Tuesday, 2014-12-16

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huhongbothe newest build report No implementation for monasca.api.domain.model.notificationmethod.NotificationMethodRepository was bound06:17
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LeanReoxHi all, i was wondering if someone can lend me a hand with an authentication issue im having with monasca14:07
LeanReoxthe monasca-client authenticates ok with keystone v3 endpoint14:08
LeanReoxbut monasca-api is giving me a 401 when listing alarms etc14:08
LeanReoxi added admin role on the api.yaml config that the user already has14:08
LeanReoxany other thing i should do besides enabling the keystone middleware and adding the role ?14:09
LeanReoxno specific stacktrace on /var/log/monasca-api either, just unauthorized14:10
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LeanReoxwere running this jar monasca-api.jar:0.1.014:19
LeanReoxmaybe there is an updated version ...14:19
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LeanReoxERROR [2014-12-15 23:35:31,673] monasca.common.middleware.TokenAuth: 401 No token found.15:26
LeanReoxwhen starting the api15:26
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openstackgerritDavid Schroeder proposed stackforge/monasca-agent: Added annotated example config for libvirt plugin  https://review.openstack.org/14216517:26
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mvenesiohi guys i had been installed monasca using the ansible playbooks, now im having issues authorizing with my keystone juno (pki) release17:44
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mvenesiodo you know the how needs to be the correct configuration of the monasca-api to talk with keystone ?17:44
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LeanReoxcraigbr: hope you can help me,  were having ERROR [2014-12-15 23:35:31,673] monasca.common.middleware.TokenAuth: 401 No token found on the monascaAPI when we start it, but we have configured user and password as auth method18:03
LeanReoxcraigbr: were missing something on the middleware section of the api-config.yml ?18:03
craigbrIn a meeting. Will be with you shortly18:03
openstackgerritDeklan Dieterly proposed stackforge/monasca-api: Remove peewee and replace with mysqldb  https://review.openstack.org/14217218:14
LeanReoxcraigbr: thanks, you rock18:17
craigbrLeanReox Hi. Done with meeting. Try setting the adminAuthMethod to password in the middleware section of the config file and then restarting API18:19
LeanReoxcraigbr: let me check18:21
LeanReoxcraigbr: it was like that, but we still getting unauthorized, we changed to admin_token and now were getting Tenant is missing a required role to perform this request18:23
LeanReoxthe python-monascaagent authenticates ok to keystone with the same credentials but when the request goes to the monasca api and tries to validate the token it fails, first whit the first error i copied, and now  when we changed the authmethod to token, with this one18:24
craigbrOk. That means it authenticating your admin token with keystone and it is getting back info from keystone about your user token18:24
craigbrthe token is either missing a required role OR it has a role listed in agentAuthorizedRoles18:25
craigbrThere is a problem that I am fixing where the role in agentAuthorizedRoles is treated as a restriction and if you have that role, you can only post metrics18:26
LeanReoxcraigbr:  thats a good one, and tries to find the X-MONASCA-AGENT on the header18:26
LeanReoxand of course is missing18:26
LeanReoxcause its the python client or horizon18:26
LeanReoxim going to remove the role from the agent section and remove the monasca-role role from the user18:26
craigbrThe API puts on the X-MONASCA-AGENT header itself when it gets the data back from keystone about the user's token18:27
craigbrLet me look at the code for a minute18:28
LeanReoxcraigbr: right, but if i have a role listed that the python-monasca client has , it will think that its an agent, and go from different section of the code18:29
LeanReoxcraigbr: were hitting this one https://github.com/stackforge/monasca-api/blob/b57e7a81f8e92bebbdc1932164a6913437119905/src/main/java/monasca/api/infrastructure/servlet/RoleAuthorizationFilter.java18:29
craigbrThat means it thinks your user is an agent.18:30
craigbrAnd only allowed to post metrics18:30
LeanReoxcraigbr: removed the role from the agent section on the config18:31
LeanReoxand its working18:31
craigbrMakes sense. You just need to ensure your user doesn't have the agent role until I get that code fixed.18:31
LeanReoxcraigbr: but were struggling to know why if we use the same credentials that the python-monasca client has, the authmethod password is not working18:31
craigbrThe admin user configured in the api config file has to be an admin user because of the way keystone works18:32
craigbrIt can't be a normal user18:32
LeanReoxyep, its the only admin user we have18:33
LeanReoxwith the admin role18:33
LeanReoxthe same user and pass are configured on the API18:33
craigbrAnd you had it configured something like:18:33
craigbr  adminAuthMethod: password18:33
craigbr  adminUser: admin18:33
craigbr  adminPassword: admin18:33
craigbr  adminToken:18:33
LeanReoxcraigbr: the only diff from what you posted is that adminToken was like this  "adminToken: None"18:35
craigbrTry it as blank, not None18:36
craigbrNone just gets parsed as the string "None"18:36
LeanReoxok let us try craigbr18:37
LeanReoxcraigbr: yup, it worked that way18:39
LeanReoxcraigbr: it was like that on the ansible playbook18:39
