Tuesday, 2019-06-04

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phyroxanyone willing to teach me the ropes of deploying with tripleo? I think I'm losing my mind here19:36
diablo_rojophyrox, I think asking in the tripleo channel might get you better response? Did you try there?19:38
phyroxis mostly developers ignoring my questions :/19:39
phyrox(and I've read the docs, I swear!)19:39
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diablo_rojophyrox, well thats unfortunate19:40
diablo_rojoummm I can try to ping someone to introduce you19:40
diablo_rojoI'm useless when it comes to tripleO unfortunately19:40
phyroxare other methods of deployment that are easier?19:41
phyroxare there*19:41
diablo_rojophyrox, there's openstack Ansible19:41
diablo_rojoAre you just trying to test changes or you are looking to like..play around with an openstack cloud?19:42
phyroxI already have a little happy cloud that is somewhat working, but it was deployed who knows how, and most of the stuff isn't working19:43
phyroxi mean, the cloud is functional...kinda19:43
phyroxsince we need to expand, the powers that be decided to buy more stuff and create a new one. Then, we will migrate the vms, and add the old cloud nodes to the new one19:44
diablo_rojoOkay got it.19:44
diablo_rojoI think OpenStack Ansible might be simpler..19:45
phyroxmy problem is... I had no idea of openstack 2 month ago19:45
diablo_rojoAnd they are generally more chatty in their channel ;)19:45
diablo_rojophyrox, pretty steep learning curve19:45
diablo_rojoand waded right into the deep end with tripleO19:45
phyroxhaha, yes, but very interesting19:45
phyroxi have the deployment almost, almost ready19:45
phyrox(or at least, that what I think)19:45
diablo_rojophyrox, well if you can wait a few hours I know of someone in Australia that can probably help, but he wont be up for at least two to three more hours.19:46
diablo_rojoI can try to ping someone in the tripleO channel for you right now but idk if he's around either atm19:46
phyroxmeh, no worries19:47
diablo_rojoOh, he just pushed a patch so he should be.19:47
diablo_rojoEmilienM is the one I would ping now.19:47
diablo_rojoor tonyb later19:47
diablo_rojoWant me to make the introduction? :)19:47
diablo_rojophyrox, type fast ;) You've got ten minutes. If it doesnt pan out I can introduce you to tonyb later.19:50
phyroxthanks man19:54
diablo_rojophyrox, no problemo19:54
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efriedphyrox: Did you get sorted out?20:04
efriedI know diddly about tripleo or osa, but I know a guy...20:05
donnydI know a few things about tripleo, what can I help with20:05
diablo_rojoefried, yeah I connected him with EmilienM20:05
phyroxefried yes, diablo_rojo introduced me to some people20:06
diablo_rojoefried, lol yeah I know people that know things but I definitely dont know tripleO or OSA myself20:06
efriedokay, cool. donnyd has some practical experience in case Emilien needs to sleep.20:06
donnydI worked with it daily for a couple years or so20:06
donnydSo what stage are you at20:07
phyroxhmm.... maybe I will take you on that offer then donnyd20:07
donnydI am happy to help20:07
phyroxso, undercloud should be working OK20:07
phyroxaaaaalmost ready to deploy overcloud... but two blockers20:07
phyroxraid config, and a sanity check on the network20:07
phyroxfor raid my problem is that maybe I'm missing something on the docs, because the only thing I've found is... very short20:08
donnydIn my experience its best to get a basic cloud running, and validate the images you have20:08
donnydthen move to more advanced things20:08
phyroxyep, I was about to ditch the raid20:09
phyroxbut you know, one last try20:09
donnydSteps I usually go through to get a cloud deployed. Setup switch, then undercloud, then basic deploy, then isolated networks, then advanced customizations like RAID20:10
donnydWhich one of those are you at?20:10
phyroxundercloud / isolated20:11
donnydAlso which release20:11
phyroxi wanted to deploy today without raid20:11
donnydYou have a place to share your templates?20:11
phyroxand start fixing stuff20:11
phyroxsure, I can find somewhere20:11
donnydIts best if you can verify that the cloud will deploy with basic parameters. Test the bits for sanity to make sure they all work as intended20:12
phyroxhow difficult / time consuming is to redeploy the overcloud?20:12
donnydIt will save you lots of T/S time when something doesn't work right20:12
donnyddepends on what you are doing, anything network layer or below I delete and redeploy as part of my standard process20:13
donnydSo on my old gear its about a 2 hour cycle20:13
donnydI should also ask what backends you have in play and what services you are intending to deploy20:13
donnydMainly Ceph20:14
phyroxdefault roles, 3 of each, ceph as storage20:14
donnydDifficult is not really a thing in Tripleo20:14
donnydopenstack stack delete overcloud --yes20:14
donnydand then I write a bash script to take care of deployment side template includes20:15
phyroxif its only that... I feel more confident20:15
donnydYea, ironic is the bees when it comes to this kind of thing.. So long as your undercloud is working correctly and can deploy a functional cloud its all push button20:16
donnydThe idea is it should be completely and fully automated.. if you can't do it that way... then "automated cloud" isn't a thing20:16
donnydI have some older templates that I can share, and if you can put yours in some sort of repo we can collaborate on getting your stuff running20:18
phyroxon it20:18
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