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ekcs | #startmeeting congressteammeeting | 02:35 |
openstack | Meeting started Fri Jan 5 02:35:59 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ekcs. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 02:36 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 02:36 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'congressteammeeting' | 02:36 |
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ekcs | hi all welcome back and happy new year! | 02:36 |
ekcs | topics here as usual. please read/comment/add =) https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/congress-meeting-topics | 02:36 |
ramineni_ | ekcs: hi .. happy new year !! :) | 02:37 |
ekcs | hi ramineni_ ! happy new year to you too! | 02:37 |
ekcs | how have you been? hope you had a nice time away =) | 02:37 |
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ramineni_ | Ya .. had a great vacation .. catching up things now :) | 02:38 |
ekcs | awesome | 02:38 |
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ekcs | i had a nice little break too. | 02:39 |
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ekcs | let’s get started then. | 02:39 |
ekcs | #topic tempest plugin | 02:39 |
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ekcs | great to see all the progress on tempest plugin! ramineni_ would you like to give a quick update on where we stand? | 02:40 |
ramineni_ | Required infra patches are merged yesterday .. so we are good to merge required tempest patches now | 02:40 |
ramineni_ | I'll look into it ..and merge required patches .. please have a look and let me know any comments | 02:41 |
ekcs | great! yup I see these patches are now passing. https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/congress-tempest-plugin+status:open | 02:42 |
ekcs | I also added one for the port attach/detach | 02:42 |
ramineni_ | ekcs : in plugin repo .. Should we enable all gate jobs ? Or only mysql jobs enough | 02:42 |
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ekcs | I’m not totally sure how it’s all supposed to work. when it’s all done, the gate tests on congress server repo would pull from tempest plugin to run right? | 02:44 |
ramineni_ | Yes .. | 02:44 |
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ramineni_ | I'm yet to do that change .. Will propose that by next week | 02:45 |
ekcs | got it. | 02:46 |
ekcs | so the purpose of the dsvm tests in tempest is to make sure we don’t break things when we modify tempest tests. | 02:46 |
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ekcs | I’m not sure which way is best. | 02:46 |
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ekcs | why don’t we try just mysql for now? | 02:47 |
ekcs | if we break something in tempest repo, we’ll see it next time a congress patch runs. | 02:47 |
ramineni_ | Ya .. Little confusing for me too .. need to look into it | 02:48 |
ekcs | I think mysql + replicated would be good. but we can always see how thinghs go and adjust. | 02:48 |
ramineni_ | Ok .. sounds good | 02:49 |
ekcs | i’m still not sure how to do things when I make a congress change with an accompanying tempest change. | 02:49 |
ekcs | that way the congress change depends on the tempest change to pass gate, but the tempest change also depends on the congress change. | 02:49 |
ramineni_ | Ya ..I'll look into that .. and document the procedure everyone follow | 02:50 |
ekcs | great thanks a lot! | 02:50 |
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ekcs | just to wrap this up, all the tempest changes lgtm. I left +1/+2’s. but leaving it to you for merging is that cool? | 02:51 |
ramineni_ | Ya .. thanks | 02:51 |
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ekcs | cool great to have so much progress there! | 02:52 |
ekcs | moving on then? | 02:52 |
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ramineni_ | Ok | 02:53 |
ekcs | ok. | 02:53 |
ekcs | #topic patches | 02:53 |
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ekcs | I merged all the patches from orange. | 02:53 |
ekcs | and also merging the neutron attach/detach patch finally. | 02:54 |
ekcs | anything we want to discuss on the patches? | 02:54 |
ramineni_ | Ok .. | 02:54 |
ekcs | open patches: | 02:54 |
ekcs | server: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/congress+status:open | 02:54 |
ekcs | tempest: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/congress-tempest-plugin+status:open | 02:54 |
