15:27
eglynn_k, we'll need to look into that ... let's move on for now tho'15:27
eglynn_#topic Tempest integration - branchless Tempest: skipping testcases against stable/icehouse15:28
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eglynn_so we'd some further discussions with mtreinish to clarify this15:28
vrovachevyeah, exactly15:28
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eglynn_turns out that *both* a capabilities API *and* static test-skipping config are required15:29
DinaBelovaapi change is trying to be merged15:29
DinaBelova22 hours15:29
vrovachevas for the devstack change it's almost merged15:29
vrovachevand there is tempest change - alsoalmost reviewed15:29
eglynn_vrovachev: ... do you mean the static test-skipping config?15:30
vrovacheveglynn_, yes, it's for the config15:30
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vrovachevI mean devstack change15:30
vrovachevit sets needed flag - as Sean proposed to15:30
eglynn_summary/explanation of the test skipping approach for anyone interested is in
vrovachevand after it'll be merged it'll be physical capability not to skip these tests15:31
eglynn_"we need *both* a discoverable API and config-driven test exclusion"15:31
eglynn_"... with the former used (indirectly) for public cloud testing, but *only* the latter relied upon in branchless tempest runs"15:31
DinaBelovaeglynn_, heh, yes :)15:31
eglynn_cool enough, sounds like all will be well once the gating Gods smile upon us :)15:32
DinaBelovaso I'll catch dtroyer to grab second +2 today15:32
DinaBelovayes, exactly :)15:32
eglynn_DinaBelova: cool, thanks!15:32
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eglynn_move on?15:32
DinaBelovaeglynn_, +15:32
eglynn_#topic TSDaaS/gnocchi update15:32
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eglynn_jd__: the floor is yours ...15:33
jd__so we've made good progress on the indexing part15:33
jd__to the point you're now able to create, update, list and search for resources15:33
jd__the CI is in place too and working15:34
jd__gating against py27/py33 and postgresql15:34
jd__mysql is on its way15:34
eglynn_*cough*, *cough*, py26?15:34
jd__py26 too :)15:34
DinaBelovajd__, please use more self-describing commit messages, btw ;)15:34
eglynn_thank you sir! :)15:34
jd__next steps would be:15:34
_nadya_jd__: do we have an api spec? Maybe I've missed that15:34
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jd__- start working in Ceilometer pushing things into Gnocchi15:34
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jd__- dig a bit in the pandas usage and entity API to provide more features15:35
eglynn_amalagon: might be able to jump in there ^^^15:35
jd___nadya_: no, we should be able to generate it somehow from the code I would hope15:35
jd__but we can write it by hands for now if needed15:35
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eglynn_(... to look into exponential smoothing and other black statistical arts)15:35
DinaBelovajd__, well, good spec will help to write good code15:36
jd__so yeah anyone wanting to jump in welcome15:36
jd__eglynn_: definitely15:36
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_nadya_jd__: I guess that if we start working on gnocchi we need to have a strong plan15:36
eglynn_BTW does the API feel like it converging on something relatively stable?15:36
eglynn_... or still very much in flux?15:36
_nadya_jd__: I mean we need to be sure that all customer needs will be covered15:37
jd___nadya_: oh we need more people than a plan right now15:37
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jd__eglynn_: so far it's converging as I'm not seeing any design issue15:37
jd__eglynn_: more eyes would help though15:37
jd___nadya_: yeah my point about more eyes :)15:37
jd__but having API users will help toward that too15:37
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eglynn_jd__: cool :) ... BTW I was also thinking of amalagon working on python-gnocchiclient15:38
eglynn_jd__: ... i,e, prolly best for her to concentrate on the most stable part of the API15:38
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amalagonyeah I was starting to look at python-ceilometerclient as a template15:38
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jd__sounds good to me15:39
DinaBelovaeglynn_, if so, we definitely need API spec15:39
DinaBelovato write the client15:39
DinaBelovaand keep it somehow stable15:39
cdentI think it would be a bad idea to stablize the api before having some significant use15:39
eglynn_DinaBelova: well the basic API interactions can be just derived from the code/wiki etc.15:39
DinaBelovaprobably it's a good idea to start with it here before starting client work15:39
cdentotherwise we back ourselves into a corner15:39
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_nadya_yep, and to understand the direction and roadmap actually15:40
jd__well the API spec is the code15:40
eglynn_cdent: yep, we don't want to lock this down too early IMO15:40
DinaBelovajd__, eglynn_, well, ok :)15:40
llu-laptopeglynn_: yes, we shouldn't15:40
jd__I mean the code is pretty short and using pecan so it's pretty straightforward to have the spec from that15:41
eglynn_... almost certain some API changes/requirements will only become clear once we start integrating it into ceilo core15:41
jd__and probably to auto generate it later15:41
eglynn_jd__: +115:41
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_nadya_eglynn_: please correct m if I'm wrong, but am I right that v3api will be mostly for gnocchi?15:42
eglynn__nadya_: yep my assumption is that the gnocchi will form the core of the v3 ceilometer API15:42
_nadya_eglynn_: it's very big change and imho we need some poc, specs, glossary before implementing that15:43
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eglynn_... that said, we've yet to work out the details of bringing the gnocchi code into ceilo15:43
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eglynn_... issues like v2/v3 co-existence, migration of legacy data etc.15:44
jd__right now we need to start using it by feeding data from Ceilometer15:44
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jd__then we'll be able to figure the rest out15:44
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eglynn_jd__: yeah ... maybe some or all of those questions ^^^ would be relevant to discuss at the Paris sprint?15:45
jd__eglynn_: sure15:45
_nadya_eglynn_, jd__, ok, and what's the plan? Who is working on this? only jd__?15:45
jd__I'd love to spend time on that during the sprint :)15:45
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eglynn_cool ... depends also on the rate of progress before then, I guess15:45
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jd___nadya_: for now, mostly me and DinaBelova's helping too15:46
eglynn_also ildikov has expressed an interest in working on the ceilo core integration part15:46
jd__and amalagon should do some stuff too15:46
amalagon:) yes!15:46
_nadya_eglynn_, jd__, I'm just trying to figure out, sorry for noise :)15:46
jd___nadya_: np15:46
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jd__anyway I've a long list of things to do etc wrt gnocchi so if you want to help and are bored, just come to me15:47
eglynn_jd__: cool :)15:47
eglynn_anything else on TSD?15:47
jd__that's all for me15:47
cdentjd__: is that list on the web anywhere?15:47
_nadya_jd__: maybe you show us the list?15:47
eglynn_cdent: it is now :)15:47
jd___nadya_, cdent: I had a gist but it's already outdated15:48
jd__I don't maintain a list nobody's going to read :D15:48
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DinaBelovajd__, you had
jd__thanks DinaBelova15:48
jd__and most of that is implemented actually15:48
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_nadya_jd__: am I right that first step is POC and it has 2 items: 1. Gnocchi code itself, 2. Integration with Ceilometer15:49
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jd___nadya_: 1. is pretty covered now I'd think but 2. is the most interesting one15:49
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_nadya_jd__: after 2. you we may be able to create API spec, discuss that?15:50
eglynn__nadya_: there's also a third step ... 3. Migration of legacy data / deprecation path for v315:50
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_nadya_jd__: *we may :)15:51
eglynn__nadya_: but some or all of that step #3 may be pushed out to the Kepler cycle15:51
jd___nadya_: the API is already there15:51
* eglynn_ makes assumptions on the outcome of the K* naming poll15:51
jd__haha Kepler15:51
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vrovachevat what step we write integration tests?15:52
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_nadya_eglynn_, jd__, are you gonna merge smth into Ceilometer master before api spec and all these conservative stuff?15:52
jd___nadya_: dunnow yet15:53
_nadya_eglynn_, jd__, it's still not clear for me, is this POC or...?15:53
eglynn__nadya_: what format do you expect the API spec in?15:53
eglynn__nadya_: we could easily derive something basic from the code15:53
jd___nadya_: it's not POC, it's code that works and that's going to be production ready at some point15:53
jd__where the code will belong is another issue15:53
jd__but not very important anyway15:53
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_nadya_jd__: ok, I see your point15:54
DinaBelovaeglynn_, well the thing here is about the fact that just created API probably can't satisfy the all use cases15:54
DinaBelovaand all needs15:54
eglynn_jd__: my initial thought was to bring it into the ceilo repo once the initial rapid iteration/innovation phase is done15:54
jd__DinaBelova: well then someone should tell us why :)15:54
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eglynn_jd__: ... are you thinking otherwise?15:54
eglynn_DinaBelova: so let's identify the missing use-cases15:55
