Thursday, 2021-08-26

opendevreviewVictor Morales proposed openstack/neutron master: Use more pythonic approach
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: Replace assertItemsEqual with assertCountEqual
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opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/networking-odl master: DNM: Check master status
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: DNM: check master
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/networking-bagpipe master: DNM: check master
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: Use assertCountEqual instead of assertItemsEqual
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: DNM: test muster
opendevreviewBernard Cafarelli proposed openstack/neutron stable/train: [DNM] Check train CI status
bcafarel^ ralonsoh more fun with that new advanced image flavor
bcafarelEM branches use job definition from master n-t-p, but older tagged checkout :)08:35
ralonsohbcafarel, but the devstack plugin is the same08:36
ralonsohit should work too, at least with your patch08:36
bcafarelwe checkout neutron-tempest-plugin at older tag so it does not have the create_flavor_for_advance_image call (looks so from the line numbers)08:37
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: Cap oslo.messaging to be lower than 12.9.0
bcafarelbut zuul jobs we get from master and it tries ADVANCED_INSTANCE_TYPE: ntp_image_384M08:38
ralonsohbcafarel, so is using the new image but not creating it08:38
ralonsohI don't understand08:38
ralonsohthe zuul file was modified in the same patch where the method was implemented08:38
bcafarelralonsoh: yes so it works fine for current branches, but EM we override checkout
bcafarelso the code in devstack plugin is not there for these branches08:39
ralonsohbcafarel, ok ok08:40
bcafarel(took me some head scractching to figure out this morning :) )08:40
ralonsohso, what I'm going to do is to override the default value in EM branches08:40
ralonsohand use the default one08:40
ralonsohEM branches == up to queens??08:40
ralonsohactually this problem was found in newer versions08:41
ralonsohI think we can use the default image up to Train08:41
bcafarelah good so if we can still use default flavor in EM it sounds easier then08:41
ralonsohI'll push a patch right now08:41
bcafareland up to Train now (time flies...)08:41
bcafarelralonsoh: thanks :)08:42
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Use default "ds512M" advance image in older stable branches
ralonsohbcafarel, ^^08:59
lajoskatonaHi, neutron-lib unittests are broken, due to the release of oslo.messaging09:37
ralonsohlajoskatona, will you work on this? I can do it if you don't have time09:39
ralonsohdo you have a bug?09:39
lajoskatonaralonsoh: I tried, but lost in mock....09:39
ralonsohlajoskatona, I'll try too09:39
ralonsohfirst I'll open a bug09:40
lajoskatonaI pushed a patch to cap it:
lajoskatonabut hit some dependency hell issue with it09:40
lajoskatonagood idea09:40
lajoskatonaI hoped that it will easy few minutes thing....09:41
ralonsohwe mock this variable instead of providing a value 09:49
ralonsohI'll push a patch09:49
lajoskatonathe issue is that even if metrics_enabled = False (as it is the default) the code goes to the new _metrics.client, which is strange....09:56
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: Provide int value for oslo.messaging "metrics_buffer_size"
ralonsohlajoskatona, ^09:59
ralonsohok, still not working10:01
lajoskatonaralonsoh: for me if I put it to TimeoutTestCase setup it fixes a lot10:04
ralonsohI still need to set those overrides in the other class10:04
lajoskatonaI think I left out oslo_messaging_metrics ....10:04
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: Provide int value for oslo.messaging "metrics_buffer_size"
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: Provide int value for oslo.messaging "metrics_buffer_size"
lajoskatonaralonsoh: for me metrics_thread_stop_timeout = 2 worked :-)10:13
ralonsohand metrics_thread_stop_timeout=0 better10:13
ralonsohbecause that will prevent from trying to send any metric10:13
ralonsohand we'll not see any warning message in the UTs logs10:13
ralonsohsee last patch10:14
lajoskatonaok , I see now, but with rpc.TRANSPORT.conf.oslo_messaging_metrics.metrics_enabled = False it works as well10:16
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: Fix hostroute validation with BFD
ralonsohhi folks, can I draw your attention to
ralonsohI think the patch and the bug are easy to review10:41
