Monday, 2025-02-17

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:43
Luzi#startmeeting image_encryption13:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Feb 17 13:00:23 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is Luzi. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption'13:00
Luzi#topic Roll Call13:00
fungier, ahoy, my keyboard is not cooperating this early in the morning13:07
Luzihi fungi 13:08
Luzii just wanted to check in, because i did not see any review recently :/13:08
Luziand unfortunately we don't have time to keep up13:09
Luzido you have any updates?13:10
fungii saw the changes being discussed recently in the glance meeting13:11
Luziwell that's something13:12
fungiskimming back through channel history isn't finding it, i'll need to check meeting minutes13:13
Luzinext week is feature freeze, right?13:13
fungiFeb 24 - Feb 28 yes13:14
Luziso all patches will sit around for another cycle13:14
fungii'll try to remind them again this week13:14
Luzithank you that would be nice13:14
fungiare they all under a common topic right now?13:15
fungii can take a look at who's commented on them so far and do some more targeted reminders too13:15
Luzii will speak to mahe, maybe he has a little bit time this week to look over the patches again13:16
Luzithat was all from my side13:16
Luzido you have any other topic?13:17
fungithe glance patches are the ones that need to land first? or basically any/all projects that have outstanding patches?13:17
Luziyeah glance first, but cinder too... idk about the nova patch, but if i remember correctly it was only something small13:18
fungilooks like abhishekk added some questions on 926295 in december that didn't get answered13:19
fungiand eharney had a -1 on 926298 for a minor edit13:21
Luzii asked mahe to check these out13:21
Luzianything else?13:22
fungii think the -1 on 926298 is no longer relevant, checking the current state of openstack/requirements, i'll ask eharney to revisit that review13:23
fungii didn't have anything else13:23
Luziokay, thank you for your work on this :D13:24
Luziand have a nice week13:24
fungino, thank you! i've done very little13:24
fungiyou too!13:24
Luzi#endmeeting image_encryption13:24
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Feb 17 13:24:25 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:24
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