jd__eglynn_: yeah that's a possibility, I'm also thinking that since it has no use of any part of the current Ceilometer code base it should stay autonomous as it can be used without the rest of ceilometer too15:55
jd__eglynn_: I think it's something to discuss in a month around beers15:55
eglynn_jd__: fair nuffski :)15:55
eglynn_DinaBelova: ... my feeling is that many of the missing usecases will be shaken out during the ceilo core integration phase15:56
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_nadya_eglynn_: about format. I expect examples at least15:56
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jd___nadya_: do you want to try to write the specs and the examples?15:57
eglynn_jd__: ... but either way, will need at least to be under the Telemetry program umbrella, right?15:57
jd__eglynn_: definitely!15:57
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eglynn_jd__: cool15:57
_nadya_jd__: honestly, I wish I could :(15:57
DinaBelovaeglynn_, I just think that or other backends (and probably use cases, etc) it might not be ready - and that't why I think some additional planning and at least more community noise about this will be cool15:57
eglynn__nadya_, DinaBelova: folks with misgivings about this approach, let's try to gather some *specific* concerns on an etherpad before next week's meeting15:58
jd___nadya_: haaaa I knew you were just doing your wishlist for your next birthday or something! ;)15:58
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jd__I agree with eglynn_, "thinking that it might not be ok" is not gonna help15:58
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jd__I want facts and use cases.15:58
eglynn__nadya_, DinaBelova: that way we can structure the discussion, and knock down any issues that we have answers for already15:59
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DinaBelovawell, ok, let's close this discussion for now15:59
_nadya_jd__: yep, for my baby birthday:)15:59
cdenthour's up15:59
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eglynn_#topic Discussion about Alarm Management design for Horizon15:59
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fabiogeglynn_ can you post the etherpad link for the discussion, please16:00
eglynn_not much more to say than ...16:00
jd___nadya_: :-)16:00
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eglynn_discussed in detail on the ML : Liz Blanchard to come back with another iteration next week16:00
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cmartI'll be working on the horizon side so any comments/feedback will be appreciated.16:00
eglynn_^^^ further discussion should probably wait on Liz Blancard's next version of the wireframes16:00
eglynn_cmart: cool16:00
eglynn_k, we're over-time here16:01
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eglynn_cmart: happy to punt this on to next week?16:01
cmarteglynn_: sure! no problem!16:01
eglynn_cmart: thank you sir!16:01
eglynn_thanks all for a productive discussion!16:01
eglynn_#endmeeting ceilometer16:01
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mtreinish#startmeeting qa17:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Jun  5 17:00:56 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mtreinish. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:00
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mtreinishHi, who's here today?17:01
mtreinish^^^ Today's agenda17:01
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mtreinishdkranz, sdague, mkoderer, afazekas: are you guys around?17:02
asselinI will add my spec review to the agenda17:02
mtreinishwell anyway let's get started17:02
mtreinish#topic Mid-Cycle Meetup (mtreinish)17:03
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* afazekas o/17:03
mtreinishSo I just wanted to remind everyone about the qa/infra mid cycle we're going to be having17:03
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mtreinishthe details can be found here
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mtreinishI expect that the schedule for that week will change a bit more over the next week17:04
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mtreinishI really didn't have much else for this topic, unless anyone had any questions about it17:04
ylobankovhi folks. Sorry, I am late17:05
vrovachevhi all :)17:05
mtreinishok, well I guess we'll move to the next topic17:05
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mtreinish#topic Unstable API testing in Tempest (mtreinish)17:06
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mtreinishso this is something that came up the other day in a review17:06
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mtreinishand I know we talked about it with regards to v3 testing17:06
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mtreinishbut since we've moved to branchless tempest I feel that we really can't support testing unstable apis in tempest17:06
andreafmtreinish: +117:07
mtreinishif the api doesn't conform to the stability guidlines because it's still in development than we really can't be testing it17:07
andreafmtreinish: Neutron's model of testing in tree and then promoting to tempest sounds like a good option for unstable APIs17:07
mtreinishandreaf: yeah I'd like to see that, but we have yet to see it implemented17:08
mtreinishit would definitely solve this problem once it's in full swing17:08
mtreinishoh for reference the review this came up in was an ironic api change:17:08
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mtreinishI'm thinking we should codify this policy somewhere17:09
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sdaguemtreinish: ++17:09
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dkranzmtreinish: If we are talking about a whole service api, like ironic, why not just set the enable flag to false in the gate?17:09
dkranzmtreinish: I mean as a temporary measure, not a substitute for the other ideas.17:09
sdaguedkranz: well that doesn't really address the unstable thing17:09
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dkranzsdague: It means that for gating purposes, it is out of tree.17:10
andreafmtreinish: the alternative here would be micro-versions in ironic :)17:10
sdagueandreaf: they'd have to implement that17:10
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sdaguewhich I don't think they've talked about yet17:10
dkranzsdague: Same as if it were actually out-of-tree which was the other proposal17:10
mtreinishandreaf: yeah, but this example is actually a field removal so it'd be a major version...17:10
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andreafsdague: yes of course - but it seems to be problem common to everyone17:11
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mtreinishdkranz: what I'm proposing is just drawing the line in the sand now, and we can figure out how to deal with the unstable apis we have in tree after that17:11
mtreinishthere shouldn't be too many17:11
andreafsdague: perhaps micro versions is something every project should have - also it would bring a more consistent experience17:12
sdagueyeh, I agree17:12
mtreinishdkranz: I'm also not sure it's the entire api surface for ironic17:12
sdagueandreaf: it's a good goal, we don't have any that do it yet17:12
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mtreinishso do we think a new section in the readme is good enough17:12
mtreinishor should we start storing these things somwhere else17:12
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sdaguenew readme section is probably the right starting point17:13
mtreinishok, then I'll push out a patch adding that17:13
mtreinish#action mtreinish to add a readme section about only testing stable apis in tempest17:13
sdagueif we have a consistent topic for just docs changes, we could pop that to the top of the dashboard17:13
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sdagueto have people review docs changes faster17:13
andreafmtreinish, sdague: the problem I see when reviewing is how we define a stable API17:13
sdagueandreaf: example?17:14
andreafmeaning until we don't have a test for something we don't know17:14
mtreinishandreaf: if it's in tempest it's stable...17:14
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mtreinishthere is no turning back17:14
dkranzandreaf: Right17:14
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andreafok fine so we let an API become progressively stable test by test ... as long as something does not have a test it's not stable17:15
dkranzandreaf: No, I don't think that't right.17:15
mtreinishandreaf: that's a separate problem, which is really just api surface coverage. This is more to prevent projects that explicitly say their apis will be changing but they're adding tests to tempest17:15
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sdagueright, I'm more concerned about the second thing17:16
sdagueif a project doesn't believe the api is stable, and they tell us that, then we don't land those interfaces17:16
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sdaguebecause they've said explicitly that they don't believe it to be a contract17:16
dkranzsdague: marun's proposal is the only clean way to address this I think.17:17
sdaguedkranz: sure17:17
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mtreinishsdague: or they don't tell us, ignore the new readme section, something gets merged and then they're locked into the stability guidelines :)17:17
andreafI'm just thinking about an easy way to be consistent in reviews on this - so if there is a place where projects publish the fact that an API is stable, we can -2 directly any test for unstable stuff17:18
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mtreinishandreaf: well I think this only really applies to new major api versions and incubated projects17:18
sdagueyeh, I had some vague thoughts about all of that. But my brain is too gate focussed right now to take the context switch.17:19
sdagueandreaf: maybe propose something as a readme patch?17:19
