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ricolin | multi-arch initial meetup in 20 mins, feel free to join:) | 07:43 |
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ricolin | forgot to mention the meeting will host in openstack-meeting-alt:) | 07:57 |
joxyuki37 | #startmeeting tacker | 08:02 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Jan 7 08:02:14 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is joxyuki37. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 08:02 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 08:02 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' | 08:02 |
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joxyuki37 | #topic roll call | 08:03 |
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joxyuki37 | PTL seems unvailable today so I will take after him. | 08:03 |
keiko-k | Hello | 08:04 |
joxyuki37 | hi keiko-k, waiting for other attendees... | 08:04 |
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joxyuki37 | seems no more attendees. | 08:16 |
joxyuki37 | keiko-k, takahashi-tsc, do you have anything to talk today? | 08:16 |
joxyuki37 | #topic OpenDiscussion | 08:17 |
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keiko-k | joxyuki37 Nothing I have to talk. | 08:17 |
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takahashi-tsc | We write Event alarm support spec. | 08:19 |
takahashi-tsc | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/700167/ | 08:19 |
takahashi-tsc | I'm wondering wheather the specification is correct or not... so I'd be glad if you get a review. | 08:21 |
joxyuki37 | takahashi-tsc: noted, I will review it in days. | 08:22 |
takahashi-tsc | I think implementation is possible. I'd like you to check specification, especially vnfd change. | 08:22 |
takahashi-tsc | That's all from me. | 08:24 |
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joxyuki37 | thanks. the porpose of the spec looks reasnable. I will review it in detail. | 08:26 |
takahashi-tsc | Thank you. | 08:27 |
joxyuki37 | seems no other topic today. let's end the meeting. thanks guys. | 08:27 |
joxyuki37 | #endmeeting | 08:28 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Jan 7 08:28:47 2020 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 08:28 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tacker/2020/tacker.2020-01-07-08.02.html | 08:28 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tacker/2020/tacker.2020-01-07-08.02.txt | 08:28 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tacker/2020/tacker.2020-01-07-08.02.log.html | 08:28 |
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ricolin | auto-scaling SIG and self-healing SIG meeting will start in 15 mins in #openstack-meeting feel free to join us:) | 13:44 |
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ricolin | #startmeeting self_healing | 14:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Jan 7 14:00:12 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ricolin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'self_healing' | 14:00 |
ricolin | #topic roll call | 14:00 |
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ricolin | This meeting is for auto-scaling and self-healing both:) | 14:00 |
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ricolin | looks like we won't get enough people to start meeting today | 14:03 |
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ricolin | for meeting logs, we now start the effort to combine two SIGs into one, and merge the meeting, events will be the first step. We need some discussion on what else we should merge too | 14:04 |
ricolin | And if you missed the meeting, it will be biweekly-even meeting schedule as shows in http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Self-healing_SIG_and_Auto-scaling_SIG_Meeting | 14:05 |
ricolin | #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Self-healing_SIG_and_Auto-scaling_SIG_Meeting | 14:05 |
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ricolin | CI jobs for autoscaling with heat and monasca is currently WIP, will build zuul job in repo once we have the test ready, and than we start to ask projects to cross-project gating with it if possible | 14:08 |
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ricolin | and besides CI the guildeline should start next phase tasks too which IMO should include some detail guideline | 14:09 |
ricolin | as shows in story | 14:09 |
ricolin | #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2007046 | 14:09 |
ricolin | here's story for cross-project CI if you're interested in | 14:09 |
ricolin | #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2005752 | 14:10 |
witek | hi ricolin, sorry for being late | 14:11 |
ricolin | NP | 14:11 |
ricolin | we have this scheduled in rush | 14:11 |
ricolin | the meeting patch actually landed few hours ago:) | 14:11 |
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witek | thanks for working on auto-scaling testing jobs | 14:12 |
ricolin | witek, did you see my comments yet? | 14:12 |
witek | yes, I pointed to your changes in Monasca meeting one hour ago | 14:13 |
ricolin | the test in https://review.opendev.org/#/c/700970 still fail because I miss-written the template, which I will correct it later today | 14:14 |
ricolin | witek, how's that goes | 14:14 |
witek | what do you mean? | 14:15 |
ricolin | I mean, you pointed my changes in Monasca meeting, is there's any feedback for those changes | 14:16 |
witek | Sumit has promised to review the changes | 14:16 |
ricolin | cool | 14:17 |
witek | you also got a review comment from Doug | 14:17 |
ricolin | okay, will take a look | 14:17 |
ricolin | thanks | 14:17 |
ricolin | #topic open discussion | 14:17 |
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ricolin | besides the CI job | 14:18 |
ricolin | It will be great if we can start putting some detail guideline down too | 14:18 |
witek | where are the necessary libraries getting installed in these CI jobs for heat_tempest_plugin? | 14:19 |
witek | in particular python-monascaclient? | 14:19 |
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ricolin | it's collected when install any project require python-monascaclient | 14:21 |
witek | that would be heat itself | 14:21 |
witek | and because listed in Zuul's 'required-projects' it should use HEAD, right? | 14:22 |
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witek | and not tagged version | 14:23 |
ricolin | yes | 14:23 |
ricolin | if we check under /opt/stack/python-monascaclient it will be master | 14:23 |
ricolin | and pip install will directly go to master branch | 14:24 |
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ricolin | correction, /opt/stack/python-monascaclient it will HEAD we point to | 14:26 |
witek | so https://review.opendev.org/700886 should be testing your fix from python-monascaclient now, but it still fails | 14:27 |
ricolin | indeed | 14:27 |
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ricolin | maybe that patch is not working too, I thought pip might be get the master branch from opendev site, but it directly use HEAD too https://982697e52cb2ad6aee54-6c5d61f7d9b09f80ec4de0e8f6953df6.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/700970/7/check/heat-functional/0d22f09/controller/logs/pip3-freeze.txt | 14:28 |
witek | yes, that's why I was wondering if there is some other magic pulling in the released client version | 14:30 |
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ricolin | everything we test was installed under /opt/stack/tempest/.tox/tempest | 14:30 |
ricolin | we can check if something override in that tox env | 14:31 |
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ricolin | will update the test template later, see if got time for monascaclient | 14:35 |
