Thursday, 2024-06-20

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pdeore#startmeeting glance14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jun 20 14:00:19 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is pdeore. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'glance'14:00
pdeore#topic roll call14:00
pdeoreMridula will not be able to join14:01
pdeoreso let's get started14:01
pdeore#topic release/periodic jobs updates14:01
pdeoreM2 is just 2 weeks from now which will be spec freeze date for us as well14:01
pdeoresince we have 2 new specs recently so shall we extend our spec freeze date by a week?14:02
abhishekkWe can do that14:02
abhishekkUnless those gets merged within next two weeks14:03
pdeoreyeah I think we should do that ..14:03
pdeoreI will send an email about the same then14:03
dansmithhave they been undergoing active discussion?14:03
dansmithmeaning, will the extra two weeks really matter?14:03
abhishekkyes, I have added some comments on new specs14:04
croelandtAre they Stephen's specs?14:04
pdeoreNew Calculate Hash API : #link
pdeoreAdd image-import-plugins-api spec: #link
abhishekkI am ok with plugins spec but have concerns about hash calculation14:05
pdeoreI have updated calculate hash as per your comments14:05
dansmithah those okay I haven't even started looking at those, but that makes sense now14:05
pdeoregr8 let's extend it then14:06
abhishekkI still don't understand the positive side of renaming existing parameter for which we need to follow deprecation process and introducing new one with ListOpt and also passing desired algorithm as input14:06
abhishekkmay be I am not able to convey it in right manner, will try to rephrase it again on the spec14:07
pdeoremoving ahead14:09
pdeoreshould we have review party next week ?14:10
croelandthm it's also the bug hunt so I think we might miss at least Mridula and Brian14:10
pdeoreohh yeah14:11
abhishekkIMO we should drop the idea of review parties14:11
abhishekkit is not serving the purpose why we started it14:11
abhishekkthe motive was to encourage people to attend it and start providing reviews14:12
abhishekkbut I don't see that is happening14:12
croelandtIt gets a bunch of small patches merged though14:12
abhishekkIt's alway dan, cyril me and sometimes brian 14:12
abhishekkthat is not really good imo14:12
croelandtmaybe it can be a bit more informal14:12
abhishekkFor example, I was expecting reviews on new specs but I didn't saw any14:13
abhishekksame goes with image encryption spec, it was sitting ideal for last 3 weeks14:13
pdeoreI will try to spend more time on reviews14:16
croelandtok so no review party next week 14:16
abhishekkso, will we be able to do weekly meeting because of bug hunt?14:17
dansmithI've got something else going on next week that will take top priority, so I might be around for stuff, but might not14:17
abhishekkack, pdeore, croelandt ^^14:18
pdeorenot sure, will that be for every week ?14:18
abhishekknope its only for next week 14:19
croelandtabhishekk: I'll be there I trhink14:19
abhishekkbut if you are not participating in bug hunt then you can chair14:19
abhishekkcroelandt: ack, I will be around as well14:19
pdeoreohh ok ok, I will also there to chair this meeting14:20
pdeoremoving ahead14:21
pdeoreperiodic jobs are all green 14:21
pdeore#topic Important Reviews14:21
pdeoreso as discussed above we have these 2 imp specs to review14:22
pdeoreNew Calculate Hash API : #link
pdeoreAdd image-import-plugins-api spec: #link
pdeoreand may be Dalmatian project priorities: #link :)14:22
pdeorethere are few bug fixes which we need to backport as well14:23
pdeoreFix 500 if multi-tenant swift is enabled along with conf file - #link
pdeoreMake location URL compatible with cinder backend : #link
pdeoreFix: optimized upload volume in Cinder store: #link
pdeoreso kindly please have a look14:23
pdeorethat's it from me for today14:24
abhishekkI am good with last patch, cyril can approve it14:24
abhishekkmeans, last two patches14:25
croelandtlet me look14:25
croelandt <- Zuul unhappy14:25
croelandtsame for
pdeorehow about the swift one? it already has 1 +2 from abhishek14:26
croelandtdamn the CI is also not happy14:27
croelandtwhat's happening here :)14:27
croelandttempest apparently14:27
pdeoreseems mostly timeouts14:28
pdeorefor #906359 everything was passing earlier 14:29
croelandtok I'll go through the list14:29
pdeoreanything else to be highlighted?14:30
abhishekkyeah, my oslo.middleware patch also need reviews form glance side14:30
abhishekkthis one14:31
croelandtoh yeah, easy to forget about this one14:31
pdeoreohh i forgot to change the topic :/14:34
pdeore#topic Open Discussions14:34
abhishekknothing from me14:35
croelandtnothing from me14:36
pdeorecool, let's conclude for the day then ..14:36
pdeoreThanks everyone for joining !!14:37
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jun 20 14:37:26 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:37
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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