Tuesday, 2021-10-19

seongsoochoIt was a nice PTG. thanks ricolin 15:01
ricolinSome action I put on for PTG https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/oct2021-ptg-multi-arch15:01
ricolinfeel free to check if we missing any action on top15:01
ricolinseongsoocho, thanks for join today:)15:01
hrwI had to skip it as Kolla one takes place at same time15:02
ricolinhrw NP, will be great to have your feedback on etherpad:)15:04
ricolinhrw, also I'm working on patch to add seongsoocho as SIG chair so we can have more people to help on tracking progress15:05
ricolinhrw, let me know if you also willing to sign up for SIG chair too:)15:05
hrwI looked at etherpad and for me it looks like someone in Korea got Synquacker machine for experiments. For me it is close to electrotrash machine ;D15:06
hrwricolin: I rather plan to limit my involvement than expand it. sorry15:07
ricolinhrw, don't worry:)15:08
ricolinseongsoocho, please check if the email is correct https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance-sigs/+/814601 :)15:08
ricolinhrw, the Korea User Group environment is driving by seongsoocho 15:09
seongsoochoricolin:  Yes. It's correct15:09
hrwseongsoocho: you used Synquacker machine?15:11
hrw24 slow Cortex-a53 cores suggests it15:12
seongsoochohrw:  no. Our ARM server is custom server made in korea manufacture15:13
seongsoochohttp://xslab.co.kr/en/#sector-2  this is our arm server sponsor company15:14
hrwah. pink raptor guys15:14
hrwsame cpu15:14
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Both Gerrit and Zuul services are being restarted briefly for minor updates, and should return to service momentarily; all previously running builds will be reenqueued once Zuul is fully started again17:01

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