Thursday, 2022-06-30

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pdeore#startmeeting glance14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jun 30 14:00:07 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is pdeore. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'glance'14:00
pdeore#topic roll call14:00
pdeoreabhishekk, how are feeling now? I thought you will not around today14:01
* abhishekk down with fever so probably will leave after the meeting14:01
abhishekknot much well14:02
abhishekkwill signoff after the meeting14:02
abhishekkI think rosmaita is not around14:02
pdeoreyeah he is on PTO 14:02
pdeorelets wait few minutes for everyone to join14:02
pdeoreI think jokke_ and Cyril are not around, 14:05
pdeoreshall we start or wait for few more mints ?14:05
abhishekkwe should start14:06
pdeore#topic release/periodic jobs14:06
pdeoreMilestone 2 is 2 weeks away from now14:06
pdeoreJFYI, I have updated the release schedule doc as well with the glance spec freeze date for Zed schedule14:06
pdeoreSo next week would be review party week, as we have decided during PTG to have this 10 days before milestone release14:07
abhishekkack, thank you for updating the schedule14:07
pdeorewe will discuss about finalizing the date in the dedicated topic today 14:07
croelandtso we'd need 3,4 cores :)14:07
dansmithI'll be out all next week except for tuesday, FYI :)14:07
abhishekkI will be around14:07
pdeoreI will also be around14:08
abhishekkwe can make an exception and have this review party one week later after the release or during release week14:08
abhishekk11th or 12th July14:08
abhishekkwe can spend one hour and go through some important patches14:09
abhishekkor on scheduled time we may have jokke_ brian me and cyril as core and pdeore as well14:10
jokke_Brian isback next week, right?14:10
croelandt5th I believe14:11
abhishekkyes, he will be there on 5th14:11
croelandtso mayeb the 7th would be alright after all14:11
abhishekksounds good14:11
abhishekk7th same as meeting time14:11
jokke_sounds like a plan14:12
jokke_unless dansmith has objection us doing it without him14:12
abhishekkcool, pdeore make a note of it14:12
abhishekkwe will miss you dansmith 14:13
pdeoreabhishekk, ack14:13
pdeoremoving ahead :)14:13
pdeorewe have released glance-store stable/wallaby with some important bug fixes14:13
jokke_dansmith: maybe we call ya an hour before, just to make sure you don't want to join us? :P14:13
pdeorePeriodic Jobs are all green except fips jobs failing with RETRY_LIMIT14:14
dansmithyou go right ahead.. I'll be far from cell range (and even pavement)14:14
jokke_dansmith: sounds gr8, enjoy14:14
jokke_pdeore: any idea what it's retrying?14:15
pdeoreseems 'nslookup_target' is undefined14:17
dansmiththat's supposed to be resolved14:17
dansmithwe should poke ade_lee14:17
pdeoreok, moving to next topic14:19
pdeore#topic Spec for review14:19
pdeore[APIImpact] Add DELETE api for metadef resource types #link
pdeoreThis is the only spec remaining from our review list, which is a low priority but good to have I think.14:19
pdeoreI assume that everyone is agreed on having the separate Delete api for resource type rather than auto-deleting with some periodic operation.14:20
abhishekkI will have a look at it, I am pro for having API for it14:20
dansmithI haven't really gotten a clear understanding of why we can't delete when the last use is deleted14:21
dansmithI think both rosmaita and I preferred that approach, but I'm not sure I ever got clarity on why it wasn't okay14:21
abhishekki didn't aware about that approach, will think on it14:22
pdeoreBcz I think it can be used later by someone if available..14:22
dansmithbut what does that matter?14:23
abhishekknot much14:23
dansmiththey're auto-created in the first place, why not auto-delete them when they're no longer used?14:23
abhishekkif they are auto-created then I guess we can delete it if it is not used on last delete14:24
dansmiththat's what we were thinking14:24
jokke_I tend ot agree with Brian and Dan here. I think the fact that there is no create api at all for the resource type is good indication that we likely don't need user action to delete them either14:25
pdeoreyeah right, that's why we had a discussion during PTG to have create & delete both similar to other metadef apis14:25
dansmithright, it's just an extra step for the user (or client or whatever) to have to delete them to clean up14:26