sdagueand we can sift it there17:19
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sdagueit honestly might be nice to have a REVIEWING.rst17:19
andreafsdague: +117:19
sdagueor do more in it17:19
sdagueoh, I have a local file that I started fo rthat17:20
mtreinishyeah I was thinking about doing that as a wiki page like nova does17:20
sdagueI personally prefer it in the tree17:20
sdaguebecause then changing it is reviewed, and it's there when you check things out17:20
andreafmtreinish: or a link in tree to a wiki page17:20
sdagueI find stuff in the wiki ends up logically too far away17:20
sdagueand no one notices when it changes17:20
sdagueso we mentally fork17:21
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mtreinishyou can subscribe to a page...17:21
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mkoderer+1 for in the tree17:21
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mtreinishbut I get what you're saying17:21
mtreinishthe location doesn't really matter as long as we have it17:21
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mtreinishsdague: do you want an action to start that?17:21
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mtreinish#action sdague to start a REVIEWING.rst file for tempest17:22
mtreinishok then is there anything else on this topic?17:22
sdaguewhen we get to open talk, I want to discuss a couple suggestions after debugging some gate things17:23
mtreinish#topic Specs Review17:23
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mtreinishsdague: ok17:23
mtreinishsdague: actually I'll make that a topic because I'm not sure we'll get to open17:23
mtreinishdkranz: I think you posted the first one on the agenda17:24
mkodererdo we -1 patches that didn't have a merged spec?17:24
dkranzmtreinish: Yes, boris-42 put in this spec but there is not enough detail17:24
asselin(I added mine to the agenda
mtreinishmkoderer: yeah if the bp isn't approved yet we shouldn't merge the patches as part of it17:24
dkranzmtreinish: He did not respond to the comment yet and I am not sure if he intends to move forward with this or not.17:25
mtreinishdkranz: yeah it doesn't really have any design in it, it just explains what the script will be used for17:25
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dkranzmtreinish: The last comment from him was May 2317:25
mtreinishdkranz: well I guess ping boris-42 after the meeting, and if he doesn't respond we can open a parallel one up17:26
mkoderermtreinish: yep we need to have a look at this... couldn't jenkins do a -1 automatically17:26
dkranzmtreinish: I guess I will follow up with him17:26
sdaguemkoderer: I think that's over optimizing at this point17:26
mkoderersdague: ok :)17:26
sdagueespecially as as a team we're kind of terrible about tagging commit messages17:26
mtreinishI know I am...17:27
mtreinishok the next spec on the agenda is asselin's:17:27
sdaguewe'll let another project build that infrastructure first, then see if we want to use it :)17:27
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mtreinishasselin: so go ahead17:28
asselinHi, this is something that hemna and sdague talked about in Hong Kong.17:28
asselinWhere the API calls success and failures are automatically tracked during stress tests17:28
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mkodererasselin: so you want to enhance the statistics?17:28
asselinyes, there's an implementation out for review.17:29
mkodererasselin: ok cool I will have a look17:29
asselinsample output is available here at the end:
asselinStress Test API Tracking:
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asselinin the above output, lines 18-32 were 'manually' added to the stress action.17:30
asselinWith the new code, lines 34-85 show which api calls were made, and how many passed, failed.17:30
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mtreinishasselin: so I haven't looked at this in detail yet, but the way your tracking api calls17:31
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mtreinishcould that also be used in the non stress case too?17:31
asselinyes, I believe so17:31
mkodererasselin: I think we don't need the manual way..17:31
mtreinishasselin: ok that may be useful as part of tracking leaks in general tempest runs too17:32
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mtreinishI'll look at your spec and comment there17:32
asselinmkoderer, yes, that's exactly the point: no need to do the manul way anymore17:32
mkodererjust tracking the api calls look sufficient for me17:32
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mkodererasselin: ok cool17:32
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asselinthere's another patch for cinder tests here: Cinder Stress/CHO Test:
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asselinthis one previously had the manual calls.17:33
asselinthey are all now removed17:33
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mtreinishok, so take a look at this spec proposal to give it some feedback. It seems reasonable to me. :)17:33
asselinand by previously, I meant before it was submitted for review.17:33
asselinmtreinish, thanks!17:33
mtreinishok are there any other specs people want to bring up17:33
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mtreinishandreaf: ok go ahead17:34
andreafnon-admin one17:34
andreafI submitted an update on dkranz 's work17:34
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andreaffrom the discussions at the summit it seems that the only kind of admin work we can avoid for now is tenant isolation17:35
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sdagueandreaf: right, but I don't want to give that up17:35
sdaguewhich means I still feel like this is part 217:35
sdagueand part 1 is preallocated ids17:35
andreafuntil we have hierarchical multitenancy we won't be able to do things like list all vms in a domain17:35
sdagueat which point we delete the non tenant isolation case17:35
sdaguethere in simplifying tempest in the process17:36
mtreinishsdague: +1, although the non tenant isolation case would just be a list len of 1 for the preallocated ids17:37
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sdaguemtreinish: sure17:37
andreafsdague: so I think we should remove user and user_alt and just have user provider that either uses tenant isolation or an array of configured users17:37
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sdagueandreaf: yes exactly17:37
dkranzandreaf: +117:37
dkranzI'm still not sure how we pass the user in from calls to testr in that case17:37
sdaguenow we just need someone who wants to do that17:37
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sdaguedkranz: there might be some trickiness there17:38
mtreinishdkranz: yeah there is an interesting problem to determine how many threads we're safe for17:38
sdaguebut, honestly, we have to solve it17:38
sdagueeven if we decide the solution is a tempest binary17:38
mtreinishor we could just allow overcommit and just lock on having available creds17:38
sdagueto wrap it17:38
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dkranzsdague: I agree, but feel a lack of testr expertise17:38
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sdaguemtreinish: or just die17:38
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mtreinishheh, yeah that's probably a better idea :)17:39
sdagueif you try to run concurency of more than your users, die17:39
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mtreinishsdague: the fuzziness is the alt user17:39
andreafwe could do a config  consistency check before starting the tests17:39
dkranzI'm not sure how a list of users would actually work in terms of tempest deciding which one to use. It would have to be per-thread17:39
sdaguemtreinish: more than user +117:39
afazekasAt class load time a process can lock on one demo and alt_demo user17:39
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sdagueusers[-1] is the alt user17:39
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mtreinishwell it's user + n17:40
mtreinishbecause if you need an alt user for all the workers at once17:40
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sdagueI think we typically only need 1 alt user globally17:40
dkranzmtreinish: Doesn't each worker need its own alt_user?17:40
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mtreinishbut anyway we can figure that out later17:40
mtreinishwe're down to 20 min17:40
mtreinishso let's move on17:40
sdagueok, so who's spearheading this one?17:40
andreafmtreinish: so we need a spec, I can start a bp17:41
sdagueandreaf: cool17:41
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andreaf#action andreaf start bp on static users17:41
mtreinishok, then lets move on17:41
andreafmtreinish: I had another spec I wanted to mention17:42
andreafthis is the test server, client, gui17:42
mtreinishandreaf: ok, do you want to save that for next week when masayukig is around?17:42
andreafok sure17:42
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mtreinishok cool17:42
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mtreinish#topic how to save the gate (sdague)17:43
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mtreinishsdague: you've got the floor17:43
sdagueman, that's a much bigger thing than I was going for17:43
sdagueok, so a couple of things when dealing with failures17:43
sdaguefirst off, we explode during teardown some times on resource deletes17:44
sdagueand whether or not the test author thought delete was part of their path, explode on teardown sucks17:44
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sdagueso I think we need a concerted effort to make sure that our teardown paths are safe17:44
sdagueand just log warn if they leak a thing17:45
mkoderersdague: I proposed a safe teardown mechanism
mkodererbut I need to write a spec before ;)17:45
mkoderernot sure if this helps17:45
sdaguemkoderer: oh, cool17:45