ricolin | feel free to udpate that patch as you wish too | 14:35 |
witek | will have a look at this as well, thanks a lot for your effort | 14:36 |
ricolin | it's only 1.5 hours for me today:) | 14:36 |
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ricolin | NP | 14:36 |
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ricolin | I also think we should take actions to invite members from related project teams to join this meeting | 14:38 |
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witek | ricolin: good point | 14:40 |
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ricolin | #action ricolin will invite members from related project teams to join next meeting | 14:42 |
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ricolin | #action witek and ricolin works on the Heat+Monasca CI job | 14:43 |
ricolin | #action we need to find people to volunteer to work on detail guideline | 14:43 |
ricolin | anything else?:) | 14:43 |
witek | I guess it's a good start | 14:44 |
ricolin | witek, think so too:) | 14:45 |
ricolin | Okay, let's end this meeting time | 14:46 |
ricolin | thanks witek | 14:46 |
witek | thanks Rico, see you around | 14:46 |
ricolin | #endmeeting | 14:46 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Jan 7 14:46:59 2020 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:47 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/self_healing/2020/self_healing.2020-01-07-14.00.html | 14:47 |
ricolin | see you tomorrow:) | 14:47 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/self_healing/2020/self_healing.2020-01-07-14.00.txt | 14:47 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/self_healing/2020/self_healing.2020-01-07-14.00.log.html | 14:47 |
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ricolin | Multi-Arch SIG meeting in 8 mins:) feel free to join us:) | 14:53 |
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ricolin | also logs is generated for our meeting earlier today http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/multi_arch/ | 14:55 |
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ricolin | take a look if you like:) | 14:55 |
ricolin | for other information see https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Multi-arch | 14:55 |
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ricolin | #startmeeting multi_arch | 15:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Jan 7 15:00:23 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ricolin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 15:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'multi_arch' | 15:00 |
ricolin | #topic roll call | 15:00 |
jeremyfreudberg | o/ | 15:00 |
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ricolin | jeremyfreudberg, o/ | 15:00 |
ricolin | hrw, :) | 15:01 |
ricolin | jeremyfreudberg, for some quick sync with you, we discuss about creating Storyboard and repo for documentation for multi-arch | 15:02 |
ricolin | and besides current CI resources, we will also have around 400 vcpus environments to join CI too | 15:03 |
jeremyfreudberg | nice | 15:04 |
ricolin | also we got mrda to help on ppc64le arch too | 15:05 |
hrw | ricolin: s/400 vcpus/400 arm64 vcpus/ | 15:05 |
jeremyfreudberg | hrw, right, i figured | 15:05 |
hrw | it is multiarch sig. not aarch64 sg | 15:05 |
ricolin | so it might not just ARM64 but also ppc64le too | 15:05 |
hrw | it is multiarch sig. not aarch64 sig | 15:05 |
ricolin | oops:) | 15:05 |
jeremyfreudberg | ricolin: yeah mrda is on my team here at RH with tonyb | 15:06 |
jeremyfreudberg | i'm glad he is also participating | 15:06 |
ricolin | me too | 15:06 |
hrw | jeremyfreudberg: OSP team? | 15:06 |
jeremyfreudberg | hrw: yes, the three of us do multiarch stuff for red hat's openstack product | 15:07 |
hrw | jeremyfreudberg: I am in RH ARM team. platform enablement. assigned to Linaro where I work on arm64 in openstack | 15:07 |
jeremyfreudberg | hrw: right, i think i've seen your (real) name in some internal mailing lists, good to be talking to you out here in the community | 15:08 |
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ricolin | also there's documents idea for `oh, on arm64 you need to do XYZ in other way - here is how and why` and `use cases, who, and issues they had` | 15:09 |
ricolin | that's almost all we covered in last meeting | 15:09 |
ricolin | #topic greeting:) | 15:09 |
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hrw | I will be mostly away - trying to sort out some issue | 15:10 |
ricolin | hrw, got it | 15:10 |
jeremyfreudberg | i don't have too much to say today | 15:10 |
jeremyfreudberg | i read the log from the earlier meeting | 15:10 |
jeremyfreudberg | it seems we are on the right track | 15:10 |
ricolin | jeremyfreudberg, NP, we mostly just like to check if there's any plan or idea for init this SIG | 15:11 |
ricolin | and also make sure the meeting schedule is correct comfortable to people | 15:12 |
ricolin | didn't got chance to check with tonyb | 15:12 |
ricolin | but will sync with him once he back to works | 15:12 |
ricolin | also we need to find candidate for chairs | 15:13 |
jeremyfreudberg | right | 15:13 |
jeremyfreudberg | i definitely endorse tonyb | 15:13 |
ricolin | need to check with ianw_pto and tonyb to see if any of them is interested | 15:13 |
ricolin | I think tonyb will be a good candidate to lead this effort too | 15:13 |
jeremyfreudberg | he has been in the community a long time and is the ringleader of my little group at red hat | 15:14 |
jeremyfreudberg | he is also very busy all the time, so we will wait to see what he says | 15:14 |
ricolin | we can have about three chairs, and I'm looking for at least two chairs besides me | 15:15 |
ricolin | I'm find to step down the chair role as soon as all these on track:) | 15:15 |
ricolin | so if tonyb is okay with the role we should find one more IMO | 15:17 |
ricolin | jeremyfreudberg, got any thoughts for at current stage of this SIG?:) | 15:20 |
jeremyfreudberg | ricolin: i was just thinking it would be good to have as much diversity among chairs as possible. diversity of company and diversity of architecture knowledge | 15:21 |
ricolin | +1 | 15:22 |
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jeremyfreudberg | besides that, i think we are good, i am happy to help in any way | 15:22 |
jeremyfreudberg | i look forward to seeing the creation of repo for docs | 15:23 |
jeremyfreudberg | i am excited to contribute there | 15:23 |
ricolin | jeremyfreudberg, are you able to help on working on the docs together?:) | 15:23 |
ricolin | There's two kind of docs idea pop up from last meeting | 15:24 |
ricolin | docs like `oh, on arm64 you need to do XYZ in other way - here is how and why` and `use cases, who, and issues they had` | 15:24 |
ricolin | which I think will be good to have as inital docuemnts and build more content from there | 15:25 |
jeremyfreudberg | ricolin: i can help with all of that... | 15:26 |
ricolin | I already take actions to build repo and storyboard, once they're ready, we can add tasks in storyboard and docs in repo | 15:27 |
jeremyfreudberg | cool | 15:27 |
ricolin | jeremyfreudberg, that will be super! | 15:27 |
ricolin | #action jeremyfreudberg will help with docs once docs repo is ready:) | 15:28 |
jeremyfreudberg | yup | 15:28 |
ricolin | thanks jeremyfreudberg :) | 15:29 |
ricolin | also Multi-Arch SIG is officially founded | 15:30 |
ricolin | you can find it in https://governance.openstack.org/sigs/ now | 15:30 |
ricolin | please take a look if the SIG scope looks correct to you | 15:31 |
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ricolin | #action ricolin sync today's meeting info with people who signed up in etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Multi-arch | 15:32 |
