Tuesday, 2020-03-24

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witekCourtesy Monasca meeting reminder in 5 minutes in #openstack-monasca: witek, jayahn,iurygregory,ezpz,igorn,haad,sc,joadavis, akiraY,tobiajo,dougsz,fouadben, amofakhar, haru5ny (haruki),kaiokmo,pandiyan,guilhermesp,chaconpiza,hosanai,Wasaac,brtknr,bandorf12:55
witekhi Dobroslaw12:59
bandorfHello, everybody12:59
witekhi bandorf13:00
witeklet's start13:00
witek#startmeeting monasca13:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Mar 24 13:00:37 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is witek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.13:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'monasca'13:00
witekhi chaconpiza13:00
witekwe've got few items on the agenda today13:01
witek#topic updating alarm expressions13:01
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witekbandorf: stage is yours13:01
bandorfI added the current status of investigation in the agenda.13:02
bandorfI could not yet execute the tests, as discussed 3 weeks ago, due to other priorities.13:02
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bandorfBt we've found some issue when further investigating for the issue.13:02
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bandorfAnd I still plan to execute these tests (do alarms work properly if we would apply updates for time/times/function?=13:03
bandorfAre there any further questions, regarding the descriptions I added as agenda?13:04
witekabout the undetermined state13:04
witekalthough it could indeed indicate some problem in the thresholding engine13:05
witekin the real life I'd rather rely on alarms triggered to ALARM state13:05
witekalso, the described "server down" scenario should probably not be monitored with the `times` operator13:06
bandorfSo, you think about e.g. an alarm with expression "count(...) == 0" ?13:07
bandorfI agree, an explicit server monitoring shouldn't be done that way. That has impact only if there's no explicit alarm for that purpose13:07
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witekI'd evaluate `host_alive_status` or `http_status` metrics13:08
witekor similar13:08
bandorfOK, but the same would apply e.g. for services.13:08
witekthe `times` operator is mainly for avoiding that a short single spike (e.g. in cpu or memory) triggers the alarm13:09
bandorfSo, you wouldn't even consider this a bug?13:09
witekI think it is a bug, and could indicate other problems, but pragmatically could be avoided by careful configuration13:10
bandorfOK, agreed. If alarming has been set up 100% perfect, then, there wouldn't be a major impact.13:11
bandorfSo, at least, we can state that there always should be a work-around13:12
witekor even more efficient way of monitoring than described case13:12
chaconpizaI recommended our customer to use http_status for monitoring keystone, instead of count + process.13:12
witekI could look up what we deploy per default in SOC13:14
bandorfOK. To summarize: It is a bug. But it's not a major one. Proper setup of alarm definitions/alarms will check status of servers and services more efficently.13:15
witekI'd assume so, but don't know the exact set-up13:16
witekthe issue with late measurements is interesting13:16
bandorfYes - one of the topics we want to investigate further. It occurs regularly, but not too frequently13:17
bandorfAs of now, I don't have an explanation. I just know that it occurs independant on load.13:18
witekthanks bandorf for the update, good insights13:19
witekdo we want to move on?13:19
chaconpizaOne more question related13:19
bandorfGo ahead13:20
chaconpizaYesterday bandorf ask me whether there are UI tests like Selenium for monasca-ui13:20
chaconpizaI know we don't have them, there was a blocker or a difficulty to implement it?13:20
chaconpizaI mean, do other projects have with horizon plugin have them?13:21
witekfrom what I recall, we haven't had IDs for UI elements which are required for testing13:22
witekadriancz_ could know more...13:22
witekwe could also reach out to Horizon team and ask about tooling which is avaialble13:22
witekand what other projects are doing13:23
chaconpizaSo far I found this wiki https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Horizon/Testing/UI13:23
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witeklast edit of the page April 201513:24
witekbut blueprint is marked as completed13:25
witekwhat do you think about reaching out to Horizon team?13:27
chaconpizait is a good idea, I will contact them13:28
witekthanks chaconpiza13:28
bandorfok, great13:28
witek#topic OpenDev + PTG13:28
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witeklast week OpenStack Committee has officially canceled the Vancouver event13:29
witekand want to organize it in a virtual form13:30
witekthere is not much planned yet, but they're asking for people who'd like to help13:31
witekhere the volunteers list13:32
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witekI think it's a good idea to hold Monasca session(s) during that virtual PTG as well13:33
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witekany comments on that?13:34
chaconpizaVirtual sessions will be held through webex ?13:34
chaconpizaor each team should define and provide the infra for the sessions?13:34
witekI don't know any details, till now there was nothing provided by the organizer but this time the situation is different13:35
witekI assume they might provide some infrastructure13:35
witekto make it uniform between all the sessions13:36
witek#topic PTL nominations season13:37
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witektoday the PTL self-nomination week has started13:38
witekI'm not candidating this time13:39
chaconpizaI commented internally in Fj that I am interested on that. I will follow the procedure to apply.13:39
witekgreat, thanks for stepping up!13:40
chaconpizaSince next gathering is virtual and the next one is in Berlin, I feel better.13:40
witekI believe the change is good for the project and you'll bring new energy13:41
chaconpizaFrom the email you mentioned above: Open Infrastructure Summit in Berlin October 19-2313:42
witekright, the date is set, I hope they won't have to cancel this one :/13:42
witekI already got an unofficial approval to attend13:43
chaconpizagood news13:44
witekchaconpiza: please ping me if you have any questions13:45
chaconpizaSure, thanks13:45
witekthank you as well :)13:46
witekalright, do we have anything else?13:46
witekthanks for joining then13:46
witekand see you next week13:46
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenStack Monitoring as a Service | https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Monasca"13:47
openstackMeeting ended Tue Mar 24 13:47:09 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)13:47
adriancz_and bb13:47
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/monasca/2020/monasca.2020-03-24-13.00.html13:47
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/monasca/2020/monasca.2020-03-24-13.00.txt13:47
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/monasca/2020/monasca.2020-03-24-13.00.log.html13:47
chaconpizathanks bye13:47
bandorfThaks, goodbye13:47
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