mtreinishsdague: but explode how, like if it's an unexpected error on a delete call shouldn't that be a big issue that causes a failure?17:45
sdaguemtreinish: honestly... I'm pretty mixed on that17:46
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sdaguebecause I have a feeling that if we treated all deletes like that17:46
sdaguewe'd never pass17:46
sdaguethe only reason tempest passes is because we leak17:46
afazekasexplode on teardown is ok, and still fails the related test17:46
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sdagueafazekas: honestly, I don't think it is ok17:47
sdagueif you want to test delete, do it explicitly17:47
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dkranzsdague: +1, but the leaks are still bugs17:47
sdaguedkranz: sure17:47
sdaguebut we can solve those orthogonally17:47
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mtreinishsdague: but isn't kind of the same thing as a setup failure. We're not explicitly testing those calls but something failed17:48
andreafsdague afazekas failures in fixtures is something we should perhaps write warnings and collect stats17:48
dkranzsdague: Yes, at this point I think we need to agressively stop failures that are due to "known" bugs17:48
mtreinishI just think moving on if a delete explodes is going to mask the real failure17:48
afazekassdague: explicitly by addCleanUp ?17:48
mtreinishand cause something elsewhere17:48
sdagueafazekas: no, explicitly by callling delete17:48
dkranzmtreinish: When the gate becomes reliable again we can add failures back17:48
sdaguethe problem is there is too much implicit17:49
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sdagueso even people familiar with the tempest code take a long time to unwind this17:49
afazekassdague: and where do we want to reallocate the resources allocated before the delete ?17:49
dkranzafazekas: No, by calling delete not in addCleanUp17:49
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sdagueafazekas: in the test function17:49
mtreinishdkranz: that's what I'm saying is I don't think this will necessarily make fixing the gate easier17:49
sdaguetest_foo_* is where you make calls17:49
dkranzmtreinish: It might not. But it might.17:50
afazekassdague: resource leak on failure is ok ?17:50
sdagueafazekas: if it has WARN in the log about it17:50
dkranzI don't think it is ok but we are drowning in failures, right?17:50
sdaguethen we are tracking it at least17:50
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sdaguedkranz: yes, very much so17:50
sdagueevery single tempest fix to remove a race I did yesterday17:51
sdaguewas failed by another race17:51
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dkranzsdague: So I was just suggesting we stop "known" failures until we get it under control17:51
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afazekasDow we want to avoid this kind of issues ?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1257641 in tempest "Quota exceeded for instances: Requested 1, but already used 10 of 10 instances" [Medium,Confirmed]17:51
sdaguedkranz: sure, I'm also suggesting a different pattern here17:51
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dkranzsdague: So make sure whatever is actually testing delete does so explicitly and don't fail on cleanup delete failures, just warn.17:52
mkodererI think this topic would be nice for the mid cycle meetup to work together on it17:52
dkranzsdague: I think that is what you are saying, right?17:52
sdaguedkranz: yep, exactly17:52
sdaguethe test_* should be explicit about what it tests17:52
dkranzsdague: Yes, that was my review comment as well.17:52
sdagueand teardown is for reclamation and shouldn't be fatal17:52
dkranzsdague: I would say more that it should be, but we suspend that for now.17:52
andreafsdague: +117:52
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andreafsdague: for api tests specifically - in scenario I would often include the cleanup in the test itself17:53
sdaguedkranz: well once tempest is actually keeping track of 100% of it's resources, I might agree17:53
sdagueandreaf: sure, and that's fine17:53
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sdaguejust make it explicit17:53
afazekasHow will we see if jobs randomly just WARN on a failed delete  ?17:53
sdagueafazekas: it's in the logs17:53
sdagueand the logs are indexed17:54
afazekassdague: nobody reads them if the test suite passed17:54
andreafsdague: I think we need tools to analyse the logs and17:54
sdaguesure, we need all those things17:54
sdaguebut if we can't ever land a tempest patch again, then it's kind of useless :)17:54
andreaftrigger warnings perhaps to the DL or in iRC17:54
dkranzafazekas: I think the point is that there are race bugs around delete, and we know that, but we can't keep failing because of them17:54
afazekasdkranz: bug link ?17:55
dkranzafazekas: We now have to accept the risk of a regression around this issue to get things working.17:55
sdagueafazekas: and realistically people have been talking about tracking resourses forever, and no one ever did that work17:55
dkranzafazekas: There is no bug link because no one has any idea of why the deletes fail as far as I know.17:55
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afazekasdkranz: no bug, no issue to solve17:56
dkranzUnless I am wrong about that.17:56
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sdagueafazekas: sorry, some of us have been too busy fighting fires in real time to write up all the bugs17:56
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andreafso step1 we need to "ignore" failed deletes and get the gate back and then we can go from there?17:56
sdagueandreaf: yeh17:57
sdaguethough honestly, this was only one of 2 items17:57
dkranzandreaf: What other choice is there?17:57
sdaguethe other is we need to stop being overly clever and reusing servers17:57
sdagueso I proposed that patch for promote17:57
mtreinishI'm still not convinced just switching exceptions to be log warns in the short term is going to make it easier to debug. Because of all the shared state between tests, but I'll defer to the consensus17:57
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mtreinishsdague: +1 on the second point17:57
sdaguewe do it in image snapshots as well17:58
dkranzmtreinish: I don't think the point was about being easier to debug, just to be able to get patches through.17:58
sdagueI'll propose a patch for that later today17:58
mtreinishdkranz: but that too, I think it'll just shift fails to other places17:58
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sdaguemtreinish: it might17:58
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dkranzmtreinish: and we will see that if it happens and learn something17:58
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afazekasI would like to see several logs/jobs where we had just delete issues.17:58
sdaguethe other thing that would be really awesome17:58
sdagueafazekas: well, dive in and fix gate bugs, and you'll see them17:59
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andreafso I think we have 1 min left?17:59
mtreinishyeah we're basically at time17:59
mlavalleBefore we go, Could I have some core reviews for and There was some overlap in these two patchsets, but I fixed it this past week. So they are good to go17:59
dkranzWe can move to qa channel18:00
sdagueyeh, so one parting thought18:00
afazekassdague: I frequently check the logs after failures, and I can't recall18:00
mtreinishwell there is a meeting after us I think18:00
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mtreinishso I'm going to call it18:00
sdagueok, parting in -qa18:00
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Jun  5 18:00:41 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)18:00
openstackMinutes (text):
bdpayne#startmeeting OpenStack Security Group18:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Jun  5 18:00:49 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bdpayne. Information about MeetBot at
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openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:00
mxinhi, all18:00
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bdpayne#topic Rollcall18:01
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* bdpayne running the meeting for Rob today18:01
mxinHappy OpenSSL Thursday!18:01
bknudsonnot again!18:01
bdpaynemxin ha18:01
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bdpayneyes, for those that haven't heard
bdpayneit's probably time to upgrade again18:01
bdpayneso hi to all that are here18:02
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nkinderhi all18:02
bdpayneI'm filling in for Rob today, it was a last minute thing so I'm just kind of rolling with the flow here ;-)18:02
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bdpayne#topic Agenda18:02
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bdpayneAnything people would like to add to the agenda18:03
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bdpayneanything at all?18:03
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bknudsonwhat's the agenda?18:03
bdpayneWell, I have two minor things18:04
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bdpayneI'd like to discuss the mid-cycle meetup18:04
bdpayneand I'd like to discuss a new time for this IRC meeting18:04
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bdpayneanything else that people would like to discuss18:04
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bdpayneok, sounds good18:04
bdpayneso let's push ahead18:04
bdpayne#topic IRC Meeting time18:05
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sriramheresorry guys for being little late, howdy18:05
bknudsonI might be making some progress towards getting our group here to help community support stable releases longer18:05
bdpayneSo we've have an email thread about changing the time of this meeting18:05
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CristianFJust joining, hi everyone18:05