ricolin | jeremyfreudberg, anything else you think we should cover today? | 15:33 |
jeremyfreudberg | ricolin: i think the description is good. but i wonder, doe the average contributor know what "multiple architecture" really means? maybe we can make clear in the description that we care about cpu arch | 15:34 |
jeremyfreudberg | it's a very minor point, but i just like things to be as clear as possible | 15:34 |
ricolin | jeremyfreudberg, I think it's a good idea | 15:35 |
jeremyfreudberg | ricolin: i can propose a change for it this week | 15:35 |
ricolin | cool | 15:36 |
ricolin | just change it in https://opendev.org/openstack/governance-sigs/src/branch/master/sigs.yaml | 15:36 |
jeremyfreudberg | yup | 15:36 |
jeremyfreudberg | ok, i don't have anything else to say today | 15:37 |
ricolin | #action jeremyfreudberg will help to update governance-sigs to make more clear description for Multi-Arch SIG | 15:37 |
ricolin | that's already way to productive as the very first two meetings:D | 15:37 |
jeremyfreudberg | yes, glad to see so much progress and participation already | 15:38 |
jeremyfreudberg | :D | 15:38 |
ricolin | me too:) | 15:38 |
hrw | ;) | 15:38 |
ricolin | since we running biweekly meeting, it's cool to see we have something to achieve | 15:39 |
ricolin | btw the meeting ics can be found in http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Multi-Arch_SIG_Meeting :) | 15:39 |
ricolin | Okay let's end the meeting and call it a day:) | 15:41 |
jeremyfreudberg | yup, bye all! | 15:41 |
ricolin | thanks jeremyfreudberg hrw :) | 15:41 |
ricolin | #endmeeting | 15:41 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Jan 7 15:41:19 2020 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:41 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/multi_arch/2020/multi_arch.2020-01-07-15.00.html | 15:41 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/multi_arch/2020/multi_arch.2020-01-07-15.00.txt | 15:41 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/multi_arch/2020/multi_arch.2020-01-07-15.00.log.html | 15:41 |
hrw | thanks folks | 15:41 |
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slaweq | #startmeeting neutron_ci | 16:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Jan 7 16:00:17 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is slaweq. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 16:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 16:00 |
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slaweq | hi | 16:00 |
openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_ci' | 16:00 |
njohnston | o/ | 16:00 |
ralonsoh | hi | 16:01 |
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bcafarel | o/ | 16:01 |
slaweq | ok, lets start as we have our regular attendees already | 16:02 |
slaweq | Grafana dashboard: http://grafana.openstack.org/dashboard/db/neutron-failure-rate | 16:02 |
slaweq | #topic Actions from previous meetings | 16:02 |
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slaweq | actually this time those are "actions from previous year" even :) | 16:03 |
slaweq | and the first one is | 16:03 |
slaweq | njohnston to check failing NetworkMigrationFromHA in multinode dvr job | 16:03 |
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slaweq | I think we lost njohnston now | 16:04 |
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njohnston | sorry, network hiccup. I'll work on this later today | 16:05 |
slaweq | ok :) | 16:06 |
slaweq | so I will set it as reminder for next week too | 16:06 |
slaweq | #action njohnston to check failing NetworkMigrationFromHA in multinode dvr job | 16:06 |
bcafarel | as long as it is not for next year :) | 16:06 |
slaweq | bcafarel: LOL, this time no | 16:07 |
slaweq | only for next week | 16:07 |
slaweq | next one | 16:07 |
slaweq | slaweq to talk with gmann about finish of tempest plugins migration | 16:07 |
slaweq | I talked with gmann about it today | 16:07 |
slaweq | so he is aware of that already | 16:08 |
slaweq | and that's all actions from last meeting on my list | 16:08 |
slaweq | lets move on | 16:08 |
slaweq | #topic Stadium projects | 16:08 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Stadium projects (Meeting topic: neutron_ci)" | 16:08 | |
slaweq | njohnston: any updates about dropping py2 support? | 16:08 |
njohnston | I took a look at the outstanding work | 16:09 |
njohnston | We have work proceeding on networking-odl, networking-bagpipe, networking-midonet, and neutron-fwaas | 16:09 |
njohnston | although I am not sure the author of the fwaas change is engaged anymore | 16:09 |
njohnston | midonet in particular is close to a merge | 16:09 |
njohnston | so the stadium is in a good position | 16:10 |
slaweq | that's good | 16:10 |
njohnston | the only remaining ones are neutron-lib and neutron proper | 16:10 |
njohnston | I will file changes for those after the meeting | 16:10 |
slaweq | I can take care of those | 16:10 |
slaweq | ahh, ok | 16:10 |
slaweq | thx | 16:10 |
bcafarel | so good progress overall then? | 16:10 |
njohnston | there is one existing for neutron-lib but it includes things like removing six and other 2.7-hostile changes, which I want to separate out | 16:10 |
slaweq | yes, I remember that one | 16:11 |
njohnston | so I think I will just edit that change | 16:11 |
slaweq | +1 for that | 16:11 |
njohnston | bcafarel: Yes, definitely good progress | 16:11 |
slaweq | thx njohnston for the update | 16:12 |
slaweq | that's really great work | 16:12 |
njohnston | as a team we are getting good at pulling together for these community-wide efforts :-) | 16:13 |
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slaweq | anything else related to the stadium projects You want to discuss today? | 16:13 |
njohnston | For the zuulv3 migration, the standouts are networking-bgpvpn, midonet, neutron-dynamic-routing, and neutron-vpnaas | 16:14 |
njohnston | those are the ones that still need work, otherwise everything is covered | 16:14 |
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slaweq | ok, I will try to find finally some time to work on at least some of them | 16:15 |
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slaweq | ok, next topic | 16:16 |
slaweq | #topic Grafana | 16:16 |
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slaweq | #link http://grafana.openstack.org/dashboard/db/neutron-failure-rate | 16:16 |
slaweq | we don't have too much data from last days, especially from gate queue | 16:17 |
ralonsoh | yeah, just waiting for https://review.opendev.org/#/c/701018/ | 16:17 |
slaweq | in check queue, the biggest problem IMO are thise neutron-tempest-plugin failures | 16:18 |
slaweq | ralonsoh: exactly | 16:18 |
njohnston | yes, definitely, those are killer | 16:18 |
ralonsoh | I would delay any CI errors analysis until we have this patch | 16:19 |
ralonsoh | (but I'm very lazy too) | 16:19 |
bcafarel | laziness can be good :) | 16:19 |
slaweq | ralonsoh: this bug affects "only" neutron-tempest-plugin jobs | 16:19 |
slaweq | and in fact other jobs are in pretty good shape (at lest not worts than usually) | 16:20 |
njohnston | ralonsoh: Her, laziness is #1 on Larry Wall's three virtues of a great programmer | 16:20 |
njohnston | *hey | 16:20 |
ralonsoh | hahah | 16:20 |
slaweq | :) | 16:20 |
slaweq | anything else related to the grafana? | 16:21 |
slaweq | or can we move on to the next topic? | 16:21 |
ralonsoh | ok for me | 16:22 |
njohnston | +1 to move on | 16:22 |
slaweq | ok | 16:22 |
slaweq | #topic fullstack/functional | 16:22 |
*** openstack changes topic to "fullstack/functional (Meeting topic: neutron_ci)" | 16:22 | |
slaweq | I was looking today on recent failures | 16:22 |
slaweq | and I found 3 various failed tests which we may check now | 16:23 |
slaweq | first one: | 16:23 |
slaweq | neutron.tests.functional.agent.test_firewall.FirewallTestCase.test_ingress_udp_rule | 16:23 |
