Tuesday, 2024-11-19

yasufumHi, tacker team.08:00
yasufum#startmeeting tacker08:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Nov 19 08:01:34 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.08:01
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.08:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tacker'08:01
yasufum#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting08:01
yasufumthree topics on the etherpad, but first two items are just for sharing the current status.08:03
yasufumThe first item is for dropping diag package and waiting for another +2.08:04
yasufumtakahashi-tsc: thanks for reviewing.08:04
yasufumAnd the second one is for removing legacy engine facade.08:04
yasufumThe patch has been merged and completed.08:05
yasufumThe next item is "Addressing v1 testing in FT improvement"08:06
yasufumfrom takahashi-tsc.08:06
takahashi-tscCan I start?08:06
takahashi-tscOK, we discussed FT improvement at the previsous PTG. And one topic which need discussion is v1 API testing.08:07
takahashi-tscFirst, I have heard my company members, they said V1 API is still used in some projects. Then v1 API related functions should be tested.08:08
takahashi-tscSo basically I suggest to keep V1 testing. 08:08
takahashi-tscDiscussion point is:   1. Other members agree with this direction?   2. If yes, which tests are mandatory and which tests are not mandatory.08:09
takahashi-tscThat it, I would like to hear Tacker members' opinions.08:09
takahashi-tscoh, just one more thing. I already list up v1 related test sets and write my personal opinion.08:11
takahashi-tscin etherpad.08:11
yasufumLet's back to the proposal at the previous ptg.08:11
yasufum#link https://94a6feb49b19adc032b0-73ae00c4c0341f1a752104576c0d94a3.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/932974/3/check/openstack-tox-docs/f2803df/docs/specs/2025.1/reduce-fts/index.html08:11
yasufumI'd like to confirm that the tests are really required to be remained on zuul as "voting" tests?08:13
yasufumalthouh you can still run the tests on local env.08:14
takahashi-tscThat's an important point too. For example, considering something like tacker-functional-devstack-multinode-sol-vnflcm-userdata, which requires a long time and should be considered for thoroughness, it might be okay to go with a non-vote.08:15
takahashi-tscI think... sol-vnflcm and sol-vnfpkgm are mandatroy, but it might be OK to make others non-vote.08:17
yasufumOne of the concern is we have to wait a zuul test even if it's non-voting.08:18
yasufumAlthough no need to retry if it's failed.08:18
takahashi-tscHmm, you are correct. But in my understanding, the runtime of Zuul depend on the longest test among all of them.08:20
takahashi-tsc(the longest test is compliance-devstack-multinode-sol... we should shourten it,,,)08:21
takahashi-tscAnyway, removing sol-vnflcm-userdata does not affect waiting time of Zuul08:22
takahashi-tscin my understanding.08:22
yasufumI'm trying to divide time consuming tests mainly for v2.08:23
takahashi-tscAh, yes I just remembered. Yes, this leads to a discussion on whether to implement it for sol-vnflcm-userdata as well08:24
yasufumI'm also expecting you to reduce the time of sol compliance tests.08:24
yasufumshould be revised at least if we don't drop v1 tests from zuul.08:26
yasufumat least08:26
yasufumsorry, mistake.08:26
yasufumAnyway, other v1 tests are acceptable to remain considering the running time.08:27
takahashi-tscOK. Personally, I'm starting to feel that it might be fine to keep only sol-vnflcm and sol-vnfpkgm.08:29
takahashi-tscBut also want to hear other member's opinion.08:29
yasufumOK, thanks.08:30
hi-kobathank you. KDDI uses v1 and has many tenants, so we also think that v1 testing is necessary.08:30
hi-kobaStill, we support reducing the number of tests.08:31
yasufumhi-koba: thank you for your comment.08:32
yasufumBy the way, can you do the task?08:32
hi-kobaShould I suggest ways to reduce tests based on KDDI's usage? If so, I can do it.08:35
yasufumIt's OK to divide the test scenario to reduce the total time of the test.08:36
yasufumNo need to suggest other thiings.08:37
takahashi-tscAre you asking also to me? Possible but depends on workload. (We will also ptoceed with deviding compliance test...)08:39
