Tuesday, 2019-12-10

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witekadriancz, Dobroslaw_away: could I please get reviews on https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:story_2006059+status:open ?10:08
adrianczDone : )10:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-common master: Allow passing config options to Kafka producer  https://review.opendev.org/69473810:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-api master: Correct log tempest name  https://review.opendev.org/69802412:30
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openstackgerritWitold Bedyk proposed openstack/monasca-api master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing  https://review.opendev.org/69458612:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-api master: Set maximum buffer size for Kafka producer  https://review.opendev.org/69474012:58
openstackgerritWitold Bedyk proposed openstack/monasca-api master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing  https://review.opendev.org/69458612:59
witekCourtesy Monasca meeting reminder in #openstack-monasca: witek, jayahn,iurygregory,ezpz,igorn,haad,sc,joadavis, akiraY,tobiajo,dougsz,fouadben, amofakhar, haru5ny (haruki),kaiokmo,pandiyan,guilhermesp,chaconpiza,hosanai,Wasaac,brtknr12:59
witek#startmeeting monasca13:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Dec 10 13:00:49 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is witek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.13:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: monasca)"13:00
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'monasca'13:00
witekhello everyone13:01
witekanyone around?13:05
chaconpizaHi, sorry for coming late.13:08
witekhi Martin13:09
chaconpizaDobek took a day-off13:09
witeklet's start then13:09
witek#topic Promethues plugin update13:10
*** openstack changes topic to "Promethues plugin update (Meeting topic: monasca)"13:10
witekdougsz has published his extension for Prometheus plugin13:11
witekI went through the readme today13:11
dougszhey, sorry i'm late13:11
witekhi Doug13:11
witeknice work13:11
dougszah, thanks, just a test really at the moment, but it seems feasible13:12
dougszthe main motivation was to use the Ceph Prometheus endpoint to replace the Monasca Agent Ceph collector13:12
dougszbut should hopefully work for everything13:13
dougszI was wondering about the best approach to merge it into Monasca Agent13:13
witekright, Ceph has added Prometheus instrumentation13:13
dougszThe current Prometheus Monasca Agent plugin is heavily geared to k8s13:14
dougszwhich is probably not what a lot of people want13:14
witekbut it also allows static configuration, right?13:14
dougszyeah, in a very basic sense13:14
dougszI almost wonder if it should be the prometheus-k8s plugin13:15
dougszand then have a vanilla prometheus plugin like the prototype13:15
dougszAlternative is to have all functionality in one plugin13:15
witekis there that many conflicting points?13:16
dougszThere is some whitelisting capability but only for the k8s thing13:16
dougszwhich would need unifying13:16
witekI see13:17
dougszslightly weird naming13:17
dougszand the metrics types thing, is for k8s13:19
dougszbut could be useful for general endpoints13:19
witekI thought, `auto_detect_endpoints` could control if we use static endpoints configuration or K8s auto detection13:19
dougszyeah - I mean it works13:19
dougszbut it seems like a chunk of the k8s specific config needs to be pulled down and made available to the non-k8s bit13:20
dougszand you have to worry about backwards compatible option naming etc.13:20
dougszhence my thoughts about making a new plugin13:21
witekso you'd prefer to rename the existing one to prometheus-k8s, and publish the prototype based as prometheus?13:21
dougszsomething like that13:22
dougszprobably best not to rename the existing one though for backwards compatibility13:22
witekfine for me, if that's much easier to implement13:23
dougszthanks - it's much easier for me too, given limited time13:23
witekthe plugin name is not that important after all, we could document both options in the same section and point to two different configuration files13:25
dougszthat's true - I can push something to that effect13:26
witekchaconpiza: any thoughts?13:26
chaconpizato be in the context... the goal of this new plugin is to handle the new version of Ceph?13:27
witeknew Ceph versions offer Prometheus instrumentation, so yes, we can monitor Ceph with this new Prometheus plugin13:28
witekbut also any other Prometheus endpoints13:28
dougszchaconpiza: Ceph was the motivation (because the existing plugin parses the Ceph CLI which changes from release to release)13:29
chaconpizayes, I remember.13:29
dougszbut yeah, as witek says, to make it easier to use Prometheus endpoints in general without running another Monasca service to compute rates etc.13:29
chaconpizathen it sound good like a long term solution13:30
witekI'm a little worried about performance with larger setups, where we'd like to scrape several endpoints and define multiple aggregations13:31
witekin the long term aggregation on Monasca server would be better13:31
witekbut that's more work, so I'm happy with this plugin13:32
dougszOne advantage of this is that the whitelist can greatly reduce the amount of data going into Monasca13:33
witekright, that's very useful13:33