ralonsohand I have a customer hitting it10:41
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opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: Disable "oslo.messaging" metrics
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: Use elevated context to get default SG from database
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/neutron master: Enable QoS min bw tempest in neutron-ovs-tempest-multinode-full
opendevreviewMamatisa Nurmatov proposed openstack/neutron master: use payload for OVSDB_RESOURCE
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing master: DNM: test master
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-lib master: Disable "oslo.messaging" metrics
spatelFolk, I have question related SRIOV compute node with OVN  Reading:
spatelwhat is this going to be in my setup? ovn-bridge-mappings="public:br-ex"14:26
spateli have vlan:br-provider at present for normal compute nodes but not sure what i should set this for SR-IOV compute14:27
opendevreviewOleg Bondarev proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: Add Local IP API def
ralonsohlajoskatona, 14:40
ralonsohcan you rebase it?14:40
lajoskatonaralonsoh: thanks, I do14:41
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron master: Doc: follow-up for recent job renames
ralonsohspatel, did you check
spatelYes i am reading that ralonsoh 14:42
ralonsohthe SRIOV config is the same as it was before14:42
ralonsohthe SRIOV config is the same as it was before14:43
ralonsohthen you need to enable a chassis as GW14:43
spatelI am running VLAN base provider and my router is my physical datacenter gateway 14:43
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: Fix hostroute validation with BFD
ralonsohah, and you remember to deploy metadata on GW nodes (local metadata won't work with sriov ports)14:43
spatelralonsoh ah! 14:44
spatelcurrently i have normal compute which is default running metadata on local compute. 14:44
ralonsohthat will work woth OVN ports14:44
ralonsohbut SRIOV port will receive the metadata from the GW metadata service14:45
spatelI have configure DVR so every compute node is my GW node14:45
ralonsohspatel, BTW, check "known limitation", point 214:45
spatelralonsoh interesting so in my case it won't work right, i am planning to use vlan provider 14:48
ralonsohcheck the bug, I didn't track it14:48
spatelThis is still open bug14:49
lajoskatonaslaweq: shall we include in neutron-lib ?14:49
spatelralonsoh regardless that bug if i want to run OVN with SRIOV then i should need to set /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/sriov_nic_agent.ini file and daemon as we used to do earlier right?14:50
ralonsohspatel, yes, SRIOV agent is needed in the compute node14:51
ralonsohand the config file (same as in Nova)14:51
ralonsohI mean, Nova config is also needed for SRIOV14:51
spatelLet me give it a try and see what issue i can face. according that i will update that BUG report14:52
spatelAssuming OVN will automatically create external port on my chassis 14:52
opendevreviewmitya-eremeev-2 proposed openstack/neutron master: Added remote securiy group proccessing step.
ralonsohlajoskatona, I think we should, BFD validation is already released14:53
ralonsohand we need this fix14:53
spatelralonsoh is this looks correct mechanism_drivers = ovn,sriovnicswitch14:53
spatelthanks! 14:54
lajoskatonaralonsoh: could you wf+1 it, please ;)14:55
ralonsohlajoskatona, sure14:55
lajoskatonaralonsoh: thanks14:58
spatelralonsoh assuming i also need openvswitch_agent.ini  file on compute node right?15:21
ralonsohspatel, no you don't, no one should be using OVS agent15:27
spateloh! okay 15:27
spatelralonsoh just curious because i have seen many example people using it, is this the case with OVN to not use it?15:28
ralonsohthere are no OVS agents, you don't need it15:29
ralonsohall ml2 config can be in ml2_plugin.ini15:29
ralonsohit is wrong to name a file like this is you don't have OVS agents15:29
spatelhmm 15:30
spatelralonsoh so i have setup all sriov config and created sriov port and when try to attach to vm i got this error on neutron-server logs -
spatelcan you see what went wrong here? or did i missing something 15:57
spatelI can see HA_Chassis_Group  then why neutron not able to find that?15:58
ralonsohyou didn't set one of the controller as GW15:58
ralonsohfor SRIOV, you need to declare a chassis GW15:59
spatelhmm i do have this - ovn-cms-options=enable-chassis-as-gw16:00
spateldid i mis-understand anything here? 16:02