LeanReoxwant me to submit a bug on that one ?18:40
craigbrIf you could, that would be helpful. That way I won't forget it :)18:40
LeanReoxhaha, ill do it right away18:41
LeanReoxthanks for your help craigbr !18:41
craigbrNo problem. Thanks for submitting the bug18:42
LeanReoxwe almost cried in front of the stacktrace today :P18:42
craigbrYeah, it still needs some work to make it easier to configure that part and figure out what is wrong18:43
LeanReoxcraigbr: the things with the clients role on the agent section already has a bug or want me to submit that one too ?18:43
craigbram already working on that one18:44
craigbrSo, no bug needed, but thanks18:44
LeanReoxcraigbr: roger that18:48
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/monasca-agent: Added annotated example config for libvirt plugin  https://review.openstack.org/14216519:02
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LeanReoxcraigbr: bug filled https://bugs.launchpad.net/monasca/+bug/140317519:17
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craigbrLeanReox: Thanks19:25
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openstackgerritDeklan Dieterly proposed stackforge/monasca-api: Remove peewee and replace with mysqldb  https://review.openstack.org/14217219:31
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openstackgerritDeklan Dieterly proposed stackforge/monasca-api: Remove peewee and replace with mysqldb  https://review.openstack.org/14217220:13
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/monasca-api: Remove peewee and replace with mysqldb  https://review.openstack.org/14217220:53
openstackgerritGary Hessler proposed stackforge/monasca-agent: Fixed issue with agent startup if Keystone is down  https://review.openstack.org/14222020:54
LeanReoxcraigbr: sorry to bother you again, were having this stack : java.lang.RuntimeException: Error at 0:12. syntax error, unexpected '/', expecting $end21:06
LeanReoxand we can see that the querystring to influxDB ... has a final "/" that i think shouldn be there21:07
LeanReoxDEBUG [2014-12-16 20:45:13,116] monasca.api.infrastructure.persistence.influxdb.MetricDefinitionInfluxDbRepositoryImpl: Query string: list series /^d2b33fed2be34e7d8b5388107c3eaf16\?RegionOne/21:07
LeanReoxcan that stacktrace be for that ?21:07
craigbrIs that the entire error message?21:08
LeanReoxi can pastebin the whole thing21:08
LeanReoxhold a sec21:08
LeanReoxcraigbr: http://pastebin.com/4wTJX9Xr21:11
craigbrLeanReox what version of influxdb are you using?21:13
LeanReox influxdb -v InfluxDB v0.5.4 (git: 93e93fa8986ab782b60087aa5b194113af8e16e5)21:14
LeanReoxthe one that we installed with the ansible play21:14
craigbrWe are running InfluxDB v0.8.1 (git: 0229ba2) (leveldb: 1.15)21:16
LeanReoxcraigbr: hmmm, will try upgrading influx again21:17
LeanReoxmaybe its healthy to request influxdb requirement minimun to that version21:18
LeanReoxat least on the playbook21:18
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craigbrJust talked our ansible wizard. We specify the version of influxdb in our playbook. For example, this is in mini-mon.yml in the monasca-vagrant repo:21:24
craigbr    influxdb:21:24
craigbr      version: 0.8.121:24
craigbr      raft_port: 909021:24
craigbr      seed_servers: []21:24
craigbr      replication_factor: 121:24
craigbrI would definitely specify the version of influxdb in your playbook. We are also going to modify the default version also in the role21:25
LeanReoxyes because the play installed 0.5.4 that is actually the stable on the ubuntu 14.04 repos21:26
craigbrmonasca requires a much newer version. No way 0.5.4 is going to work21:31
LeanReoxcraigbr: juast checked the role , and the vars inside of it21:33
LeanReoxcat monasca_installer/roles/stympy.influxdb/defaults/main.yml21:33
LeanReox  version: 0.5.421:33
LeanReox  raft_port: 809021:33
LeanReox  seed_servers: [ ]21:34
LeanReox  replication_factor: 121:34
LeanReoxinfluxdb_client_port: 8086r21:34
LeanReoxmaybe the change to the defaults/main.yaml is not pushed yet21:34
LeanReoxthats why the playbook deployed the 0.5.421:34
LeanReoxand ... the get of course reacted to this var:   get_url: url=http://s3.amazonaws.com/influxdb/influxdb_{{ influxdb.version }}_amd64.deb dest=/usr/local/src/influxdb_{{ influxdb.version }}_amd64.deb21:35
LeanReoxill change the vars on the playbook and redeploy influx21:36
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craigbrYes, that is true. We just change set the version in our play books. We have forked from stympy.influxdb because of other changes. Our change will go into https://github.com/hpcloud-mon/ansible-influxdb21:39
LeanReoxcraigbr: great21:40
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openstackgerritGary Hessler proposed stackforge/monasca-agent: Fix detection of Zookeeper in monasca-setup  https://review.openstack.org/14223321:55
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openstackgerritJoe Keen proposed stackforge/monasca-notification: Webhook now passes alarm_id instead of alarm_name  https://review.openstack.org/14223822:21
openstackgerritDeklan Dieterly proposed stackforge/monasca-api: Factor out common code  https://review.openstack.org/14224122:26
openstackgerritDeklan Dieterly proposed stackforge/monasca-api: Factor out common code  https://review.openstack.org/14224122:36
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/monasca-api: Factor out common code  https://review.openstack.org/14224123:03
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