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slaweq | https://storage.bhs.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_f37/697317/8/check/neutron-functional/f37a608/testr_results.html.gz | 16:23 |
slaweq | did You ever saw such failure before? | 16:25 |
ralonsoh | not very usual, do you want to implement some kind of retrial context? | 16:25 |
njohnston | that is new and different to me | 16:26 |
ralonsoh | but, IMO, the connection handler under the hood should be enough | 16:26 |
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slaweq | ok, lets just be aware of it for now | 16:28 |
slaweq | maybe it will not happen often (or even will not happen at all anymore :)) | 16:28 |
slaweq | ok, next one | 16:30 |
slaweq | those are 2 failures of different tests, but error looks kind of similar IMO | 16:30 |
slaweq | https://storage.gra.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_ea8/677092/11/check/neutron-functional/ea8fe46/testr_results.html.gz | 16:30 |
slaweq | and https://storage.gra.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_19d/701003/1/check/neutron-functional/19d8a0a/testr_results.html.gz | 16:31 |
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slaweq | one is timeout during namespace creation (again) | 16:31 |
slaweq | and second is timeout during bridge creation | 16:31 |
slaweq | but it's linuxbridge | 16:31 |
slaweq | so IMHO netlink is common part of both of those issues | 16:32 |
slaweq | did You saw similar issues before? | 16:33 |
ralonsoh | yes, many times | 16:33 |
ralonsoh | at least with the ns creation | 16:33 |
ralonsoh | not so many, but some of them, related to the br creation | 16:34 |
slaweq | ok, so I think we should open bug for that, right? | 16:35 |
ralonsoh | yes, I'll do it | 16:35 |
ralonsoh | at least the one related to the bridge | 16:35 |
ralonsoh | the problem is I have spent days with those privsep/netlink errors | 16:35 |
ralonsoh | and I don't see the cause | 16:36 |
slaweq | ralonsoh: I know You were debugging and trying to fix it | 16:36 |
slaweq | it's not so often now but still happens from time to time | 16:36 |
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slaweq | ralonsoh: thx for reporting this on LP | 16:37 |
slaweq | #action ralonsoh to report bug for timeout related to bridge creation | 16:38 |
slaweq | ok, that's all from my side about functional/fullstack jobs | 16:38 |
slaweq | anythig else You want to add here? | 16:38 |
ralonsoh | no | 16:38 |
bcafarel | me neither | 16:39 |
slaweq | ok, lets move on | 16:40 |
slaweq | #topic Tempest/Scenario | 16:40 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Tempest/Scenario (Meeting topic: neutron_ci)" | 16:40 | |
slaweq | we already talked about issue with neutron-tempest-plugin jobs | 16:40 |
slaweq | I also reported today new bug for dvr jobs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1858642 | 16:40 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1858642 in neutron "paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError error cause dvr scenario jobs failing" [High,Confirmed] | 16:40 |
slaweq | it happens quite often that tests fails due to such error | 16:40 |
slaweq | and I saw it only in dvr jobs (which are non-voting fortunatelly) | 16:41 |
slaweq | but if someone would have some time, it would be good to take a look | 16:41 |
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slaweq | next problen is that neutron-tempest-plugin-fwaas job is unstable | 16:42 |
slaweq | I reported it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1858645 | 16:42 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1858645 in neutron "Neutron-fwaas tempest job is not stable" [Critical,Confirmed] | 16:42 |
slaweq | and I proposed patch to make those jobs non-voting and remove from gate queue for now | 16:43 |
slaweq | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/701371/ | 16:43 |
slaweq | if someone interested in neutron-fwaas could take a look, that would be great | 16:43 |
njohnston | will do | 16:44 |
slaweq | thx njohnston | 16:44 |
njohnston | despite my lack of interest in neutron-fwaas :-) | 16:44 |
slaweq | :) | 16:44 |
slaweq | and that's all what I have for scenario jobs for today | 16:44 |
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slaweq | anything else related to scenario jobs You have or can we move on? | 16:46 |
njohnston | +1 to move on | 16:47 |
slaweq | ok, last topic for today from me | 16:47 |
slaweq | #topic Periodic | 16:47 |
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slaweq | still our mariadb job is failing 100% due to issue in Mariadb 10.1 | 16:48 |
slaweq | is there anyone who has some cycles to check how to upgrade mariadb in this job? | 16:48 |
ralonsoh | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/698980/1/tools/fixup_stuff.sh | 16:48 |
ralonsoh | I think this patch won't fix it | 16:49 |
ralonsoh | because fixup_ubuntu is not being called | 16:49 |
ralonsoh | I'll try again this week | 16:49 |
slaweq | yes, I think it's called only in functional/fullstack jobs | 16:49 |
slaweq | ok, thx ralonsoh | 16:50 |
slaweq | if You would need any help with this, please ping me | 16:50 |
slaweq | #action ralonsoh to take a look how to use newer Maridb in periodic job | 16:50 |
ralonsoh | thanks | 16:50 |
slaweq | ok, that's all from my side for today | 16:51 |
slaweq | anything else You want to discuss today? | 16:51 |
ralonsoh | no thanks | 16:51 |
njohnston | nothing more from me | 16:51 |
bcafarel | nothing here (except happy new ci year) | 16:51 |
slaweq | happy new CI year :) | 16:51 |
slaweq | ahh, one thing | 16:51 |
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slaweq | I just pushed my blog post to be online: http://kaplonski.pl/blog/failed_builds_per_patch/ | 16:52 |
slaweq | it's about number of "rechecks" in our CI | 16:52 |
njohnston | +1 | 16:52 |
* bcafarel adds to the "to read" tabs | 16:52 | |
slaweq | if You have few minutes, please take a look and tell me if that makes any sense for You and if such metric may be useful for us somehow | 16:53 |
ralonsoh | +1 | 16:53 |
slaweq | and thx njohnston for help with english in this post :) | 16:53 |
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njohnston | my pleasure, your English is already very good :-) | 16:54 |
slaweq | thx njohnston :) | 16:54 |
slaweq | ok, I think we can finish our meeting now | 16:54 |
slaweq | thx for attending | 16:54 |
slaweq | and see You all online | 16:54 |
slaweq | o/ | 16:54 |
slaweq | #endmeeting | 16:54 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Jan 7 16:54:50 2020 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 16:54 |
njohnston | o/ | 16:54 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_ci/2020/neutron_ci.2020-01-07-16.00.html | 16:54 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_ci/2020/neutron_ci.2020-01-07-16.00.txt | 16:54 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_ci/2020/neutron_ci.2020-01-07-16.00.log.html | 16:54 |
ralonsoh | bye | 16:55 |
bcafarel | o/ | 16:55 |
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clarkb | anyone else here for the infra meeting? | 19:00 |
corvus | o/ | 19:00 |
clarkb | #startmeeting infra | 19:01 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Jan 7 19:01:07 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is clarkb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 19:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 19:01 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'infra' | 19:01 |
clarkb | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-infra/2020-January/006568.html Our Agenda | 19:01 |
clarkb | Not a whole lot on the agenda | 19:01 |
clarkb | I think most of us are catching up on things after holidays | 19:01 |
