Friday, 2020-07-03

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nikparasyrgood morning :). continuing the monasca HA setup journey. I have managed to have each persister pick-up all the messages from kafka. defining a different group_id was not enough, I also had to set: legacy_kafka_client_enabled = false. With these settings it works as I would expect. Now i'm wondering if the metrics topic is the only one I I should have different group_ids. I'm checking this post:
nikparasyra-comes-to-kolla.html (btw rly nice post dougsz) to better understand the monasca layout. From that graph that consumers on log related topics dont need different group_ids, same for notification related topics. There are still 2 topics I'm not sure about. These are the events and alarm-state-transitions topics. In my understanding the event topic functionality is still under developement. For the alarm-state-transitions i see10:22
nikparasyr here: that you also add a different group_id. Can you elaborate a bit on the functionality behind the topic etc?10:22
nikparasyrdont want to end up having 3 alarms for the same incident as 3 transitions happened etc10:22
dougszgood morning!10:23
dougszinteresting - so some issue with the old python kafka client, legacy_kafka_client_enabled = false should probably be the default now10:24
nikparasyrthis is also a setting that i havent found on all monasca services. monasca-persister, notification, thresh and api have this setting, the others not10:26
dougszgroup_id for monasca_alarm_state_transitions_topic is just for the alarm history which can be stored in InfluxDB10:32
dougszglad the blog post was helpful :)10:32
nikparasyrif that is the case it should be replicated as well. Thanks :)10:38
dougszGood question about the kafka client setting in other services - need to remind myself of what happened with the new client there10:40
witek_persister, api and notification support the new client10:42
witek_and yes, we should change the default value10:42
dougszthanks witek, does that need to be enabled in the config for other services, or is it default?10:42
witek_all services use old client per default10:43
dougsznikparasyr: yeah, it's only the python based Monasca services that should have the setting. The exception is the log API which has been deprecated.11:05
nikparasyrok. Also right now I can see some consumers and some topics via zookeeper and others via bootstrap-server (in terms of using the kafka cli). I guess this is related to using the legacy or not client. Anywayz. moving forward :) thanks11:10
dougszIn KA Ussuri we switched to the unified Monasca API. We need a follow up change in KA Ussuri onwards to disable the legacy client in other services, I think it works at moment because the Kafka messaging version is still pinned:
dougszWhich release are you using again?11:12
hrw19:24 < hrw> lacks monasca-common-stable-ussuri.tar.gz tarball11:14
hrw19:24 < hrw> was this package abandoned after train?11:14
dougszmorning hrw!11:15
dougszmonasca-common - we are still using that11:15
hrwbut you do not make stable branch tarballs on CI. only master one11:16
dougszMaybe we are missing a release, I will check after lunch11:16
hrwKolla wants to move to stable branches for ussuri stable and monasca-common is one of those missing ones11:16
hrwdougsz: release was done. I ask about monasca-common-stable-ussuri.tar.gz11:16
chaconpizaI will take a look what we are missing  the  monasca-common-stable-ussuri.tar.gz tarball, thanks hrw for notice that11:17
hrwchaconpiza: you miss some CI job iirc11:17
nikparasyrdougsz: Im using train for monasca, openstack cluster is stein. monasca is HA standalone with external keystone11:41
chaconpizahrw, I think the issue could be on this line from monasca-common branch stable/ussuri:
chaconpizahrw: for example in monasca-notification we got this change from pengyuesheng
hrwchaconpiza: possible11:55
hrwwhich reminds me to check for victoria version of those jobs ;D11:57
hrwproject.yaml:      - openstack-python3-victoria-jobs11:57
hrwok, kolla already migrated11:57
chaconpizaI will send a change for monasca-common similar to  pengyuesheng
chaconpizano to fajne. dzięki.11:59
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