bknudsonthe proposed new meeting time works for me18:05
bdpaynethe proposal is to change this to Thursdays at 1700 - 1800 UTC in #openstack-meeting-alt18:05
bdpayneWe will be starting with this new time *next week*18:06
bdpayneSo please consider this your heads up :-)18:06
bdpayneI'll make sure that the wiki page for the meeting is updated in short order18:06
dg_sounds good18:06
bknudsonso also switching meeting rooms18:06
bdpayneyeah, that's what Rob had indicated18:06
malini1works for me18:07
bdpayneok, so update your calendars18:07
bdpaynemoving along to the next topic18:07
mxinit should work for me18:07
bdpayne#topic Mid-cycle meetup18:07
shohelgood for me also18:07
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bdpayneIf you would like to attend the OSSG mid-cycle meetup, please make sure your date prefs are noted on this etherpad18:08
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bdpayneWe are currently planning to hold this event at HP in Seattle18:08
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shohelis there any agenda defined for the meetup18:08
bdpayneRight now it looks like July 14 - July 18 is the leading week18:08
bdpayneWe will use the time to drive the primary efforts forward (book, ossn, and threat analysis)18:09
bdpaynepeople involved in each of those areas will want to put together an agenda with their respective groups18:09
dg_who should I talk to about getting involved with the threat analysis efforts?18:09
bdpaynethere may also be some time for getting tracting on 1 or 2 new efforts, but that's tbd18:09
bdpaynedg_ I think Rob Clark and shohel18:09
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dg_bdpayne thanks I'll talk to Rob18:10
* tmcpeak sorry I'm late18:10
bdpaynesorry that I don't have more details on the agenda for the meetup18:10
bdpayneI think that Rob's working on that, so expect something before too long18:10
shohelthats sounds good18:10
mxinit works for me.18:10
tmcpeakdid we firm a date?18:10
bdpayneany other thoughts / discussion on the mid-cycle meetup?18:11
bdpaynetmcpeak We are doing final voting for the date today18:11
bdpayneshould lock it in tomorrow or early next week18:11
tmcpeakcool, sounds good.  What forum?18:11
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bdpayne#topic Open Discussion18:12
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bdpayneSo that's all that I had for today's meeting.  Anything else that people would like to discuss?18:12
shoheli would like to add something regarding threat analysis work18:12
shoheli have added a process chart in the wiki18:12
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shohelas discussed in the summit18:12
shohelfeedback ?18:13
CristianFshohel: will take a look, thanks for sharing18:13
shohelmainly how the initiation until finalising the report18:13
shohelneed to add more details though18:14
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bknudsonshohel: this looks great18:14
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bdpayneyeah, this is a good start, but more details would be useful18:14
sriramhereBryan - did u say that agenda is to be determined by people who are involved in various efforts18:14
bdpayneyes, I did18:14
tmcpeakshohel: yeah, great to get this all written down, +118:14
mxinThanks for the efforts.18:15
sriramhereok good. how are we converging all these agendas?18:15
sriramhereIs Rob going to be the central person, or just jump on etherpad18:15
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bdpayneRob will be the guy planning this18:15
dg_shohel looks good, will take a look at the threat modelling process to see what it breaks down into18:15
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bdpayneI think we should wait for him to get the specifics18:16
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bdpaynemight be worth starting a thread on the mailing list about it though18:16
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sriramhereok - can I take the action item to start the email thread?18:16
bdpayneyes please18:16
tmcpeakplease do18:17
bdpayne#action sriramhere to start email thread about meetup agenda18:17
bdpayneAlso, I ran across this today and I think it needs some security input:
bdpayneHeat encrypting params18:17
bdpayneAnyone here comfortable with crypto review?18:17
dg_bdpayne in a past life yes18:18
bdpaynemay be worth putting some eyes on this if you have time18:18
bdpayneit's a relatively small patch18:19
bknudsonlooks like they've got a crypt module already18:19
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dg_I'll take a look tomorrow, but other people are probably more current, its been a few years for me18:19
bdpaynebknudson yes18:19
tmcpeakalong similar lines, I've been chewing over something I'm curious about OSSG thoughts on18:19
bdpaynethis is more about whether or not this is a proper use of that18:19
shoheli will do quick check on this within my limit18:20
bdpaynetmcpeak go ahead18:20
tmcpeakok, so I've been working on the Glance security audit18:20
bknudsoncipher = AES18:20
tmcpeakand making a list of where we are using crypto and how18:20
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tmcpeakI came across the usage of the following library:
tmcpeakit looks like a pretty significant wrapper around normal SSL18:21
tmcpeakmy question is how has this been vetted18:21
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tmcpeakdo we have any degree of confidence on this implementation etc18:21
tmcpeakwhich got me thinking maybe we need some central page for all crypto related implementations18:22
tmcpeakwhere we can have links regarding any audit efforts, who has looked into them, etc18:22
nkindertmcpeak: many people don't seem to trust the python SSL server-side implementations, so they use terminators18:22
bdpayneso I feel like step one is just to identify where crypto is being used, what libs, etc18:22
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bdpaynebut answering these questions is important18:22
bdpayneI just view it as step 218:22
bdpayneif that makes sense18:22
dg_tmcpeak the AES should be verifiable with the test vectors, the supporting functions are as crucial thou18:22
tmcpeakbdpayne: yeah totally18:22
tmcpeakdg_: I'm not sure test vectors covers it18:23
bdpaynebut putting up such a page could be interesting... I'm just worried about sourcing the information properly18:23
tmcpeakwhat about some simple bug like Heartbleed18:23
tmcpeakwho are the guys who wrote this ssl wrapper18:23
tmcpeakand do we have any reason to think that they were careful enough to avoid these kind of problems18:23
mxinit is not easy to get encryption correct.18:24
bdpayneall fair questions18:24
dg_tmcpeak heh yes, like i said, the crypt is verifiable, but the supporting functions are cruicial18:24
tmcpeakat least if we have a list of who has looked into them and in what depth, maybe we can start to build a knowledge base18:24
bdpayneI don't have any answers for you off the top of my head though18:24
bdpayneyeah, perhaps this could start as an etherpad?18:24
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bdpayneslightliy less official than a wiki18:24
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bdpaynemore of a data collection effort18:24
tmcpeakyeah, I think etherpad would be a great place to start building some knowledge18:24
tmcpeakbdpayne: yeah exactly, even just some related links for each lib18:24
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dg_bdpayne I think Rob has been working on identifying what crypt is in use where, and today mentioned as getting a lot of interest from barbican18:25
bdpayneso nkinder has been working on the crypto audit18:25
mxinsound likes a good starting point.18:25
bdpayneI do like python cryptography too, a very interesting project18:26
bdpayneAnd a good team working on it18:26
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tmcpeakoh, I wasn't aware of this18:26
tmcpeakthis looks pretty cool18:26
sriramherewill this go with the security anti-pattern tests that were talked about last week via eamil thread?18:26
bdpaynePersonally, I'd love to see about migrating all of openstack to using a single python cryptography library... perhaps this one18:26
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nkinderbdpayne: +118:26
bdpaynesriramhere I'm not sure I follow18:26
dg_it would be nice to have a single library that we had some confidence in, I particuarly dislike how most SSL stuff is handled in python18:27
tmcpeaksriramhere: good question18:27
sriramherethere was an email thread last week18:27
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sriramhereMalini started page on security ani-patterns18:27
sriramhereand some jumped on that, trying to write some tests to find such patterns18:27
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bdpayneI'm not sure that the information we are talking about collecting on the crypto libs is really something that fits in with the security anti-patterns18:28
sriramheremy thought was, such tests could test for theses questions being raised here18:28
bdpaynethis is why I'm confused here18:28
tmcpeakI'm not sure these are good or bad crypto implementations, we just don't have enough information to make informed decisions IMO18:28
sriramheresorry, my ask is more of automated tests18:28
sriramherethan sec anti-patt18:28
tmcpeakthey are probably two separate efforts at this point18:28
bdpaynetmcpeak you want to start an etherpad for this?18:28
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tmcpeakTODO please :)18:28
sriramhereok cool18:29
malini1sriramhere: harder to test the goodness of a library as an anti-pattern18:29
bdpayne#action tmcpeak to start etherpad for collecting information about the status of various crypto libraries used in openstack (who has audited them, etc)18:29
bdpayneok, any other discussion for today?18:29