takahashi-tscNeed to confirm our team members.08:39
yasufumtakahashi-tsc: I'd appreciate if you help us for v1, thanks.08:40
takahashi-tscI hope we can do it, I'll discuss internally.08:41
yasufumThank you for the suggestion.08:42
hi-kobaI agree with reducing the tests, but to be honest, I don’t fully understand how the testing works....08:43
yasufumhi-koba: No need to reduce the number of tests basically.08:44
yasufumThe problem is the total time and it's OK if we can divide the test scenario into several scenarios for running them in parallel.08:45
yasufumalthough it's still better to reduce the number of tests for considering maintenance.08:47
yasufumAnyway, please continue to discuss the topic.08:49
yasufumCan we go to the final topic?08:50
hi-kobaI see. Since I don’t understand what tasks are necessary to divide the test scenarios for parallel execution, I’m not sure if I can do it.08:50
yasufumOK, thanks.08:50
hi-kobaI just added final topic to the etherpad.08:51
yasufumyeah, I've found it.08:51
yasufumabout the spec freeze.08:51
hi-kobaCould you tell me about the schedule for the spec freeze? Will it be decided from now?08:52
yasufumI didn't make any notice for that because the number of specs is just one at the vPTG and no need to consider actually.08:54
yasufumDo you have any plan to propose a spec now?08:55
hi-kobaWe were planning to propose specs for some of the features KDDI raised during the vPTG as much as possible.08:56
hi-kobaBut because of work, I’m not sure how much I can do.08:58
yasufumYou need to propose specs for all items basically.09:00
yasufumHowever, it's not required for some simple proposal or so.09:01
yasufumIn my opinion, it's required for the second and third proposal of yours.09:02
yasufumAdd default_secret_key Option to [vim_keys] for Multi-Master Tacker Deployment09:02
yasufumEnhancement of the Ansible Driver (sample mgmt driver)09:03
yasufum#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/oct2024-ptg-tacker09:03
hi-kobai see.09:03
yasufumFor the first item, it looks a small update and no need to do.09:04
hi-kobathank you09:05
yasufumAnyway, it's fine if we can decide the date of spec freeze for today.09:05
yasufumDo you have any suggestion? What do you think how much time required to prepare the specs?09:06
yasufumIn my opinion, we don't need to hurry to fix the specs in this release.09:07
yasufumSo, for example, how about the end of this year?09:07
hi-kobaI think the end of the year is fine.09:08
hi-kobaI will proceed with preparing the 2 specs to submit by the end of the year.09:09
yasufumand also merge them before the deadline.09:10
yasufumIt's over the end of time of this meeting.09:11
yasufumSo, let's close the meeting if you have no more topic.09:11
takahashi-tscnothing from my side09:11
yasufumThank you for joining, bye!09:12
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Nov 19 09:12:13 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)09:12
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tacker/2024/tacker.2024-11-19-08.01.html09:12
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tacker/2024/tacker.2024-11-19-08.01.txt09:12
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tacker/2024/tacker.2024-11-19-08.01.log.html09:12
gmann#startmeeting policy_popup17:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Nov 19 17:02:05 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.17:02
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'policy_popup'17:02
gmann#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/rbac-goal-tracking#L8917:02
gmannnothing in agenda for today but I will be here to discuss/answer if any query17:02
gmannending meeting as nothing to discuss today17:09
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Nov 19 17:09:40 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)17:09
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/policy_popup/2024/policy_popup.2024-11-19-17.02.html17:09
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/policy_popup/2024/policy_popup.2024-11-19-17.02.txt17:09
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/policy_popup/2024/policy_popup.2024-11-19-17.02.log.html17:09

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