dougszMany Prometheus endpoints produce vast amounts of data at scale (eg. Ceph, 1M scrapes for 10 node cluster)13:33
dougszBut I agree, people may want to the agent to be lightweight and shift the compute burden to the central Monasca deployment13:34
dougsz*want the13:34
witekdo you remember this component?13:34
witekwe could implement it scalable with Faust13:35
dougszThat's a good idea13:36
witekso many nice things we can do :)13:36
witekI was reading through the doc of your Prom plugin13:37
witekthe `counter` section is somewhat missleading13:37
dougszany feedback much appreciated :)13:38
witekwill you be proposing it upstream in the next time?13:38
dougszyeah, I will do that, probably the best place to dicuss13:39
witekvery nice, thanks a lot!13:39
witekcan we move on?13:39
dougszplease do, thanks13:39
witek#topic review13:40
*** openstack changes topic to "review (Meeting topic: monasca)"13:40
witekwe've made some progress on reviews this week13:40
witekthe merging of DevStack plugin landed13:40
witekalso updating ELK change has been updated13:41
witekhere our board:13:41
witekI started looking at periodic notifications13:42
witekthe changes have been up for much too long already13:42
witekother one needing attention is IPv6 support:13:43
witekAdrian has submitted new change deleting the old plugin from monasca-log-api:13:43
witekdo you have some more reviews you'd like to mention?13:44
dougszNone from me13:45
witek#topic new bugs13:45
*** openstack changes topic to "new bugs (Meeting topic: monasca)"13:45
witekwe have one new bug report this week13:45
witekit's about upgrading the DB schema13:45
dougszyes, that's mine, I will push a fix soon13:46
witeknice, thank dougsz13:46
dougszI should have spotted that really - I think the alembic step just needs to query existing plugins which are configured and skip deleting the associated types13:46
dougszWorth knowing about if anyone is upgrading anytime soon13:47
witekthat's from Queens to any other version?13:48
dougszyeah, we did Queens -> Rocky -> Stein and hit it then13:48
witekdo you know at which step?13:48
witekI mean -> R or -> S13:49
dougszI *think* it is in Rocky where we got rid of built in notification types13:49
dougszNo stein actually13:50
witekok, thanks, we're upgrading to Rocky but I think we didn't hit it13:51
witek#topic AOB13:52
*** openstack changes topic to "AOB (Meeting topic: monasca)"13:52
chaconpizaWe had in a pre-production-env suddenly a big increase of memory consuption from Influxdb 1.3.413:52
chaconpizaWe noticed that the monasca-metric-agent was wrongly configured in the url of Nova for the metric "http_status".13:52
chaconpizaSo it was producing the metrics with a long string in the "value_meta" besides of having "1" as the metric "value".13:53
chaconpizawe are wondering whether Influxdb has troubles to process a big amount of points with this "long value_meta"13:53
dougszchaconpiza: Issue with the detection plugin not configuring the URL correctly?13:53
chaconpizaIn our devs machines the detection plugin works well and it end up with correct URL for keystone, nova, cinder, etc13:54
dougszvalue_meta limit is ~2kb right? the main issue I have seen is with two many unique dimensions13:54
chaconpizaI am not sure how the pre-production team got it13:54
chaconpizabecause of the cardinality?13:54
chaconpizaWe are simulating the metric-agent with: https://github.com/monasca/monasca-perf/blob/master/scale_perf13:55
chaconpizaagent_simulator.py but setting a long string in the "value_meta".13:55
chaconpizain order to reproduce the issue13:55
chaconpizawe will keep you informed in case we can break influxdb because of big "value_meta"13:58
dougszthanks, it's probably worth investigating InfluxDB 1.7 as 1.3 has a security issue where dimension values are leaked across tenants13:58
witekI think it would be better to improve the auto-detection script to configure the agent as needed13:59
chaconpizaso far all metric-agent's configuration were fixed manually and restarted14:00
chaconpizain pre-prod a single tenant is being used14:00
witekOK, please keep us updated14:01
witekthe time is over14:01
witekthanks for the discussions14:01
dougszthanks all, bye14:01
witekthanks, bye14:01
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenStack Monitoring as a Service | https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Monasca"14:01
openstackMeeting ended Tue Dec 10 14:01:55 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)14:01
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/monasca/2019/monasca.2019-12-10-13.00.html14:01
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/monasca/2019/monasca.2019-12-10-13.00.txt14:01
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/monasca/2019/monasca.2019-12-10-13.00.log.html14:02
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openstackgerritAdrian Czarnecki proposed openstack/monasca-api master: Update nodejs and npm packages  https://review.opendev.org/69545915:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-agent master: Enable running unit tests in py37 environment  https://review.opendev.org/69603817:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-api master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing  https://review.opendev.org/69458617:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-common master: Enable running unit tests in py37 environment  https://review.opendev.org/69604220:18
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