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paulmoSorry I'm late, one item from me if we have time18:29
mxinwant to talk about api testing?18:30
sriramherejust a quick update; GSOC project on fuzzing fw coming along wel18:30
bdpaynevery briefly :-)18:30
paulmoWhat is the next step for getting OSSG approval for:
sriramherehad some slow downs, but largely in track.18:30
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bdpaynepaulmo I'd start an email thread on that18:30
bdpaynewe don't have a formal process18:30
bdpaynebut, some form of critical review / broad acceptance from the group would make sense to me18:30
paulmoOk, will do; thanks!18:30
bdpaynesriramhere sounds good!18:31
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bdpayneok, I think that's all we have time for today... thanks everyone!18:31
tmcpeakgood stuff, thanks!18:31
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mikalNova meeting time21:00
mriedemdo it21:01
mikalle ping: mikal tjones cburgess jgrimm adrian_otto21:01
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mikal#startmeeting nova21:01
openstackMeeting started Thu Jun  5 21:01:27 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mikal. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:01
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mikalSo, who is around?21:01
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mikalThe agenda for today is at as always21:02
mikal#topic Juno mid-cycle meetup21:02
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mikalSo while I slept last week, John asked people to fill in a survey for the mi cycle meetup21:02
mikalmid even21:02
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mikalThe winning dates were the weekdays after OSCON21:03
russellbthe weekend?21:03
russellboh weekdays21:03
mikalSo July 28 - 3021:03
mikalrussellb: no, Monday thru Wednesday21:03
dansmithso my cash bribes worked21:03
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mikalIntel has now confirmed they can host on those dates, so I think we're good to announce21:03
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mikalI'll send an email to openstack-dev after this meeting21:03
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mikalI intend to try and arrange a block hotel booking, but that hasn't been done yet21:04
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mikalBut at least this way people can start negotiating with their managers21:04
jogowhere will it be portland?21:04
mikalIs there anything else we need to cover there apart from my promise of an email soon?21:04
mikaljogo: Beaverton, at the Intel campus21:04
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n0anojogo, technically beaverton21:05
mikaljogo: which is a 20 minute drive from the airport IIRC21:05
russellbmain portland airport would be best i presume?21:05
russellbdansmith will give everyone a ride21:05
mikalrussellb: I think so, but I sahll confirm21:05
dansmithnot even 20 minutes at midnight21:05
n0anomikal, you drive fast :-)(21:05
mikalI think I was told there is a train as well, but that might be a lie21:05
dansmithn0ano: which campus?21:06
n0anodansmith, jones farm is the current site21:06
mikalOh, I see21:06
mikalI didn't realize there was more than one campus21:06
mikalI was looking at maps for Aloha21:06
dansmiththere are lots of them21:07
dansmithall over the damned place21:07
n0anothere's about 5, maybe more21:07
dansmithfive that we know about21:07
mikalWe'll work it out21:07
mikalThere are secret hidden campuses?21:07
russellbwiki-ify it21:07
dansmithit’s intel21:07
russellbwith the deets21:07
dansmitheverything is a secret21:07
mikalrussellb: yep, that's the plan21:07
dansmithall the campuses have privacy berms in front21:07
n0anothey're all relatively close together (<10 min by care)21:07
dansmith“look not beyond yonder wall”21:07
mikalOk, so, we're having the meetup in a lair21:08
mikalIn other news...21:08
mikalAre we done with this topic for now?21:08
russellbwill there be cake?21:08
russellbi mean yes, i'm done.21:08
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mikal#action mikal to wiki page up the mid cycle details21:08
mikal#topic Gate breakage21:09
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mikalThis one isn't on the agenda because its new21:09
mikalI've woken up to emails saying everything is busted21:09
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mriedemone of the breakers was force merged21:09
mriedemthe resize one21:09
mikalDoes someone have more details on if there's things nova needs to do to fix the world?21:09
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mriedemthere was a get-pip one that sdague fixed yesterday21:09
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mriedemsounds like things are still backed up, not sure if nova is the main issue now21:10
mikalOk, but we should hold off on approving things, right?21:10
mriedemneutron has the ssh issue everyone knows and loves as #121:10
mriedemi think that's what they were asking, unless they fix race bugs21:10
mikalBut we're not aware of any more nova bugs that need looking at?21:10
jogolook at
mriedemwell let's see21:10
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jogoBug 1254890 - "Timed out waiting for thing ... to become ACTIVE" causes tempest-dsvm-* failures21:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254890 in nova ""Timed out waiting for thing ... to become ACTIVE" causes tempest-dsvm-* failures" [High,Confirmed]
jogothat looks like the biggest nova one21:11
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mriedemwhich has been around forever21:11
mikaljogo: that's probably not a nova bug though right?21:11
russellbit may be21:11
mikaljogo: that's nova waiting on other services?21:11
mriedemcompute api tests can timeout all over21:11
russellbthat bug tends ot catch a number of underlying bugs21:11
mriedemnot necessarily21:11
leifzo/ late to the meeting.21:12
russellbneed to dig into specific failures21:12
mriedeme.g. timeout waiting for snapshot21:12
mriedemsomething like that21:12
mriedemqemu-img taking too long21:12
jogoyeah, so its not uncommon as we dig into bugs to find they are 5 or 6 bugs21:12
jogoin which case we can split the bug up and add seperate e-r queries etc21:12
russellbthat one in particular ... a bunch has come out of that in the past, it's been on there a long time21:12
mikaljogo: do you split them out into separate bugs at that point?21:12
mriedemwe want this:
mriedemi think we need to help get better diags when things fail to help with a lot of these timeouts21:13
jogomikal: yeah. we just say this bug covered several underyling issues ...21:13
mriedemthere are probably several different similar timeout bugs21:13
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mikalBut I'm not seeing a specifical call to action here for nova, is that fair?21:13
mriedemnot sure if there are some that hit more than others, we haven't dug into that21:13
anteayaexcept please don't approve stuff21:13
jogoalso getting rid of stacktraces in the logs really helps with these things21:13
mikalYeah, except that21:13
jogowe still ahve a lot21:14
mikaljogo: is there a list of bogus stacktraces in logs somewhere?21:14
mikaljogo: how would someone wanting to help with that proceed?21:14
mriedemthere is a whitelist dump at the end of the runs21:14
mriedemof all the errors that aren't whitelisted from the logs21:14
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jogomikal: what mriedem said21:14
mriedemused to gate on that but couldn't keep up21:14
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mriedemi think the only thing we gate on is no errors in n-cond21:15
dansmithright, afaik21:15
mriedemand alaski has a fix up for one of those21:15
mriedemwould be this
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mikal#action We need to help remove bogus stack traces from our tempest logs21:15
mriedemi thought, maybe that's not the one21:15
alaskimriedem: 97942 maybe?21:16
mriedemthere was a bogus info cache one21:16
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mriedemalaski: doesn't look right21:16
mikalThat second one is approved21:16
mriedemi think there is a specofic bug21:16
alaskimriedem: oh, the one you're thinking of merged21:16
mriedemthat's the one21:17
jogomikal: sample output
jogofrom most recent nova patch that merged21:17
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mriedemthere was a sec group list race bug too that was merged yesterday21:17
mriedemfix merged i mean21:17
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jogomriedem: correct me if I am wrong, but a lot of the instability this time isn't from nova21:18
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mriedembesides the resize thing reverted this morning, i think that's correct21:18
russellbmostly neutron looks like ...21:18
mriedemlots of infra issues21:18
mriedemand neutron yeah21:18
mikalI didn't mean to imply it was21:18
mikalJust making sure we're pulling in the right direction21:18
russellbi'm sure those teams wouldn't mind help on those issues though :)21:18
mriedemceilometer UT is shitting the bed also21:18
mikalIt sounds like we're off the hook mostly21:18
mriedemthey copied our test timeouts and started timing out :)21:18
mikalIs there anything else here or should we move on?21:19
mriedemmove on21:19
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mikal#topic juno-121:19
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mikalOver the last week johnthetubaguy has been pushing things from juno-1 to juno-2 that look like they wont land in time21:19
mikaljuno-1 being 12 June, which is real soon now21:19
mikalWe should not be approving specs at the moment, but instead should be trying to review bps targetted to juno-1 (and bug fixes, more on that later)21:20
mikalObviously the gate thing will slow us down there21:20
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mikalSo this is mostly a reminder that juno-1 is just around the corner21:21