clarkb | #topic Announcements | 19:01 |
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zbr|rover | o/o/ | 19:01 |
clarkb | Happy new year and welcome back! that is all I had for announcements | 19:01 |
AJaeger | o/ | 19:02 |
clarkb | #topic Actions from last meeting | 19:02 |
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clarkb | #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2019/infra.2019-12-17-19.01.txt minutes from last meeting | 19:02 |
clarkb | No actions from last meeting. It was pretty low key as I expect today to be. | 19:02 |
clarkb | #topic Priority Efforts | 19:02 |
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clarkb | #topic OpenDev | 19:02 |
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenDev (Meeting topic: infra)" | 19:02 | |
clarkb | First up on this mordred has a change to upgrade gitea to 1.10.2 ready to go | 19:03 |
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clarkb | reading the changelog I don't expect this will fix the weird git bug we've notice | 19:03 |
clarkb | but seems to include a fair number of other bug fixes | 19:03 |
clarkb | The other opendev subject is the governance draft email thread | 19:04 |
clarkb | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-infra/2019-December/006537.html Governance email | 19:04 |
mordred | yah. I don't expect it to be a noticable upgrade | 19:04 |
clarkb | I'd like to bring that up with the openstack TC soon and start moving this process officially | 19:05 |
mordred | but figure it's best to keep on the latest to keep deltas down | 19:05 |
mordred | I did check the templates and there are no relevant template changes | 19:05 |
clarkb | maybe give it until next week for further feedback and for people to return from holidays on both our side and the TC side then bring it up in an office hour there? | 19:05 |
clarkb | fungi: ^ you probably have a good read on the best way to reach out to them. Would starting with a governance change be better? | 19:05 |
fungi | what would the governance change entail? | 19:07 |
clarkb | mordred: ++ on keeping up with them | 19:07 |
fungi | removing projects from the projects.yaml? | 19:07 |
clarkb | fungi: at the very least we'd edit the governance reference project.yaml file to remove the opdnev bits of infra | 19:07 |
fungi | yeah, okay, that makes sense | 19:07 |
fungi | i don't see any reason to delay on proposing that change | 19:08 |
fungi | the official way to "reach out" to the openstack tc is to send e-mail to the openstack-discuss mailing list with [tc] in the subject | 19:08 |
fungi | but also following up with them in one of the office hours (thursdays are the best-attended) can't hurt | 19:08 |
clarkb | k, I guess I can propose the change then send email pointing to the change and our thread on the subject and take it from there | 19:09 |
clarkb | I'll put that on my list of things for next week to give anyone last chance at further input on our thread | 19:09 |
fungi | and there's a scheduled monthly irc meeting for next week you could get some announcement on the agenda for if you wanted, there's time | 19:09 |
clarkb | #action clarkb push openstack governance change to pull out opendev and start discussion with tc via openstack-discuss | 19:09 |
clarkb | Anything else on opendev before we continue? | 19:11 |
clarkb | #topic Update Config Management | 19:12 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Update Config Management (Meeting topic: infra)" | 19:12 | |
clarkb | mordred: I think there has been some movement on review-dev's containerization. The change to switch it over merged but wasn't applied when I last looked (pre holiday) beacuse the hsot was in the emergency file | 19:12 |
clarkb | mordred: is that still the case or are we automating the containerized deployment of gerrit on -dev now? | 19:13 |
mordred | no - still the case - I hadn't dug in fully on that yet because holidays | 19:13 |
mordred | let's get that finished this week | 19:13 |
mordred | I landed a few more of the patches | 19:13 |
clarkb | #action mordred finish up switch to automated container deployment of Gerrit on review-dev. Changes are landing but need to remove -dev from the emergency file. | 19:14 |
clarkb | mordred: ^ does that capture it? | 19:14 |
mordred | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/691800/ https://review.opendev.org/#/c/692003 and https://review.opendev.org/#/c/691777/ could each use one more reviewer | 19:14 |
mordred | clarkb: yup | 19:14 |
clarkb | heh they have three different reviewers too. I've pulled them up and will try to get to the two I haven't read yet | 19:15 |
mordred | also unrelated but related, https://review.opendev.org/#/c/690505 needs a 2nd | 19:15 |
clarkb | Are there any other configuration mgmt migration related changes or topics to discuss? | 19:16 |
clarkb | #topic General Topics | 19:18 |
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clarkb | fungi: any movement on the wiki? I expect not considering your boat touring | 19:18 |
fungi | nope | 19:19 |
fungi | i need to refresh my memory on where i left off | 19:19 |
clarkb | k | 19:19 |
clarkb | For the static.openstack.org migration ianw has some chagnes that need reviewing | 19:19 |
clarkb | #link https://review.opendev.org/#/q/status:open+topic:static.opendev.org Next up on static.o.o migration | 19:19 |
fungi | i remember i got openid auth working, but i think i needed to do some more with extensions | 19:19 |
clarkb | if others can help review those that will be great. They are on my list along with mordred's now | 19:20 |
clarkb | I think ianw returns next week and would be good to have those changes sorted and ready before that | 19:20 |
mordred | yay ianw returning! | 19:21 |
clarkb | That takes us to project renames. There is a single project requesting a rename. | 19:22 |
fungi | any idea on the degree of urgency around it? | 19:22 |
clarkb | oh you know what | 19:23 |
clarkb | I think this ended up being a retire in place then fork if development wanted to continue situation | 19:23 |
clarkb | rather than a true rename | 19:23 |
AJaeger | clarkb: that's not a rename, drop it. | 19:23 |
clarkb | AJaeger: thank you for confirming | 19:23 |
fungi | yeah, if it was a repo move out of the openstack namespace, then it's not a rename | 19:23 |
AJaeger | we retired completely - and reimported | 19:23 |
clarkb | ok we don't need to schedule a downtime | 19:23 |
AJaeger | so, nothing more for us to do - let me remove from wiki | 19:23 |
clarkb | I'll update our agenda to reflect this | 19:23 |
clarkb | oh go for it AJaeger thank you | 19:23 |
fungi | openstack tc policy is that once a repository is an official deliverable, it can't ever move out of the openstack namespace because consumers of the source code may not discover that it's ceased being part of openstack otherwise | 19:24 |
fungi | so they require those projects to fork and the originals retired | 19:25 |
clarkb | I was going to suggest the week ending january 24 as a good gerrit downtime option but that doesn't seem necessary now. That said depending on how mordred's gerrit container work goes that may still be a good opportunity for a downtime to siwtch things over then | 19:26 |
fungi | seems reasonable to me | 19:26 |
mordred | clarkb: I will be on PTO the week ending jan 24 - but depending on how the conatiner work is before then maybe? | 19:27 |
clarkb | mordred: or the week after looks pretty clear too | 19:27 |
clarkb | no rush! | 19:27 |
mordred | ++ | 19:27 |
fungi | i'll be transiting to/from fosdem at the end of the month, so may not be around depending on the day | 19:28 |
fungi | specifically, i'll be on airplanes the 30th/31st | 19:28 |
fungi | if that's the proposal | 19:28 |
fungi | but if others are around to help, that shouldn't be a blocker | 19:29 |