jokke_crazy question. Does the resource type contain any valuable information for it to exists as it's own resource in the db in first place?14:27
pdeoreyeah so if we are not having create then let's not have delete as well14:27
abhishekkpdeore, I guess this approach will reduce your work as well14:28
pdeorenot really I think14:28
pdeoreyeah :)14:28
jokke_Like is there a reason why it wouldn't be extra field on the namespace entry  rather than being it's own thing in general14:28
dansmithit's used by multiple things when it's used,14:29
dansmithso I think that's why it is its own entity, for the relation14:29
jokke_ok, so makes sense to keep it as it's own entity14:29
dansmithbut it's auto-created when you create a namespace that uses it14:29
jokke_Next crazy question I have then is, if we decide to take the route of auto-delete instead of new API call, do we even need full spec for this?14:32
jokke_Or can that be converted to -lite and done as best effort refactoring as convenient?14:32
abhishekksounds good to me14:33
dansmithnot sure we even need a lite spec14:33
dansmithcould be a bug14:33
dansmithbut sure :)14:33
abhishekkif we convert it to bug then we don't need to worry about spec freeze :D14:33
abhishekkbut I think lite spec will be good14:33
dansmith /o\14:34
pdeorecool :)14:34
abhishekkI will discuss this offline with pdeore later14:34
abhishekklets move ahead14:35
pdeoreyeah, sure14:35
pdeore#topic Columbus PTG Team signup14:35
abhishekkthis is me14:35
abhishekkI need to fill a survey for Infra about head counts for October PTG14:35
abhishekkwho is planning to attend this time?14:36
abhishekkI am thinking to give approx 7/8 head count14:36
jokke_I have no idea as I haven't heard anything about our travel planning for it yet14:36
abhishekkwe will soon14:36
abhishekkok, I will give tentative count for this and we can modify it later14:38
croelandtReminded that air travel is not compatible with our CO2 emissions goals for the end of the century14:38
croelandtand we should probably start by stopping intercontinental travel14:39
croelandtand therefore downsizing meetings :/14:39
jokke_croelandt: fortunately I'm on the coast line, so they can hire a yacht to take me over the pond :P14:39
* croelandt checks whether yachts are worse than planes14:39
dansmithdepends on the yacht14:39
abhishekkjokke_, if you get one then take a small detour and pick me up as well14:40
jokke_abhishekk: then we can meet at Dan's house and take road trip from there14:41
dansmithit's a long road trip from here :)14:41
jokke_cause that's so carbon neutral plan as any14:41
abhishekkI am in :D14:41
dansmithand especially not carbon-neutral in any of my cars :)14:41
jokke_dansmith: other option is that you hop on, it's longer but nicr trip if we get around via Panama14:42
croelandtnothing is truly carbon-neutral14:42
abhishekklets move to open discussion, we can discuss the possible road trip a week after once dansmith is back14:43
pdeoremoving to open discussions :D14:44
pdeore#topic Open Discussions14:44
abhishekkthere are few glance patches open,please have a look at those14:44
abhishekkimportant is glance-download and immediate caching14:44
jokke_oh speaking of which14:46
jokke_the fips job fix is submitted by Ada, just not reviewed14:46
dansmithif you're looking at the glance patch,14:46
dansmithhe decided to fix it globally, so I thought that glance patch was not required anymore14:47
jokke_specially mentioning the nslookup_target14:47
dansmithalthough I see he depends on the base patch, so maybe both are required,14:47
dansmithbut from the discussion I thought not14:47
jokke_well it's depending on the zuul job patch14:47
jokke_so I'd expect it being still needed14:48
dansmithyeah, okay maybe so14:48
abhishekkif get time I will have a look at that patch14:49
dansmithit's just zuul config, so if he says it's required we might as well just slam it in14:50
dansmithI just rechecked the experimental job so we'll see14:51
abhishekkI think we are good for today, nothing else from me other than some review requests14:51
jokke_nothing from me14:51
pdeorelet's wrap up then .. 14:51
abhishekkthank you all o/14:52
pdeoreThanks everyone for joining !!14:52
abhishekkhave a nice weekend14:52
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jun 30 14:52:27 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:52
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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