ekcs | dashboard: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/congress-dashboard+status:open | 02:54 |
ekcs | client: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/python-congressclient+status:open | 02:54 |
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ramineni_ | When is queens 3? | 02:56 |
ramineni_ | Month-end right | 02:56 |
ekcs | 25 January 2018 | 02:57 |
ekcs | oh wow a bit earlier than I thought haha. | 02:57 |
ekcs | lots I’m trying to get done still =p | 02:57 |
ramineni_ | Ok :) | 02:57 |
ekcs | do you think you’ll get to monasco push driver? | 02:58 |
ekcs | that’d be great to have in for queens. ready in time for self-healing discussions at PTG. | 02:59 |
ramineni_ | I'll try ..but for monasca push driver ..we need some changes in monasca | 02:59 |
ramineni_ | Monasca notification webhook doesn't support keystone auth | 03:00 |
ramineni_ | So unable to call the congress api as it needs auth | 03:00 |
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ekcs | oh i see. hmmm. | 03:00 |
ekcs | I wonder how masahito did it with zabbix. | 03:01 |
ramineni_ | I need to discuss the same with monasca team of they have any plans | 03:01 |
ekcs | maybe zabbix is more flexible. | 03:01 |
ramineni_ | For doctor? | 03:01 |
ekcs | yea. | 03:01 |
ramineni_ | Their doctor script sends authenticatrd request only | 03:01 |
ramineni_ | I have checked their script | 03:02 |
ramineni_ | In opnfv | 03:02 |
ekcs | oh do you know how they get updates from zabbix? | 03:02 |
ekcs | does zabbix make the api call directly or does it get passed to someone else who then makes api call to congress? | 03:02 |
ramineni_ | Yes | 03:03 |
ramineni_ | There is no direct integration from zabbix to Congress as far as I know | 03:03 |
ramineni_ | If we add monasca push driver we want to make that direct integration | 03:04 |
ekcs | so there is something doctor team wrote that listens to zabbix and forwards to congress? | 03:04 |
ramineni_ | ekcs: yes ,AFAIK | 03:04 |
ekcs | got it. yea that sounds reasonable. ok maybe i’ll verify with masahito. | 03:05 |
ekcs | seems like an issue we can think about with generic push driver. | 03:05 |
ekcs | may not make sense to require keystone auth. | 03:05 |
ramineni_ | ekcs: ok , ya | 03:06 |
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ekcs | do you know what alternative way of security verification monasca or zabbix do when they do webhook? | 03:06 |
ekcs | can’d be nothing right? | 03:07 |
ramineni_ | Right now its unauthenticated ..I checked monasca code | 03:07 |
ramineni_ | But should be easy to implement in monasca I guess .. | 03:08 |
ekcs | hmm got it. i wonder if congress can also expose an unauthenticated api method. | 03:09 |
ekcs | and just document that you need to set that up in properly protected network. | 03:09 |
ekcs | that only allows traffic from specific senders. | 03:10 |
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ekcs | anyway. if you have thoughts on how best to proceed let me know. would be great to have something in for queens-3 even if limited. | 03:14 |
ekcs | but we can probably move on for now? | 03:14 |
ekcs | oh btw the mistral driver patch is ready too. it’s in merge conflict but I can deal with that after review. | 03:16 |
ekcs | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529427/ | 03:16 |
ramineni_ | ekcs: ok , will check .. sorry got disconnected | 03:16 |
ekcs | oh np. | 03:17 |
ekcs | let’s move on then | 03:18 |
ramineni_ | Ok | 03:18 |
ekcs | #topic congress data type | 03:18 |
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ekcs | noticed this while working on mistral. | 03:19 |
ekcs | right now congress converts everything to strings in datasource translation. | 03:19 |
ekcs | for example, {'id': '12-34', value: 1} gets converted to row ('12-34', '1') | 03:19 |
ramineni_ | ekcs: yes, I observed too | 03:20 |
ekcs | seems like an old issue that never got fixed. arosen left a fixme there: https://github.com/openstack/congress/blob/master/congress_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/congress_datasources/test_glancev2.py#L86 | 03:20 |
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ekcs | so I’m thinking maybe we should fix it. shouldn’t be a hard fix. really just fixing the value translator. | 03:21 |
ramineni_ | Ohok | 03:21 |
ekcs | problem is, it’s not backward compatible behavior. | 03:21 |