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ralonsohand do you have a HA_Chassis_Group?16:02
ralonsohnamed "default_ha_chassis_group"16:02
spatellook at this output -
spatelYes i do have HA_Chassis_Group16:02
ralonsohovn-nbctl list HA_Chassis 8f072dda-070a-4ff3-805c-bb0f40b99348 c4c08be8-5cdc-4cd7-99ed-a22bb787ab5516:04
spatelhere you go -
ralonsohspatel, ok now I'm checking again16:06
ralonsohnone of those chassis have "ovn-cms-options=enable-chassis-as-gw" in external_ids16:06
ralonsohah yes16:06
ralonsohat the end16:06
spatelare you talking about this flag = external_ids        : {}16:07
ralonsohL4 and L1316:07
spateli do have that for both compute nodes "ovn-cms-options=enable-chassis-as-gw"16:08
ralonsohand command16:09
ralonsohovn-nbctl find Logical_Switch_Port type=external16:09
ralonsohlet me check16:09
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Use more pythonic approach
opendevreviewBernard Cafarelli proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas stable/train: Pin isort to 4.3.21
spatelralonsoh sure, standby 16:13
ralonsohspatel, can you report a launchpad bug with this information?16:18
spatelralonsoh sure, i can do that16:18
ralonsohI'll ping lucasgomes16:18
spatelnow i have removed all my normal compute nodes and just kept sriov compute node enabled and try to spin up VM and getting this error on neutron-server -
ralonsohspatel, do you have
spatelralonsoh i don't have that patch 16:23
ralonsohapply it16:23
spatelok 16:23
spateli am comparing that file line by line and look like i have lots of things are different in that file.. i may running little older version of neutron 16:25
spateli can move my branch to master if that help here 16:25
ralonsohit should16:28
spatelralonsoh let me upgrade my neutron to master branch, i don't think direct applying patch will work 16:28
spateli will get back to you after upgrade..16:28
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [WIP] Write FW OF rules belonging to a port in a single operation
spatelralonsoh i am little confused here, i am looking at master branch and that patch isn't part of latest master -
ralonsohspatel, it is but another patch updated it17:08
spatelso what should i use that patch specific SHA or latest master 17:09
ralonsohno, you should use master for testing17:10
spatellet me use master then 17:11
spatelralonsoh same error :(  -
ralonsohattach to the bug all logs, not only this line17:22
spatel  how do ovn know i have eno49 is SRIOV and map to that VF ?17:22
ralonsohI can't figure out what is happening there17:22
ralonsohreading the neutron port17:23
spatelanyway let me open BUG report and see 17:24
spatelralonsoh here its -
ralonsohthere should be more information in the neutron server logs17:45
ralonsohnot only this line17:45
ralonsohthere should be an exception17:45
ralonsohor something17:45
spatelhmm let me enable debug and put more info17:48
spatelone more thing i am seeing i don't have any neutron-sriov-nic-agent.service service running on compute node 17:48
ralonsohso no one is binding this port17:48
spateli do have sriov_nic_agent.ini file 17:48
ralonsohif you dont' have a sriov agent, no one will bind this port17:49
ralonsohthis is not an OVN problem right now17:49
spatelchecking my systemd service 17:49
spatelre-running my playbook, something went wrong here let me fix it 17:52
ralonsohspatel, I'm leaving now, it's almost 8PM for me17:53
spatelralonsoh thank you for your help, i will update that ticket with more information 17:53
spatelwill talk to you tomorrow if you around, have a good night17:53
spatelralonsoh it works after fixing sriov-nic-agent service 18:04
spatelNow everything works, i can ping outside world from my VM and it got IP address from DHCP also 18:16
spatelgoing to delete that bug18:16
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron master: [DVR] Set arp entries only for single IPs given as allowed addr pair
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-lib master: Fix hostroute validation with BFD
opendevreviewmitya-eremeev-2 proposed openstack/neutron master: Added remote securiy group proccessing step.
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opendevreviewmitya-eremeev-2 proposed openstack/neutron master: Added remote security group proccessing step.
opendevreviewLance Bragstad proposed openstack/neutron master: Fix typos in agent policy names
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add new scenario jobs for distributed dhcp
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