clarkb | ya we'll sort it out once we've got -dev cut over | 19:29 |
clarkb | This takes us to our regularly scheduled agenda | 19:30 |
clarkb | #topic Open Discussion | 19:30 |
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AJaeger | Do we still need these repos: x/pbrx, x/dox, openstack/js-openstack-lib - or shall I retire one of these? | 19:30 |
corvus | mordred: ^ i'm pretty sure the 1st 2 are retirable? | 19:30 |
mordred | x/pbrx and x/dox should both be retirable | 19:31 |
AJaeger | ok, will take care of these two | 19:31 |
mordred | I don't know anything about openstackj/js-openstack-lib - If the horizon team isn't using it | 19:31 |
fungi | mordred: i noticed pbrx is in the openstackclient requirements.txt | 19:31 |
mordred | I believe that was written originally as an attempt to be like openstacksdk but in javascript | 19:31 |
clarkb | the js repo is very quiet, but ya double checking with horizon would probably be a good thing | 19:31 |
mordred | fungi: aroo? | 19:32 |
fungi | you might want to hunt around for anything using pbrx before retiring | 19:32 |
mordred | oh - I think it's using ... yeah | 19:32 |
mordred | wait - don't retire it | 19:32 |
mordred | there's two things in pbrx - the container stuff which we stoppped using | 19:32 |
mordred | and the siblings logic - so that people can do a siblings install locally | 19:32 |
fungi | so maybe pbrx just becomes the latter bits? | 19:32 |
mordred | yeah - maybe that's the best idea | 19:33 |
AJaeger | according to codesearch nobody uses js-openstack-lib | 19:33 |
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AJaeger | But I can ask amotoki | 19:33 |
AJaeger | so, no retiring of pbrx - ok | 19:33 |
mordred | AJaeger: yeah. my hunch is that it's fine | 19:33 |
mordred | (to retire js-openstack-lib) | 19:34 |
mordred | but asking amotoki sounds great | 19:34 |
clarkb | unrelated, the airship team is trying to figure out how to run their testing on our CI system. The avenue they seem to be pushing for is to add an airship specific cloud to nodepool that can run jobs on very large (60GB ram?) test nodes. They need a lot of memory to run large nested VMs which I've tried to point out is often unreliable and with a single cloud backend would result in lots of | 19:34 |
clarkb | flakyness. Better instead to run multinode jobs to spread the load on smaller test nodes and then they can run in many clouds. But to get a better understanding of their actual requirements set up a call at 1600UTC thursday with them. I suggested we use room 6001 on pbx | 19:34 |
AJaeger | So, my proposal: I'll check with amotoki about js-openstack-lib and then send email to retire x/dox and js-openstack-lib. | 19:34 |
clarkb | others are more than welcome to join the call. If they can't get pbx working my plan was to try meet.jit.si as an alternative | 19:34 |
Shrews | clarkb: which cloud? | 19:35 |
clarkb | Shrews: I believe it would be a private cloud run by one of their interested parties | 19:35 |
clarkb | (not a public cloud) | 19:35 |
Shrews | ah | 19:35 |
Shrews | i was about to have objections :) | 19:35 |
fungi | you can still have objections | 19:36 |
Shrews | fungi: i object to that | 19:36 |
mordred | clarkb: obviously it would be better if they could provide two clouds | 19:36 |
clarkb | mordred: yup! they did mention that could potentially be a possibility :) but sounded like not part of their day one planning | 19:37 |
mordred | but - given seems worthwhile to at least have a call about it | 19:37 |
fungi | obviously it would be better if they could provide two clouds into the aggregate pool and just use normal resources | 19:37 |
mordred | yeah - it's hard to fund two clouds when there isn't a POC of the system running on the first on eyet I could imagine | 19:37 |
fungi | tripleo-ci cloud syndrome | 19:38 |
corvus | the fact that these would be unavailable to other tenants of the system is a concern | 19:38 |
clarkb | in any case sounds like they may have the testing running internally already but they want to push it upstream if possible and so we need to sort out where the balance is between existing test methods and existing upstream ci resources (that may be augmentable) | 19:38 |
clarkb | and I'm hoping the phone call gives us a better understanding of their side so that we can propose more valuable solutions | 19:38 |
mordred | sounds like the call will be useful in hammering stuff out | 19:38 |
corvus | yeah | 19:39 |
fungi | we already don't have the ability to prevent other users from running jobs on an environment attached to our nodepool, right? | 19:39 |
clarkb | fungi: correct | 19:40 |
clarkb | any restrictions there would have to be via convention at this point I think | 19:40 |
fungi | i'm fine with taking a hard line that tenant-scoped resources (whether enforced or merely unadvertised) is unacceptable for opendev's nodepool | 19:41 |
fungi | companies and private individuals are already donating a lot of resources which they generously allow to be used by all projects in opendev | 19:42 |
fungi | but also maintaining connections to environments exclusive to specific projects is a lot of administrative overhead which only benefits that project | 19:43 |
clarkb | ya I lean that way too. That said I can contrive some examples in my head where restricting access comes with a reasonable argument. | 19:43 |
clarkb | Things like gpu enabled hardware | 19:43 |
fungi | i think we can ask people not to abuse access to resources, and reach out to them about augmenting those resources if they have a need for them on a regular basis | 19:44 |
clarkb | yup. Seems reasonable to set guidelines for access to more spceial resources, but then allow anyone that shows a need for the special stuff and follows the guidelines to participate | 19:46 |
fungi | now i just need to try to remember those points so we don't forget to raise them on the call ;) | 19:46 |
clarkb | Anything else? | 19:47 |
clarkb | if not I'll probably call the meeting early | 19:47 |
fungi | i've got nothing | 19:48 |
clarkb | #endmeeting | 19:49 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Jan 7 19:49:12 2020 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 19:49 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-01-07-19.01.html | 19:49 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-01-07-19.01.txt | 19:49 |
clarkb | Thank you everyone! | 19:49 |
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openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-01-07-19.01.log.html | 19:49 |
corvus | thanks! | 19:49 |
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fungi | thanks clarkb! | 19:49 |
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oneswig | hola | 21:00 |
oneswig | #startmeeting scientific-sig | 21:01 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Jan 7 21:01:01 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is oneswig. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 21:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 21:01 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'scientific_sig' | 21:01 |
oneswig | A quiet one for today I think | 21:01 |
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oneswig | martial? | 21:01 |
trandles | Is there a meeting today oneswig ? | 21:02 |
oneswig | Hi trandles, perhaps... | 21:02 |
trandles | Also, hello oneswig and happy new year | 21:02 |
oneswig | right back at ya, hope you had a good break. All well here. | 21:02 |
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oneswig | As a resident of the high plains, I expect you'd struggle to picture how bracing the sea is round our way on Christmas day :-) | 21:03 |
trandles | Yes, thanks, good break. Luce and I spent the holidays at home and put a 3-day trip to San Francisco in between | 21:03 |