ekcs | so I’m thinking we can change the default behavior but add an optional flag someone can set to preserve current bad behavior. | 03:21 |
ramineni_ | But are there any datasources columns have int column | 03:21 |
ramineni_ | Integer column | 03:21 |
ramineni_ | Otherwise should not be problem | 03:22 |
ekcs | not many I don’t think. but I tihnk there are some, thus the fixme. | 03:22 |
ekcs | like cinder volume size | 03:22 |
ekcs | i’m guessing is int. | 03:22 |
ekcs | but I haven’t verified. | 03:22 |
ekcs | maybe it’s not a big deal though we could leave it for next cycle. | 03:23 |
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ekcs | I am kind of torn because if it’s something bad we need to break compatibility to fix, earlier is always better. | 03:24 |
ekcs | on the other hand it’s not necessarily super urgent now because no one totally requires it. | 03:24 |
ekcs | any thoughts? | 03:24 |
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ramineni_ | Ya ..may be new datasources could use new translator and later we can check how to deal with old ones | 03:25 |
ramineni_ | Like mistral etc .. | 03:25 |
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ekcs | hmm | 03:26 |
ekcs | that could make sense. | 03:26 |
ekcs | well. last 4 minutes. anything else we wanna talk about either on data type or anything else? | 03:26 |
ramineni_ | No .. nothing from my side | 03:27 |
ekcs | ok then. | 03:28 |
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ekcs | urgency aside, what do you think about the idea of changing default behavior but adding a config flag or even a datasource config to preserve old behavior? | 03:28 |
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ramineni_ | Hmm .. like while creating datasource | 03:29 |
ramineni_ | ? | 03:29 |
ekcs | config flag would be set on congress conf. | 03:30 |
ekcs | but we could also have new datasource config that get’s set while creating DS. | 03:30 |
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ekcs | both are options. | 03:30 |
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ramineni_ | Hmm ..not sure ..then we couldn't deprecate anytime | 03:31 |
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ramineni_ | Ok ..I need to leave .. Should we add this topic to next meeting | 03:32 |
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ekcs | great later then! | 03:32 |
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ekcs | #endmeeting | 03:33 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Fri Jan 5 03:33:35 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 03:33 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/congressteammeeting/2018/congressteammeeting.2018-01-05-02.35.html | 03:33 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/congressteammeeting/2018/congressteammeeting.2018-01-05-02.35.txt | 03:33 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/congressteammeeting/2018/congressteammeeting.2018-01-05-02.35.log.html | 03:33 |
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mlavalle | #startmeeting neutron_drivers | 14:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Fri Jan 5 14:00:30 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' | 14:00 |
yamamoto | hi | 14:01 |
mlavalle | Hi yamamoto, happy New Year! | 14:01 |
yamamoto | happy new year | 14:01 |
amotoki | hi happy new year | 14:01 |
mlavalle | hi amotoki! | 14:02 |
mlavalle | is this your first day after vacation? | 14:02 |
amotoki | yes, so I haven't reviewed much.. | 14:02 |
yamamoto | 2nd day for me | 14:02 |
mlavalle | that's ok | 14:02 |
mlavalle | ohhhh | 14:02 |
mlavalle | did you guys went anywhere nice? | 14:03 |
amotoki | in japan we usually have new year holidays till Jan 3 | 14:03 |
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mlavalle | ah, good to know | 14:03 |
amotoki | instead of Christmas :) | 14:03 |
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mlavalle | of course | 14:04 |
mlavalle | ok, let's get going | 14:04 |
mlavalle | yamamoto: thanks for the patchset with the new rfe labels | 14:05 |
amotoki | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/528189/ | 14:06 |
mlavalle | amotoki: thanks | 14:06 |
mlavalle | I think we are all in agreement. Aren't we? | 14:06 |
amotoki | yes, sure | 14:06 |
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mlavalle | so if by the end of my day today we don't get any other feedback, I am going to W+ it | 14:07 |
mlavalle | ok? | 14:07 |