mikaljohnthetubaguy: you around?21:21
mikal(I suspect not)21:21
mikalMoving on21:21
mikal#topic Bugs21:22
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mriedemi suspect compute-manager-objects-juno will be a moving target21:22
mikalmriedem: yeah, that seems likely to me too21:22
dansmithyeah, not much point in that being anything other than j3 I think21:22
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mikalOk, I changed that one21:23
mriedemany bug day analysis?21:23
mikaltjones ran a bug day the other day21:23
tjoneswe had about 8ish bugs merged yesterday21:23
mikalThe early analysis is "it sucked"21:23
mikalWell, that's my analysis at least21:23
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tjonespeople are continuing to fix and review bugs today as well21:23
mikalOk cool21:23
mikalI think tjones did a good job21:23
tjonesmy 1st bug day so not sure what to expect21:23
mikalWe just didn't fix enough21:23
mikalGiven that we have 1,200 bugs21:23
mriedemclosing invalid bugs == fixing21:23
mikalmriedem: agreed21:24
mriedemthere was quite a bit of that yesterday21:24
mikal1,200 is so many we just don't know what's there21:24
cyeoha bunch set to "need more info" too21:24
jogowhy wasn't the bug day stuff done in the nova room?21:24
tjonesopen bug counts went down about 30ish21:24
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mriedemjogo: it was...21:24
dansmithjogo: i was in there chasing bugs21:24
jogomriedem: ohh I thought there as an email saying it wasn't, ignore me21:24
mriedemi was going through a lot of abandoned things21:24
tjonesas mriedem said yesterday - hard to see the granularity of this chart21:24
mikalThe bit that worries me is that it feels to me like we're ignoring our users. They try to get our attention and we don't keep up.21:25
mikalI don't know how to fix that, except for asking people to be consistent about trying to close bugs21:25
mikalThat's really a huge list to try and burn down21:25
mikalI'm 100% sure there's dupes etc in there, but I don't know how we find them when the list is so long21:25
mriedemone by one21:26
jogohave we closed bugs older then a year?21:26
jogoto get us down to a sane list etc?21:26
mikaljogo: no we haven't21:26
mriedemjogo: the bug day email has a link to in progress bugs but a lot of those are old and abandoned patches21:26
leifzWe probably want to query opener for 6 months with no activity as well.21:26
mikaljogo: I think we'd want to discuss that on the mailing list before doing it21:26
devanandajogo: does that necessarily mean they are not valid any longer?21:26
mriedemjogo: i went through a lot of those one by one and closed as invalid, incomplete or dupes21:26
mriedemor moved back to triaged and removed assignee21:26
devanandai'm sure there are bugs >1yr old for nova-bm which are still valid, for example21:26
mriedemwhich brings up a point i raised yesterday about nova-bm bugs21:27
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mriedemthere were 40+21:27
leifzI did find one which had been fixed and never duplicated to closed issue.21:27
mriedemi'm not sure those baremetal bugs are tagged for ironic21:27
jogonot as a blanket rule but as a guideline21:27
mriedembut they should be21:27
devanandamriedem: ++21:27
tjonesalso our bug management tools need help badly.  currently i get all bugs and stick them in excel to see what is going on21:27
devanandamriedem: some of them i may have untagged specifically (but there'd be a coment trail)21:27
devanandamriedem: because they didn't apply21:27
mikalI don't expect we can solve this today21:28
mikalBut I would like people to ponder it21:28
tjoneswish we used bugzilla21:28
mikaltjones: the foundation is writing a new thing, but its not ready21:28
mriedemhow often do we do bug days?21:28
leifzWhen is the next bug day?21:28
russellbtjones: i'm not sure i've ever heard someone say that21:28
mikalmriedem: in general, once per release21:28
mriedemmikal: we should do them more often then21:28
devanandafood for thought -- is there a way to make it easier for users to submit drive-by bug fixes (and for those to get accepted/merged)21:28
mriedemonce a month21:28
tjonesit would be better than what we have21:28
anteayatjones: pleia2 does our bugdays, do you want to chat with her about tools?21:28
mikalLast time we tried to do a second no one showed up21:28
devanandathat might apply more systemically, not just to nova21:28
mriedemno one showed up yesterday21:28
tjonessure thanks anteaya21:28
mriedemno one == very few compared to the number of people in the room21:29
mikalmriedem: that's kind of how I feel. I know its unfair on the people who did, but not enough people showed up.21:29
mikalDo we think people would get bored if we did something monthly?21:29
russellbi think counting on a a catch-up bug day is always going to fail long term21:29
russellband i think a regular bug team (what tjones has been trying to do) is the best bet21:29
mikalrussellb: I agree, but I also think that every dev has to help out21:30
tjonesno one is showing up to the bug meetings as well.  i use that time to triage bugs21:30
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russellbmikal: right, and tjones has been trying to keep the work organized and broken up for devs to pitch in21:30
russellbusing the tagging, and a coordinated time for people to meet and triage21:30
mikalI personally feel that some of this is because stackalytics doesn't track bug fixes, so people aren't competing based on them21:30
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devanandai doubt we can get any real numbers, but the sense i have is that companies are fixing bugs internally as they hack things into product/ion, and the benefit of that isn't often flowing upstream21:30
russellbthat and honestly, the bugs i care about most are ones that come from my customers21:30
mikalI've filed a bug against stackalytics to ask for that to change21:31
russellbi'm sure other people work that way too21:31
russellbit's just how it ends up happening'21:31
jogoso this isn't a good solution, but at the very least we should just  discuss this issue more21:31
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jogoto at least raise awareness21:31
mikalYeah, I think this will be on the agenda for the mid cycle21:31
mikalI can't see it being fully solved by then21:31
leifztjones: you keep of list of bugs which have proposed fixes in play?21:31
mikalI feel a bit like many of the bugs with fixes out there are for bugs which were just filed21:32
pleia2our procedure for infra is pretty simple, I just have a launchpad lib script that pulls a list that we drop into an etherpad and go to town
mikali.e. dev files bug to track work, fixes it21:32
tjonesi have a list of bugs, their age, and when last updated21:32
mikalI don't have data on that though, perhaps its unfair21:32
devanandaalso having tools to keep track of stale bugs (assigned but not working on, patch proposed and then bit rotted)21:32
pleia2lplib could be better documented, but you can grab a fair amount from the api21:32
devanandamight help21:32
tjonespleia2: that is what i use - grab everything and stick in excel for analysis21:33
mikalSo what I did for bug day is trolled around looking for an interesting bug, then search for similar ones. I think I found six related bugs to work on. I fixed three.21:33
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mikalSo that is a technique which might work for other people as well21:33
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mriedemautomatically marking a bug as no longer in progress if the patch was abandoned over 6 months ago might help21:34
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mriedemthat's come up before21:34
mikalmriedem: I think shorter than that21:34
mikalabandoned for more than a couple of weeks21:34
mriedembut automating it21:34
mriedemwe probably have hundreds of those21:34
cyeohyep, it really needs to be automated21:35
tjoneswhat do you mark it as??21:35
mriedemusually triaged21:35
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mriedembut depends on why it was abandoned21:35
mikaltjones: how often do you ask people for more info on new bugs? What release they're running, stuff like that?21:35
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mriedemyeah sometimes i mark those as incomplete21:35
tjoneswhen i triage, if it is not clear to me i ask for more info and mark incomplete21:35
mikaltjones: I think we're just talking about removing the assignee and reverting from "In progress" to "Confirmed"21:35
mriedemsomething like that21:36
mikalWould automating asking for more info help?21:36
mikalLike sending a survey to everyone who files a new bug?21:36
tjonesby "triage" i mean tagging untagged bugs.  I am not reading each new bug.  if they come in tagged i leave them21:36
mikalThat might annoy our frequent bug filers21:36
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mikalWe could also auto-close bugs which have been incomplete for more than six months21:37
cyeohdo we have a wiki page on what info is very useful for a bug report to contain? Because lots of the API ones I see a very vague21:37
devanandamriedem: ++ to an aotmated tool for that. would help several projects, i bet21:37
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cyeohand I end up setting a lot to incomplete because there simply isn't enough info to replicate the issue21:37
mikalcyeoh: I can't think of one off the top of my head21:37
devanandacyeoh: do you require a bug report to have enough info to reproduce it?21:38
mriedemif there was one, i'd think we'd find the template here
mriedemor linked from there21:38
cyeohdevananda: well often its info I know they have, they just probably didn't think to include it but would have if they'd known it would be useful21:38
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cyeohdevananda: even if its just simple things like they were running against master, or icehouse or havana etc.21:39
