Thursday, 2021-09-16

opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/ussuri: Skip FIP check if VALIDATE_MIGRATION is not True
opendevreviewKevin Li proposed openstack/neutron master: Trunk and port are residual in VM deleting scenario when southbound plugin/agent failed
opendevreviewKevin Li proposed openstack/neutron master: Trunk and port are residual in VM deleting scenario when southbound plugin/agent failed
opendevreviewManu B proposed openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing master: BGP speaker route handling
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: WIP: Add OVN-based Neutron BGPVPN driver
lajoskatonaslaweq, frickler, bcafarel: Hi, I proposed rc2 patch for neutron-dynamic-routing: ,could You please check it?07:37
slaweqlajoskatona: sure07:38
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron master: [DVR] Set arp entries only for IPs from the correct subnet
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: Revert "[L3][HA] Retry when setting HA router GW status."
opendevreviewManu B proposed openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing master: BGPaaS server side implementation
bcafarellajoskatona: checked, looks good to go!08:42
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/xena: Update .gitreview for stable/xena
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/xena: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/xena
opendevreviewManu B proposed openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing master: BGP speaker route handling
lajoskatonaslaweq, liuyulong, obondarev: Could you please check this: , functional tests for ECMP routes, thanks in advance11:06
opendevreviewManu B proposed openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing master: BGP speaker route handling
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: Fix neutron_pg_drop-related startup issues
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/neutron-specs master: Move and extend qos-minimum-guaranteed-packet-rate spec
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/networking-midonet stable/rocky: Fix networking-l2gw location
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing master: Update master for stable/xena
lajoskatonaamotoki: Hi, => perhaps we can transition these branches to eol11:39
lajoskatonaamotoki, bcafarel: master is already deleted, so not expecting too much fight for Rocky11:40
amotokilajoskatona: bcafarel: yeah, agree. we can retire the rocky branch11:47
bcafarelamotoki: lajoskatona +1 especially for rocky11:50
amotokithe direct cause of the failure looks the neutron-lbaas retirement, but we are not familiar with networking-midonet and what tests depend on lbaas. so rocky EOL sounds reasonable.11:50
slaweqlajoskatona: sure12:04
lajoskatonaI send out a mail about it12:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing master: Add Python3 yoga unit tests
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/ussuri: Fix neutron_pg_drop-related startup issues
*** slaweq__ is now known as slaweq13:23
opendevreviewPrzemyslaw Szczerbik proposed openstack/neutron master: Add API extenstion for QoS minimum pps rule
opendevreviewPrzemyslaw Szczerbik proposed openstack/neutron master: ovs-agent: Report pkt processing info in heartbeat
opendevreviewPrzemyslaw Szczerbik proposed openstack/neutron master: Report CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE_ traits on Neutron agent RP
opendevreviewPrzemyslaw Szczerbik proposed openstack/neutron master: Report pkt processing capacity on Neutron agent RP
opendevreviewPrzemyslaw Szczerbik proposed openstack/neutron master: Enable QoS minimum packet rate rule for OVS backend
opendevreviewPrzemyslaw Szczerbik proposed openstack/neutron master: Add port-resource-request-groups extension
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/neutron master: [DNM]See if tempest passes with the new mod
TheJuliao/ Good morning neutron!14:36
TheJuliaI seem to be chasing neutron crashing sporatically in ironic jobs, and am curious if anyone has insight to share or advice on what to look into.14:37
TheJuliaSpecifically, has two oddities, one the dhcp agent just crashes out, the second there *appears* to be two neutrons running... which makes no real sense14:37
slaweqTheJulia: is it on the master branch?14:41
slaweqTheJulia: and Good morning :)14:41
TheJuliaslaweq: master branch, we're trying to wrap up ironic so we can branch now14:41
slaweqI'm not sure but I think that some time ago (pretty long) ralonsoh was working on something related to the wrong dpids14:42
slaweqbut he's off this week14:42
TheJuliabut we've seen this sporadic failure where our port doesn't show up over the last few days and its been impacting our CI. digging at it yielded the dhcp agent just exits reporting invalid flows (which makes no sense) and then spotted the weirdness in the neutron log itself14:42
slaweqTheJulia: and what version of os-ken are You using there?14:42
TheJuliathis is devstack off of master14:43
slaweqcan You give me link to the failed job? I will try to look into it14:44
TheJuliaokay, so the neutron logging seems to make sense if there are two independent api workers running14:44
TheJuliaslaweq: they are in the paste, but
lajoskatonaslaweq, TheJulia : I seen it once in this build:
slaweqTheJulia: I'm not sure but maybe You are hitting something like described in ?14:51
slaweqmaybe You can try to increase of_inactivity_probe value to something more than 10 seconds and check then14:51
TheJuliabut shouldn't the l3 agent not exit upon the exception?14:56
TheJuliasorry, openvswitch agent14:58
opendevreviewSzymon Wróblewski proposed openstack/neutron master: Fix _create_dvr_floating_gw_port missing payload field
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-specs master: Spec folder for Yoga
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/neutron stable/victoria: Revert "[L3][HA] Retry when setting HA router GW status."
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/neutron stable/ussuri: Revert "[L3][HA] Retry when setting HA router GW status."
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/neutron stable/train: Revert "[L3][HA] Retry when setting HA router GW status."
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: Revert "[L3][HA] Retry when setting HA router GW status."
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Update master for stable/xena

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