yamamoto | fine for me | 14:07 |
amotoki | sounds good | 14:07 |
mlavalle | ok | 14:07 |
yamamoto | i'll add new tags to existing rfes once it was merged | 14:08 |
mlavalle | This is the list we have today: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=Triaged&field.tag=rfe | 14:08 |
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mlavalle | I am going to skip Neutron cells aware. The agreement last time was to have someone start developing a POC | 14:09 |
mlavalle | using approach in #5 | 14:09 |
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mlavalle | unless anyone wants to add something.... | 14:10 |
yamamoto | nothing to add from me | 14:10 |
amotoki | is anyone moving this forward? | 14:11 |
amotoki | on POC | 14:11 |
mlavalle | not that I am aware of | 14:11 |
mlavalle | amotoki: interested? | 14:11 |
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amotoki | i haven't looked into it yet | 14:11 |
mlavalle | ok, take a look and let us know | 14:12 |
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amotoki | i am interested in it, but I need to move some API stuffs forward | 14:12 |
mlavalle | ok, let us know if you make free up some bandwidth for it | 14:12 |
mlavalle | can free up^^^^ | 14:13 |
amotoki | okay | 14:13 |
mlavalle | Next one is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1715386 | 14:13 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1715386 in neutron "[RFE]Support routing traffic based on subnet" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to zhaobo (zhaobo6) | 14:13 |
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mlavalle | I made another pass a copuple of days ago at the spec here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/523658 | 14:16 |
amotoki | i haven't looked at the spec proposed yet. From the bug description, it sounds a valid use case and the spec will help our understanding. | 14:17 |
mlavalle | can you elaborate on the valid use case part? | 14:18 |
mlavalle | I would like to hear your thoughts | 14:18 |
amotoki | ah... the bug description says "some specified source IP/CIDR". it sounds source routing. | 14:20 |
mlavalle | correct | 14:20 |
mlavalle | source based routing | 14:20 |
amotoki | my original impression might be wrong.... | 14:21 |
mlavalle | no, it is correct | 14:21 |
mlavalle | at its essence, the proposal is source based routing | 14:21 |
amotoki | what I thoguht first is something like AWS VPC, where we can determine external gateway based on routing table. | 14:22 |
amotoki | it is not based on source-based routing | 14:22 |
mlavalle | ahhh, ok I see what you say | 14:23 |
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amotoki | yamamoto: i think you already looked into the spec. any comment? | 14:24 |
haleyb | ihar had a good point - can we use SFC for this, and if so, why do it here again? | 14:25 |
yamamoto | i have never understood why multiple routers are not enough for the given use cases. | 14:25 |
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amotoki | yeah, ihar had a good point. In my understanding, the current SFC does not support this model, but it sounds worth investigated | 14:26 |
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mlavalle | amotoki, haleyb: if you have some time, would you leave some feedback in the spec? | 14:27 |
amotoki | sure | 14:27 |
mlavalle | any other comments from someone? | 14:28 |
haleyb | mlavalle: sure. my other thought is a routing VM | 14:28 |
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mlavalle | ok, moving on... | 14:29 |
mlavalle | https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1717560 | 14:29 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1717560 in neutron "[RFE] allow to have no default route in DHCP host routes" [Wishlist,Triaged] | 14:29 |
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mlavalle | For this one armax made an alternative proposal in comment #15, based DHCP extra options | 14:32 |
mlavalle | haven't heard back from Thomas | 14:33 |
mlavalle | tried to ping him in the Neutron channel | 14:33 |
mlavalle | he is not there | 14:33 |
haleyb | one other thing i didn't see in the bug is what about the case where a VM has two interfaces in the same subnet? egress spoof checking causes problems with that, and could even in other cases | 14:35 |
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haleyb | it's a little orhagonal i understand | 14:35 |