trandles | I've spent Christmas in Gosport. 2C along the sea feels a LOT colder than 2C in Santa Fe. ;) | 21:03 |
oneswig | I have no doubt | 21:04 |
oneswig | In the office, we have our 6-monthly design summit next week. Following the discussion last month I put podman onto the list for discussion | 21:04 |
trandles | excellent | 21:04 |
trandles | I'm just about (in an hour or so) to deploy Train into production using OpenStack-Ansible. | 21:05 |
oneswig | Ooh, exciting. | 21:05 |
oneswig | New system or upgrade of a previous one? | 21:05 |
trandles | Other than dealing with gnocchi, it hasn't been too bad. Just the normal lack of documenting of required key variables that need to go into your config. | 21:05 |
trandles | New system | 21:06 |
trandles | The previous was testbed-only | 21:06 |
oneswig | As always, I'd be interested to hear how it goes. Does OSA still build LXC containers on the hosts? | 21:07 |
trandles | Yes, lxc containers. | 21:07 |
oneswig | Does it support SELinux? Something else on the agenda. | 21:08 |
trandles | I don't believe so | 21:09 |
trandles | But I'm likely to be wrong there. I didn't look into it. | 21:09 |
oneswig | A fiddly problem, every time I get caught out by it. | 21:11 |
oneswig | IIRC the LXC containers follow the lightweight OS model, right? Do they also have private network namespaces, IP addresses, etc? | 21:12 |
trandles | Yes, they have their own IPs | 21:12 |
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trandles | They're also running systemd to init multiple processes/container | 21:13 |
oneswig | Makes sense. | 21:13 |
oneswig | I was hearing earlier about a new ARM CI resource - apparently it'll be all IPV6 on the control plane (for fun, perhaps?) | 21:14 |
trandles | So there is a nova container with api, conductor, and scheduler all running for instance | 21:14 |
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trandles | I have a couple ARM nodes in our production cloud. | 21:15 |
trandles | Haven't booted them in anger yet though | 21:15 |
trandles | Otherwise, haven't done much with ARM myself. We have a couple ARM clusters from Cray... | 21:16 |
oneswig | I think I heard that somewhere... | 21:16 |
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oneswig | The news at this end for today has been a new project testing out Mellanox VF-LAG. We didn't get to the point of integrating it yet but that should come in tomorrow. Has promise I think | 21:18 |
oneswig | although someone's dog ate all the documentation | 21:18 |
trandles | lol | 21:18 |
oneswig | If it works for us, we'll write up the experience for sure. | 21:19 |
oneswig | Your new deploy, is that going to be bare metal compute? | 21:19 |
trandles | Your use cases are pretty far advanced from ours. We're just going into production with a basket of internal use cases and a mob of users with pitchforks and torches screaming for "cloud" but without any ability to write a one-page proposal on what they really think they're going to use it for. | 21:19 |
oneswig | We need this because I have to exercise a filesystem with massive connectivity using as few (virtualised) clients as possible. The tangled webs we weave. | 21:21 |
trandles | The first use of the production cloud will be bog standard VMs. We have some internal use cases for containers on bare metal but that's stage 2. I'm still stuck as the only one tasked with getting this up and going and it's only something <40% of my time. As you can imagine, being able to execute quickly and efficiently to put a completely new class of resource into production here and only have .4 FTE to do so is highly suboptimal. | 21:22 |
trandles | We've tried twice in the past 16 months to hire a dedicated FTE to do nothing but cloud and been thwarted both times. :( | 21:22 |
oneswig | trandles: get your logging and monitoring in good order and you'll have a better chance. | 21:22 |
oneswig | sorry to hear the recruitment fell through, I'd have thought it's an excellent job (for a respectable American!) | 21:23 |
trandles | The one thing we have boatloads of is monitoring and logging. All of my logs will be going to rabbitmq and straight into splunk. We have a team of devs that are splunk gurus and they're working up custom dashboards for me right now. | 21:24 |
oneswig | I am sure that will help. One could lose oneself without it. | 21:24 |
oneswig | Perhaps we should wrap up to let you kick off that deploy! Over here I have bioinformatics to think about. | 21:26 |
trandles | I'm hoping to get some friendlies working on it by the end of the week. If initial testing goes well we'll be quickly ramping up to ~100 hypervisors and ~1.5PB of block and object storage. | 21:27 |
trandles | How's the meetup going in London? | 21:27 |
oneswig | Two people from our team are there (johnthetubaguy and wasaac) | 21:27 |
oneswig | Apparently very good discussions and lots of input, from what I've heard. Very positive. | 21:28 |
trandles | I've not been to a meetup. Is the London one well attended? Audience from all over Europe or just mainly the UK? | 21:28 |
oneswig | I gather its mostly UK, some Europe, a few Americans. | 21:28 |
oneswig | I don't have numbers to make that data at all useful. | 21:29 |
trandles | Have fun with bioinformatics. That reminds me, I need to schedule a meeting with some genomics folks here at the lab who are using Charliecloud and BEE (a workflow engine) to discuss their next steps porting everything to Common Workflow Language. | 21:30 |
trandles | Coming from a physics background, the bio community is whole different beast. | 21:30 |
oneswig | workflows - BEE - I've heard of a few but not that one. | 21:31 |
oneswig | for sure. But a beast for whom cloud is a beauty :-) | 21:31 |
trandles | indeed | 21:32 |
oneswig | Be interesting to see how Charliecloud gets integrated into these workflows. Does this research become public at some point? | 21:33 |
trandles | It's all open sourced | 21:33 |
trandles | BEE is currently being refactored, but that's a much longer conversation | 21:33 |
trandles | We're now running extremely large production codes at scale (~15000+ MPI ranks) using Charliecloud | 21:34 |
oneswig | That's great. When people talk about MPI in containers, it so often boils down to some abominable hack involving spawning ORTE via ssh for mapping the ranks. | 21:36 |
oneswig | possibly commented along the lines of "must fix this after graduation"... | 21:36 |
oneswig | meee-ow | 21:37 |
trandles | The amount of FUD around MPI and containers is a major point of contention for me. It's not black magic. We run MPI applications from containers without even having MPI installed on the host | 21:37 |
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trandles | All of the misconceptions, and dare I say lies, about MPI and containers needs to stop. It's holding up adoption in general. | 21:38 |
trandles | ORTE is deprecated anyway :P | 21:38 |
oneswig | But the containers in your case are launched within a process framework like pmix, right? | 21:38 |
trandles | Yes, using something like PMI2 or PMIx solves it | 21:39 |
trandles | ORTE is deprecated by Open MPI. Mpirun is deprecated by Open MPI. | 21:39 |
oneswig | And your network fabric is based on verbs or libfabric as well? | 21:40 |
trandles | If you're not already using PMI2 or PMIx then you're in for a very rude awakening | 21:40 |
trandles | Ideally you'd use something like UCX but I'm not sure it's production ready yet. We did have this big ugly compatibility matrix on a whiteboard of various interconnects, BTL, MCA, etc. but it just made everyone sad. | 21:41 |
trandles | Things should get much better with Open MPI 4+ | 21:42 |
trandles | MVAPICH just seems to work | 21:42 |
