Thursday, 2017-02-16

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openstackgerritTuan Luong-Anh proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: Use function is_valid_mac from oslo.utils
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openstackgerritBob Melander proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: Adds support for multiple subnets per external network
tbachmanbobmel: am going to look at your patch now12:57
* tbachman got a bit side-tracked yesterday12:57
bobmeltbachman: Ok, thx. I had a look at your branch and made changes to the patch in accordance with your branch so now the ACI UTs passes.12:58
tbachmanah, cool :)12:58
tbachmanbobmel: thx for doing that12:58
bobmeltbachman: NP, made my life easier. :-)12:59
tbachmanbobmel: quick question on the patch13:09
bobmeltbachman: sure13:09
tbachmanI remember some emails going back and forth about what the “correct” solution should be13:09
tbachmanit looks like there’s only one secondary IP configured?13:10
tbachmanwhich is an HSRP IP?13:10
tbachmanor maybe I’m reading this wrong13:10
tbachmanI should probably look at the UTs frist13:10
bobmelFor each additional subnet that an external network has there will be a secondary IP configured13:10
bobmelSo if the external network has three subnets, then there will be three secondary IP addresses13:11
tbachmanthat’s what I expected, just was thrown off by configuration of a secondary IP based on HSRP13:11
bobmeloh, perhaps I misunderstood your question13:11
tbachmanI’m guessing it’s me who misunderstands :)13:12
tbachmanlet me read the entire patch first13:12
tbachmanbefore I go off in the weeds :(13:12
bobmelNo worries, :-)13:13
bobmelIn short, we ended up having to do the approach which unfortunately consumes several IP addresses even for the secondary subnets13:13
tbachmanone thing I wondered — it seemed to me that we needed some sort of a callback, for the case where a user adds a subnet to an external network after the gateway has been set13:14
tbachmanb/c that’s a pure ML2 event13:14
bobmelYes, correct.13:15
tbachmanI looked into this a little bit back when I was trying to support similar behavior in GBP13:15
tbachmanand saw there were callbacks, but perhaps not the right events13:15
bobmelShweta is looking into that very issue now13:15
tbachmanbut maybe that’s changed in the newer releases.13:15
bobmelYes, more events are added to neutron over time, as needs arise. I'm not sure if the event needed for that is there or not.13:17
bobmel But Shweta is looking into it.13:17
tbachmanbobmel: sorry for all the questions13:42
tbachmanbut how do you ensure that a neutron port is allocated to a subnet added to an external network?13:42
tbachmanbobmel: let me know if you prefer that I ask these questions in the gerrit, rather than IRC :)13:44
openstackgerritBob Melander proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: Adds support for multiple subnets per external network
openstackgerritBob Melander proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: Adds support for multiple subnets per external network
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openstackgerritBob Melander proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: Adds support for multiple subnets per external network
openstackgerritBob Melander proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: Adds support for multiple subnets per external network
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openstackgerritSandhya Dasu proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: UCSM plugin: Auto detection of compute hosts
openstackgerritThomas Bachman proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: Add ASR cfg-agent driver for ACI integration
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openstackgerritThomas Bachman proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: Add the L3 driver for ACI integration
openstackgerritThomas Bachman proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: Add ASR cfg-agent driver for ACI integration
tbachmanbobmel: do you remember the command to run tox against the newton branch?20:07
openstackgerritThomas Bachman proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: Add ASR cfg-agent driver for ACI integration
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/networking-cisco master: Implementation of Topology Discovery in SAF using Nexus switches
openstackgerritPaddu Krishnan proposed openstack/networking-cisco master: Migration support for saf database

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