mlavalle | My thinking is that if we don't here from him by next meeting, we can conclude he doesn't want to pursue it anymore | 14:35 |
mlavalle | hear^^^^ | 14:35 |
haleyb | but if i have two interfaces in different subnets i have to configure the VM to always use the source IP only on the interface it is configured on, which is part of the special setup he mentions | 14:36 |
mlavalle | I was tempted to arrive at that conclusion last night. But with the Holidays, I thought we shoould probably wait a little longer | 14:36 |
haleyb | neutron can't help with taht | 14:36 |
mlavalle | haleyb: would you leave some feedback there | 14:37 |
mlavalle | ? | 14:37 |
haleyb | mlavalle: sure, i hadn't even noticed that bug before | 14:37 |
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mlavalle | any other thoughts from someone? | 14:39 |
yamamoto | +1 to wait for another week. but i guess it isn't critical as far as he can re-open it. | 14:39 |
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* mlavalle leaving a note in the RFE | 14:40 | |
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mlavalle | Next one is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1718605 | 14:42 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1718605 in neutron "[RFE] Support sub-string matching when filtering port with IP address" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to hongbin (hongbin034) | 14:42 |
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haleyb | mlavalle: who is the approver for this one? there were two reviews and they seem about complete | 14:45 |
mlavalle | I had a conversation with mriedem last night about it. Left a summary in#8 | 14:45 |
amotoki | what we need is now clear and I think we approve this. | 14:45 |
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* haleyb didn't want to +2 since someone else might approve | 14:45 | |
mlavalle | haleyb: yeah, I also wanted to wait for this meeting to formally approve the work | 14:46 |
mlavalle | yamamoto: do you agree approving this? | 14:46 |
yamamoto | yes | 14:47 |
mlavalle | haleyb: you good with it? | 14:47 |
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mlavalle | ok, approved it is | 14:48 |
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haleyb | mlavalle: yes i think they're fine, would be good to have someone else look at the changes since i only remember slaweq recently | 14:48 |
mlavalle | haleyb: I will review today | 14:48 |
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mlavalle | ok, approved it is | 14:49 |
mlavalle | Next one is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1727578 | 14:50 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1727578 in neutron "[RFE]Support apply qos policy in VPN service" [Wishlist,Triaged] | 14:50 |
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mlavalle | This one was brought during the QoS meeting by slaweq this past Tuesday | 14:52 |
mlavalle | he indicated interest on it from the QoS team point of view, so I asked him to mark it triaged, so it can be discussed here | 14:53 |
yamamoto | i guess the feature is nice to have. to me it isn't clear how the reference impl would look like though. | 14:53 |
slaweq | hi, there is some specs for it also: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/531074/ | 14:53 |
slaweq | but I didn't have time to read it yet | 14:53 |
mlavalle | would we feel comfortable approving the RFE and taking the discussion to the spec? | 14:54 |
yamamoto | yes | 14:54 |
mlavalle | amotoki: how about you? | 14:55 |
amotoki | I am fine to approve the RFE though i am not sure how we can actually implement it in the reference impl, but it can be dsicussed in the spec | 14:55 |
mlavalle | ok cool | 14:55 |
mlavalle | approved it is | 14:56 |
mlavalle | and that was the last RFE we had for today | 14:56 |
mlavalle | so we will be returning a whopping 4 minutes to everybody's agenda :-) | 14:56 |
mlavalle | haleyb, slaweq: thanks for popping in. Your insight is always welcome | 14:57 |
slaweq | :) | 14:57 |
mlavalle | next meeting is on Thursday, 2200UTC | 14:57 |
haleyb | np, glad to help | 14:57 |
mlavalle | #endmeeting | 14:58 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Fri Jan 5 14:58:04 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:58 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_drivers/2018/neutron_drivers.2018-01-05-14.00.html | 14:58 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_drivers/2018/neutron_drivers.2018-01-05-14.00.txt | 14:58 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_drivers/2018/neutron_drivers.2018-01-05-14.00.log.html | 14:58 |