oneswig | I think the injection of host mpi libraries into the container (like shifter) raises eyebrows, but that's only for proprietary host environments, right? | 21:42 |
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trandles | Yeah, injection like that is for proprietary fabrics like Cray's | 21:42 |
oneswig | there was an effort a while back to create a ceph messenger class based on ucx but alas I think it didn't yield. | 21:43 |
trandles | I also think ultimate portability is overblown. Our big code teams have convinced me that at least for the workloads I need to care about, portability of a container image isn't very valuable. | 21:43 |
oneswig | how does that square with udss? | 21:44 |
trandles | The toolchains used to reliably build container images mean that they're very happy to just build a new image custom for a platform they're targeting. The benefits of containerization are provenance of application runtime and the support libraries. | 21:44 |
trandles | UDSS seems to still hold the same value in that it allows bringing in environments/runtimes that normally couldn't run at all. | 21:45 |
oneswig | I just hope you never sit next to the creator of ld.so at a party :-) | 21:45 |
trandles | Things like TensorFlow, DASK, etc. where the effort to support it for a small community at the lab is way too large, and the user either can't or doesn't want to figure out how to build and run from a home or project directory. | 21:46 |
trandles | We have a code with over 300 dependencies that get managed using environment modules, LD_LIBRARY_* hacks, etc. For the code teams to build a container image with exactly the versions of everything they need, eliminating the many opportunities to make mistakes with modules and environment variables, is a massive win. | 21:48 |
oneswig | I was looking for the code using ssh and orte for mpi rank assignment I referred to (in kubeflow), but it looks like the openmpi support has been taken out. | 21:50 |
trandles | That just sounds horribly ugly | 21:52 |
oneswig | trandles: certainly, I can see the advantages of udss in an diverse environment (which is any environment, surely!) | 21:53 |
oneswig | perhaps the removed code was put out of its misery. | 21:54 |
oneswig | Anyway, time to wrap up... | 21:56 |
trandles | I was challenged at a conference last year to prove my statement that it doesn't matter what version of MPI is on the host compared to what's in the container. I ran a multi-node containerized MPI job on a cluster that didn't have MPI installed. I think what you're referencing (ssh and orte, etc.) is a symptom of what Reid and I have been fighting since our rejected 2016 SC paper on Charliecloud. Everyone is working way too hard, it's not | 21:56 |
trandles | difficult. | 21:56 |
trandles | Another good SIG meeting. ;) | 21:57 |
oneswig | trandles: That specific example is due to running in k8s | 21:57 |
oneswig | lacking pmi | 21:57 |
trandles | Ah, yes, well, k8s is the poster child of "working too hard." | 21:57 |
oneswig | I think the challenge you had might be because people assume the crafty work done by shifter is generally applicable. | 21:58 |
trandles | It was a singularity dev who told me I was wrong about MPI | 21:58 |
oneswig | whereas what's needed is /dev/uverbs (or whatever it was) | 21:58 |
oneswig | hmmm | 21:59 |
oneswig | did them mean different mpis within a single application? | 21:59 |
trandles | I have no idea what the singularity folks are on about most of the time, so I'm not sure. | 21:59 |
oneswig | good god, git pull of kubeflow was 205 MB, perhaps reinforcing your point :-) | 22:00 |
trandles | woah | 22:00 |
oneswig | ah, time to close. | 22:00 |
oneswig | good chatting trandles, until next time | 22:00 |
trandles | Likewise! Have a good night. :) | 22:00 |
oneswig | Now to have fun with the OS-A deploy! | 22:00 |
oneswig | #endmeeting | 22:01 |
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenStack Meetings || https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/" | 22:01 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Jan 7 22:01:01 2020 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 22:01 |
trandles | Fingers crossed | 22:01 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scientific_sig/2020/scientific_sig.2020-01-07-21.01.html | 22:01 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scientific_sig/2020/scientific_sig.2020-01-07-21.01.txt | 22:01 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scientific_sig/2020/scientific_sig.2020-01-07-21.01.log.html | 22:01 |
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martial | hello :) | 22:02 |
martial | #start-meeting scientific-sig | 22:02 |
martial | #startmeeting scientific-sig | 22:02 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Jan 7 22:02:35 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is martial. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 22:02 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 22:02 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'scientific_sig' | 22:02 |
martial | Hello everybody, and welcome to 2020 | 22:03 |
martial | a simple agenda today | 22:03 |
trandles | Are you an hour late martial ? Stig and I just spent an hour chatting. | 22:03 |
trandles | http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scientific_sig/2020/scientific_sig.2020-01-07-21.01.log.html | 22:03 |
martial | late? | 22:03 |
martial | my calendar said it was now | 22:03 |
martial | okay, super confused and sorry if that is the case | 22:04 |
trandles | It was just Stig and me, so maybe we were off by an hour...no clue | 22:05 |
martial | checking | 22:06 |
martial | 1100 utv | 22:06 |
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martial | 2100 utc ... ah bummer | 22:07 |
martial | #endmeeting | 22:07 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Jan 7 22:07:39 2020 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 22:07 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scientific_sig/2020/scientific_sig.2020-01-07-22.02.html | 22:07 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scientific_sig/2020/scientific_sig.2020-01-07-22.02.txt | 22:07 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scientific_sig/2020/scientific_sig.2020-01-07-22.02.log.html | 22:07 |
trandles | I can't keep up with the timezones :( | 22:08 |
martial | so no, you are right, my calendar invitation has to be updated it looks like | 22:08 |
martial | so sorry about this | 22:08 |
trandles | Mine doesn't seem to adjust for DST so I only know that in the winter, my calendar is correct and in the summer I'm off by an hour | 22:08 |
martial | well hopefully it was a good meeting, last hour :) | 22:09 |
trandles | Just a chitchat really | 22:09 |
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trandles | I do wonder if anyone knows when registration opens up for Vancouver | 22:09 |
martial | have not seen the cfp yet | 22:10 |
trandles | Nope and the website just has the dates and location | 22:10 |
martial | likely this month if anything is like usual | 22:11 |
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martial | well, when it does we ought to discuss options, as usual :) | 22:13 |
trandles | +1 | 22:14 |
martial | so once again, sorry for the "delay", but I guess the meeting already happened (despite the misinformation on time in the invite and the error in calendar by yours truly) | 22:14 |
trandles | No worries martial I think many are just getting the bearings after the holiday season. | 22:16 |
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martial | kind of means the next timeslot is also 1h earlier ... so 5am so definitely not making it next week | 22:17 |
martial | talk to you soon Tim :) | 22:24 |
trandles | Later Martial :) | 22:28 |
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