*** mhen_ is now known as mhen | 03:00 | |
yasufum | Hi, tacker team | 08:00 |
yasufum | Hi | 08:01 |
takahashi-tsc | hi | 08:01 |
yasufum | hi | 08:02 |
yasufum | #startmeeting tacker | 08:02 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Tue Feb 25 08:02:23 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 08:02 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 08:02 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' | 08:02 |
yasufum | #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting | 08:02 |
yasufum | Let's start the meeting. | 08:03 |
yasufum | The first item is just to share the current status of the topic. | 08:04 |
yasufum | I completed the team survey for tacker team. | 08:04 |
yasufum | So, we're ready to join the next vPTG. | 08:05 |
yasufum | And the second item is for discussion about the task for reducing FT time. | 08:06 |
yasufum | from shivam | 08:06 |
shivam | Hi | 08:06 |
yasufum | hi | 08:06 |
shivam | Next topic is "CI Resource Optimization: Reducing Resource Consumption" | 08:07 |
shivam | On our patch for "Refactoring High Time-Consuming V1 Functional Test Cases", received comment regarding high CI resource consumption. | 08:07 |
shivam | As per the comment, since current CI setup runs many jobs concurrently, it consumes too much resource. | 08:08 |
shivam | A specific example mentioned in comment, explains that change is failing in pre-run on its devstack jobs whereTacker CI runs 33 DevStack jobs, each utilizing 4 nodes, with up to three retries due to deterministic failures, leading to excessive node consumption. | 08:09 |
shivam | To reduce the CI resource usage, they suggest to move some of the jobs to a periodic queue where these jobs will be executed at a fixed time interval. | 08:10 |
shivam | But I think, moving the jobs to periodic queue will affect test coverage and test feedback will be delayed. | 08:11 |
shivam | Hence, I would like to know community members opinion that What approaches or methods can be implemented to reduce CI resource usage? | 08:12 |
shivam | Also, if the suggested approach is acceptable (move some jobs to the periodic queue, even if it delays feedback for non-critical tests) or not? | 08:14 |
shivam | thanks | 08:14 |
yasufum | thanks | 08:15 |
yasufum | We've has before the similar discussion actually | 08:16 |
yasufum | although I don't know and talked about periodic queue. | 08:17 |
yasufum | The cause of the issue was the total amount of time for FT was too huge | 08:18 |
yasufum | and we had been suffered, especially at the end of release cycles. | 08:19 |
yasufum | So, We decided to reduce the time first, then the num of the tests | 08:19 |
yasufum | for easing the bad situation. | 08:19 |
yasufum | We didn't know how the resources is consumed on test env at that time. | 08:20 |
yasufum | We don't have expected to the amount of resource consuming is so much actually. | 08:21 |
shivam | generally periodic queue means (queue items will process at a defined time interval) | 08:22 |
shivam | but i think this option will impact the overall test coverage | 08:23 |
yasufum | Could you elaborate more how we can do that? | 08:25 |
yasufum | takahashi-tsc: shivam might not able to join again. Do you have any comment? | 08:30 |
takahashi-tsc | Maybe his connect is lost... My concern is, should we discuss anything with Kajinami-san or involved members? to decide Tacker's direction. Because he gave some comments to Shivam's patch. | 08:31 |
takahashi-tsc | We are still investigating the technical details, but neutron and some other projects seems to define some periodic tasks so it may be possible. | 08:32 |
yasufum | shivam: welcome again. | 08:32 |
shivam | sorry, I got disconnected | 08:33 |
shivam | To answer your question : Could you elaborate how would you do that? | 08:33 |
yasufum | I've just been told from takahashi-san about the periodic queue. | 08:33 |
shivam | ok | 08:34 |
yasufum | Is there any example for using it on neutron, right? | 08:35 |
yasufum | hello? | 08:39 |
shivam | could you elaborate your question as i missed some message when i was disconnected | 08:39 |
takahashi-tsc | https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=networking-sfc-tempest-periodic | 08:40 |
takahashi-tsc | This probably seems to be clearly defined as a periodic job. (I haven't looked at the details yet...) | 08:40 |
yasufum | thanks | 08:41 |
yasufum | Anyway, go back to the discussion proposed from shivam. | 08:42 |
yasufum | I think coverage is not the first priority. | 08:43 |
shivam | ok | 08:44 |
yasufum | So, your suggestion for using the queue might be acceptable. | 08:44 |
yasufum | And more, I suggested to reduce the num of tests, mainly from v1 tests, at that time. | 08:44 |
yasufum | I also suggested to run the FTs on local environment instead of running on zuul. | 08:45 |
shivam | ok, so in that case how should we assign testcase priority (for moving to periodic queue) | 08:46 |
shivam | Assign priorities to each test case within V1, V2, and Compliance? | 08:46 |
shivam | Assign priorities to the V1, V2, and Compliance sets as a whole? | 08:46 |
yasufum | My opinion is it's under active development or not exactly. | 08:47 |
yasufum | So, many of v1 tests can be the candidates. | 08:47 |
shivam | ok | 08:48 |
takahashi-tsc | also, we should confirm KDDI members' opinion. | 08:48 |
yasufum | right | 08:48 |
yasufum | If using periodic queue is more useful than just droping, I agree to do so. | 08:49 |
takahashi-tsc | +1 | 08:50 |
shivam | ok, I will look into this point (which one will be better: periodic queue or dropping some testcase) and discuss in next meeting based on findings | 08:51 |
yasufum | takahashi-tsc: can you organize to have a meeting with KDDI guys because they cannot to join this meeting usually? | 08:52 |
takahashi-tsc | OK, first I will confirm with KDDI and if required we will arrange the meeting. | 08:53 |
yasufum | Thanks | 08:54 |
yasufum | I'd also ask to review this patch to ease the issue. | 08:55 |
yasufum | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/941115/comments/f1ebe18d_b9dea0de?tab=comments | 08:55 |
takahashi-tsc | Sure, I'll review asap | 08:55 |
yasufum | As discribed in my comment, a plan to use rootwrap was disappeared and it's acceptable. | 08:56 |
yasufum | thx | 08:56 |
yasufum | So, let's move on the next. | 08:56 |
yasufum | The rest of two items are for asking review. | 08:57 |
yasufum | Please join the review if it's ready. | 08:57 |
yasufum | If you have no comment, close this meeting. | 08:58 |
yasufum | good | 08:59 |
yasufum | Thanks for joining, bye! | 08:59 |
takahashi-tsc | thanks, bye. | 08:59 |
yasufum | #endmeeting | 09:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Tue Feb 25 09:00:10 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 09:00 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tacker/2025/tacker.2025-02-25-08.02.html | 09:00 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tacker/2025/tacker.2025-02-25-08.02.txt | 09:00 |
opendevmeet | Log: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tacker/2025/tacker.2025-02-25-08.02.log.html | 09:00 |
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