mriedemwhich release, which commit, basic setup/topology, steps, stacktrace21:39
mikal#action Everyone to think about how to improve our bug state, there are some ideas for automation if people want a coding task21:39
mikalcyeoh: I think making a wiki page is a good idea, can you have a go at it please?21:39
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cyeohmikal: sure21:40
mikalcyeoh: thanks21:40
mikalThis is really important to me, but I feel we need to move on21:40
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mikal#topic Sub team reports21:40
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mikalSo what sub teams do we have hanging around?21:40
mikaladrian_otto: you have a containers report?21:41
* n0ano gantt21:41
adrian_otto#link Containers Sub-Team Meeting Minutes21:41
adrian_ottoTop takeaway is determining how cinder support can be added and what DefCore requirements should be relaxed (if any).21:41
* devananda wonders if he qualifies as a subteam :)21:41
adrian_ottonext discussion will be about how to support operating specific needs21:41
mikaladrian_otto: I assume that's something you guys are progressing... Do you need anything from nova itself?21:41
mikaladrian_otto: or is it all in progress?21:42
adrian_ottonext meeting is 1600 UTC Tuesday. I will be at a conference and need a backup chair to start the meeting if I am unable to get online.21:42
adrian_ottowe will will follow up with those two topics on ML, requesting input21:42
adrian_ottoso please keep an eye out.21:42
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adrian_otto /end21:42
mikaln0ano: gantt report?21:42
adrian_ottoplease let me know if you can back me up as chair (anyone)21:42
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n0anosure, forklift effort still on-going, cleaning up the interfaces is the main job right now21:43
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mikaln0ano: what about the refactor bp that was originally in juno-1?21:43
mikaln0ano: is that a gantt thing or being done by different people?21:43
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n0anowhich refactor bp are you referring to, that's probably the same as what we are calling forlift these days21:44
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mikalAhhh, I see21:44
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n0anoyeah, that's the one we're working on21:44
mikalOk, cool21:44
mikaln0ano: anything else you need to raise or should we move on?21:45
n0anowe seem to have scared the guy working on the no-db work, he's abandoned the BP for it21:45
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mikaln0ano: you mean boris-42?21:45
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n0anoactually yoriksar took over from boris-42 but it's the same work21:45
devanandaboris-42 was also on vacation for a few weeks post summit21:45
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devanandai dont have the sense he's abandoning that effort, last time we talked21:45
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mikalHe was around yesterday, but I suspect is very busy21:46
devanandathough i hope he's rethinking it :)21:46
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n0anodevananda, that was the message from the BP but I agree, I don't want to give up entirely21:46
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mikalWe should move on, given the time21:46
n0anoOK, that's the big things21:46
mikaldevananda: how is the ironic nova drive going?21:47
mikaldriver even21:47
devanandamikal: aside from broken for ~36 hours, i need to get back to the specs21:48
devanandamikal: they haen't gotten a lot of feedback21:48
devanandamikal: shrews is spinning up some unit tests that will watch the internal APIs we're depending on21:49
mikaldevananda: fair point21:49
devanandaso that should avoid the kind of gate breakage we got two days ago21:49
mikal#action nova-drivers please take a look at the ironic driver specs21:49
devanandabut as far as the driver itself, i'm not sure how best to proceed -- we need eyes on the specs21:49
mikalYep, let's see if we can improve that over the next week21:49
devanandai'm not going to put the time into splicing up the driver itself until those are at least looking close to approved21:49
devanandathanks :)21:49
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mikalAny other sub teams I missed?21:50
cyeohnova api21:50
mikalOh, I suck21:50
mikalewindisch: go!21:50
ewindischwe have pause/unpause merged and we have patch to be merged for soft-deletes21:50
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devanandamikal: fwiw, here are the links for ironic specs: and
ewindischI have an AI to speak more with mikal and mark about our glance integration… so we can fix snapshots21:51
mikalewindisch: I assume you're part of this cinder conversation with adrian_otto ?21:51
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ewindischmikal: yes.21:51
mikalPerhaps a mail thread about glance is the way to go. It might be easier than getting us all paying attention at the same time21:52
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mikalGoing quickly because of time...21:52
mikaltjones: go!21:52
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tjonesok very quick - last phase 1 refactor patch is up for review, has a +2 from mriedem.  phase 2 will be posted later on today.21:52
mikalcyeoh: go!21:53
cyeohok, so just mostly wanting more eyes on spec reviews - we're a bit blocked on doing anything at all until we get some approved21:53
cyeoh - is the v2.1 on v3 api one21:53
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cyeohthe microversion would could do with more eyes as well - even if its just people saying they don't care which route we take (we just need to choose one!)21:54
dansmithcan we be sure to talk about the microversion stuff at the meetup?21:54
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mikalOk, so that's another thing we can try and look at over the next week then21:54
mikaldansmith: yes, but we might not get everyone there21:54
dansmithbecause I think we decided we’d punt on how that works,21:54
dansmithbut we need to do that21:54
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mikaldansmith: we can do a hangout if needed21:54
cyeohhaving policy implemented in the REST API I think is a lot less controversial:
mikal#action Specs for ironic and nova api need review21:55
cyeohyea unfortunately I won't be able to make the midcycle but happy to attend remotely21:55
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mikal#action Discuss microversions at the mid cycle21:55
mikalcyeoh: yeah, we can work something out21:55
cyeohwe can proceed with v2.1 on v3 quite a way without microversions bedded down21:55
dansmithwe were able to get alaski in last time21:55
dansmithwhich worked okay I think21:55
russellbwe had a hangout last time, but it was unplanned and just with a cheap tablet21:55
alaskiit worked pretty well21:55
russellbwe could probably plan ahead and have a nicer setup21:55
mikalI think its actually easier than at the summit21:55
mikalAnd we did ok there21:56
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mikalAgreed we can make it a bit fancier though21:56
russellbalaski: we heard you *really* well21:56
dansmithyeah, kindof amazing21:56
russellbbetter than people in the room21:56
russellbit was epic21:56
mikal#action Determine the AV facilities at intel and how that works for hangouts21:56
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mikalOk, moving on though21:56
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mikal#topic Open Discussion21:56
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mikalEnjoy your three minutes of open discussion21:57
alaskiI want to bring up with everyone21:57
alaskiports are apparently being leaked at times, causing issues for some CI systems21:57
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alaskiI'm not a big fan of this solution, but something needs to be done I think21:57
dansmithyeah, this sucks21:58
dansmithnot this patch,21:58
anteayathe bug was filed by one of the hp cloud ops21:58
anteayawho is trying to help us fix testing on hp cloud21:58
dansmiththe problem of trying to maintain this synchronized state21:58
alaskiit's not clear who owns the ports in this situation21:58
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alaskiso cleanup is a mess21:58
anteayado we need more data on the bug report?21:58
russellbcan't wait until we kill nova auto creating ports21:59
dansmithI really think we shoud just do it21:59
alaskianteaya: the bug report is pretty comprehensive as i recall21:59
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jogoif this is coming from hp cloud ops then I think we should consider it high priority22:00
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jogothe new hp 1.1 cloud (running trunk) is a big part of why things got bad in the gate22:00
anteayathat is where it is coming from, yes22:00
mikalSo, we should all promise to review that change?22:00
alaskithat would help22:00
alaskinova not creating ports is the long term solution, but we could use a stopgap22:01
anteayaessentially we aren't able to run much on hp cloud right now22:01
tjonesalaski: ddn't you propose a patch that would help this situation on friday?22:01
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jogoalaski: ++22:01
mikalThat's us out of time unfortunately22:01
alaskitjones: I did.  it's getting reviews, but just failed jenkins it looks like22:01
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mikalOk, we better end given we're over22:03
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mikalThanks everyone for coming22:03
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mikalPlease keep talking in openstack-nova if there's more to discuss22:03
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