amotoki | thanks o/ | 14:58 |
yamamoto | bye | 14:58 |
smcginnis | #startmeeting releaseteam | 15:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Fri Jan 5 15:00:05 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 15:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' | 15:00 |
fungi | johnny on the spot there | 15:00 |
fungi | you were just watching the seconds tick by, i know itr | 15:00 |
smcginnis | ping dhellmann, dims, fungi, tonyb, lbragstad, ttx | 15:00 |
smcginnis | fungi: Busted :) | 15:00 |
ttx | o/ | 15:01 |
smcginnis | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/queens-relmgt-tracking Agenda, week R-8 | 15:01 |
lbragstad | o/ | 15:01 |
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smcginnis | OK, I guess we have most of the usual suspects. And not too much on the agenda, so might as well get going. | 15:02 |
smcginnis | And by "not too much on the agenda", I mean nothing on the agenda. | 15:02 |
dhellmann | o/ | 15:02 |
ttx | starting next week we enter the release tunnel | 15:02 |
* dhellmann puts on his release helmet | 15:03 | |
smcginnis | All the big deadlines are coming up. | 15:03 |
fungi | strap in and brace for impact? | 15:03 |
smcginnis | Anyone out in the next few weeks? | 15:03 |
ttx | quick reminder that the foundation crew will be slightly unavailable during FF week | 15:03 |
smcginnis | I know Jan 22 is the offsite. | 15:03 |
smcginnis | Oh, yep. :) | 15:03 |
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ttx | I'll also be off on R-1 | 15:04 |
ttx | but that's a calm one | 15:04 |
dhellmann | smcginnis : I may be in and out for personal reasons but I'll try to let you know if that's going to be more than a day at a time | 15:04 |
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lbragstad | i don't expect to be out at all | 15:04 |
smcginnis | dhellmann: Ack, thanks. | 15:04 |
ttx | I can handle the ACL setup task for next week | 15:04 |
smcginnis | After the last couple of weeks, I'll be glad to be at home and able to focus for a bit. | 15:04 |
ttx | unless you want to learn again about that fun one | 15:04 |
smcginnis | ttx: Feel free, but if there is anything that comes up, or if you get pulled into anything else, just let me know. | 15:05 |
ttx | anything else we need to handle next week ? | 15:05 |
smcginnis | That's all I'm aware of. | 15:05 |
smcginnis | Just looking at the end of cycle timing, I'll have to watch out for when I actually book my Dublin travel. | 15:06 |
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smcginnis | I guess one reminder to take a look at any tasks you've signed up for this cycle in our planning etherpad. | 15:07 |
smcginnis | Other than that, I don't really have much else for today. Anyone else? | 15:08 |
ttx | nope | 15:08 |
fungi | nothing from this end | 15:09 |
smcginnis | dhellmann, lbragstad: Anything for you? | 15:09 |
fungi | oh, there could be some disruption of services today and through the weekend as we reboot servers for new kernels | 15:09 |
lbragstad | nope - i think i'm good | 15:09 |
dhellmann | nothing for me | 15:09 |
fungi | but anything likely to disrupt release process heavily, we'll give you a heads up in #release first | 15:10 |
lbragstad | fungi: that should be interesting | 15:10 |
dhellmann | make notes of any rough spots in the process so we can continue to improve the tools | 15:10 |
smcginnis | fungi: OK, thanks for the heads up. That will be good. | 15:10 |
smcginnis | OK, nice quick on this week. Thanks everyone. | 15:10 |
smcginnis | #endmeeting | 15:10 |
lbragstad | o/ | 15:10 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Fri Jan 5 15:10:40 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:10 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/releaseteam/2018/releaseteam.2018-01-05-15.00.html | 15:10 |
fungi | thanks smcginnis! | 15:10 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/releaseteam/2018/releaseteam.2018-01-05-15.00.txt | 15:10 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/releaseteam/2018/releaseteam.2018-01-05-15.00.log.html | 15:10 |
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Alisa21Baby | Who want fuck me? I'm naked now, here - http://2018sexxx.com | 23:29 |
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